Theories Of Social Learning

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Example; social workers have to be more attentive in new development programs by networking and updating their skills with the research literature and attend conferences to uphold excellence in ethics, policies and poverty furthermore for forging solutions out of challenges by observation of sites on child and adolescent prevention (Hutchison, 2015).
Theories of Social Learning Theories of social learning is discussed by Bandura, & Walters, (1977). ideal that learning occurs through observation and imitation. New behaviors will continue if it is reinforced. According to this theory Bandura, & Walters, (1977) discusses rather than simple hearing a new concept and applying it, the learning behavior process is made more effect if the new behavior
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Bandura, & Walters, (1977). “People learn through observing others’ behavior, attitudes, and outcomes of those behaviors”. Bandura, & Walters, (1963) “Social learning theory explains human behavior in terms of continuous reciprocal interaction between cognitive, behavioral, and environmental influences”.
Strengths and Limitations, “depend on the various factors increase or decrease the amount of attention paid. Includes distinctiveness, affective valence, prevalence, complexity, functional value”. “One’s characteristics of the sensory capacities, arousal level, perceptual set, past reinforcement and the affect attention” Bandura, & Walters, (1977).
Consistence with social work values; in the NASW Code of Ethics 1.02 Self-Determination Assembly, N. D. (2008) “Social workers respect and promote the right of clients to self-determination and assist clients in their efforts to identify and clarify their goals”. Example: “As a social worker be familiar with the unique pathway your client has traveled to reach in maturity and explore their beliefs (Hutchison,
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If one neglects its responsibility than one of the other family members have to complete the task to be considered as a whole regardless who comprises the family (Anderson & Sabatelli, 2003). Family System Interdependence Interdependence: (Anderson & Sabatelli, 2003). “The elements of the family system, or the family members, function as interdependent components.” This means that each member of the family has an effect on the other member 's thoughts, feelings and actions, and that these effects are reciprocal. This interdependence can serve as a bond that holds families together; it also defines the relationships between family members of history and experience. Families can vary in their degree of interdependence”. (Anderson & Sabatelli, 2003) “Some members may be highly affected by changes in others, other members less”.
Example Interdependence; When one family member changes, it affects the entire family. When my daughter ran away and lived with her father and he allowed her to do what she desired. When she came back it effect my other children as to want to do the things she was doing. I had to let her move back with her father because the other three children were beginning to act

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