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500 Cards in this Set

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gamut GAMUT ['g9m2t]
GAMUT n. 全音阶; (一领域的)全部知识(英) n. 全音阶(any complete musical scale)(例) He's run the whole gamut of human experience.
gander GANDER ['g9nd2]
GANDER n. 雄鹅;笨人; v. 闲逛(例) gander down to the port(漫步到港口去)
gangrene GANGRENE ['g98gri:n]
GANGRENE n.坏疽(英) n.坏疽(decay of body tissue caused by insufficient blood supply)
gangway GANGWAY ['g98wei]
GANGWAY n. (上下船的)跳板(英) n. (上下船的)跳板(gang plank)(考) drawbridge : castle / gangway : ship(进入城堡要通过吊桥 /进入船要通过跳板)(记) 组合词:gang(帮派, 路)+way(路)→通向路 的路→跳板
garble GARBLE ['gb2l]
GARBLE v. 曲解,窜改(英) v. 曲解,窜改(to suppress or distort parts to mislead or misrepresent)(考) correct : accurate / garble : unintelligible(改正使正确/串改使 无法了解)反义词: elucidate(阐明)(记) 联想记忆:美国女影 星嘉宝(Garbo)(例) The newspaper gave a garbled account of the meeting.
garbled GARBLED ['gb2ld]
GARBLED adj. 引起误解的(英) adj. 引起误解的(misleadi ng )(考) garbled : comprehend / obscured : recognize(歪曲的妨碍理解/模 糊的妨碍认识)ramshackle : soundness / garbled : clarity(摇摇欲坠的不稳固/ 混淆的不清晰)(例) The injured man was still groggy and could only give a garbled account of the accident.
gardenia GARDENIA [g'di:ni2]
GARDENIA n. 栀子花(记) 分割记忆:garden(花 园)+ia→花园之花→ 栀子花
gargantuan GARGANTUAN [g'g9nt6u2n]
GARGANTUAN adj. 巨大的,庞大的(考) 反义词:minuscule( 极小的)(记) 来自法国作家拉伯雷 《巨人传》中的巨人G argantua
gargoyle GARGOYLE ['gg0il]
GARGOYLE n. (雕刻成怪兽状的)滴 水嘴; 面貌丑恶的人(英) n. (雕刻成怪兽状的)滴 水嘴(a waterspout, usually in the form of a grotesquely carved animal or fantastic creature);面貌丑恶的人(a person with grotesque features)(记) 可能来自 gargle(漱口)+oyle
garish GARISH ['ge2ri6]
GARISH adj. 俗丽的,过于艳丽的(英) adj. 俗丽的,过于艳丽的( too bright or gaudy; showy glaring)(记) gar(花)+ish→花哨的 ,注意不要和 garnish(装饰、配备) 相混(同) 同根词:garland(花 环);garment(衣服)(例) garish colors
garishness GARISHNESS ['geri6nis]
GARISHNESS n.俗丽(考) stridency : sound / garishness : appearance(刺耳声音/俗丽外表)
garland GARLAND ['gl2nd]
GARLAND n. (作为胜利标志的)花 环,奖品(英) n. (作为胜利标志的)花 环,奖品(a wreath or woven chain of flowers as a symbol of victory)(记) gar(花)+land;联想 :花铺满地→荣誉
garment GARMENT ['gm2nt]
GARMENT n. 衣服(英) n. 衣服(any article of clothing)(考) hem : garment / ruffle : shirt / molding : cabinet(折边修饰衣服/褶皱 修饰衬衫/嵌线修饰壁 橱)(记) 分割记忆:gar(花)+m ent
garner GARNER ['gn2]
GARNER v. 收藏,积累(英) v. 收藏,积累(to collect or gather)(考) 反义词:disseminate (散布)(例) He has garnered the fruits of his lifetime labors in these volumes.
garnish GARNISH ['gni6]
GARNISH v.装饰(英) v.装饰(to decorate;embellish)(例) a boiled fish garnished with pieces of potato
garret GARRET ['g9rit]
GARRET n. 阁楼,顶楼小室(英) n. 阁楼,顶楼小室(the room just below the roof of a house; attic)
garrulity GARRULITY [g9'rul2ti]
GARRULITY n. 唠叨,饶舌(考) 反义词:taciturnity (沉默寡言)
garrulous GARRULOUS ['g9rul2s]
GARRULOUS adj. 唠叨的,多话的(英) adj. 唠叨的,多话的(loqu acious; talkative);喋喋不 休的(talking too much)(记) 来自词根:garr(唠叨)(考) garrulous : talkative / cloying : sweet(喋喋不休是过分多话 /腻是过分甜)反义词:laconic(简 洁的)(记) garr(闲聊)+ulous→ 唠叨的(例) It is very difficult to interrupt a garrulous person.
gaseous GASEOUS ['g9si2s]
GASEOUS adj. 似气体的(英) adj. 似气体的(like, containing or being gas)(例) a gaseous mixture
gash GASH [g96]
GASH n. 深长的伤口,裂缝(英) n. 深长的伤口,裂缝(lo ng, deep cut)(考) cleft : chasm / cut : gash(程度: 裂口深坑/切口深长伤 口)(记) 不要和gush(喷涌而出 )相混
gasification GASIFICATION [`g9sifi'kei62n]
GASIFICATION n. 气化(英) n. 气化 (conversion into gas especially)(考) 反义词:solidificat ion(凝固)
gastric GASTRIC ['g9strik]
GASTRIC adj. 胃的,胃部的(英) adj. 胃的,胃部的(of , in, or near the stomach)(例) When I smell good food, my gastric juices begin to flow.
gastritis GASTRITIS [g9'straitis]
GASTRITIS n. 胃炎(英) n. 胃炎(inflammation of the stomach)(记) gastr(胃)+ic→胃的(同) 同根词:gastrology( 胃病学); gastronomy(美食学)
gastronomy GASTRONOMY [g9'str0n2mi]
GASTRONOMY n. 美食法(英) n. 美食法(the art or science of good eating; epicurism)
gauche GAUCHE [g2u6]
GAUCHE adj. 笨拙的,不会社交的(英) adj. 笨拙的,不会社交的( lacking grace; awkward; tactless)(考) 反义词:polished(优 雅)(例) He is tongue-tied and gauche.
gaucheness GAUCHENESS ['g0:6nis]
GAUCHENESS n. 不文雅的举止(英) n. 不文雅的举止(social ly awkward or clumsy behavior)(考) 反义词:polish(文雅 )
gaucherie GAUCHERIE ['g2u62ri:]
GAUCHERIE n. 笨拙(英) n. 笨拙(awkwardness; tactlessness)(考) urbane : gaucherie / guileless : chicanery(文雅的不粗鲁/诚实 的不狡诈)
gaudy GAUDY ['g0:di]
GAUDY adj. 俗丽的(英) adj. 俗丽的(bright and showy)(考) gaudy : apparel / grandiloquent : speak(俗丽的衣服/浮夸的 语言)(记) 来自 gaud(华丽而俗气的饰 物),比较:garish( 华丽的)
gauge GAUGE [geid7]
GAUGE n. 标准规格; 测量仪v. 测量(英) n. 标准规格(a standard measure)(考) gauge :pressure / scale : weight(测量仪用来测量压力 /天平用来测量重量)measure : dimensions / calibrate : diameter / gauge :pressure / plumb : depth(测量尺寸/校准直径/ 测量压力/探测深度)(记) 不要和gouge(半圆凿 ,v. 敲竹杠)相混(例) agricultural production as a gauge of the economy's effectiveness
gaunt GAUNT [g0:nt]
GAUNT adj. 憔悴的,瘦削的(英) adj. 憔悴的,瘦削的(thin and bony; hollowed-eyed and haggard)(记) 和taunt(嘲弄)一起记 ,因为被taunt, 所以变gaunt.(例) The children orphaned during the war were sick and gaunt.
gavel GAVEL ['g9v2l]
GAVEL n. (法官所用的)槌,小木 槌(考) judge : gavel / referee : whistle(法官用小木槌/裁判 用哨子)(记) 分割记忆:gave(给)+ l→给以注意→敲小木 槌(gavel for attention )
gaze GAZE [geiz]
GAZE v./n. 凝视,注视(英) v./n. 凝视,注视(to look intently and steadily; stare)(记) 参考:gazelle(瞪羚)(例) gaze into the distance(凝眸远眺)
gazetteer GAZETTEER [`g9z2'ti2]
GAZETTEER n. 地名词典,地名表(英) n. 地名词典,地名表(a dictionary or index of geographical name)(记) 来自 gazette(报纸,公报) +er→公报作者→引申 为地名词典
gear GEAR [gi2]
GEAR n. 齿轮; 装备;仪器(英) n. 装备(equipment)仪器(set of apparatus or machinery)(考) gear : tooth / screw : thread(齿轮上有齿/螺丝钉 上有螺纹)(例) The landing-gear has jammed.
gem GEM [d7em]
GEM n. 宝石,珠宝(考) gem : turquoise / flower : violet(土耳其玉是一种宝石 /紫罗兰是一种花)
gemstone GEMSTONE ['d7em`st2un]
GEMSTONE n. 宝石或次宝石(英) n. 宝石或次宝石(precio us or semi-precious stone)(记) gem(宝石)+stone
gene GENE [d7i:n]
GENE n. 基因(英) n. 基因(unit in a chromosome which controls heredity)
genealogy GENEALOGY [`d7i:ni'9l2d7i]
GENEALOGY n. 家谱学(英) n. 家谱学(study of family history)(记) gene(基因)+alogy=ol ogy(学科) →研究基因(起源)的 科学→家谱学
generality GENERALITY [`d7en2'r9liti]
GENERALITY n. 概述(英) n. 概述(general statement)(考) ecumenical : generality / entire : integrity(一般的有一般性/整 体的有整体性)(记) general(adj.普通的n .总论;gener[出生,产 生]+al→出生[一般] →普通的)+ity→对普 通事物的总论→概述
generalize GENERALIZE ['d7en2r2laiz]
GENERALIZE v. 归纳(英) v. 归纳(draw a general conclusion from particular examples)
generate GENERATE ['d7en2reit]
GENERATE v. 造成; 产生(英) v. 造成(to bring into being)产生(to originate or produce)(考) emollient : soothe / dynamo : generate(缓和剂作用是缓和/ 发电机作用是发电)(记) gener(种属,产生)+a te→产生(同) 同根词:generative( 有生殖力的);generi c(种类的)
generator GENERATOR ['d7en2reit2]
GENERATOR n. 发电机(英) n. 发电机(dynamo)
generic GENERIC [d7i'nerik]
GENERIC adj. 种类的,类属的(英) adj. 种类的,类属的(of or characteristic of a genus)(记) 来自genus(种类),注 意不要和genetic(遗 传的,起源的)相混
generosity GENEROSITY [`d7en2'r0siti]
GENEROSITY n. 慷慨,大方(英) n. 慷慨,大方(willingn ess to share; unselfishness)(考) courage : rashness / generosity : prodigality(勇气过分是鲁莽/慷 慨过分是挥霍)(记) 来自 generous(慷慨的)
generous GENEROUS ['d7en2r2s]
GENEROUS adj.慷慨的(考) despotic : tyranny / generous : liberality(专制的[人]专制/慷 慨的[人]慷慨)
genesis GENESIS ['d7enisis]
GENESIS n. 创始,起源(英) n. 创始,起源(beginnin g; origin)(记) gene(产生,基因)+si s→创始,大写 Genesis 专指《圣经》中的《 创世纪》(例) the genesis of an idea
genetic GENETIC [d7i'netik]
GENETIC adj. 遗传的; 起源的(英) adj. 遗传的(having to do with genetics);起源的(of the genesis)
geneticist GENETICIST [d7i'netisist]
GENETICIST n. 遗传学家(英) n. 遗传学家(specialist in genetics)(记) 来自gene(基因)
genetics GENETICS [d7i'netiks]
GENETICS n. 遗传学(英) n. 遗传学(the branch of biology that deals with heredity)(记) gene(基因)+tic→基 因的,遗传的
genial GENIAL ['d7i:ni2l]
GENIAL adj. 愉快的,脾气好的(英) adj. 愉快的,脾气好的(ch eerful, friendly and amiable)(考) 反义词:mordant(尖 刻的); saturnine(阴郁的); dyspeptic(不高兴的) ; caustic(刻薄的); dour(阴沉的)(记) 注意不要和genital( 生殖的)相混(例) a genial old man(和蔼的老人)
genome GENOME ['d7in2um]
GENOME n. [生]基因组,染色体组(记) 联系:gene(基因)
genre GENRE ['70nr2]
GENRE n. (文艺的)类型(英) n. (文艺的)类型(a kind of works of literature, art, etc.)(记) gen(种属)+re→类型 ,体裁; 比较:genus(种属, 通常指生物上的种属)
genteel GENTEEL [d7en'ti:l]
GENTEEL adj. 上流社会的;装作彬彬 有礼的(英) adj. 上流社会的(well-bre d; elegant);装作彬彬有礼的( striving to convey an appearance of refinement)(考) genteel : vulgarity / intrepid : fear(有教养的不粗俗/大 胆的不恐惧)
gentility GENTILITY [d7en'tiliti]
GENTILITY n.文雅风度, 彬彬有礼(英) n.文雅风度, 彬彬有礼(quality of being genteel)
gentle GENTLE ['d7entl]
GENTLE adj. 温和的,慈祥的(英) adj. 温和的,慈祥的(mild; kind; careful)(考) 反义词: truculent(凶残的)(例) a gentle person
gentleness GENTLENESS ['d7entlnis]
GENTLENESS n. 温和(考) truculent : gentleness/unregene rate:remorse(凶残的不温柔/不悔 改的不后悔)
gentry GENTRY ['d7entri]
GENTRY n.绅士,上等人(英) n.绅士,上等人(class of people just below nobility)
genuflect GENUFLECT ['d7enjuflekt]
GENUFLECT v. 曲膝半跪(以示敬意); 屈从(英) v. 曲膝半跪(以示敬意)( to bend the knee, as in reverence or worship);屈从(to act in a submissive or servile way)(记) genu(膝)+flect(弯曲 )→膝弯曲→跪下(例) genuflect to the altar(对祭坛下跪)
genuine GENUINE ['d7enjuin]
GENUINE adj. 真的; 真诚的(英) adj. 真的(real);真诚的(sincere)(考) genuine : authenticity / honest : trust(真的真实/诚实的可 信)反义词:feigned(假 的); spurious(伪造的)(记) genu(出生,产生)+ine →产生→来源清楚→ 真正的
genuineness GENUINENESS ['d7enjuinis]
GENUINENESS n. 名副其实(考) spurious : genuineness / illusory : reality(似是而非的不真实/ 虚幻的不现实)(记) genuine+ness
genus GENUS ['d7i:n2s]
GENUS n.(动植物的)属(英) n.(动植物的)属(divi sion of animals or plants, below a family and above a species)
geometrician GEOMETRICIAN [`d7i2um2'tri62n]
GEOMETRICIAN n. 几何学家(记) 联系词根:geo(地,地 球)
germ GERM [d72:m]
GERM n. 胚芽,芽孢; 微生物,细菌(英) 胚芽,芽孢(portion of a living organism capable of becoming a new organism)微生物,细 菌(micro-organism, esp one capable of causing disease)(记) germ本身就是词根:种 子,引申为'细菌'
germane GERMANE [d72:'mein]
GERMANE adj. 有密切关系的,贴切的(英) adj. 有密切关系的,贴切 的(truly relevant; pertinent)(考) 反义词:inappropria te(不恰当的); irrelevant(无关的)(记) 来自german(同父母的 ),germ(后代,幼苗)(同) 同根词:germinate( 发芽,产生);germul e(小芽)(例) He read books that were germane to his research topic.
germicide GERMICIDE ['d72:misaid]
GERMICIDE n. 杀菌剂(英) n. 杀菌剂(substance used for killing germs)(记) germ(细菌)+i+cide( 杀)→杀菌物品
germinate GERMINATE ['d72:mineit]
GERMINATE v. 发芽; 发展(英) v. 发芽(to sprout or cause to sprout);发展(to start developing or growing)(记) germ(幼芽)+inate→ 发芽;(同) 参考:germinal(萌芽 的,未成熟但有发展 的)派生词: germination (n.发芽,萌芽)(例) The seeds germinated.
