Adversity In My Life

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“The harder the struggle, the more glorious the triumph.” Throughout life, everyone has faced some type of adversity whether small or large. I personally have faced many adversities throughout my life. One major adversity I have faced is my father’s job loss after twenty five years. My father lost his job due to the economical struggles his plant was facing, leading to the plant’s closure. This caused my family to struggle financially. I experienced how exactly this loss was drastically affecting my family. I spent many nights watching my parents stress and worry over not being able to pay bills or not being able to buy groceries. I had never truly experienced pain and struggle until this adversity occurred. I wanted to help and support my …show more content…
I would be able to experience and gain responsibility and independence. By earning this degree, I would make very good money, allowing me to financially support my family and I. I would also be given the opportunity to become a well-known, professional dental hygienist among my potential clients. Earning a college degree is crucial towards my personal success. In order for me to receive a college degree, I strive to towards receiving and earning as much money as I can in order to pay for my college education. Without the adversities and struggles I have faced, I would have never been able to set the aspirations that I have set for myself today, such as being financially stable, being the first in my family to graduate with a college degree, and receiving a college degree in dental hygiene at Western Kentucky University. The triumphs and victories is aspire to achieve is greater than the past struggles and adversities I have dealt with. I am applying for this scholarship because I know this will contribute to my personal success and will play a key role and serve as a stepping stone towards achieving my personal aspirations I have set for my

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