Hrm 531 Week 2 Employment Interview Questions

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Employment Interview Questions

1. Tell me about yourself?
I began my career in marketing when I began working at Teloris in Germany where I was Telemarketing Team Manager. After that I was given the opportunity to work at Ruthless and Toothless in Mami Florida. Here I worked as product manager and Social Marketing Manager.

2. Why should I hire you?
You should hire me because I am the most qualified candidate for the job. I realize that there are other candidates that are qualified as well. Yet I have acquired a lot of experience on the job and I have a legitimate passion for the industry.

3. What is your long-range objective?
Marketing is a lot more that a job. Marketing is a career that I am fully passionate about. Within the next five years I see leading the marketing department into greatness
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What is your greatest weakness?
My greatness weakness is my new for perfection. It is a great attribute to strive for perfection but it is something that can not be realistically achieved on a regular basis. When you strive for perfection you loose sight of the things you have accomplished

8. If I were to ask your professors to describe you, what would they say?
I believe my professors as well as prior employers would describe as goal oriented and focus. I always deliver on time and give my all in everything I do.

9. What qualities do you feel a successful manager should have?
The essential elements of a successful manager are leadership and vision. Anyone can manage or attempt to manage. But a true manager leads his/her subordinates to reach their full potential. They must be able to have vision and transfer that vision to their underlings.

10. Do you have any questions for us?
I have a few questions
1. What is the first problem that needs to be addressed by the person who fills the position?
2. How do you measure the success of the person who fills this position?
3. What are the next steps in the selection process?
4. What is the best way to follow up with

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