gerontology GERONTOLOGY [`d7er0n't0l2d7i]
GERONTOLOGY n. 老人病学(英) n. 老人病学(the scientific study of aging and of the problems of the aged people)(考) plutocracy : wealth / gerontocracy : age(富豪统治是由财富决 定的统治/老人统治是 由年龄决定的统治)(记) geront(老人,老年)+ ology→老年病学(同) 同根词:gerontic(老 年的,衰老的);gero ntocracy(老人统治)
gerrymander GERRYMANDER ['d7erim9nd2,`d7eri'm9nd2]
GERRYMANDER v. (为使某政党在选举中 取得优势)不公正地将 (某地区)划成选区(英) (为使某政党在选举中 取得优势)不公正地将 (某地区)划成选区(ar range the boundaries of or divide an area for voting in order to give unfair advantages to one party in an election)(考) rig : contest / gerrymander : district(竞赛舞弊/选区作弊)
gestate GESTATE [d7e'steit]
GESTATE v. 怀孕, 孕育(英) v. 怀孕, 孕育(evolve as in prenatal growth)
gestation GESTATION [d7e'stei62n]
GESTATION n. 怀孕,孕育时期(英) n. 怀孕,孕育时期(preg nancy)(记) gest(=carry 带有)+ation→带有( 孩子)→怀孕(同) 同根词:digestion( 消化);ingest(吞咽)
gesticulate GESTICULATE [d7e'stikjuleit]
GESTICULATE v. 做手势表达(英) v. 做手势表达(to make or use gestures)(记) 来自geste(手势,行 为),geste+iculate( 产生…的)→产生手势 的→做手势;(同) 参考:gesture(手势 ,姿态)(例) John gesticulated wildly as his speech became more emotional.
gesture GESTURE ['d7est62]
GESTURE n. 姿势,手势(英) n. 姿势,手势(expressiv e movement of a part of the body)(考) parody : style / mime : gesture(拙劣的模仿模仿风格 /哑剧模仿姿态)(记) gest(带来,产生)+ure →带来信息的动作→ 手势
geyser GEYSER ['gi:z2]
GEYSER n. 天然热喷泉(英) n. 天然热喷泉(a spring from which columns of boiling water and steam gush into the air at intervals)(考) volcano : lava / geyser : water(火山喷出熔岩/喷泉 喷出水)(记) 来自冰岛一温泉名 Geysir, 可能来自 gusher(喷涌井,滔滔 不绝地说话的人)
gibe GIBE [d7aib]
GIBE v./n. 嘲弄,讥笑(英) v./n. 嘲弄,讥笑(to jeer or taunt; scoff)(记) 也写作jibe,但jibe还 有另一个意思'与…一 致',是GRE 常考意思,一定要记住(例) His gibes hurt his wife's feelings.
giddy GIDDY ['gidi]
GIDDY adj.轻浮的,不严肃的(英) adj.轻浮的,不严肃的 (light-hearted; not serious; frivolous)(考) 反义词:grave(严肃 的); serious(严厉的)
giggle GIGGLE ['gig2l]
GIGGLE v. 咯咯笑(英) v. 咯咯笑(laugh lightly in a nervous or silly way)(例) What a giggle !
gild GILD [gild]
GILD v.虚饰, 镀金(英) v.虚饰, 镀金(to give a deceptive appearance to)(考) 反义词: represent accurately(精确地表 达)
gimmick GIMMICK ['gimik]
GIMMICK n. 吸引人的花招,噱头(英) n. 吸引人的花招,噱头( an attention getting device or feature)(例) a political gimmick(政治花招)
ginger GINGER ['d7ind72]
GINGER n. 姜,活力(英) n. 姜,活力(vigor, spirit)(记) 注意 gingerly(极为谨慎的 ,小心翼翼的)(例) the ginger to work hard (努力工作的劲头)
gingerly GINGERLY ['d7ind72li]
GINGERLY adj. adv.小心的(地); 谨慎的(地)(英) adj. adv.小心的(地); 谨慎的(地)(very carefully)
girder GIRDER ['g2:d2]
GIRDER n. 大梁(英) n. 大梁(horizontal beam to support the roof)(考) bone : body / girder : skyscraper(骨骼支撑身体/大梁 支撑大厦)ballast : stability / girder : support(压舱物的作用是稳定 /大梁的作用是支撑)(记) 来自gird(束腰,支持 )+er→支撑物→栋梁
girdle GIRDLE ['g2:dl]
GIRDLE n. 腰带; 转绕物; v. 环绕(英) n. 腰带(a belt or sash for the waist);v. 环绕(to encircle)(记) 来自 gird(束腰)+le→束腰 物→腰带(例) He girdled the world twice.(他两次周游全 球)
girth GIRTH [g2:4]
GIRTH n. 围长,周长(英) n. 围长,周长(circumfer ence)
gist GIST [d7ist]
GIST n. 要点,要旨(英) n. 要点,要旨(the essence or main point)(考) 反义词:tangential point(非要点); trivial point(不重要的点)(例) the gist of a report
glacial GLACIAL ['glei62l]
GLACIAL adj. 冰期的,冰河期的; 寒冷的(英) adj. 冰期的,冰河期的(of the Ice Age);寒冷的(very cold)(考) glacial : cold / profound : deep(极冷是很冷/极深是 很深)(记) glaci(冰)+al
glacier GLACIER ['gl9si2]
GLACIER n. 冰川,冰河(英) n. 冰川,冰河(mass of ice moving slowly down a valley)(考) glacier : ice / sea : water(冰形成冰川/水形成 海洋)(记) glaci(冰)+er
glade GLADE [gleid]
GLADE n. 林中的空地(英) n. 林中的空地(an open space in a wood or forest)(考) glade : forest / oasis : desert(林中空地被森林包围 /沙漠绿洲被沙漠包围)(记) 和blade(叶片,刀片) 一起记,也可分割记忆:glad(高兴 )+e
gladiator GLADIATOR ['gl9dieit2]
GLADIATOR n. 角斗士,与野兽搏斗者(英) 角斗士,与野兽搏斗者 (in ancient Rome, a man who fought other men or animals for the entertainment of speculators)(考) lawyer : courtroom / gladiator : arena(律师在法庭上争辩/ 角斗士在竞技场上打 斗)(记) 来自gladius(短剑, 箭鱼),用剑打斗的人 →角斗士
glamorous GLAMOROUS ['gl9m2r2s]
GLAMOROUS adj. 迷人的,富有魅力的(英) adj. 迷人的,富有魅力的( full of glamour; fascination; alluring)(记) 来自苏格兰语 glamour(魔法),因作 家司各特常用 cast the glamour(施魔法)这一 习语而成为人所共知 的单词
glance GLANCE [glns]
GLANCE v. n. 一瞥(英) 瞥一眼,看一下(take a quick look)闪烁(of bright objects flash)(考) 反义词: peruse(细读); scrutiny(详细审查)(例) glance one's watch
glare GLARE [gl92]
GLARE v. 发出眩目光芒; 怒目而视(英) v. 发出眩目光芒(to shine with dazzling light);怒目而视(to stare fiercely or angrily)(考) cacophony : sound / glare : light(刺耳形容声音/眩目 形容光)
glaring GLARING ['gle2ri8]
GLARING adj. 耀眼的,刺目的(英) adj. 耀眼的,刺目的(shin ing with dazzling light)(考) glaring : bright / deafening : loud(耀眼是十分明亮/震 耳欲聋是十分声高)(记) 和flare(闪光)一起记(例) This glaring light hurts my eyes.
glaze GLAZE [gleiz]
GLAZE v. 装玻璃于; 上釉彩; n.釉(英) 装玻璃于(fit sheets or panes of glass into sth)釉([substances used to give a] thin shiny transparent surface to pottery, porcelain, etc)(考) glaze : porcelain / varnish : wood(在瓷器上上釉/在木 头上上清漆)(例) The vase was sold cheaply because of a fault in the glaze.
gleam GLEAM [gli:m]
GLEAM n. 亮光,闪光; v. 发闪光(英) n. 亮光,闪光(a flash or beam of light);v. 发闪光(flash)(记) 和 glean(拾谷物,收集) 一起记(例) The furniture gleamed after being polished.
glean GLEAN [gli:n]
GLEAN v. 拾落穗; 收集(材料等)(英) v. 拾落穗(to gather grains left by reapers);收集(材料等)(to collect or find out)(例) glean information about sb's family
gleanable GLEANABLE ['gli:n2bl]
GLEANABLE adj. 拾落穗的; 可收集情况的
gleaner GLEANER ['gli:n2]
GLEANER n. 拾落穗的人
gleanings GLEANINGS ['gli:ni8z]
GLEANINGS n. 所拾得的落穗(英) n. 所拾得的落穗(that which is gleaned)
glee GLEE [gli:]
GLEE n. 欢喜,高兴(英) n. 欢喜,高兴(lively joy; gaiety; merriment)(记) 和flee(逃跑)一起记(例) laugh with glee(欢快地大笑)
gleeful GLEEFUL ['gli:f2l]
GLEEFUL adj. 欢乐的,欣喜的(英) adj. 欢乐的,欣喜的(full of glee; merry)
glib GLIB [glib]
GLIB adj. 流利圆滑的,善辩的(英) adj. 流利圆滑的,善辩的( speaking or spoken in a smooth, fluent, easy manner, often in a way that is hardly convincing)(考) maladroiot : skill / glib : profundity(笨拙的无技巧/肤浅 的无深刻)fluent : glib / meticulous : nitpick(finicky)(流利过分油嘴滑舌/ 仔细过分挑剔)反义词:labored(费 力的); awkward(笨拙的)(例) glib excuses. a glib tongue.
glide GLIDE [glaid]
GLIDE v. 滑行,滑动(英) v. 滑行,滑动(to flow or move smoothly and easily)(考) 反义词:lumber(笨拙 地移动)(例) The boat glided over the river.
glider GLIDER ['glaid2]
GLIDER n 滑翔机(英) n 滑翔机(an aircraft without an engine, using airflow to produce free flight )
glimmer GLIMMER ['glim2]
GLIMMER v. 发微光; n. 摇曳的微光(英) v. 发微光(to give faint , flickering light);(考) glimmer : dazzle / murmur : resound(程度:发微光发强光/ 低声说大声说)(记) 来自 glim(灯,灯光)+mer →灯光摇曳(例) A faint light glimmered at the end of the passage.
glimpse GLIMPSE [glimps]
GLIMPSE n./v. 瞥见,看一眼(英) n./v. 瞥见,看一眼(to look quickly; glance)(记) 来自 glim(灯光)+pse→像 灯光一闪→瞥一眼(例) I glimpsed her among the crowd just before she disappeared from sight.
glisten GLISTEN ['glis2n]
GLISTEN v. 闪烁,闪耀(英) v. 闪烁,闪耀(to shine or sparkle with reflected light)(考) dingy : glisten / slippery : adhere(无光泽的不闪光/滑 的不粘着)(记) 来自glist (闪光)+en,分割记忆:g+listen(例) His hair glistened with oil.
glitch GLITCH [glit6]
GLITCH n.小故障(考) glitch : flaw / peccadillo : error(小故障和缺点/小错 误和错误)
glitter GLITTER ['glit2]
GLITTER v.闪烁,闪耀;n.灿烂 的光华;诱惑力,魅力(英) v.闪烁,闪耀(shine brightly);n.灿烂的光华(sparkl ing light);诱惑力,魅力(attract iveness)
gloaming GLOAMING ['gl2umi8]
GLOAMING n. 黄昏,薄暮(英) n. 黄昏,薄暮(evening dust; twilight)
gloat GLOAT [gl2ut]
GLOAT v. 幸灾乐祸地看,窃喜(英) v. 幸灾乐祸地看,窃喜( to gaze or think with exultation, avarice, or malicious pleasure)(考) primp : vain / gloat : smug(打扮是虚荣/幸灾乐 祸是沾沾自喜)(例) gloat over each other's difficulties(幸灾乐 祸地看对方的困难)
global GLOBAL ['gl2ub2l]
GLOBAL adj. 全球性的(英) adj. 全球性的(covering or affecting the whole world)(考) 反义词: local(地方的)(例) a global tour
gloom GLOOM [glu:m]
GLOOM n. 黑暗; 忧郁(英) n. 黑暗(darkness; dimness; obscurity);忧郁(deep sadness or hopelessness)
gloomy GLOOMY ['glu:mi]
GLOOMY adj. 阴暗的; 没有希望的(英) adj. 阴暗的( enveloped in darkness or dimness);没有希望的(very sad or dejected; hopeless)(例) The news cast a gloom over him. a gloomy mood(悲观情绪)
glorification GLORIFICATION [`gl0:rifi'kei62n]
GLORIFICATION n. 美化,颂扬(英) n. 美化,颂扬(act of praising highly)
glorify GLORIFY ['gl0:rifai]
GLORIFY v. 吹捧,美化(英) v. 吹捧,美化(make ordinary or bad appear better)(例) a book which glorifies the horrors of war
gloss GLOSS [gl0s]
GLOSS n. 光泽; 注解(英) n. 光泽(the brightness or luster; sheen);注解(words of explanation or translation)(考) blurb : notice / gloss : explanation(大肆宣传是为了引起 注意/注解是为了解释 明白)
glossary GLOSSARY ['gl0s2ri]
GLOSSARY n. 字汇表,难词表(英) n. 字汇表,难词表(a list of difficult, technical, or foreign terms with definitions or translations)(考) glossary : text / legend : map(教科书后附生词表/ 地图后附图例)(记) gloss(舌头,语言)+a ry→字汇表(同) 同根词:glossal(舌 的); glossography(注释写 作)
gloss-over GLOSS-OVER [gl0s]
GLOSS-OVER v.潦草地或敷衍地处 理某事(考) 反义词:scrutinize( 细察)
glossy GLOSSY ['gl0si]
GLOSSY adj. 光泽的,光滑的(英) adj. 光泽的,光滑的(havi ng a smooth, shiny appearance)(考) varnish : glossy / sand : smooth(上清漆会光亮/用沙 纸打磨会平坦)(记) 可能来自 glow (闪光),注意不要和 gross(总的,粗略的) 相混(例) Our cat has glossy black fur.
glower GLOWER ['glau2(r)]
GLOWER v. 怒目而视(英) v. 怒目而视(to stare with sullen anger; scowl)(记) 来自glow(闪光,发亮 )+er→眼睛发亮看对 方→怒目而视(例) Instead of answering he just glowered at me.
glowing GLOWING ['gl2ui8]
GLOWING adj. 热情赞扬的(英) adj. 热情赞扬的(giving enthusiastic praise)(考) 反义词:aspersion( 诽谤)-glowing tribute(热情的赞词)(例) a glowing account
glucose GLUCOSE ['glu:k2us]
GLUCOSE n. 葡萄糖(记) gluco (葡萄糖)+se→葡萄糖
glue GLUE [glu:]
GLUE n. 胶,胶水(英) n. 胶,胶水(thick sticky liquid used for joining things)(考) glue : seal / manure : fertilize(胶水有密封作用/肥 料有施肥作用)etch : corrosive / glue : adhesive(腐蚀剂用来蚀刻/粘 贴剂由来粘)(例) He sticks to her like glue.
glut GLUT [gl3t]
GLUT v./n. 供过于求,过多(英) 供过于求,过多(a supply of certain goods that is greater than the demand; satiate )(考) 反义词:dearth(缺乏 )(记) 参考glutton(贪吃的 人)(例) There was a glut of eggs on the market a few months ago.
glutinous GLUTINOUS ['glu:tin2s]
GLUTINOUS adj. 粘的,胶状的(英) adj. 粘的,胶状的(gluey; sticky)(考) 反义词: nonviscous(无粘性的 )(记) 来自 glue (胶,胶水)(例) The sugar melted into a glutinous mass.
