Washington Crossing The Deleware By Daniel Leutze

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The neoclassic artistic style began about the same time as the start of the age of enlightenment in the mid 18th century. Neoclassical art favored the simplicity and symmetry of Ancient Greece and Rome and viewed the Rococo style it displaced as immoral. Neoclassical artists thought art should be more cerebral and less sensual and viewed drawing as more important than painting. Neoclassical art with its strong lines, muted colors, and lack of visible brush strokes create images which appear to be timeless. Romanticism immediately followed the neoclassic period and began in France about the time of the French Revolution. Romantic art uses color and flowing lines as opposed to the structure of neoclassicism and emphasizes emotion and heroic exploits and themes. …show more content…
One of the most recognizable images of the American revolution "Washington Crossing the Deleware" by Emanuel Leutze is a monolithic piece at more than 12' x 21' in size. In the painting, Washington is wearing a red cape (synonymous with heroes and heroism) and holding a telescope (symbolizing vision). While almost everything else in the painting is in motion, Washington with this prominent sword is looking toward the shores of New Jersey and the battle ahead. There are many elements in this image which were incorrect (the flag in the background was not designed until 1777 for instance), but the image continues to play on the emotions of the observer to create an image of a visionary leader fighting for a just and noble

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