Barriers To Effective Communication In Nursing

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As the nursing ethics states compassion is an appearance of personal values that healthcare professionals portray through behaviour and therefore presenting an emotional dimension of caring for the service user and showing this through caring for them in a way of recognising and lessen the suffering of the individual.{nursing ethics } This shows how caring for the service user, paramedic practitioners should look at the holistic aspects of the individual in order to help and treat them right, while still being attentive to their needs and just want to help the patient and be there.
Professor Thomas G. Plante explains that an individual is born with compassionate features/intuition and will begin with an instinct to care for others {reference}
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This could become a barrier to effective communication and making sure that the service user has the appropriate care given to them. This is why non-verbal communicate becomes as important as people can understand each other by just looking at how they are standing. In order to benefit the service user the practitioner has to communicate appropriately and use knowledge to discuss with other practitioners what the best outcome will be. This is helped with the right information and history from the service user.( of standards).

Consent can be hard to obtain and therefore different ways of communication and this can be seen in a different situation in pre hospital and knowing how to is important to be able to obtain consent from your client in a compassionate way. For example, being able to understand what the patient is going through and be sensitive towards that situation. Also, paramedics have the responsibility for being advocates for our patient no matter how vulnerable, sometimes this trust can be abused and problems can arise as it used for manipulation and power. {advocacy
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Victoria Climbe case was a breakdown of communication between the higher level of people however the problem with this at the moment is that political challenges came across as they are trying to give compassionate care and great standards with as little money as possible and making sure that they hit targets this isn 't always the case as they did not have time allocated to be able the hospitals and pre-hospital care was being put under political pressure and having to hit targets and this can lead to a breakdown of care for the patients. When a paramedic this could mean that it is harder to be able to hand over a patient as quickly as there is a lack of staff within the hospital or ward to be able to triage and take the patient from you. This was found in the Francis report as being the case and special measures had to be put in place {reference} Due to these findings in the Francis report they had to review many cases and hospital to make sure that it was not happening everywhere else and this is where the Keogh mortality reports came out looking at certain hospitals more carefully and making sure they were giving the right compassionate care and help for the patients that are needed.

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