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15 Cards in this Set

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George Washington
* General in the French and Indian War; Head of the Continental Army
**Major Precedents:**
-creating the Cabinet
-establishing the State of the Union Address
-creating Mr. President/staying humble
-using veto in moderation
-two terms for a president
* Citizens' views on the French Revolution/Citizen Genet
* Jay's & Pinckney's Treaty - (Jay's created peace with England, no more taking our ships; Pinckney's opened US trade use of the Mississippi.)
* Judiciary Act of 1789 - (established SC and lower courts)
* Tariff of 1789 - (first enacted by Congress to raise money)
* Hamilton's fiscal policy created/Nt'l Bank of the US
* Issued neutrality in foreign policy between the 1793 French/English war.
* Intercourse Act - (regulate trade with Indians)
* Whiskey Rebellion - (sent federal army to protest against whiskey tax, showed executive authority.)
* Farewell Address - (stay out of foreign wars and political parties)
John Adams
* XYZ Affair - (dealt with French taking our ships then we try to talk; created anti-French sentiment)
* Alien and Sedition Acts - curtailed freedom of speech for aliens
* Midnight Judges
* Election of 1800 created Twelfth Amendment - (party ticket)
Thomas Jefferson
* Republican Agrarianism
* Marbury v. Madison - (dealt with midnight judges; writ of mandamus. Used judicial review as a precedent.)
* Louisiana Purchase
* Lewis & Clark Expedition (1804-1806)
* Non-Importation Act --> Embargo Act - (no trade with foreign port)
* Indian Resistance - (Five Civilized Tribes, the Prophet and Tecumseh)
James Madison
* Non-Intercourse Act of 1809 - (opened up some ports)
* Macon's Bill #2 - (opened trade with all countries, warned Britain and France from doing anything stupid.)
* War Hawks/War of 1812 - (War Hawks included Clay and Calhoun; Treaty of Ghent ended War of 1812)
James Monroe
* "Era of Good Feelings"
* American System - (banks, tariffs, and roads; second charter of the Second Nt'l Bank in 1816)
* Monroe Doctrine - (European shouldn't interfere in West Hemisphere)
* Panic of 1819 - (aftermath of War of 1812 created depression until 1821)
* Missouri Compromise - (Missouri is slave, Maine is free, created 36,30 slavery line)
* Adams-Onis Treaty
John Quincy Adams
* End of the Era of Good Feelings
* Election of 1824 - (ended with the Corrupt Bargain since no one had majority; Clay threw support behind Adams in exchange for the Secretary of State Chair. Andrew Jackson was resentful. Corrupt Bargain led to the splitting of the parties.)
* Failed to enact American System
* Tariff of Abominations in 1828
Andrew Jackson
* Spoils System
* Nullification Crisis - (Calhoun nullified Tariff of Abominations, Jackson came back with the Force Act, and they finally compromised with the Tariff of 1833.)
* Cherokee Nation v. Georgia --> Cherokee Trail of Tears, Indian Removal Act
* Specie Circular - (only gold/silver can be used to buy land)
* Jackson's Bank Policies led to Panic of 1837
* Vetoed Second National Bank of the US
Martin Van Buren
* Election of 1836 featured Whigs
* Stuck with Panic of 1837 - bad presidency
William Henry Harrison
* Won Election of 1840, but then died.
* "Tippecanoe and Tyler, too"
John Tyler
* Annexation of Texas in 1845
* Not really a Whig; entire Cabinet resigned.
* "Oregon Fever" - fifty-four forty or fight!
James Knox Polk
* Mexican War
* Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
* "Oregon Fever" - fifty-four forty or fight!
* Wilmot Proviso
Zachary Taylor/Millard Fillmore
* Taylor died a year into office, VP Millard Fillmore took over.
* Compromise of 1850 - (California was a free state, no slave trade in D.C., better fugitive slave law, popular sovereignty in territories, and Texas boundaries kept.)
* Matthew Perry's expedition to Japan
Franklin Pierce
* Kansas-Nebraska Act - (repealed Missouri Compromise, popular sovereignty)
* "Bloody" Kansas
* Gadsden Purchase - (southern portion of Arizona and New Mexico)
James Buchanan
* Election of 1856- Know-Nothing Party
* Dred Scott v. Sanford
* John Brown's Raid of Harper's Ferry
* Lecompton Constitution - (proslavery constitution written by Kansas governors)
* Panic of 1857 - (lasted until 1858)
Abraham Lincoln
* Southern Secession
* Civil War
* Homestead Act - (free land for those willing to work it)
* Emancipation Proclamation - (slaves in war-torn areas were free)
* Freedmen's Bureau/10% Plan
* Special Order 15 - (Sherman gave ''40 acres and a mule'' to freed blacks)
* Assassinated in Ford's Theatre; Johnson takes over