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hypnotic HYPNOTIC [hip'n0tik]
HYPNOTIC adj. 催眠的 n. 催眠药(考) 反义词: conscious(有意识的) ; stimulant(刺激物)
hypochondria HYPOCHONDRIA [`haip2'k0ndri2]
HYPOCHONDRIA n. 忧郁症,臆想病(英) n. 忧郁症,臆想病(over anxiety over one's health, often with imaginary illnesses and severe melancholy)(记) hypo(在…下面)+chon dr(软骨)+ia→没有骨 气→没病的以为有病 →臆想病
hypocrite HYPOCRITE ['hip2krit]
HYPOCRITE n. 伪善者,伪君子(英) n. 伪善者,伪君子(perso n who pretends to have opinions)(记) hypo(下面,次等)+cri te(批评者) →在背后批评的人→ 伪君子
hypocritical HYPOCRITICAL [hip2'kritik]
HYPOCRITICAL adj. 虚伪的(英) adj. 虚伪的(of hypocrisy or a hypocrite)(记) hypocrite+cal
hypodermic HYPODERMIC [haip2'd2:mik]
HYPODERMIC adj. 皮下注射的(英) adj. 皮下注射的(injected under the skin)(记) hypo(在…下面)+derm (皮)+ic→皮下(注射)的(同) 同根词:epidermis( 表皮)
hypotenuse HYPOTENUSE [hai'p0t2nju:z]
HYPOTENUSE n. (直角三角形的)斜边(记) hypo(在…下面)+ten( 拉)+use→从下面拉到 上面的一条线→斜边
hypothesis HYPOTHESIS [hai'p042sis]
HYPOTHESIS n. 假设,假说(英) n. 假设, 假说(an unproved theory)(考) claim : legitimated / hypothesis : confirmed(声称的权利必须被合 法化/假设必须被证实)(记) hypo(在 …下面)+thesis(论点 )→非真正论点→假说
hysteria HYSTERIA [hi'sti2ri2]
HYSTERIA n. 歇斯底里症; 过度兴奋(英) 歇斯底里症(a psychiatric condition characterized by emotional excitability, excessive anxiety,etc.);过度兴奋(any outbreak of wild, uncontrolled excitement or feeling, such as fits of laughing and crying; mania)(记) hyster(子宫)+ia→人 们认为妇女患歇斯底 里症是因为子宫机能 失调所致
ichthyologist ICHTHYOLOGIST [`ik4i'0l2d7ist]
ICHTHYOLOGIST n.鱼类学者(考) salmon : ichthyologist / chameleon : herpetologist(鱼类学家研究鳜鱼/ 爬虫学者研究变色龙)
icicle ICICLE ['aisik2l]
ICICLE n. 冰柱,冰垂(英) n. 冰柱,冰垂(a tapering, pointed, hanging piece of ice)(记) ice(冰)+icle(小东西 )→小冰→冰柱
icing ICING ['aisi8]
ICING n. 糖衣,糖霜(英) n. 糖衣,糖霜(a mixture variously of sugar, butter, flavoring )(记) 指糕饼上的糖衣,也 叫 frosting
icon ICON ['aik0n]
ICON n. 圣像,偶像(英) n. 圣像,偶像(an image or picture of Jesus, Mary, a saint, etc)(记) icon本身可作构词成 分,如iconize(肓目 崇拜),iconoclasm( 打破圣像的行动)
iconoclast ICONOCLAST [ai'k0n2kl9st]
ICONOCLAST n. 攻击传统观念或风俗 的人(英) n. 攻击传统观念或风俗 的人(one who attacks and seeks to destroy widely accepted ideas, beliefs)(考) dogma : iconoclast / convnention : maverick(攻击传统观念的人攻 击教条/想法与众不同 的人攻击传统)philosopher : cogitate / iconoclast : attack(哲学家喜欢思索/攻 击传统观念的人喜欢 攻击)(记) icono(圣像)+clast( 打破…的人)→打破圣 像的人
identification IDENTIFICATION [ai`dentifi'kei62n]
IDENTIFICATION n. 认明,确认(考) disguise : identification / camouflage : detection(掩饰是为了防止识别 /伪装是为了防止发现)(记) iden(相同)+tificati on→使东西相同→确 认;(同) 参考:identical(同 一的)
identify IDENTIFY [ai'dentifai]
IDENTIFY v. 认明,认出(英) v. 认明,认出(treat as the same)(考) anonymous : identify / nonchalant : excite(匿名的不容易识别/ 冷漠的不容易激动)
idiocy IDIOCY ['idi2si]
IDIOCY n. 愚蠢(英) n. 愚蠢(the state of being an idiot)(记) idiot(白痴)+cy→愚 蠢
idiosyncrasy IDIOSYNCRASY [`idi2'si8kr2si]