glutton GLUTTON ['gl3tn]
GLUTTON n. 贪吃者(英) n. 贪吃者(a person who greedily eats too much; epicure)(考) glutton : overindulge / ascetic : self-denial(贪吃者特点是放纵/ 禁欲者特点是自我克 制)
gluttonous GLUTTONOUS ['gl3t2n2s]
GLUTTONOUS adj. 贪吃的,贪嘴的(英) adj. 贪吃的,贪嘴的(very greedy for food)
gluttony GLUTTONY ['gl3t2ni]
GLUTTONY n. 暴饮暴食(英) n. 暴饮暴食(the habit of eating too much)(考) prodigality : spending / gluttony : eating(挥霍是过分花费/暴 食是过分吃)avarice : money / gluttony : food(贪婪的需要很多钱/ 暴饮暴食的需要很多 食物)(记) 来自 glut (吃得过饱)+ton(…人 )→贪吃者
gnarled GNARLED [nld]
GNARLED adj. (树木)多节的; 粗糙的(英) adj. (树木)多节的(knotty and twisted);粗糙的(roughened, hardened)(记) 来自 gnarl(木节)(例) a gnarled cypress(多节的柏树)
gnat GNAT [n9t]
GNAT n. 对小事斤斤计较,琐事(记) 可能来自gnaw(啃,咬 )一词
gnaw GNAW [n0:]
GNAW v. 啃,咬(英) v. 啃,咬(to bite bit by bit with the teeth)(例) Grief gnaws my heart.
gnawing GNAWING ['n0:i8]
GNAWING adj. 痛苦的,折磨人的
gnome GNOME [n2um]
GNOME n. 地下宝藏的守护神,地 精; 格言(英) n. 格言(a wise, pithy saying; maxim)
gnomic GNOMIC ['n2umik]
GNOMIC adj. 格言的,精辟的(英) adj. 格言的,精辟的(wise and pithy; full of aphorisms)
goad GOAD [g2ud]
GOAD n. 赶牛棒; v./n. 刺激,激励(英) n. 赶牛棒;v./n. 刺激,激励(any driving impulse; spur)(考) exhort : suggest / goad : direct(程度: 力劝建议/激励指导)attack : vanquished / goad : provoked(进攻目的是使被征服 /刺激目的是使被激起)command : entreaty / goad : enticement(态度轻重: 命令恳求/刺激诱使)gadfly : goad / humorist : amuse(牛虻可以刺激/幽默 家可以使发笑)(记) 和goal(目标)一起记( goad sb. toward a goal, 刺激某人走向目标)(例) My parents goaded me into doing my homework.
gobble GOBBLE ['g0b2l]
GOBBLE v. 贪婪地吃,吞没(英) v. 贪婪地吃,吞没(to eat quickly and greedily)(考) gobble : eat / guzzle : drink(程度: 狼吞虎咽吃/痛饮喝)swill(quaff): sip / gobble : nibble(狂饮, 啜饮/狼吞虎咽, 小口咬食)(记) 可能来自 gob(n. 一块,大量)(例) I gobbled the pizza down in five minutes.
goblet GOBLET ['g0blit]
GOBLET n. 高脚酒杯(英) n. 高脚酒杯(a drinking glass with a base and stem)
goggle GOGGLE ['g0g2l]
GOGGLE n.护目镜(考) goggles : eyes / gloves : hands / earmuff : ears(护目镜保护眼睛/手 套保护手/耳罩保护耳 朵)
goldbrick GOLDBRICK ['g2uldbrik]
GOLDBRICK v. 称病, 偷懒(考) evade : answer / goldbrick : work(规避避免回答问题/ 称病避免从事工作)
gong GONG [g08]
GONG n. 锣(英) n. 锣(metal disc that gives a resonant note(例) Do I hear the dinner gong
goodwill GOODWILL [`gud'wil]
GOODWILL n.友好(考) 反义词: rancor(怨怒); spleen(恨意)
gore GORE [g0:]
GORE n. 凝血,血块(英) n. 凝血,血块(bloodshe d from a wound when clotted)(记) 分割记忆:go+re 看作 red→出现血红→凝血
gorge GORGE [g0:d7]
GORGE n. 峡谷; v. 贪婪地吃(英) n. 峡谷(a deep, narrow pass between steep heights);v. 贪婪地吃(to eat gluttonously)(考) reticent : talk / abstemious : gorge(沉默寡言不喜欢说话 /节制的不喜欢贪食)river : gorge / wind : dune(河流流过形成峡谷/ 风吹过形成沙丘)(记) gorge 原意为'咽喉'之意(例) He is gorging himself.(他在拼命大 吃)
gorgeous GORGEOUS ['g0:d72s]
GORGEOUS adj. 美丽的,极好的(英) adj. 美丽的,极好的(bril liantly showy; splendid)(记) 分割记忆:gorge (峡谷)+ous→峡谷是 美丽的(例) A gorgeous model won the beauty contest.
gorgon GORGON ['g0:g2n]
GORGON n. 丑陋女人(英) n. 丑陋女人(any ugly, terrifying, or repulsive woman )(记) 来自希腊神话中的蛇 发女怪Gorgon
gorilla GORILLA [g2'ril2]
GORILLA n. 大猩猩(英) n. 大猩猩(very large powerful African ape)
gormandize GORMANDIZE ['g0:m2ndaiz]
GORMANDIZE v. 拼命吃,贪吃(英) v. 拼命吃,贪吃(to eat or devour like a glutton)(记) 来自 gourmand(贪吃的人)
gory GORY ['g0:ri]
GORY adj. 满是血的,血污的(英) adj. 满是血的,血污的(bl oody)(例) The police inspected the gory remains of the victim.
gosling GOSLING ['g0:zli8]
GOSLING n. 小鹅; 年轻无知的人(英) n. 小鹅(a young goose);年轻无知的人(a young or inexperienced person )(记) goose(鹅)+ling(小东 西)→小鹅(同) 同根词:underling( 下属);hireling(受 雇佣者)
gospel GOSPEL ['g0sp2l]
GOSPEL n. 教义,信条(英) n. 教义,信条(any doctrine or rule widely or ardently maintained)(记) 来自《圣经·新约》中 的福音书(Gospel),可 能来自god+spell→上 帝的话→信条
gossamer GOSSAMER ['g0s2m2]
GOSSAMER n. 蛛丝; 薄纱; adj. 轻而薄的(英) n. 蛛丝(a filmy cobweb floating in the ai);薄纱(soft, filmy cloth);adj. 轻而薄的(light , thin, and filmy)(考) 反义词:ponderous( 笨重的); substance(本质)(记) 来自goose summer(食鹅时节), 此时节蛛丝飞扬,所 以有 gossamer一词
gossip GOSSIP ['g0sip]
GOSSIP n. 闲言碎语;随笔,漫谈(英) n. 闲言碎语(casual talk including rumor and critical comments)(例) a gossip columnist
gouge GOUGE [gaud7]
GOUGE n. 半圆凿; v. 挖出; 敲竹杠(英) n. 半圆凿(a chisel);v. 挖出(to scoop out);敲竹杠(to cheat out of money)(考) usury : interest / gouging : price(放高利贷是收取高利 息/敲竹杠是收取高价 格)hack : carve / gouge : engrave(乱砍不是雕刻/挖凿 不是铭刻)(记) 不要和gauge(准则, 规范)相混(例) doctors gouging on patients (敲病人竹杠的医生)
gourmand GOURMAND ['gu2m2nd]
GOURMAND n. 嗜食者(英) n. 嗜食者(a person indulged in food and drink)(考) gourmand : appetite / skinflint : thrift(贪吃者十分有食欲/ 吝啬鬼十分节俭)
gourmet GOURMET ['gu2mei]
GOURMET n. 美食家(英) n. 美食家(a person is an excellent judge of fine foods and drinks; epicure)(考) bibliophile : books / gourmet : food(epicure)/ calligrapher : handwriting(爱书者喜欢书籍/美 食家喜欢食物/书法家 喜欢书写)connoisseur : art / gourmet : cuisine(鉴赏家会鉴赏艺术品 /美食家会鉴赏烹饪)(记) 注意以上二词意义的 不同:gourmand指贪 吃的人,gourmet指品 尝食品是否美味的人(例) The gourmet, finding nothing that suited him on the menu, left the restaurant.
governance GOVERNANCE ['g3v2n2ns]
GOVERNANCE n. 统治,支配(英) n. 统治,支配(power of government)(记) govern(统治)+ance→ 统治(同) 同根词:governor(州 长); government(政府)
grace GRACE ['greis]
GRACE n. 优美(英) n. 优美(quality of simple elegant beauty)(考) coltish : discipline / loutish : grace(放荡的不会有纪律/ 粗野的不会文雅)lumber : grace / waver : resolution(笨拙地移动不会文雅 /动摇不会坚决)(例) Fine paintings graced the wallsof the room.
graceful GRACEFUL ['greisf2l]
GRACEFUL adj. 优雅的,优美的(英) adj. 优雅的,优美的(showi ng a pleasing beauty of form,movement or manner)(考) articulate : speech / graceful : movement / euphonious : sound(发音清晰的演讲/优 雅的运动/悦耳的声音)(例) a graceful dancer
gracefully GRACEFULLY ['greisfuli]
GRACEFULLY adv. 优雅地(考) 反义词:flounder(踉 跄)-act gracefully(优雅地行 动)
gradation GRADATION [gr2'dei6(2)n]
GRADATION n. 渐变;阶段,等级(英) n. 渐变(gradual change);阶段,等级(any of the stages)(记) grad(步,级)+ation→ 等级
graft GRAFT [grft]
GRAFT v. 嫁接,移植; n. 贪污(英) v. 嫁接,移植(to cause a scion to unite with a stock);n. 贪污(dishonestly in politics)(考) 反义词:abscission( 剪除)-process of grafting(嫁接)(记) 分割记忆:g-raft( 木筏)(例) Apples are easily grafted. try to clear the graft out of government(努力消灭 政府中的贪赃枉法)
grain GRAIN ['grein]
GRAIN n. 谷物;小的硬粒(英) n. 谷物(small hard seeds of food plants);小的硬粒(tiny hard bit)(考) dross : metal / chaff : grain(锻造金属去除浮渣/ 扬谷去除谷壳)catch : fish / harvest : grain(捕捉获得鱼/收割获 得谷物)miller : grain / tanner : hide(磨房工人加工谷物/ 鞣革工人加工皮革)refinery : petroleum / mill : grain(炼油厂加工石油/磨 房加工谷物)(例) a grain of sand, gold
granary GRANARY ['gr9n2ri]
GRANARY n. 谷仓,粮仓(英) n. 谷仓,粮仓(a building for storing threshed grain)(记) gran(=grain 谷物)+ary(场所)→放 谷物的地方→谷仓(例) The people remain the great granary of vital spontaneity.(人民中 总是蕴藏着巨大的自 发活力)
grandeur GRANDEUR ['gr9nd72]
GRANDEUR n. 壮丽,伟大(英) n. 壮丽,伟大(splendor ; magnificence)(记) 来自grand(宏伟的, 庄严的)(例) the grandeur of nature
grandiloquence GRANDILOQUENCE [gr9n'dil2kw2ns]
GRANDILOQUENCE n.夸大之词(考) declamation : grandiloquence / diatribe : abuse(高谈阔论用夸大之词 /恶骂用辱骂之词)
grandiloquent GRANDILOQUENT [gr9n'dil2kw2nt]
GRANDILOQUENT adj.(语言等)夸张的, 夸大的(英) adj.(语言等)夸张的 ,夸大的(using high-flown, pompous, bombastic words)(考) gaudy : apparel / grandiloquent : speak(俗丽的衣服/浮夸的 语言)反义词:secretive( 遮掩的)(记) grandi(大的)+log(说 话)+ent_说大话的(例) What he said were more grandiloquent than substantial.(他说的 话流于浮夸)
grandiose GRANDIOSE ['gr9ndi2us]
GRANDIOSE adj. 浮夸的,夸大的(英) adj. 浮夸的,夸大的(char acterized by affectation or exaggeration)(考) ephemeral : longevity / grandiose : humility(短命的不长寿/夸大 的不谦卑)(记) grandi(大的)+ose(多 …的)→多大(话)的(例) grandiose scale(大规模)/grand iose vision(宏伟设想)
grandstand GRANDSTAND ['gr9ndst9nd]
GRANDSTAND n.大看台; v. 哗众取宠(英) v. 哗众取宠(act ostentatiously to impress others)(考) grandstand : impress / equivocate : deceive(哗众取宠是为了留下 印象/含糊其词是为了 欺骗)(例) a grandstand view or French post-war history
granite GRANITE ['gr9nit]
GRANITE n. 花岗石(考) iron : metal / granite : rock(铁是一种金属/花岗 岩是一种岩石)(记) gran(=grain 颗粒)+ite→颗粒状石 头→花岗岩
grant GRANT [grnt]
GRANT v. 同意给予(英) v. 同意给予(agree to give what is asked for)(考) 反义词:concede(勉 强); withhold(抑制)(例) grant a favor
granular GRANULAR ['gr9njul2]
GRANULAR adj. 粒状的; 含颗粒的(英) adj. 粒状的(like grains or granules)(例) the granular texture of the cereal
granulate GRANULATE ['gr9njuleit]
GRANULATE v. 使成颗粒(英) v. 使成颗粒(to form into grains or granules)
granule GRANULE ['gr9nju:l]
GRANULE n. 小粒,微粒(英) n. 小粒,微粒(a small grain)(记) 以上三词均来自gran( =grain颗粒)
graphic GRAPHIC ['gr9fik]
GRAPHIC adj. 图表的; 生动的(英) adj. 图表的(of graphs);生动的(vivid)(记) 来自 graph(图表,图解)(例) a graphic account of the disaster(对这次灾难 的生动报道)
graphite GRAPHITE ['gr9fait]
GRAPHITE n.石墨(英) n.石墨(black form of carbon used in lead pencils)
grasping GRASPING ['grspi8]
GRASPING adj. 贪心的,贪婪的(英) adj. 贪心的,贪婪的(eage r for gain; avaricious; greedy)(记) 来自 grasp(抓取)(例) He is a grasping man, always eager to make more money.
grate GRATE [greit]
GRATE v. 磨碎; 使人烦躁(英) v. 磨碎(to grind into shreds or particles);使人烦躁(to irritate; annoy; fret)(考) 反义词:soothe(使平 静)(例) grated cheese. His whistling grated on her nerves.
grateful GRATEFUL ['greitful]
GRATEFUL adj. 感激的(英) adj. 感激的(expressing gratitude; appreciative)(考) amenity : comfortable / honorarium : grateful(宜人表示舒服/酬金 表示感谢)(记) 不要和上面的 grate(磨碎)相混;in grate(n.忘恩负义者)(例) I was grateful to the stranger for returning my lost wallet.
gratification GRATIFICATION [gr9tifi'kei62n]
gratify GRATIFY ['gr9tifai]
GRATIFY v. 使高兴,使满足(英) v. 使高兴,使满足(to give pleasure or satisfaction)(考) gratify : desire / slake : thirsty(使满足消除欲望/解 渴消除口渴)反义词: aggrieve(使苦恼); irk(使苦恼)(记) grat(高兴)+ify→使 高兴(同) 同根词:gratulant( 表示高兴的); gratitude(感激之情)(例) Anne was gratified by his efforts to help her.
grating GRATING ['greiti8]
GRATING adj. (声音)刺耳的; 恼人的(英) adj. (声音)刺耳的(harsh and rasping);恼人的(irritating or annoying)(考) grating : sound / acrid : odor / fetid : smell(刺耳的声音/苦涩的 味道/恶臭的气味)
gratis GRATIS ['gr9tis]
GRATIS adj. 不付款的,免费的(英) adj. 不付款的,免费的(fre e; without charge)(例) The service was gratis to clubmembers(该项服 务对俱乐部成员免费)
gratitude GRATITUDE ['gr9titju:d]
GRATITUDE n. 感激(英) n. 感激(thankfulness)(记) grat(感激,高兴)+itu de(状态)
gratuitous GRATUITOUS [gr2'tju:it2s]
GRATUITOUS adj. 无缘无故的; 免费的(英) adj. 无缘无故的(without cause or justification);免费的(free)(考) 反义词:merited(应 得的); warranted(有正当理 由的)(记) 来自gratuity(小费, 赏钱), grat(感激)+uity→表 示感激的小费,付小 费严格说不是义务, 所以gratuitous有'无 缘无故'之意(例) I wanted to compensate my aunt for her gratuitous help. John's gratuitous insult angered me.
