Examples Of Hitler's Propaganda Speech

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The Vindicated Victims of the Treaty of Versailles:
Analyzing Hitler’s September 1, 1939 Address

Adolf Hitler entered the Kroll Opera House on September 1, 1939, as his troops prepared to invade Poland. Hitler’s speech is an example of the Nazi propaganda that would be commonplace during the war. Propaganda was a major facet of Nazi Germany’s success and this speech reiterates the plight of Germany, Hitler’s beliefs on who was to blame for their failing economy, and what must be done about the crisis. This address was known as a Reichstag Extraordinary Session, a council meeting called upon by the President of the Reich or a majority of the council members. Like many of Hitler’s speeches, nations all over the world had tuned in via radio
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Moreover, reparations were expected of Germany after World War I by the Allied Powers via the agreement of the Treaty of Versailles. Hitler repeatedly discussed neutrality with the West and claimed, “as long as others do not violate their neutrality we will likewise take every care to respect it.” Yet, he decreed that the Treaty of Versailles was “no law to Germany” because they had signed it “with pistols at our head and with the threat of hunger for millions of people.” After several minutes of discussing Germany’s failed attempts at peace talks with Poland and the Polish government’s insistence on communications being mediated by Great Britain, Hitler accused Poland of mistreating Germans in the annexed territory and soldiers firing into German territory. This became a pivotal moment in his speech because he presented the future plans of his …show more content…
With this speech being heard internationally, Hitler alleged to have an experienced and prepared military ready to fight and called then nation to arms by quoting himself. Hitler closed the address saying, “If our will is so strong that no hardship and suffering can subdue it, then our will and our German might shall prevail.” This showed the world that Hitler’s Germany was ready to fight for Danzig and that any nation oppressing Germany or Germans was to be met with military force. History has shown that this speech was given to paint an image to the world of a strong and defensive Germany. Moreover, the blitzkrieg that took place that day is evidence that this speech was carefully planned to present Hitler and the Reichstag as innocent parties protecting Germany. Together they propagated an addressed that not only started a war but presented a false image of what was to come and that is why this primary source is fundamental to the history of World War

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