IDIOSYNCRASY n. 特殊癖性或行为(英) n. 特殊癖性或行为(any personal peculiarity; eccentricity)(记) idio(个人,独特)+sy n(共同)+crasy(混合) →混合了个人特性的 独特行为→癖好,特 有的习性(同) 同根词:idiom(习语) ; idiopathy(特发病)
idiot IDIOT ['idi2t]
IDIOT n. 愚蠢的人,白痴(英) n. 愚蠢的人,白痴(a very foolish or stupid person)
idol IDOL ['aidl]
IDOL n. 神像; 偶像(英) n. 神像(an image of god for worship)
idolater IDOLATER [ai'd0l2t2]
IDOLATER n. 神像(偶像)崇拜者(考) reverent : idolater / trusting : dupe(偶像崇拜者过分恭敬 /受骗者过分相信)
idolatrous IDOLATROUS [ai'd0l2tr2s]
IDOLATROUS adj. 偶像崇拜的(英) 偶像崇拜的(worshipi ng an idol or idols)(考) suspicious : paranoid / admiring : idolatrous(程度: 怀疑过分猜疑/钦佩崇 拜)zealous : enthusiastic / idolatrous : devoted(狂热是过分热情/崇 拜是过分忠诚)
idolatry IDOLATRY [ai'd0l2tri]
IDOLATRY n.偶像崇拜;盲目崇拜(英) n.偶像崇拜(worship of idols)(记) idol(形象,偶像)+atr y(表名词)
idolize IDOLIZE ['aid2laiz]
IDOLIZE v. 将...当作偶像崇拜; 极度喜爱或仰慕(英) 将...当作偶像崇拜(t reat sb/sth as an idol)极度喜爱或仰 慕(love or admire sb/sth very much)(记) idol(形象,偶像)+ize (...化) →偶像化→崇拜
idyll IDYLL ['aidl]
IDYLL n. 田园生活; 田园诗(英) 田园生活(a simple,happy life,often in the country);田园诗(a short poem or prose work describing a simple, peaceful scene of rural or pastoral life) ;(考) idyll : carefree / ordeal : difficult(田园诗特点是无忧无 虑/磨难特点是困难)反义词:experience frught with tension(充满紧张的 经历)(同) adj. idyllic(例) The love affair begins with the traditional boy-meets-girl idyll.
igneous IGNEOUS ['igni2s]
IGNEOUS adj. 火的,火绒的(英) adj. 火的,火绒的(having the nature of fire; fiery)(记) ign(点燃)+eous→火 燃的→火的
ignite IGNITE [ig'nait]
IGNITE v. 发光; 点燃,燃烧(英) v. 发光(make glow with heat);点燃, 燃烧(to set fire to)(考) combustible : ignite / malleable : shape(易燃的容易点燃/可 锻的容易造形)反义词:extiguish( 熄灭); douse(熄灭)(例) ignite a stove fire with scraps of paper
ignition IGNITION [ig'ni62n]
IGNITION n. 着火,点火; 点火装置(英) 着火,点火(causing sth to catch fire)点火装置(electrical mechanism that ignites the mixture of explosive gases in a petrol engine)(考) astringent : pucker / spark : ignition(收缩剂用来收缩/火 花用来点燃)(记) ign(点火)+ition(表 名词)
ignoble IGNOBLE [ig'n2ub2l]
IGNOBLE adj. 卑鄙的(英) adj. 卑鄙的(dishonorable ; base; mean)(记) ig(不)+noble(高贵) →不高贵的→下流的(例) an ignoble purpose
ignominious IGNOMINIOUS [`ign2'mini2s]
IGNOMINIOUS adj. 可耻的; 耻辱的(英) adj. 可耻的(contemptible ; despicable);耻辱的(shameful)(考) 反义词:lofty(崇高 的); honorable(可敬的)
ignominy IGNOMINY ['ign2mini]
IGNOMINY n. 羞耻,屈辱(英) n. 羞耻,屈辱(shame and dishonor; infamy)(考) 反义词:glory(光荣) ; honor(荣誉); esteem(尊重)(记) ig(不)+nomin(名声)+ y→名声不好→耻辱(例) ignominy of abandoning one's comrades
ignoramus IGNORAMUS [`ign2'reim2s]
IGNORAMUS n. 无知者,笨蛋(英) n. 无知者,笨蛋(an ignorant and stupid person)(记) 源自英国剧作家 Ruggle 所著剧本中一个无知 律师叫 Ignoramus;ig(不)+g nor(知) +amus→无知
ignorance IGNORANCE ['ign2r2ns]
IGNORANCE n. 无知(英) n. 无知(lack of knowledge, education, etc.)(考) illuminate : darkness / educate : ignorance(照亮消除黑暗/教育 消除无知)反义词:erudition( 博学)
ignorant IGNORANT ['ign2r2nt]
IGNORANT adj. 无知的,愚昧的(英) adj. 无知的,愚昧的(knowi ng little or nothing)(考) 反义词:erudite(博 学的)(例) He's not stupid, just ignorant.