gratuity GRATUITY [gr2'tju:iti]
GRATUITY n. 赏钱,小费(英) n. 赏钱,小费(a gift of money to a waitress, porter, etc., for a service or a favor; tip)
grave GRAVE [greiv]
GRAVE adj. 严峻的n. 墓穴(英) adj. 严峻的(needing careful consideration);(考) 反义词: droll(滑稽的); giddy(轻率的); insignificant(不重 要的)(记) 来自词根:grav(重)
gravel GRAVEL ['gr9v2l]
GRAVEL n. 碎石,砂砾(英) n. 碎石,砂砾(a loose mixture of pebbles and rock fragments)(考) gravel : pebble / crowd : person(小卵石组成一堆碎石 /人组成人群)(记) 和gavel(小木槌)一起 记,可能来自词根gra v(重)+el→重的东西 →碎石
gravitational GRAVITATIONAL [gr9vi'tei62nl]
GRAVITATIONAL adj. 万有引力的(记) gravitation(n.引力, 倾向;gravitate[v. 受重力作用下沉])+al
gravity GRAVITY ['gr9viti]
GRAVITY n. 严肃,正经(英) n. 严肃,正经(solemnit y or sedateness; earnestness)(考) frivolous : gravity / brash : discretion(轻浮的不严肃/仓促 的不谨慎)反义词: levity(轻浮)(记) grav(重)+ity→庄重(同) 同根词:aggravate( 加重)
graze GRAZE [greiz]
GRAZE v. (动物)吃(地上长的) 草; 放牧(英) v. (动物)吃(地上长的) 草(to feed on growing grass);放牧(to put livestock to feed on [growing grass, herbage, etc.])(考) grazing : foragers / stalking : hunters(放牧者放牧/猎人打 猎)(记) 来自 grass(草),和 glaze(装玻璃,上釉 彩)一起记(例) Sheep graze in the pasture.
grease GREASE [gri:s]
GREASE n. (炼出的)动物油脂; 滑脂(英) n. 滑脂(any thick semi-solid oily substance)(例) axle-grease
greenhorn GREENHORN ['gri:nh0:n]
GREENHORN n. 初学者; 容易受骗的人(英) n. 初学者(beginner; novice);容易受骗的人(dupe)(记) 组合词:green(绿色) +horn(角),原指初生 牛犊等动物
greenhouse GREENHOUSE ['gri:nhaus]
GREENHOUSE n. 花房,温室(考) greenhouse : plant / incubator : infant(植物在温室中成长/ 婴儿在保育器中成长)
gregarious GREGARIOUS [gri'ge2ri2s]
GREGARIOUS adj. 群居的; 爱社交的(英) adj. 群居的(living in herds or flocks);爱社交的(sociable)(考) 反义词:aloof(孤独 的)(记) greg(群体)+arious→ 群体的→群居的(同) 同根词:egregious( 异乎寻常的,极坏的)(例) Bees are gregarious. My gregarious sister makes friends wherever she goes.
gregariousness GREGARIOUSNESS [gre'ge2ri2snis]
GREGARIOUSNESS n. 群居;合群(考) poseur : sincerity / recluse : gregariousness(装腔作势者不会真诚 /隐士不会群居)(记) gregarious(adj.群居 的,爱社交的;greg[群 体]+arious[爱...的] →爱群体的)+ness
grenade GRENADE [gri'neid]
GRENADE n. 手榴弹(英) n. 手榴弹(small bomb thrown by hand)(例) a hand-grenade
gridiron GRIDIRON ['gridai2n,'gridai2rn]
GRIDIRON n. 烤架; 橄榄球场(英) n. 烤架(grill );橄榄球场(a football field)(记) 来自 grid(烤架)+iron(铁)
grief GRIEF [gri:f]
GRIEF n. 忧伤,悲伤(英) n. 忧伤,悲伤(deep or violent sorrow)(考) upbraid : disapproval / lament : grief(谴责表示不赞成/哀 悼表示悲哀)muffle : sound / assuage : grief(减弱使声音降低/抚 慰使悲伤减少)paean : joy / hymn : praise / dirge : grief(欢乐歌表达欢乐/赞 美诗表达赞美/挽歌表 达悲哀)solace : grief / pacification : anger{ENTE(记) 联系词根:griev(重)
grievance GRIEVANCE ['gri:v2ns]
GRIEVANCE n. 委屈,抱怨(英) n. 委屈,抱怨(complain t or resentment)(记) griev(悲痛)+ance→ 委屈(例) I think you have several saved up grievances.(我看你 心里积了不少牢骚)
grieve GRIEVE [gri:v]
GRIEVE v. 使某人极为悲伤(英) v. 使某人极为悲伤(caus e great sorrow to sb)(考) smart : pain / grieve : sorrow(刺痛带来疼痛/使悲 伤带来悲伤)(记) 来自词根:griev(重)
grievous GRIEVOUS ['gri:v2s]
GRIEVOUS adj. 严重伤害的(英) adj. 严重伤害的(causing suffering ; hard to bear; severe)(考) 反义词:slight(轻微 的)(记) griev(悲痛)+ous(例) The soldier received a grievous head wound.
grill GRILL [gril]
GRILL v. 烤; 拷问; n.烤架(英) v. 烤(broil);拷问(to question relentlessly)(考) entangle : involve / scrutinize : observe /grill : question(纠缠是卷入很深/细 察是观察很深/盘问是 询问很深)(例) He grilled candidates for the job seriously.
grim GRIM [grim]
GRIM adj. 冷酷的,可怕的(英) adj. 冷酷的,可怕的(appe aring stern, forbidding)(同) 近形词: brim(边缘, 盈满); prim(一本正经的, 呆板的); trim(修剪)(例) the grim news of one's death
grimace GRIMACE [gri'meis]
GRIMACE v. 做鬼脸,面部歪扭(英) v. 做鬼脸,面部歪扭(a twisting or distortion of the face)(记) 来自grim(可怕的)+ac e 看作 face→可怕的脸→鬼脸(例) grimaced with pain
grin GRIN [grin]
GRIN v. 露齿而笑(英) v. 露齿而笑(smile broadly)(考) 反义词:pout(生气)(例) He grinned at me, as if sharing a secret joke.
grind GRIND [graind]
GRIND v. 磨碎,碾碎(英) v. 磨碎,碾碎(to crush into bits or fine particles)(考) pestle : grind / whetstone : sharpen / spice : flavor(研棒用来研磨/磨刀 石用来使锋利/调味品 用来调味)(例) She grinds fresh coffee beans every day.grind[graInd]n. 枯燥乏味的工作(英) n. 枯燥乏味的工作(long , difficult, tedious task; drudgery)
grindstone GRINDSTONE ['graindst2un]
GRINDSTONE n. 磨刀石(英) n. 磨刀石(a millstone)
gripe GRIPE [graip]
GRIPE v. 抱怨(英) v.抱怨(to complain naggingly)(考) gripe : discontent / praise : admiration(因为不满而抱怨/因 为赞赏而赞扬)
gripping GRIPPING ['gripi8]
GRIPPING adj. 紧紧抓住注意力的(英) adj. 紧紧抓住注意力的(ho lding the interest strongly)(记) 来自grip(抓住,控制 )(例) I found a gripping film.
grisly GRISLY ['grizli]
GRISLY adj. 恐怖的,可怕的(英) adj. 恐怖的,可怕的(insp iring horror or great fear)(考) droll : laugh / grisly : flinch(滑稽的使人发笑/恐 怖的使人畏缩)(例) a grisly story about people who ate human flesh
gristle GRISTLE ['gris2l]
GRISTLE n. 软骨; 肉中难吃的硬组织(英) n. 软骨; 肉中难吃的硬组织(to ugh unappetizing tissue in meat)(例) I can't eat this meat -it's all gristle.
grit GRIT [grit]
GRIT n. 沙粒; 决心,勇气; v. 下定决心,咬紧牙关(英) n. 沙粒(rough, hard particles of sand);决心,勇气(stubborn courage; pluck);v. 下定决心,咬紧牙关( to clench or grind the teeth in anger or determination; fortitude)(记) 可看作词组 grin and bear it (苦笑着忍受)的缩写 ,grin it→grit(例) The snow was blowing in his face, but he gritted his teeth and went on.
groan GROAN [gr2un]
GROAN v./n. 呻吟,叹息(英) v./n. 呻吟,叹息(make a deep sad sound)(例) the groans of an injured man
groom GROOM [gru:m]
GROOM n. 马夫; 新郎(英) n. 马夫;新郎(bridegro om)(记) 分割记忆:g-room( 房间),新郎也叫做br idegroom
groove GROOVE [gru:v]
GROOVE n. 凹线; (刻出的)线条; 习惯(英) n. 凹线(a long,narrow furrow);(刻出的)线条;习惯( habitual way)(考) striated : groove / braided : strand / dappled : spot(凹线形成有条纹的/ 股形成辫的/点形成有 斑点的)(记) 不要和grove( 树丛)相混(例) It is hard for him to get out of a groove.(摆脱老习惯 很难)
grope GROPE [gr2up]
GROPE v. 摸索,探索(英) v. 摸索,探索(to feel or search about blindly)(记) 分割记忆:g 看作 grasp(抓住),rope( 绳子)→抓住绳子→摸 索向前(例) We are groping after the truth.
gross GROSS [gr2us]
GROSS adj. 总的; 粗野的; n. 整个,全部(英) adj. 总的(total; entire);粗野的(vulgar; obscene);(记) 和gloss(光泽)一起记(例) She was shocked by the gross words he used.
grotesque GROTESQUE [gr2u'tesk]
GROTESQUE adj. (外形或方式)怪诞的, 古怪的(英) adj. (外形或方式)怪诞的 ,古怪的(bizarre; fantastic)(考) objective : fact / grotesque : fantasy(客观的事实/古怪的 幻想)(记) 来自grotto(岩洞)+pi cturesque(图画的)原 意为'岩洞里的图画' →(绘画,雕刻等) 怪诞的(例) the grotesque monster
grotto GROTTO ['gr0t2u]
GROTTO n.洞穴(英) n.洞穴( small cavern)
grouch GROUCH [graut6]
GROUCH n. 牢骚,不满(英) n. 牢骚,不满(a complaint)(同) 近形词: crouch(蹲伏)(例) She's always got a grouch about something.
grounded GROUNDED ['graundid]
GROUNDED adj.有理由的; adv.地面上地(考) 反义词:precarious( 不确定的); aloft(在空中地)
group GROUP [gru:p]
GROUP v. 使...集合; 群, 集(英) v. 使...集合(gather sb /sth into groups)(考) stray : group / digress : subject(离群是离开群体/离 题是离开主题)反义词:isolate(分 开)(例) The police grouped themselves round the demonstrators.
grouse GROUSE [graus]
GROUSE n. 松鸡; v. 牢骚,诉苦(英) v. 牢骚,诉苦(to complain; grumble)(考) 反义词:rejoice(喜 悦)(记) grouse 作为'牢骚'一意是gro uch 的变体
grove GROVE [gr2uv]
GROVE n. 小树林,树丛(英) n. 小树林,树丛(a small wood or group of trees)(记) 分割记忆:gro看作gr ow, ve 看作 five, grow five trees→五棵树长在一 起→小树林;可以和 grovel(奴颜婢膝)一起记
grovel GROVEL ['gr0v2l]
GROVEL v. 摇尾乞怜,奴颜婢膝(英) v. 摇尾乞怜,奴颜婢膝( to behave humbly or abjectly; stoop)(考) pluck : quit / pride : grovel(放弃不会有勇气/奴 颜婢膝不会有傲气)(例) He said he would never grovel before a conqueror.
groveler GROVELER ['gr0vl2]
GROVELER n. 乞怜者(考) minion : dependent / groveler : petitioner(奴才是低三下四的依 赖者/奴颜婢膝者是低 三下四的请求者)
growl GROWL [graul]
GROWL v. (动物)咆哮,吼叫(英) v. (动物)咆哮,吼叫( to make a low, rumbling, menacing sound)(记) 分割记忆:grow-owl (猫头鹰)猫头鹰叫→ 吼叫(例) growling thunder(隆隆雷声). a growl of anger.
grudge GRUDGE [gr3d7]
GRUDGE v. 吝啬; 不满(英) v. 吝啬(to give with reluctance);不满(begrudge)
grudging GRUDGING ['gr3d7i8]
GRUDGING adj. 勉强的,吝啬的(例) She was very grudging in her thanks.
grueling GRUELING ['gru2li8]
GRUELING adj. 繁重而累人的(英) adj. 繁重而累人的(extrem ely trying; exhausting)(考) 反义词: effortless(不费力气 的)(记) 来自 gruel(逼供)+(l)ing ;注意:gruel也是稀 粥的意思
gruesome GRUESOME ['gru:s2m]
GRUESOME adj. 令人毛骨悚然的,恶心 的(英) adj. 令人毛骨悚然的,恶 心的(causing horror or disgust; grisly)(记) 来自grue(可怕)+some (…的)→可怕的(例) the gruesome details of a murder
gruff GRUFF [gr3f]
GRUFF adj.(指人,声音)粗野 的(英) adj.(指人,声音)粗野 的(rough; hoarse)
grumble GRUMBLE ['gr3mb2l]
GRUMBLE v. 喃喃诉苦,发怨言(英) v. 喃喃诉苦,发怨言(to utter or mumble in discontent)(记) 再回顾一下表示抱怨 的单词:grouch, grouse, grudge(例) He has everything he needs and therefore nothing to grumble about.
grumpy GRUMPY ['gr3mpi]
GRUMPY adj. 脾气暴躁的(英) adj. 脾气暴躁的(grouchy; peevish)(记) 来自grump(发脾气, 生气)(例) I hate to ask her anything, because she has become so grumpy.
guffaw GUFFAW [g2'f0:]
GUFFAW n./v. 哄笑,大笑(英) n./v. 哄笑,大笑(a loud, coarse burst of laughter)(记) 可能是象声词gu-ffaw (哈嘿)→大笑
guile GUILE [gail]
GUILE n. 欺诈,狡猾(英) n. 欺诈,狡猾(deceit; cunning)(考) shiftless : ambition / impeccable : flaw / ingenuous : guile(懒散的不会有雄心/ 无瑕疵的不会有瑕疵/ 真诚的不会有诡计)acrid : gentleness / forthright : guile(尖刻的不柔和/直接 的不狡诈)blemish : impeccable / guile : artless(瑕疵不是无瑕的/狡 诈不是朴实的)反义词:artlessness(例) a man full of guile
guileless GUILELESS ['gaillis]
GUILELESS adj. 厚道的,老实的(考) 反义词:manipulativ e(耍手段的)
guilelessness GUILELESSNESS ['gailisnis]
GUILELESSNESS n 厚道,老实(考) 反义词:disingenuou sness(不坦率)
guillotine GUILLOTINE ['gil2ti:n]
GUILLOTINE n. 断头台(英) 断头台(an instrument for beheading by means of a heavy blade dropped between two grooved uprights)(考) pillory : ridicule / guillotine:execute(颈手枷用来示众嘲弄 /断头台用来处死)(记) 来自法国医生Guillot in,他发明了断头台
guilt GUILT [gilt]
GUILT n. 罪行; 内疚(英) n. 罪行(crime, sin);内疚(a painful feeling of self-reproach )(考) narcissism : love / guilt : blame(自恋是爱自己/内疚 是谴责自己)expiate : guilt / correct : error(赎罪是消除罪行/改 正是消除错误)反义词:innocence( 清白); exculpate(使无罪)-a ttribute guilt(归罪)(记) 请注意'内疚'一意(a feeling of guilt)
guilty GUILTY ['gilti]
GUILTY adj. 有罪的(英) adj. 有罪的(having done wrong)(考) 反义词:exonerate( 证明无罪)-prove guilty(证明有罪)(例) plead guilty to a crime
gulch GULCH [g3lt6]
GULCH n. 深谷,峡谷(英) n. 深谷,峡谷(a steep-walled valley; narrow ravine)(记) 和gulf(海湾,鸿沟) 一起记,gulch 可能是 gulf 的变体
gull GULL [g3l]
GULL n. 海鸥; v. 欺骗(英) v. 欺骗(to cheat or trick)(例) gulled us out of all our money
gulled GULLED ['g3ld]
GULLED adj. 被骗的(考) wary : gulled / vigilant:ambushed(谨慎的不容易被骗/ 警觉的不容易被埋伏)
gullibility GULLIBILITY [`g3li'bil2ti]
gullible GULLIBLE ['g3l2b2l]
GULLIBLE adj. 易受骗的(英) adj. 易受骗的(easily cheated or tricked; credulous);(考) patriotic : chauvinistic / receptive : gullible(爱国过分为盲目爱国 /接受过分为轻信)compliant : servile / trusting : gullible(服从过分是奴性/信 任过分易受骗)coward : craven / dupe : gullible(懦夫的特点是懦弱/ 易受骗者的特点是轻 信的)gullible : chicanery / servile : d(同) n. gullibility(例) He must have been pretty gullible to fall for that old trick.
