Lower Back Pain

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Three Alternatives to Pain Medication for Chronic Lower Back Pain

Chronic lower back pain is something that many people live with. Surgery is not always an option, and even when it is available, it is no always successful. If you are someone with persistent lower back pain, you are likely taking pain medication. But there are alternatives that can provide relief. Some of it may complement your medication, but it may also reduce your dependence on pain medication. The following are three alternatives to consider.

Reducing weight through dieting
Losing weight in the front part of your body, especially the belly area, can reduce the stress placed on your lower back. Of course, exercise to lose weight is not always an option, so you must focus on reducing your intake of calories. But if you have a lot of belly fat, you will likely benefit from weight loss. This type of pain relief will prove helpful to those with pain due to the muscles in the lower back rather than the lower spine.

Stretching exercises
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These discs are located between the vertebrae of your spine. Although the inside of these discs are soft tissue, the outside of the discs are made of strong fibrous material. If there is a rupture in the hard material, the soft tissue can protrude outs of the disc. This can result in extreme pain. However, with the right stretching technique, pressure placed on this disc can be reduced; therefore, your pain will reduce. The trick is knowing exactly where the rupture is located, and then which stretching movement will do the most good. A doctor who has seen an x-ray of your lower back can help you with the exact stretch to reduce your

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