Three Branches Of Government Essay

Improved Essays
Michael Lynch
May 18, 2017
Final Paper

The Three Branches of the Government
The United States government is a perfect example of what democracy in the modern society should be like. It is respected worldwide for advocating for the rule of law, promoting equality, and social justice. But what makes the United States so outstanding? Why is it so respected?
The federal government of the United States of America has three arms: the Executive, the Legislature, and the Judiciary. The president of the United States is in charge of the executive arm of government. His main role is to enforce the laws that the legislature made. It is possible in the U.S to win the presidency by winning the Electoral College vote without winning the popular vote as
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It has powers to make, amend and remove laws in an attempt to ensure that there is equality in the federal. If the congress does not want a president to do what he is doing, it votes another way or forms a committee to investigate the executive. Burke’s trustee model and delegate's models help to explain these features of the congress by stating that a representative's main role in congress is to express the will of the people. He states that a representative owes the electorate and that he should always represent the public interest. (Burke, 1774). He states that "you chose a member, indeed: but when you chose him, he is not a member of Bristol but a member of parliament.” (Burke, 1774). The congress, however, faces a myriad of problems in promoting the rule of law. The representatives have to be loyal to their political parties. Most of the times, the legislatures will follow the opinion of the republicans or the democrats without considering the opinion of the people they represent. The seniority system, the committee system and the connection to political parties add a heap of problems to the process of promoting equality. The opinion of newbie legislatures is most of the times ignored as they are viewed minors who are inexperienced. The committees are almost a mandatory step to pass laws and …show more content…
The president has powers to appoint the Supreme Court judges. Article III of our constitution is very by stating that “The judicial power shall extend to all cases, in law and equity, arising under the Constitution, the laws of the United states and Treaties." (Article III, USA constitution). The judicial review seems to be a strong power because most of the arms of the government are kept in check. The legislature and the presidency have to adhere to the constitution as any act may be overturned by the courts if someone successfully petitions. According to The Federalist Paper, the problem of enforcing the decisions by the court has been a headache because they have no soldiers or money to enforce their decrees. He argued that the court represents the will of the people by striking down decrees that politicians make in their own personal interest. The courts "pivotal" position on controversial dilemmas is a problem for democracy as the wrong interpretation may be made at the end of the day. The president, who has the power to appoint the judges, may appoint judges that favor his opinions. The supreme courts Attitudinal Model suggest that most decisions are based on sincere ideology values of the judges and not on factual stimuli presented by that particular case. The differences in the judges’ attitudes

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