Unit 9 P4 Business

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The used of the internet is a key method of marketing used by Jaguar; this is because it allowed the business to advertise to a larger audience. An example of how Jaguar uses internet marketing is a websites. Jaguar has a website which explains to existing and potential customers what types of products and services they offer and at what prices. Within their websites imagines and information of the products are displayed to attract customers to buy them and therefore increase their sales volume and intern improves their profitability. By having a website it also enables Jaguar to be able to influence their customer’s decisions and educate them on their products.
Another form of internet marketing Jaguar uses is emails. Jaguar uses emails as a form of communications with their customers, for instances it allows them to obtain feedback from customers who have bought personalised cars from them which as a result will always them to improve and meet target market demands in the future. Furthermore, by using emails it saves time for Jaguar since they can send a wide range email to all their customers and get feedback or repeat purchase within a few days of sending the email which would increase customer loyalty and therefore increase profits.
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An example of a IT system used by Jaguar is high-tech robots which are either white or orange in colour, the main different is that the ones which are orange in colour are more expensive due to them being able to complete more complex tasks in minimum time without compromising on accuracy. One of the orange high-tech robots is used by Jaguar to insert sun roofs on the cars, this process would only take two minutes due to this technology whereas it would take four people to complete this task in six minutes however this task would not be completed to a high

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