Romeo's Flaws Essay

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“When we're in love, we tend not to see the bad side of someone. That's the pathetic part of being in love. Sometimes even the worst person in the world can be the best person for your own belief” (Author Unknown). In Romeo and Juliet, the protagonist, Juliet, will agree with this statement, as she was able to overlook the major flaws Romeo has in his unstable personality. Romeo’s impulsive attitude becomes his Achilles heel, which plays a big part in his and Juliet’s tragic death. In the popular play Romeo and Juliet, written by William Shakespeare, the main protagonist Romeo endures a fatal flaw, withstands the struggles of his social class, and undergoes extreme external pressure, all of which allows it to fit the requirements of a Shakespearean …show more content…
Throughout the play Romeo is seen making reckless decisions that affect him and others around him. For example, Romeo displays his impulsive attitude, as he is quick to marry Juliet, falling blindly in love with someone he has just met. Romeo is able to move on as soon as he lays his eyes Juliet, even though he was previously infatuated with Rosaline, not long ago. In addition to this, Romeo also shows his lack of judgment when he choses not consider the consequences in killing Tybalt, “The citizens are up, and Tybalt is slain. / Stand not amazed. The prince will doom thee death / If thou art taken. Hence, be gone, away!” (3.1.130-132). This action is what leads him on a downward spiral, which he eventually will not be able to recover from. Romeo’s false pretense of what love is supposed to be and his inability to make sensible choices ultimately causes the rippling effect of negative outcomes that brings his and Juliet’s death. In Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare uses Romeos reckless decision making to show us the importance of thinking before acting, to help us avoid the repercussions and tragic circumstances that may happen to

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