Software Engineering Career Research Paper

Improved Essays
To begin, software engineers are involved with creating and designing software. What they do is code and program a computer or application to get the desired solution the the problem. However, being an engineer, software engineers create more algorithms and solve more technical problems, than they do code.
As I start my career, I imagine that I will be beginning at the entry level, or a “Junior Software Engineer”. They are the same things, however within this certain career, there are titles given to you as you continue to work and gain experience! However, as a long term career goal, I would like to reach the “Senior” title! There are many positions above it, however, this titles implies that you can break down a high level problem, work on
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So, if you only wanted to get that four year degree, you would still be set with a good paying job! However, that job would pay less than what a Master’s degree would be able to get you. Most employers don’t require a master’s, but in some cases within software engineering, it is required and very much so wanted. The starting salary of an entry level software engineer is approximately seventy five thousand to eighty thousand. Furthermore, as you continue to work there, and gain experience, you could gain anywhere from a hundred thousand to one hundred and fifty thousand a year! If you would like to know more about a software engineer and what is needed, please visit this …show more content…
So, since then, I always wanted to be one. As the years went by I became very interested in applications, software programs, and always wanted to find out how they worked and be able to build my own. Every once in awhile, I would look at jobs involved with engineering, and then I discovered a software engineer, I realized it was everything I wanted! So from that day, I wanted to be a software engineer. However just recently, while watching my favorite show Mr. Robot, I discovered what a cyber security engineer does! So, who knows, I may just want to switch careers, thankfully they are very similar, and have similar credits

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