gully GULLY ['g3li]
GULLY n.小峡谷(考) gully : erosion / callus : friction(侵蚀形成峡谷/摩擦 形成老茧)
gulp GULP [g3lp]
GULP v. 吞食,咽下(英) v. 吞食,咽下(to swallow hastily, greedily)(例) Don't gulp your food.
gum GUM [g3m]
GUM n.橡皮, 树胶(考) resin : tree / gum : rubber plant(树分泌树脂/橡胶植 物分泌树胶)
guru GURU ['guru;(us)g2'ru:]
GURU n. 古鲁(印度的宗教领袖 ); (受尊敬的)教师或权威(英) n. 古鲁(印度的宗教领袖 ); (受尊敬的)教师或权 威(respected and influential teacher or authority)
gush GUSH [g36]
GUSH v. 涌出; 滔滔不绝地说(英) v. 涌出(pour out; spout);滔滔不绝地说(talk or write effusively)(考) gush : effusive / rage : irate(感情迸发和感情奔放 的/大怒和愤怒的)trickle : gush / warm : sear(程度: 滴喷涌/温暖灼烧)blast : whiff / gush : trickle(大风微风/涌出滴流)(例) Tears were gushing from her closed eyes.
gusher GUSHER ['g362]
GUSHER n. 滔滔不绝的说话者; 喷油井(英) n. 滔滔不绝的说话者(a person who gushes);喷油井(an oil well)
gust GUST [g3st]
GUST n. 阵风; 一阵(情绪)(英) n. 阵风(a sudden, strong rush of wind );一阵(情绪)(an outburst)(考) gust : wind / flare : light / cloudburst : rainfall(阵风是短暂的大风/ 闪光是短暂的强光/暴 雨是短暂的大雨)(例) a gust of wind. a gust of uncontrollable anger
gustation GUSTATION [g3s'tei62n]
GUSTATION n. 品尝; 味觉(英) n. 品尝;味觉(the sense of taste)(考) olfaction : odor / gustation : flavor(嗅觉辨别气味/味觉 辨别味道)(记) 来自 gust(古代意义为'趣 味,味觉');(同) 参考:gusto(爱好)
gustatory GUSTATORY ['g3st2t2ri]
GUSTATORY adj. 味觉的,品尝的
gusto GUSTO ['g3st2u]
GUSTO n. 爱好; 兴致勃勃(英) n. 爱好(tasting; liking);兴致勃勃(keen enjoyment)(例) embrace one's new life with gusto
gutless GUTLESS ['g3tl2s]
GUTLESS adj. 没有勇气,懦怯的(记) 来自 gut(肠胃,勇气)+less →没有勇气的
gutter GUTTER ['g3t2]
GUTTER n. 水槽; 街沟(英) 水槽(a trough or channel along or under the eaves of a roof);街沟(a narrow channel along the side of a road or street, to carry off water, as to a sewer)(记) gut(肠胃,引申为沟) +ter→街沟
guttle GUTTLE ['g3tl]
GUTTLE v. 狼吞虎咽(英) v. 狼吞虎咽(quaff)(记) 是guzzle(狂饮)的变 体
guy GUY [gai]
GUY n. (铁塔等的)支索,牵索(英) n. (铁塔等的)支索,牵 索(a rope, chain, or rod attached to something to steady or guide it )(考) strut : wing / guy : pylon(支杆支撑机翼/支索 支撑高压电线塔)(记) 该单词作为'家伙'一 意大家都熟悉,但一 定要记住'支索'一意
guzzle GUZZLE ['g3z2l]
GUZZLE v. 大吃大喝(英) v. 大吃大喝(to drink greedily or immoderately)(考) gobble : eat / guzzle : drink / carp : complain(狼吞虎咽拼命吃/痛 饮拼命喝/吹毛求疵拼 命抱怨)(记) 参考guttle(狼吞虎咽 )(例) It was so hot that I guzzled a quart of lemonade.
gynaecocracy GYNAECOCRACY [`gaini'k0kr2si]
GYNAECOCRACY n. 妇人政治(英) n. 妇人政治(government by women)(记) gynaeco(女人)+cracy (统治)(同) 同根词:gynaecoid( 女性的); gynephobia(恐女症)
gyrate GYRATE [d7ai'reit]
GYRATE adj. 旋转的; v. 旋转(英) adj. 旋转的(spiral, convoluted);v. 旋转(to move in a circular or spiral motion )(记) gyr(转)+ate→旋转(同) 同根词:gyral(旋转 的); gyroidal(螺旋形的)(例) The spinning top gyrated on the tile floor.
habitat HABITAT ['h9bit9t]
HABITAT n. 自然环境,栖息地(英) n. 自然环境,栖息地(na tive environment)(记) habit(住)+at→住的 地方→栖息地(同) 同根词:habitant(居 民); habitable(可居住的)
habituate HABITUATE [h2'bit6ueit]
HABITUATE v. 使习惯于(英) v. 使习惯于(to make used to; accustom)(考) sensitization: allergic/habituatio n: inured(敏感化造成过敏/习 惯化造成习惯)(记) habit(住,习惯)+uat e习惯于;(同) 参考:habitude(习惯 的行为方式)派生词: habituation (n. 习惯)
hack HACK [h9k]
HACK v. 乱劈,乱砍; n. 雇佣文人(英) v. 乱劈,乱砍(to chop or cut crudely)(考) hack: carve / gouge : engrave(乱砍不是雕刻/凿不 是铭刻)mercenary : soldier / hack : writer(雇佣兵是出钱雇来的 士兵/雇佣文人是出钱 雇来的作家)(例) hack a farm out of the wilderness
hackneyed HACKNEYED ['h9knid]
HACKNEYED adj. 陈腐的,平常的(英) adj. 陈腐的,平常的(made trite by overuse; trite)(考) equivocation : misleading / bromide : hackneyed(模棱两可的话特点是 误导的/庸俗之言特点 是陈腐的)windy : concise / hackneyed : original(吹牛不简洁/陈腐不 创新)反义词:original(有 新意的); fresh(新的)(记) 来自伦敦近郊城镇 Hackney, 以养马闻名,hack的 意思是'出租的老马' ,引申为' 陈腐的'(例) No one laughed at the comic's hackneyed joke.
haft HAFT [hft]
HAFT n. 柄,把柄(英) n. 柄,把柄(a handle or hilt of a knife)(记) 参考shaft(矛柄)
haggard HAGGARD ['h9g2d]
HAGGARD adj. 憔悴的,消瘦的(英) adj. 憔悴的,消瘦的(gaun t; drawn)(记) 可能来自 hag(巫婆)+gard→像 巫婆一样→形容枯槁的(例) The last haggard runner finally stumbled across the finish line.
haggle HAGGLE ['h9g2l]
HAGGLE v. 讨价还价(英) v. 讨价还价(to argue about price; bargain)(例) haggle over prices
hail HAIL [heil]
HAIL n.冰雹;v. 致敬(英) n.冰雹(frozen rain drop);v. 致敬( salute or greet)
halcyon HALCYON ['h9lsi2n]
HALCYON adj. 平静的,愉快的(英) adj. 平静的,愉快的(tran quil, happy, idyllic)(考) 反义词:miserable( 悲惨的); tempestuous(暴乱的)(记) 原指传说中一种能平 息风浪的'神翠鸟(hal cyon)'
hale HALE [heil]
HALE adj. 健壮的,矍铄的(英) adj. 健壮的,矍铄的(sound and healthy)(考) 反义词:infirm(弱的 ); effete(疲惫的); blighted(毁灭的)(记) 联系词根:hal(呼吸); hale(呼吸得很好的→ 精神矍铄的)
hallmark HALLMARK ['h0:lmk]
HALLMARK n. (在金银上的)纯度印 记; 特征(英) n. 特征(distinctive feature)(考) 反义词:uncharacter istic feature(无特点的标 志)(例) Attention to detail ishte hallmark of a fire craftsman.
hallow HALLOW ['h9l2u]
HALLOW v. 把...视为神圣,尊敬(英) v. 把…视为神圣,尊敬( to regard as holy)(记) 不要和 hollow(空洞的)相混; 参考:Halloween(万圣 节,10月31日)(例) to hallow a shrine. to hallow the final resting place for the dead soldiers.
hallucination HALLUCINATION [h2`lu:si'nei62n]
HALLUCINATION n. 幻觉,幻视(英) n. 幻觉,幻视(illusion of seeing or hearing)(例) suffer from hallucination
halo HALO ['heil2u]
HALO n. (日、月等)晕,神像之 光环
halt HALT [h0:lt]
HALT v. 暂停前进,停止(英) v. 暂停前进,停止(stop temporarily)(例) The project halted for lack of funds.
halting HALTING ['h0:lti8]
HALTING adj. 踌躇的,吞吞吐吐的(英) adj. 踌躇的,吞吞吐吐的( marked by hesitation or uncertainty)(考) 反义词:fluent(流利 的)(例) halting progress(缓慢的进步 )/halting gait(跛行步态)
hammer HAMMER ['h9m2]
HAMMER n. 锤子,榔头; v.锤打(英) 锤子,榔头(tool with a heavy metal head at right angles to the handle, used for breaking things, driving nails in)锤打(beat sth with a hammer)(考) hammer : anvil / pestle : mortar(锤子砸在铁砧上/研 棒砸在研钵上)hammer : carpenter / knife : butcher(木匠的工具是锤子/ 屠夫的工具是刀)
hamper HAMPER ['h9mp2]
HAMPER v. 妨碍,阻挠; n. 有盖提篮(英) v. 妨碍,阻挠(hinder; impede; encumber);n. 有盖提篮(a large basket, esp. with a cover)(考) mail : mailbox / laundry : hamper(信箱用来装邮件/提 篮用来装衣服)反义词:seminal(发 展的)-hampering further development(阻碍进 一步发展的); facilitate(促进)(例) hamper progress (阻 碍 进 步)/a Christmas hamper(圣诞礼物篮)
handle HANDLE ['h9ndl]
HANDLE n. 柄,把手; v. 处理(英) n. 柄,把手;v. 处理(manipulate; wield)(考) 反义词:cumbersome( 麻烦)-easy to handle(容易处理)(记) hand(手)+le→把手
hangar HANGAR ['h982]
HANGAR n. 飞机库(英) n.飞机库(a shelter used to house or repair an airplane)(记) 注意不要和下面的han ger(衣架)相混
hangdog HANGDOG ['h98d0g]
HANGDOG adj.忧愁的, 低贱的(英) adj.忧愁的, 低贱的(shamefaced)(考) 反义词: buoyant(轻快的)
hanger HANGER ['h982]
HANGER n. 衣架,挂衣钩
hankering HANKERING ['h98k2ri8]
HANKERING n.渴望(英) n.渴望(craving, yearning)(考) 反义词: odium(憎恶)
haphazard HAPHAZARD [`h9p'h9z2d]
HAPHAZARD adj. 任意的(英) adj. 任意的(without plan or order)(考) 反义词:methodical( 有系统的); systematic(系统的)(记) hap(机会,运气)+haza rd(游戏) →运气+游戏→偶然的
hapless HAPLESS ['h9plis]
HAPLESS adj. 不幸的(英) adj. 不幸的(unfortunate; unlucky; luckless)(考) 反义词:fortunate( 幸运的)(记) hap(运气)+less→无 运气的(同) 同根词:mishap(不幸 ); happy(高兴的)
harangue HARANGUE [h2'r98]
HARANGUE n. [贬]长篇演说(英) n. [贬]长篇演说(a long, scolding speech; tirade)(考) 反义词:speak temperately(有节制 地说)(记) 分割记忆:har看作ha rd,angue看作argue,h ard-argue→强硬的 辩论→长篇演说
harass HARASS ['h9r2s]
HARASS v. 侵扰,烦忧(英) v. 侵扰,烦忧(to trouble with cares, debts, repeated questions)(记) 分割记忆:har 看作 hard,ass(驴子)hard- ass→倔驴→烦扰;(例) Pirates harassed the villages along the coast.
harassment HARASSMENT ['h9r2sm2nt]
HARASSMENT n. 烦扰的行为(例) sexual harassment 性骚扰
harbinger HARBINGER ['hbind72]
HARBINGER n. 先驱,先兆(英) n. 先驱,先兆(herald)(考) harbinger : presage / archetype : exemplify(先驱可以预言/原型 可以示范)(例) Frost is a harbinger of winter.
harbor HARBOR ['hb2]
HARBOR n. 港,避难所; v. 包庇,隐匿(英) n.港,避难所(retrea t; shelter);v.包庇,隐匿( to provide a place of protection to)(考) 反义词:evict(驱逐)(例) harbor a criminal(窝藏罪犯)/ to harbor an ambition
hardbitten HARDBITTEN ['hd'bit2n]
HARDBITTEN adj. 不屈的,顽强的(英) adj. 不屈的,顽强的(stub born; tough; dogged)(记) 组合词:hard(硬)+bi tten(咬)→咬不动的- 顽强的,参考其他的 组合词:hardball( 强硬手段); hardboard(硬纸板)
harden HARDEN ['hdn]
HARDEN v. 变硬,变坚强(英) v. 变硬,变坚强(cause sth to become hard)(考) ripen : maturity / harden : solidity(使成熟结果是成熟/ 硬化结果是坚硬)反义词:macerate(浸 软)(例) The varnish takes a few minutes to harden.
hardheaded HARDHEADED [`hd'hedid]
HARDHEADED adj. (商业上)现实的,精明 的(英) adj. (商业上)现实的,精 明的(shrewd and unsentimental; practical)(例) a hardheaded businessman(精明的 商人)
hardihood HARDIHOOD ['hdihud]
HARDIHOOD n. 大胆,鲁莽(英) n. 大胆,鲁莽(boldness , fortitude)(记) 来自hardy(强壮的, 勇敢的)
hard-nosed HARD-NOSED ['hd]
HARD-NOSED adj. 顽强的,不屈的(英) adj. 顽强的,不屈的(tough and unyielding)(例) a hard-nosed businessman
harmonious HARMONIOUS [h'm2uni2s]
HARMONIOUS adj. 和谐的; 协调的(英) 和谐的(free from disagreement)协调的(arranged together in a pleasing, orderly way)(考) 反义词:acrimonious (严厉的); discord(不和谐的)(记) harmony(和谐)+ious
harmony HARMONY ['hm2ni]
HARMONY n.相符,一致;协调,匀 称(英) n.相符,一致(agreeme nt);协调,匀称(a pleasing combination of related things)(考) 反义词:imbroglio( 纠葛); discord(不一致)(记) harm(适合)+ony→彼 此合适→协调
harness HARNESS ['hnis]
HARNESS n. 马具; v. 束以马具; 利用(英) n. 马具;v. 束以马具;利用(to control so as to use the power)(例) harness nuclear energy(利用原子能)
harp HARP [hp]
HARP n.竖琴(考) horn : blow / harp : pluck(吹喇叭/拔竖琴)
harpoon HARPOON [h'pu:n]
HARPOON n. (捕鲸的)鱼叉(记) 分割记忆:harp(竖琴 )+oon;参考其他以oo n结尾的单词:lampoo n(讽刺),cartoon(漫画)
harpsichord HARPSICHORD ['hpsik0:d]
HARPSICHORD n. 键琴(钢琴前身)
harridan HARRIDAN ['h9rid2n]
HARRIDAN n. 凶恶的老妇,老巫婆(英) n. 凶恶的老妇,老巫婆( a nasty, bad-tempered woman)(记) 原意为'骑坏的老马', hard-ridden→harri dan
harrow HARROW ['h9r2u]
HARROW n. 耙; v.使痛苦(考) 反义词:assuage(缓 和)(记) 和hallow(使神圣)一 起记;注意 barrow(独轮车)
harrowing HARROWING ['h9r2ui8]
HARROWING adj. 悲痛的,难受的(英) adj. 悲痛的,难受的(ment ally distressful)(例) After the harrowing accident, Mary refused to drive for months.
