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9 Cards in this Set

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impotence, pale complexion, dizziness, vertigo, soreness and weakness of the lower back and knees, aversion to cold, cold limbs, tinnitus, pale tongue and white coating, deep and thready pulse
Impotence due to kidney yang def
impotence, timid, palpitations, easy to be frightened, insomnia, red tongue and thin and white coating, thready and stringy pulse
Impotence due to fear or fright damaging the kidney
impotence, eczema in the pubic region, heavy sensation of legs, difficult yellow urine, red tongue and yellow sticky coating, and deep thready rapid pulse
Impotence due to damp heat upward attack
impotence, lower energy, insomnia, poor memory, easy to be frightened, palpitations, sweating, poor appetite, pale complexion, a pale tongue and thin white coating, thready and weak pulse
Impotence due to heart and kidney deficiency
cold severe pain, heavy sensation and stiffness of the lower back, gradually aggravated by turning the body, aggravated by lying down and rainy days or damp weather, normal tongue body with greasy coating, deep and slow pulse possibly superficial
Back ache due to cold and dampness
low back pain accompanied by hot sensation, as well as hot or rainy days, might be relieved slightly after physical exercise, often seen in late summer, deep yellow urine, yellow and sticky tongue coating, rapid and soft pulse
back ache due to dampness and heat
severe pain in the low back aggravated by pressure, limited range of movements of low back dark or purplish tongue body with purple spots, unsmooth pulse
back ache due to blood stasis
chronic dull ache, weakness or soreness in the low back, relieved by bed rest
back ache due to kidney yang deficiency
You gui wan
back ache, irritability, insomnia, dry mouth and throat, malar flush, five center heat, red tongue body, less coating or no coating, stringy rapid pulse
back ache due to kidney yin deficiency
Zou gui wan