How Did Mikhail Gorbachev Save The Soviet Union

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Q6. After the Cold War, the Soviet Union would begin to go through a series of changes and reforms that would include some democratic forms of ideas. One man by the name of Mikhail Gorbachev would become the leader of Russia, while in office he would make several important reforms. Mikhail Gorbachev would learn about the Soviet Union’s system and its problems, he would then quickly work his way into the party. It was his goal to bring change into the Soviet Union which he would succeed at doing. Mikhail Gorbachev would create reforms that he hoped would help save the Soviet Union; instead, it would do the complete opposite, it would end up destroying and breaking up the Soviet Union.
It all began during the rule of Leonid Brezhnev and the
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Therefore, he had established a policy called glasnost. Glasnost means openness, which was the exact opposite of the previously closed off and isolated Soviet Union. By creating openness, it was already one step to democracy, they would be allowing the free flow of ideas and information. This would be entirely new, especially for the Soviet people who had never been allowed ideas or information before. With their new voice, the people began complaining about the economic issues within the country. Secondly, Gorbachev began restructuring the economy with his second reform. He had introduced his new idea of perestroika. Perestroika was his way of economic restructuring. It allowed local managers to gain greater authority over their own farms and factories, people were also given the opportunity to open their own private businesses. In 1987, Gorbachev introduced his final policy. His third reform was called democratization. Through this policy, he would call for a new political system. This third reform allowed the Soviet people to vote for the election of a new legislative body. This was a huge change for the old communist nation.
To summarize, Mikhail Gorbachev made three important reforms when it came to the Soviet Union. He had hoped that these reforms would help save the Soviet Union from the direction it was heading in. However, these reforms would end up making the Soviet Union ultimately fall. His three reforms would end up completely changing the previous isolated Soviet Union. First, he would introduce glasnost, openness. Second, he would establish economic reconstruction through perestroika. Lastly, he would call for democratization. All of these reforms turned the Soviet Union to more of a

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