harry HARRY ['h9ri]
HARRY v.袭扰,打劫(英) v.袭扰,打劫(harass, annoy, torment)(考) 反义词:comfort(缓 和)
harsh HARSH [h6]
HARSH adj. 粗糙的, 严厉的(考) barb : caustic / pan : harsh(刻薄的批评/苛刻的 指责)
harshly HARSHLY [h6li]
HARSHLY adv. 严酷地,无情地反义词:treat harshly(严厉地对待) →mollycoddle(v. 溺爱)
hassle HASSLE ['h9s2l]
HASSLE n. 激烈的辩论(英) n. 激烈的辩论(a heated argument; squabble)(记) 可能来自haste(急忙) +tussle(争论,扭打)
hasten HASTEN ['heis2n]
HASTEN v. 催促,促进(英) v. 催促,促进(speed up; accelerate)(考) 反义词:slow the progress of(延缓过程); check(阻碍)(记) to hasten the preparations for one's departure(例) to hasten the preparations for one's departure
hasty HASTY ['heisti]
HASTY adj. 急急忙忙的(英) adj. 急急忙忙的(said, made or done too quickly )(考) 反义词:characteriz ed by deliberation(深思熟 虑地对待); well considered(考虑过的)(例) a hasty departure, meal, farewell
hatch HATCH [h9t6]
HATCH n. 船舱盖(英) n. 船舱盖(a covering for a ship's hatchway)(考) door : room / hatch : hold(房间从门进入/船舱 从舱盖进入)(记) hatch 作为'孵出'一意大家 并不陌生,但'船舱盖 '一意必须记住
hatchet HATCHET ['h9t6it]
HATCHET n. 短柄小斧; v. 扼杀(记) 分割记忆:hatch-et .
hatred HATRED ['heitrid]
HATRED n. 仇恨,憎恨(英) n. 仇恨,憎恨(very strong dislike)(例) feel hatred for the enemy
haughty HAUGHTY ['h0:ti]
HAUGHTY adj. 傲慢的,自大的(英) adj. 傲慢的,自大的(prou d; arrogant; supercilious)(例) treat sb. with haughty contempt
haunt HAUNT [h0:nt]
HAUNT v. 常到; 鬼魂出没; (事情)萦绕心头; n. 常去的地方(英) 常到(to visit [a place] often and continuously);鬼魂出没( [of a ghost] to appear in a strange form)(事情)萦绕心头(to appear or recur repeatedly, often to a point of obsession);n. 常去的地方(a place often visited)(记) 比较:gaunt(憔悴的)(同) 近形词:gaunt(憔悴 的); taunt(嘲弄); vaunt(自夸)(例) haunt the theatre (常去戏院) / make the library one's haunt(图书馆作为常 去之地)
hauteur HAUTEUR [2u't2:]
HAUTEUR n. 傲慢(英) n. 傲慢(haughtiness; snobbery)(考) fawn : hauteur / self-depreciate : swagger(逢迎不傲慢/自贬不 狂妄)反义词:humility(谦 卑)(记) 来自法语 haut (高)+eur→傲慢
haven HAVEN ['heiv2n]
HAVEN n. 安息所,避难所(英) n. 安息所,避难所(any sheltered, safe place; refuge)(考) 反义词:dangerous place(危险的地方)(记) 注意不要和heaven(天 空,天堂)相混
havoc HAVOC ['h9v2k]
HAVOC n. 大破坏,混乱(英) n. 大破坏,混乱(great destruction and devastation)(考) 反义词:serenity(平 静)(记) 分割记忆:hav看作ha ve, oc看作occur(发生)→ 有事发生→混乱(例) His ideas are causing havoc in the office.
hawk HAWK [h0:k]
HAWK n. 隼鹰(英) n. 隼鹰(a kind of eagle)
hawker HAWKER ['h0:k2]
HAWKER n. 沿街叫卖之小贩(英) n. 沿街叫卖之小贩(a peddler or huckster)
hawser HAWSER ['h0:z2]
HAWSER n. 粗绳,大钢索(英) n. 粗绳,大钢索(a large rope used for towing or mooring a ship)
hazard HAZARD ['h9z2d]
HAZARD n. 危险(英) n. 危险(risk; peril; danger)(例) a life full of hazards
hazardous HAZARDOUS ['h9z2d2s]
HAZARDOUS adj. 有危险的(英) adj. 有危险的(risky; dangerous; perilous)
headlong HEADLONG ['hedl08]
HEADLONG adj.adv.轻率的(地), 迅猛的(地)(英) adj.adv.轻率的(地), 迅猛的(地)(hasty; rash)
headstrong HEADSTRONG ['hedstr08]
HEADSTRONG adj. 刚愎自用的(英) adj. 刚愎自用的(obstinat ely determined)(考) willfulness : headstrong / subservience : fawning(固执的[人]任性/奉 承的[人]阿谀)反义词:tractable( 温顺的)
headway HEADWAY ['hedwei]
HEADWAY n. 进步,进展(英) n. 进步,进展(progress)(例) We are making little headway with the negotiations.
heal HEAL [hi:l]
HEAL v. 治愈(考) 反义词: fester(溃烂)
healthfulness HEALTHFULNESS ['hel4f2lnis]
HEALTHFULNESS n. 有益健康(考) 反义词:insalubrity (不健康)
hearsay HEARSAY ['hi2sei]
HEARSAY n. 谣传,道听途说(英) n. 谣传,道听途说(rumo r; gossip)(记) 组合词: hear(听到)+say(说)(例) know from mere hearsay
hearten HEARTEN ['ht2n]
HEARTEN v. 鼓励,激励(英) v. 鼓励,激励(make sb feel cheerful and encouraged)(考) mollify : anger / hearten : dejection(平息消除愤怒/激励 消除沮丧)反义词:dismay(沮丧 )(例) We are much heartened by the latest developments.
heave HEAVE [hi:v]
HEAVE v. 用力举(英) v. 用力举(to raise or lift with an effort)(记) 联想记忆:heaven(天 堂)去掉n(例) heave a heavy axe(举起重斧)
heavy-handedness HEAVY-HANDEDNESS ['hevi]
HEAVY-HANDEDNESS n. 笨拙,粗劣(考) 反义词:finesse(技 巧)
heckle HECKLE ['hek2l]
HECKLE v. 诘问,困扰(英) v. 诘问,困扰(to annoy or harass by interrupting with questions or taunts; bait)(记) 来自heck(加强语气词 ,表示骂)+le(例) heckle the performers with shouts
hectic HECTIC ['hektik]
HECTIC adj. 兴奋的,繁忙的(英) adj. 兴奋的,繁忙的(char acterized by confusion, rush, excitement)(记) hect(许多)+ic→有许 多事要做→繁忙的(例) The beginning of the school year is very hectic for teachers.
hector HECTOR ['hekt2]
HECTOR v. 凌辱,威吓(英) v. 凌辱,威吓(to browbeat; bully)(记) hect(许多)+or→装出 有许多力量的人→虚 张声势的人→威吓(例) The bully began hectoring the younger students.
hedge HEDGE [hed7]
HEDGE n. 树篱; 限制(英) n. 树篱;限制(restrict ion or defense)(考) prune : hedge / trim : hair(修剪树篱/修剪头发)hedge : loss / quarantine : contamination / safeguard : accident(树篱防止损失/隔离 防止传染/保护防止事 故)(例) a hedge of convention (习俗的束缚)
hedgehog HEDGEHOG ['hed7h0g]
HEDGEHOG n. 刺猬(记) 组合词:hedge(树篱) +hog(猪)
hedonism HEDONISM ['hi:d2nizm]
HEDONISM n. 享乐主义; 享乐(英) n. 享乐主义;享乐(the self-indulgent pursuit of pleasure)
hedonist HEDONIST ['hi:d2nist]
HEDONIST n. 享乐主义者(英) n. 享乐主义者(believer in pleasure)(考) hedonist : please / recluse : privacy(享乐主义者喜欢快乐 /隐士喜欢独处)
hedonistic HEDONISTIC [`hi:d2'nistik]
HEDONISTIC adj. 享乐的(考) hedonistic : pleasure / narcissistic : self(享乐主义的人喜欢快 乐/自恋的人喜欢自己)
hegemony HEGEMONY [hi'gem2ni]
HEGEMONY n. 霸权,领导权(英) n. 霸权,领导权(the leadership or dominance)(考) 反义词:lack of authority(缺乏权威)(例) hegemony over these islands(对这些岛屿 的统治权)
heinous HEINOUS ['hein2s]
HEINOUS adj. 十恶不赦的(英) adj. 十恶不赦的(outrageo usly wicked or evil; abominable)(考) 反义词:commendable (值得表扬的)(例) Even the police were shocked by the heinous crime.
heir HEIR [e2]
HEIR n. 继承人(英) n. 继承人(a person who is legally entitled to inherit another's property)(例) He is heir to a large fortune.
heiress HEIRESS ['e2ris]
HEIRESS n. 女继承人
heirloom HEIRLOOM ['e2lu:m]
HEIRLOOM n. 传家宝(考) heirloom : ancestor / bequest : testator(祖先留下传家宝/立 遗嘱之人留下遗产)
heliotrope HELIOTROPE ['heli2tr2up]
HELIOTROPE n. 向阳植物(记) helio(太阳)+trope( 转)→转向太阳的植物(同) 同根词:heliosis(中 暑); heliocentric(以太阳 为中心的)
helm HELM [helm]
HELM n. 舵,驾驶盘(英) n. 舵,驾驶盘(the wheel by which a ship or boat is steered)(例) With our new leader at the helm things are sure to improve.
helmet HELMET ['helmit]
HELMET n. 头盔,钢盔(考) amulet : evil / helmet : injury(辟邪物用来辟邪/头 盔用来避免伤害)(记) 注意请不要和 hermit(隐士), hermetic(密封的)相 混
helot HELOT ['hel2t]
HELOT n. 奴隶; 受人轻视之人(英) n. 奴隶(any serf or slave)(记) 来自 Helot(希洛人),古斯 巴达国的奴隶
helve HELVE [helv]
HELVE n. 斧柄(英) n. 斧柄(the handle of an ax or hatchet)(例) throw the helve after the hatchet(败局已定再 孤注一掷)
hem HEM [hem]
HEM v.包围; 袖边, 边缘(英) v.包围(surround tightly)(考) hem : garment / ruffle : shirt / molding : cabinet(折边装饰服装/褶皱 装饰衬衫/木纹装饰壁 橱)(例) at the hem of the sea(在海边)
hemisphere HEMISPHERE ['hemisfi2]
HEMISPHERE n. 半球(英) n. 半球(half a sphere)
hemophilia HEMOPHILIA [`hi:m2'fili2]
HEMOPHILIA n. 血友病,出血不止(记) hemo(血)+phil(爱)+i a→爱出血的病→血友病
hemorrhage HEMORRHAGE ['hem2rid7]
HEMORRHAGE n. 出血(尤指大出血)(英) n. 出血(尤指大出血)( heavy bleeding)(考) hemorrgage : bleeding / vertigo : dizziness(程度: 大出血→流血/严重眩 晕→头昏眼花)(记) hemo(血)+rrhage(超 量流出)→超量流血→ 大出血
hemostat HEMOSTAT ['hi:m2st9t]
HEMOSTAT n. 止血器; 止血剂(英) n. 止血器;止血剂(a medicine that hastens clotting)(记) hemo(血)+stat(站住) →止血器
henpecked HENPECKED ['henpekt]
HENPECKED adj. 顺从妻子的,惧内的(记) hen (母鸡)+peck(啄)→母 鸡啄公鸡→惧内的
hepatitis HEPATITIS [`hep2'taitis]
HEPATITIS n. 肝炎(英) n. 肝炎(inflammation of the liver)(记) hepat(肝)+itis(炎症 )→肝炎;(同) 参考:hepatic(肝的)
herald HERALD ['her2ld]
HERALD n. 传令官; 预示, 先驱(英) n. 传令官;预示, 先驱(forerunner)(考) unabashed : embarrassment / unheralded : announcement(不害羞的无害羞/未 预告的无宣布)(例) Grey skies are the heralds of rain.(灰蒙蒙的天空 是下雨的前兆)
herbaceous HERBACEOUS [h2'bei62s]
HERBACEOUS adj. 草本植物的(英) 草本植物的( having the nature of a herb, as distinguished from woody plants)(记) herb(草)+aceous→草 本的;(同) 参考:arberaceous( 树本的)
herbicide HERBICIDE ['h2:bisaid]
HERBICIDE n. 除草剂(英) n. 除草剂(substance used to destroy weeds)(考) insect : pesticide / plant : herbicide(杀虫剂用来消灭昆虫 /除草剂用来消灭植物)(记) herb(草本植物)+i +cide(杀) →除草剂
herbivorus HERBIVORUS [h2'biv2r2s]
HERBIVORUS adj. 食草的(英) adj. 食草的(feeding chiefly on grass)(记) herbi(草)+vor(吃)+o us→食草的;(同) 参考:carnivorous( 食肉的)
herd HERD [h2:d]
HERD n. 兽群; v. 聚集(英) n. 兽群(a number of cattle, etc.)v. 聚集(to gather together)(例) to herb the cows to the corrals/to herb cattle for a living
herdsman HERDSMAN ['h2:dzm2n]
HERDSMAN n. 牧人(英) n. 牧人(a person who keeps or tends a herd)
heresy HERESY ['herisi]
HERESY n. 异端邪说(英) n. 异端邪说(a religious belief opposed to the orthodox doctrines )(考) apostasy : faith / recantation : heresy(叛教背叛信仰/皈依 背叛异教)反义词:dogma(正统 教条)(记) here(异)+sy;(同) 参考:heretic(异教 徒)
heretic HERETIC ['heritik]
HERETIC n. 异教徒(英) n. 异教徒(a person who professes heresy)(考) nonconformist : norm / heretic : orthodoxy(不遵从传统的人不会 遵守规范/异教不会遵 守正教)(例) The heretic was burned at the stake.
heretical HERETICAL [h2'retikl]
HERETICAL adj. 异端邪说的(考) doctrine : heretical / course : errant(异教的没有教条/错 误的没有方针)
hermetic HERMETIC [h2:'metik]
HERMETIC adj. 密封的; 深奥的(英) adj. 密封的(completely sealed by fusion; airtight)(考) 反义词:easily comprehended(易被理 解的)
hermetical HERMETICAL [h2'metik2l]
HERMETICAL adj. 炼金术的(英) adj. 炼金术的(magical, alchemic)(记) 来自希腊神话中 Hermes(赫耳墨斯)之 神,该神掌管炼金术等
hermit HERMIT ['h2:mit]
HERMIT n. 隐士,修道者(英) n. 隐士,修道者(reclus e)(考) vegetarian : meat / hermit : society(素食者不会吃肉/隐 居者不会进入社会)
heroic HEROIC [hi'r2uik]
HEROIC adj. 英勇的; 大于真人或实物的(英) adj. 大于真人或实物的(of a size larger than in real life )(考) craven : heroic / volatile : constant(懦弱不勇敢/易变不 恒定)(例) a statue on a heroic scale
herpetologist HERPETOLOGIST ['h2:p2t2'l0d7ist]
HERPETOLOGIST n.爬行动物学家(英) n.爬行动物学家(one who studies reptiles)(考) salmon : ichthyologist / chameleon : herpetologist(鱼类研究学家研究鳜 鱼/爬行动物学家研究 变色龙)
hesitance HESITANCE ['hezit2ns]
HESITANCE n.踌躇(考) 反义词: alacrity(敏捷); impetuosity(激烈, 性急)
heterodox HETERODOX ['het2r2d0ks]
HETERODOX adj. 异端的,非正统的(英) adj. 异端的,非正统的(un orthodox)(考) 反义词:canonical( 正统的, 规范的)(记) hetero(异种)+dox(思 想)→异端思想(同) 同根词:orthodox(正 统思想)
heterogeneous HETEROGENEOUS [`het2r2u'd7i:ni2s]
HETEROGENEOUS adj. 异类的,不同的(英) adj. 异类的,不同的(diss imilar; incongruous; foreign)(记) hetero(异)+gene(产 生)+ous→产生相异的 →不同的
hew HEW [hju:]
HEW v. 砍伐;v.遵守(英) v. 砍伐(to chop or cut with an ax)v.遵守(hew to)(考) 反义词:conform(遵 守)-not hew to(不遵守)(记) 可以和 dew(露珠)一起记,早 上砍伐树木时露珠被 震下来(例) to hew tree makes drops of dew fall down
hexagon HEXAGON ['heks2g2n]
HEXAGON n. 六角形,六边形(记) hexa(六)+gon(角)(同) 参考:hexapod(昆虫 ,有六足的节肢动物)
heyday HEYDAY ['heidei]
HEYDAY n. 全盛时期,青春期(英) n. 全盛时期,青春期(th e time of greatest health, vigor, success, prosperity; prime)(记) 组合词:hey(惊喜声) +day→惊喜的日子→ 黄金时代(例) in the heyday of sb's power
hiatus HIATUS [hai'eit2s]
HIATUS n. 空隙,裂缝(英) n. 空隙,裂缝(any gap or interruption)(例) There's a hiatus between the theory and the practice of the party
hibernal HIBERNAL [hai'b2:n2l]
HIBERNAL adj.冬季的,寒冷的(英) adj.冬季的,寒冷的(w intry or like winter)
hibernate HIBERNATE ['haib2neit]
HIBERNATE v. 冬眠,蛰伏(英) v. 冬眠,蛰伏(to spend the winter in a dormant state)(记) hebern(冬天)+ate→ 冬 眠(同) 同根词:hibernal(冬 季的,寒冷的)
hibernation HIBERNATION [`haib2'nei62n]
HIBERNATION n. 冬眠(考) interregnum : government / hibernation : activity(无王时期没有政府统 治/冬眠时期没有活动)
hide HIDE [haid]
HIDE n. 兽皮(英) n. 兽皮(an animal skin or pelt)(考) miller : grain / tanner : hide(磨房工人加工谷物/ 鞣革工人加工皮革)
hidebound HIDEBOUND ['haidbaund]
HIDEBOUND adj. 顽固的,心胸狭窄的(英) adj. 顽固的,心胸狭窄的( obstinately conservative and narrow-minded)(考) contumacious : authority / reactionary(hidedound, conservative):chang e(innovation, novelty)(顽固的不会相信权威 /反动的[僵化的, 保守的]不会接受变化 [创新])(记) 组合词:hide(皮)+bo und(包裹)→被包裹起 来→顽固的(例) He is too hidebound to accept new ideas.
hideous HIDEOUS ['hidi2s]
HIDEOUS adj. 讨厌的,丑恶的(英) adj. 讨厌的,丑恶的(horr ible to see or hear)(考) 反义词:pulchritude (美丽); affinity(亲和力)(记) 分割记忆:hide(躲藏 )+ous→因为某物可怕 而躲藏→可怕的,讨 厌的,注意不要和 heinous(可憎的)相混(例) a hideous murder/a hideous face
hie HIE [hai]
HIE vt. 疾走, 催促(英) vt. 疾走, 催促(to go quickly)(考) 反义词: dawdle(慢慢走)
hierarchy HIERARCHY ['hai2rki]
HIERARCHY n. 阶层; 等级制度(英) n. 阶层;等级制度(a system of ranks)(记) hier(神圣)+archy(统 治)→僧侣统治→等级 制度(同) 同根词:hieratic(僧 侣的); hieron(圣地)
hieroglyph HIEROGLYPH ['hai2r2glif]
HIEROGLYPH n. 象形文字,图画文字(英) n. 象形文字,图画文字( a picture or symbol representing a word)(考) decipher : hieroglyph / break : code(译解象形文字/破译 密码)(记) hiero(神)+glyph(写 ,刻)→神写的字→象 形文字
highbrow HIGHBROW ['haibrau]
HIGHBROW n. 自以为文化修养很高 的人(英) n. 自以为文化修养很高 的人(a person pretending highly cultivated, or having intellectual tastes)(记) 组合词:high(高)+br ow(额头,表情)参考其他 high 组词:highhanded(强 制的),high-hearted (轻松的),high-stru ng(十分敏感的)(同) 参考:middlebrow(中 产阶级趣味的人); lowbrow(无文化修养 之人)high-flown adj. 夸张的(bombastic); 好高骛远的(extravag antly ambitious)(例) The highbrow spent all day in the library reading books.
highlight HIGHLIGHT ['hailait]
HIGHLIGHT n. 最精彩的部分; 使显著(英) n. 最精彩的部分(most interesting or most exciting part)(例) The highlight of our tour was seeing the palace.
high-minded HIGH-MINDED []
HIGH-MINDED adj. 情操高尚的(英) adj. 情操高尚的( showing a noble and virtuous character)
hike HIKE [haik]
HIKE v. 高涨; n. 徒步旅行(考) 反义词: backset(挫折)
hilarious HILARIOUS [h2'le2ri2s]
HILARIOUS adj. 充满欢乐的; 引起大笑的(英) adj. 充满欢乐的(noisily merry);引起大笑的(producin g great merriment)(考) macabre : shudder / hilarious : laugh(可怕的让人颤抖/可 笑的让人发笑)(记) hilar(高兴)+ious→ 高兴的(同) 同根词:exhilarate( 使高兴,使兴奋)(例) The audience roared at the hilarious comedy.
hilarity HILARITY [hi'l9riti]
HILARITY n. 欢乐,热闹(英) n. 欢乐,热闹(boistero us gaiety)
hilt HILT [hilt]
HILT n. (剑或刀之)柄(英) n. (剑或刀之)柄(the handle of a sword)(记) 参考haft(柄); shaft(矛柄)
hinder HINDER ['hind2,'haind2]
HINDER v. 阻碍,妨碍(英) v. 阻碍,妨碍(thwart; impede; frustrate)(记) hind(后面)+er→落在 后面→阻碍(例) Bad weather hindered travel.
hindmost HINDMOST ['haindm2ust]
HINDMOST adj. 最后面的(英) adj. 最后面的(furthest behind)
hindrance HINDRANCE ['hindr2ns]
HINDRANCE n. 妨碍,阻碍(英) n. 妨碍,阻碍(obstruct ion; impediment; obstacle)(例) Lack of money is a real hindrance to my plans for travelling.
hinge HINGE [hind7]
HINGE n. 铰链; 关键(英) n. 铰链(a joint);关键(pivot)(例) The home is the hinge on which family life turns.
hint HINT [hint]
HINT n. 暗示,示意; 线索(英) n. 暗示,示意(subtle way of indicating);线索(slight indication)(考) nuance : distinction / hint : suggestion(程度: 细微差别差别/暗示建 议)(例) There was more than a hint of sadness in his voice.
hinterland HINTERLAND ['hint2l9nd]
HINTERLAND n. 内地; 穷乡僻壤(英) n. 内地(an inland region);穷乡僻壤(back country)(记) hinter(=hinder 后面的)+land(土地)
hippopotamus HIPPOPOTAMUS [`hip2'p0t2m2s]
HIPPOPOTAMUS n. 河马(记) hippo(马)+potam(河 流)+us→河马(同) 同根词:hippocampus (海马); potamic(河流的)
hirsute HIRSUTE ['h2:sju:t]
HIRSUTE adj. 多毛的(英) adj. 多毛的(hairy; shaggy; bristly)(记) hirs(=hair 毛)+ute→多毛的
hiss HISS [his]
HISS v. 作嘘声; (蛇等)发出嘶嘶声(英) v. 作嘘声;(蛇等)发出 嘶嘶声(to make a sound like prolonged 's')(考) hiss : sibilant / drone : monotonous(发咝咝声特点是咝咝 的/发翁翁声特点是单 调的)(记) 比较:piss(撒尿)(例) The crowd hissed the speaker when he said taxes should be increased.
histocompatibility HISTOCOMPATIBILITY [hist2uk2m`p9t2'bil2ti]
HISTOCOMPATIBILITY n. [生]组织适合性,组织 相容性(记) histo(细胞组织)+com patibility(兼容性)
histology HISTOLOGY [his't0l2d7i]
HISTOLOGY n. 组织学(英) n. 组织学(the branch of biology concerned with the microscopic study of the structure of tissues)(记) histo(组织)+logy(学 科)
histrionic HISTRIONIC [`histri'0nik]
HISTRIONIC adj. 演戏的; 剧院的(英) 演戏的(of, or having the nature of, acting or actors);(记) histrion (演员)+ic→演戏的, 注意不要和 historic(历史的)相混
hitherto HITHERTO [`hi52'tu:]
HITHERTO adv. 到目前为止(英) adv. 到目前为止(until now)(例) a woman referred to hitherto as Mrs X
hive HIVE [haiv]
HIVE n. 蜂房; 忙碌之地(英) n. 蜂房(beehive)(考) tumultuous : bedlam / active : hive(喧嚣之地特点是喧嚣 的/繁忙之地特点是活 跃的)(例) What a hive of industry_ (多么繁忙的地方)
hoard HOARD [h0:d]
HOARD v. n. 贮藏,秘藏(英) v. n. 贮藏,秘藏(to accumulate and hide or keep in reserve)(考) wait : lurk / save : hoard(潜伏是偷偷等待/隐 藏是偷偷储存)miser : hoard / dandy : preen / sycophant : fawn / pundit : opinion(吝啬鬼储藏/花花公 子打扮/马屁精奉承/ 学究主张)(记) 和board(木板)一起记 ,把东西藏在木板后( hoard something behind the board)
hoarse HOARSE [h0:s]
HOARSE adj. 嘶哑的,粗哑的(英) adj. 嘶哑的,粗哑的(soun ding rough and husky)(例) have a sore throat and a hoarse voice
hoary HOARY ['h0:ri]
HOARY adj. (头发)灰白的; 古老的(英) adj. (头发)灰白的(white, gray);古老的(very old)(例) hoary traditions(古老的传 统)
hoax HOAX [h2uks]
HOAX n./v. 骗局,欺骗(英) n./v. 骗局,欺骗(a trick or fraud)(考) hoax : deceive / filibuster : delay(骗局为了欺骗/阻碍 立法为了阻碍)(记) 不要和 coax(哄骗)相混(例) Even the experts were hoaxed.(甚至专家们 也受骗上当了)
hobble HOBBLE ['h0b2l]
HOBBLE v. 蹒跚; 跛行(英) v. 蹒跚(to go unsteadily);跛行(to walk lamely; limp)(记) 只要知道hobby(癖好) , hobble就容易记住(例) hobble along on one's crutches(拄着拐杖向 前跛行)
hodgepodge HODGEPODGE ['h0d7p0d7]
HODGEPODGE n. 混淆, 杂菜(考) hodgepodge : uniform / clich : original(大杂烩没有一致性的 /陈词滥调没有创新的)items : hodgepodge / people : rabble(各种物品形成大杂烩 /各种人形成乌合之众)
hoe HOE [h2u]
HOE n. 耘锄, 锄头(英) 耘锄(long-handled tool with a blade, used for loosening the soil and removing weeds)(考) list : discography / tool : hoe(唱片目录是一种列表 /锄头是一种工具)
hoist HOIST [h0ist]
HOIST v. 吊高,升起; n. 起重机(英) 吊高,升起(to lift or pull up by means of a cable, pulley, crane, etc. );起重机(an apparatus for raising heavy things; elevator; tackle)(考) bolster : support / tackle : hoist(枕梁起到支撑作用/ 滑索起到拉升作用)(例) The war hoisted prices.(战争使物价 上涨)
hold HOLD [h2uld]
HOLD n. (船)货舱(考) door : room / hatch : hold(房间的入口是门/船 舱的入口是舱盖)
holocaust HOLOCAUST ['h0l2k0:st]
HOLOCAUST n. 大屠杀,浩劫(英) n. 大屠杀,浩劫(great or total destruction of life by fire)(记) holo(全部)+caust(烧 )→全部烧掉→大屠杀(同) 同根词:caustic (腐蚀性的); cauterize(烧灼)(例) All countries must work together to avoid a nuclear holocaust.
holograph HOLOGRAPH ['h0l2grf]
HOLOGRAPH n. 亲笔信(记) holo(全部)+graph(写 )→全部是自己写的
holster HOLSTER ['h2ulst2]
HOLSTER n. 手枪皮套(英) n. 手枪皮套(a pistol case)(考) dagger : scabbard / pistol : holster(匕首装在剑鞘里/手 枪装在手枪皮套里)
homage HOMAGE ['h0mid7]
HOMAGE n. 效忠,崇敬(英) n. 效忠,崇敬(honor; allegiance)(考) counsel : advice / laud : homage(忠告为了给建议/称 赞为了表崇敬)反义词:disrespect( 不尊重)(记) hom(=hum 人)+age→把别人当人 看(同) 同根词:homicide(杀 人犯)(例) pay homage to sb
homely HOMELY ['h2umli]
HOMELY adj. 朴素的; 不漂亮的(英) adj. 朴素的(simple and unpretentious);不漂亮的(plain or unattractive)(记) home(家)+ly→家庭用 的→朴素的
homeopathy HOMEOPATHY [h2umi'0p24i]
HOMEOPATHY n. (医)顺势疗法(英) n. (医)顺势疗法(A system of medical practice that treats a disease especially by the administration of minute doses of a remedy that would in healthy persons produce symptoms similar to those of the disease.)(记) homeo(相同)+path(病 )+y→顺势疗法; 注意:allopathy(对抗 疗法)参考:homeother mal(同温的,恒温的)
homiletics HOMILETICS [`h0mi'letiks]
HOMILETICS n. 讲道术,说教术(英) n. 讲道术,说教术(art of preaching)(考) sermon : homiletics / argument : logic(布道术学布道/逻辑 学学辩论)(记) 来自 homily(说教,讲道)+ etics(学术)
homogeneity HOMOGENEITY [`h0m2ud7e'ni:2ti]
HOMOGENEITY n. 同种,同质(英) n. 同种,同质(quality of being alike)(记) homo(同类的)+gene( 基因)+ity(表性质) →具有同种基因→同质
homogeneous HOMOGENEOUS [`h0m2'd7i:ni2s]
HOMOGENEOUS adj. 同类的,相似的(英) adj. 同类的,相似的(simi lar or identical)(考) 反义词:disparate( 全异的)(记) homo(相同)+gene(产 生)+ous→产生相同→ 使一致(例) a homogeneous book collection: all on the Civil War
homogenization HOMOGENIZATION [`h2um2d72nai'zei62n]
homogenize HOMOGENIZE [h2'm0d72naiz]
HOMOGENIZE v. 使均匀,使一致(考) 反义词:stratify(分 层)(记) homo(相同)+gen(产生 )+ize→产生相同→使 一致
homograph HOMOGRAPH ['h0m2grf]
HOMOGRAPH n. 同形异义字(记) homo(相同)+graph(写 )→写起来相同但意义 不同的词
hone HONE [h2un]
HONE n. 细磨刀石; v. 磨刀(英) v. 磨刀(to sharpen with a hone)(考) 反义词:blunt(使变 钝)(记) 注意不要和horn(号角 )相混(例) hone one's artistic skills(磨砺技艺)
honesty HONESTY ['0nisti]
HONESTY n. 诚实,老实(英) n. 诚实,老实(truthfuln ess)(考) bigot : tolerance / liar : honesty(固执己见者不会宽容 /说谎者不会诚实)dissemble : honesty / snub : politeness(掩饰是没有诚实/怠 慢是没有礼貌)反义词:improbity( 不诚实)
honorable HONORABLE ['0n2r2b2l]
HONORABLE adj. 光荣的(英) adj. 光荣的(bringing or showing honor)(考) 反义词:ignominious (可耻的)(记) honor(光荣)+able
honorarium HONORARIUM [`0n2're2ri2m]
HONORARIUM n. 酬劳金,谢礼(考) amenity : comfortable / honorarium : grateful(宜人表示舒服/酬金 表示感谢)(记) honor(荣誉)+arium( 东西,地方)→表示荣 誉的东西→谢礼
hoodwink HOODWINK ['hud`wi8k]
HOODWINK v. 蒙混,欺骗(英) v. 蒙混,欺骗(to mislead or confuse by trickery; dupe)(考) 反义词:disabuse(纠 正)(记) hood(帽兜)+wink(眨 眼)→眨眼之间从帽兜 中变出(像魔术中一样 )→蒙骗(例) He is such an easy person to hoodwink.
hoof HOOF [hu:f]
HOOF n. (牛马的)蹄(英) n. (牛马的)蹄(the entire foot of ungulate animals)(记) 比较记忆:hood(帽兜 ), hook(挂钩), hoop(环,圈)
hoop HOOP [hu:p]
HOOP n. (桶之)箍,铁环(英) n. (桶之)箍,铁环(a circular band or ring for holding together the staves of a barrel)(例) hoop a barrel(箍桶)
horizontal HORIZONTAL [`h0ri'z0ntl]
HORIZONTAL adj. 水平的(英) adj. 水平的(horizontal line, bar, etc)(考) 反义词:plumb(垂直 的)(记) horizon(地平线)+t+a l
hormone HORMONE ['h0:m2un]
HORMONE n. 荷尔蒙,激素(记) horm(鼓动,冲动)+on e→激素;(同) 参考:horme(有目的 活动的驱动力)
horn HORN [h0:n]
HORN n. (牛羊之)角,号角(考) trumpet : horn / tambourine : drum(小号是一种号角/手 鼓是一种鼓)horn : blow / harp : pluck(吹喇叭/拔竖琴)
horology HOROLOGY [h0'r0l2d7i]
HOROLOGY n. 测时法,钟表制造术(英) n. 测时法,钟表制造术( the science or art of measuring time or making timepieces)(记) hor(=hour 时间)+ology→测时法
horrendous HORRENDOUS [h0'rend2s]
HORRENDOUS adj. 可怕的,令人惊惧的(英) adj. 可怕的,令人惊惧的( horrible; frightful)(记) horr(可怕)+endous→ 可怕的(同) 同根词:horrible(骇 人听闻的); horrify(使恐惧)(例) The horrendous fire destroyed most of the town.
horrific HORRIFIC [h0'rifik]
HORRIFIC adj. 可怕的(英) adj. 可怕的(causing horror)(记) horr(颤抖,害怕)+f+i c
hortative HORTATIVE ['h0:t2tiv]
HORTATIVE adj. 激励的(英) adj. 激励的(serving to encourage or urge)(考) didactic : teach / hortatory : urge(教诲的为了教导/激 励的为了敦促)hortative : encourage / exculpatory : absolve(激励的为了鼓励/申 辩的为了赦免)(记) hort(敦促)+ative→ 激励的(同) 同根词:exhort(规劝 ); hortation(勉励)
horticulture HORTICULTURE ['h0:ti`k3lt62]
HORTICULTURE n. 园艺学(英) 园艺学(the art or science of growing flowers, fruits, vegetables, or shrubs, esp. in gardens or orchards)(考) tree : forestry / flower : horticulture(林学研究树木/园艺 学研究花)(记) horti(花园)+culture (培植)→园艺学(同) 参考:hortitherapy( 通过种花草而治病的 园艺疗法)
hosepipe HOSEPIPE ['h2uzpaip]
HOSEPIPE n. 水管; v. 以水管浇洗(记) hose(软管)+pipe(管 道)
host HOST [h2ust]
HOST n. 东道主; (寄生物之)寄主(英) 东道主(one who entertains guests either at home or elsewhere);(寄生物之)寄主(any organism on or in which a parasitic organism lives for nourishment or protection)(考) host : parasite / medium : bacterium(寄生虫生活在宿主中 /细菌生活在细菌环境 中)
hostile HOSTILE ['h0stail]
HOSTILE adj. 敌对的,敌意的(英) adj. 敌对的,敌意的(unfr iendly; antagonistic)
hostility HOSTILITY [h0'stiliti]
HOSTILITY n. 敌对状态,敌意(英) n. 敌对状态,敌意(a feeling of enmity)(例) His colleagues were hostile to his suggestions.
hotbed HOTBED ['h0tbed]
HOTBED n. 温床,滋长地(英) n. 温床,滋长地(any place that fosters rapid growth)(记) 组合词:hot(热)+(be d)床(例) The city is a hotbed of crime.
hovel HOVEL ['h0vl]
HOVEL n. 茅舍; 肮脏的小屋(英) n. 茅舍;肮脏的小屋(an y small, miserable dwelling; hut)(考) palatial : hovel / bucolic : city(富丽堂皇对小屋/乡 村对城市)
hover HOVER ['h0v2]
HOVER v. 翱翔; (人)徘徊(英) v. (人)徘徊(waver)(考) hover : plunge / crouch : spring(盘旋是为了俯冲/蹲 伏是为了跳起)(记) hover 作为构词成分,意为' 气垫的',如hovercraf t(气垫船)(例) He's hovering between life and death.
howler HOWLER ['haul2]
HOWLER n. 嚎叫的人或动物; 滑稽可笑的错误(英) n. 滑稽可笑的错误(a ludicrous blunder)
hub HUB [h3b]
HUB n. 轴心; 中心(英) n. 轴心(the center part of a wheel );中心(a center)(考) spoke : hub / radius : center(轮辐到轮轴距离相等 /半径到圆心距离相等)(例) a hub of learning and culture(学术文化中 心)
hubbub HUBBUB ['h3b3b]
HUBBUB n. 嘈杂,喧哗(英) n. 嘈杂,喧哗(uproar; tumult; noise)(记) 象声词:hub+bub(例) the hubbub of the traffic
hubris HUBRIS ['hju:bris]
HUBRIS n. 过分自傲,目中无人(英) n. 过分自傲,目中无人( wanton insolence or arrogance)(考) hubris : pride / flattery : praise(自大是过分骄傲/奉 承是过分赞扬)parsimony : frugal / hubris : proud(吝啬是过分节敛/狂 妄是过分骄傲)反义词:humility(谦 卑)(记) 分割记忆:hub(中心) +ris 看作 rise→中心升起→以( 自我)为中心→目中无人
huckster HUCKSTER ['h3kst2]
HUCKSTER n. 叫卖小贩,零售商(英) n. 叫卖小贩,零售商(a peddler or hawker)(记) huck(=back驼背)+ste r(人)→背东西卖的人 →小贩(同) 参考:huckleback(驼 背)
huddle HUDDLE ['h3dl]
HUDDLE v. 挤成一堆; n. 一堆人(杂物)(英) v. 挤成一堆(to crowd or nestle close together);(记) 注意不要和puddle(水 坑)相混(例) Don't huddle all the boxes into one cupboard.
hue HUE [hju:]
HUE n. 色彩,色泽(英) n. 色彩,色泽(color)(例) the hues of the rainbow(彩虹的颜色)
hulk HULK [h3lk]
HULK n. 废船; 笨重之人或物(英) n. 废船(the hull of an dismantled ship)
hull HULL [h3l]
HULL n. 外壳; 荚; 船身; v.剥去外壳(英) n. 外壳(the outer covering)(考) carapace : turtle / hull : seed / membrane : cell(乌龟有甲壳保护/种 子有外壳保护/细胞有 薄膜保护)(例) The old hull was rusting in the harbor. to break the hull off the peanut = to hull the peanut
humane HUMANE [hju:'mein]
HUMANE adj. 人道的,慈悲的(英) adj. 人道的,慈悲的(kind ; tender; merciful)(例) the humane treatment of prisoners
humanity HUMANITY [hju:'m9niti]
HUMANITY n. 人类; 人文学科(英) n. 人类(mankind);人文学科(literature , philosophy, history, etc.)(考) malingerer : duty / recluse : humanity(装病者为了逃避责任 /隐士为了逃避人类)
humble HUMBLE ['h3mb2l]
HUMBLE adj. 卑微的; v.使谦卑(英) adj. 卑微的(modest);v.使谦卑(to make humble)(考) dour : geniality / impetuous : vacillation(hesitat ion) / bumptious :humbleness(严厉的不亲切/冲动 的不犹豫/自大的不谦 逊)反义词:presumptuou s(专横的); supercilious(傲慢的 ); bumptious(自大的)(记) hum(地)+ble→接近地 的→低下的(同) 同根词:exhume(挖掘 ); humility(谦逊)派生词: humbleness(n.谦逊)
humdrum HUMDRUM ['h3mdr3m]
HUMDRUM adj. 单调的,乏味的(英) adj. 单调的,乏味的(dull ; monotonous; boring)(记) 组合词:hum(嗡嗡声) +drum(鼓声)→单调的(例) Another humdrum day! I really need a change in my life.
humid HUMID ['hju:mid]
HUMID adj. 潮湿的(英) adj. 潮湿的(damp; moist; wet)(记) hum(地)+id→近地的 →潮湿的(例) the humid weather
humidity HUMIDITY [hju:'miditi]
HUMIDITY n. 湿度,湿气(英) n. 湿度,湿气(moistnes s; dampness)
humiliate HUMILIATE [hju:'milieit]
HUMILIATE v. 使屈辱(英) v. 使屈辱(to hurt the pride or dignity; mortify; degrade)(记) hum(地)+iliate(使… )→使人靠近地面→使 屈辱
humiliation HUMILIATION [hju:'mili'ei62n]
HUMILIATION n.羞辱(考) catastrophe : mishap / humiliation : embarrassment(灾难是大不幸/羞辱 是大窘迫)
humility HUMILITY [hju:'militi]
HUMILITY n. 谦逊,谦恭(英) n. 谦逊,谦恭(absence of pride or self-assertion)(考) humility : supplicant / resistance : adversary(哀求者的特点是低三 下四/对手的特点是对 抗)反义词:hubris(自大 ); hauteur(自大); panache(炫耀)
hummingbird HUMMINGBIRD ['h3mi8b2:d]
HUMMINGBIRD n. 蜂鸟(记) 组合词:humming(嗡 嗡声)+bird→有嗡嗡 声的鸟→蜂鸟
humor HUMOR ['hju:m2]
HUMOR v. 纵容,迁就(英) v. 纵容,迁就(to comply with the mood or whim; indulge)(考) chide : pillory / humor : mollycoddle(程度: 指责→当众嘲笑/迁就 →溺爱)(记) humor作为'幽默'一意 大家都知道(例) There was nothing to do but humor her when she's in one of those moods.
humorous HUMOROUS ['hju:m2r2s]
HUMOROUS adj. 幽默的,诙谐的(英) adj. 幽默的,诙谐的(amusi ng , funny)(考) wag : humorous / dolt : stupid(爱说笑的人是幽默的 /傻瓜是笨的)(例) a humorous writer
hunch HUNCH [h3nt6]
HUNCH n. 直觉,预感(英) n. 直觉,预感(a guess or feeling not based on known facts)(例) I have a hunch he won't arrive on time.
hunk HUNK [h38k]
HUNK n. 大块(食物)(英) n. 大块(食物)(a large piece; chunk)
hurdle HURDLE ['h2:dl]
HURDLE n. 跳栏; 障碍(英) n. 跳栏;障碍(obstacle )(例) overcome a language hurdle(克服语言障碍 )
hurl HURL [h2:l]
HURL v. 用力投掷(英) v. 用力投掷(to fling with force)(考) scowl : displeasure / kiss : affection / hurl : disgust(皱眉表示不高兴/接 吻表示爱情/愤慨地说 表示厌烦)hurly -burly n. 喧闹,骚动(a turmoil; uproar)(例) hurl a javelin(掷标枪) / hurl insults(恶狠狠地辱 骂)
hurricane HURRICANE ['h3rik2n]
HURRICANE n. 飓风(考) fire : inferno / storm : hurricane(程度: 火→火海/暴风→飓风 )snow : precipitation / hurricane : cyclone(雪是一种降水/飓风 是一种暴风)rain : deluge / wind : hurricane(大雨形成暴雨/大风 形成飓风)
husband HUSBAND ['h3zb2nd]
HUSBAND v. 妥善而又节约地管理; 做...的丈夫; (丈夫省钱老婆化钱)(考) 反义词:squander(浪 费)
husbandry HUSBANDRY ['h3zb2ndri]
HUSBANDRY n. 耕种,务农(英) n. 耕种,务农; 节敛管理(考) husbandry : dissipate / alacrity : procrastinate(管理不浪费/敏捷不 延迟)反义词:squander(浪 费); prodigality(浪费)(记) husband(丈夫)+ry→ 丈夫所干的活→耕种
hush HUSH [h36]
HUSH v./n. 肃静,安静(英) v./n. 肃静,安静(absence of noise; silence)(考) 反义词:din(喧嚣)(记) 不要和 husk(种子等的外壳) 相混(例) The audience hushed when he walked on stage.
husk HUSK [h3sk]
HUSK n. 外壳; 皮,荚(英) n. 外壳;皮,荚(the dry outer covering)
husky HUSKY ['h3ski]
HUSKY adj. 声音沙哑的(英) adj. 声音沙哑的(sounding deep and hoarse; rough)(考) 反义词:delicate(优 雅的; 精巧的)
hut HUT [h3t]
HUT n. 简陋的房子,棚(英) n. 简陋的房子,棚(crude dwelling; shack)
hybrid HYBRID ['haibrid]
HYBRID n. 杂种,混血人(考) 反义词:of unmixed extraction(纯血统)(例) The hybrid from a donkey and a horse is called a mule.
hydrant HYDRANT ['haidr2nt]
HYDRANT n. 水龙头; 消防栓(英) n. 水龙头(a faucet);消防栓(fireplug)(记) hydr(水)+ant→水龙 头(同) 同根词:hydria(提水 罐); hydrogen(氢)
hydrate HYDRATE ['haidreit]
HYDRATE n. 水化物v. 水化(考) aerate : oxygen / hydrate : water(充气需要氧气/水化 需要水)反义词:desiccate( 变干)(记) hydr(水)+ate→使水 化→水化物
hydroelectric HYDROELECTRIC [`haidr2ui'lektrik]
HYDROELECTRIC adj. 水力发电的(英) adj. 水力发电的(using water-power to produce electricity)(记) hydro(水)+electric( 电)
hygiene HYGIENE ['haid7i:n]
HYGIENE n. 卫生学; 卫生; adj. 卫生的(英) n. 卫生学(the science of health and its maintenance)(记) 来自希腊神话健康女 神 Hygeia;(同) 参考:hygeian(健康 的,卫生的)
hymn HYMN [him]
HYMN n. 赞美诗(英) n. 赞美诗(any song of praise)(考) hymn : praise / dirge : grief(赞美诗表达赞美/挽 歌表达悲哀)(记) hymn 本身可作构词成分;(同) 参考:hymnology (赞美诗研究); hymnbook(赞美诗集)
hyperactivity HYPERACTIVITY ['haip2r9k'tiv2ti]
HYPERACTIVITY n. 活动过强, 极度亢奋(记) hyperactive(adj.活 动过度的;hyper[超过 ,太多]+active[活动 的])+ity
hyperbole HYPERBOLE [hai'p2:b2li]
HYPERBOLE n. 夸张法; adj. 夸张的(英) 夸张法(exaggeration for effect and not meant to be taken literally);(考) playful : banter / exaggerated : hyperbole(戏谑是诙谐的/夸张 法是夸张的)malicious : ill-will / exaggerating : hyperbole(恶意是邪恶/夸张法 是夸张)反义词:understatem ent(轻描淡写)(记) hyper(高于)+bole(扔 )→扔得比别人高→夸 张法
hyperbolic HYPERBOLIC [`haip2'b0lik]
HYPERBOLIC adj. 夸张的(考) aphoristic : terse / hyperbolic : exaggerated(格言的特点是简短/ 夸张法的特点是夸张)
hypercritical HYPERCRITICAL [`haip2'kritik2l]
HYPERCRITICAL adj. 苛求的,吹毛求疵的(考) authenticity : fraudulent / sincerity : hypercritical(真实不会欺骗/真诚 不会伪善)反义词:ingenuous( 坦白的); honest(真诚的)(记) hyper(过度)+critica l(批评的)→过于批评 的→苛求的(例) The hypercritical teacher took the joy out of learning.
hypersensitive HYPERSENSITIVE [`haip2'sensitiv]
HYPERSENSITIVE adj. 过分敏感的(英) adj. 过分敏感的(excessiv ely sensitive)(记) hyper(过分)+sensiti ve(敏感的)
hypertension HYPERTENSION ['haip2'ten62n]
HYPERTENSION n. 高血压(英) n. 高血压(abnormally high blood pressure)(记) hyper(超过)+tension (紧张)→(过度紧张造 成)高血压
hyphen HYPHEN ['haif2n]
HYPHEN n. 连字号,即'-'
hypnosis HYPNOSIS [hip'n2usis]
HYPNOSIS n. 催眠状态(英) n. 催眠状态(a trance-like condition)