ignore IGNORE [ig'n0:]
IGNORE v.忽视(英) 忽视(take no notice of sb/sth)(考) ambiguous : understand / blatant : ignore(模棱两可的不容易理 解/显眼的不容易忽视)subtle : ignore / salient : observe(微妙的容易让人忽略 /显著的容易让人观察)(例) You've been ignoring me.
illegal ILLEGAL [i'li:g2l]
ILLEGAL adj. 违法的(英) adj. 违法的(against the law)(记) il(不)+legal(合法的 ) →不合法的
illegality ILLEGALITY [`ili:'g9liti]
ILLEGALITY n. 非法,违法(记) il(不)+leg(法律)+al ity(状态)→非法;(同) 参考:legal(合法的) ; legislation(立法)
illegible ILLEGIBLE [i'led7ib(2)l]
ILLEGIBLE adj. 难读的,难认的(英) adj. 难读的,难认的(very difficult to read)(记) il(不)+leg(读)+ible →不能读的→难读的(同) 同根词:legend(传奇 ); dialect(方言lect=le g)(例) John's signature was an illegible scrawl.
illegitimate ILLEGITIMATE [`ili'd7itimit]
ILLEGITIMATE adj. 不合法的; 私生的(英) adj. 不合法的(illegal; unlawful);私生的(born of parents not married)(记) il+legitimate(合法 的)→不合法的
illiberal ILLIBERAL [i'lib2r2l]
ILLIBERAL adj. 气量狭窄的; 吝啬的(英) adj. 气量狭窄的(intolera nt; bigoted(记) il+liberal(大方的) →不大方的→吝啬的
illicit ILLICIT [i'lisit]
ILLICIT adj. 违法的(英) adj. 违法的(unlawful; improper; prohibited)(记) il+licit(合法的)→ 违法的
illiteracy ILLITERACY [i'lit2r2si]
ILLITERACY n. 文盲,缺乏教育(英) n. 文盲,缺乏教育(state of being illiterate)(考) illiteracy : education / inequity : redistribution(教育消除文盲/重新 分配消除不公平)(记) il(不)+liter(文字, 字母)+acy→不识字→ 文盲
illiterate ILLITERATE [i'lit2rit]
ILLITERATE adj. 文盲的(英) adj. 文盲的(ignorant; uneducated)(记) il+literate(识字的) →不识字的
ill-omened ILL-OMENED []
ILL-OMENED adj. 不吉利的(记) ill(坏)+omen(预兆)+ ed→坏的预兆→不吉 利的
illuminate ILLUMINATE [i'lju:mineit]
ILLUMINATE v.启发; 照亮(考) enfranchise : vote / illuminate : see(给予选举权可以投票 /照亮可以看见)illuminate : darkness / educate : ignorance(照亮可以消除黑暗/ 教育可以消除无知)
illuminati ILLUMINATI [i`lu:mi'nti:]
ILLUMINATI n.先觉者, 智者(考) interpreter : translate / illuminati : instruct(翻译者翻译/先觉者 指导)
illuminating ILLUMINATING [i'lu:mineiti8]
ILLUMINATING adj. 启示性的,启发的(考) therapeutic : hospital / illuminating : school(医院是治疗的/学校 是教育的)(记) 来自 illuminate(照明,启 迪)(同) 同根词:luminant(发 光的,杰出人物)(例) The professor's illuminating lecture helped me.
illumination ILLUMINATION [i`lju:mi'nei62n]
ILLUMINATION n. 照明; 古书上的图案、装饰(英) n. 照明(lighting up);古书上的图案、装饰( the designs, tracings, etc. used in decorating manuscripts)(考) frieze : building / illumination : manuscript(横饰带用来修饰建筑 物/装饰图案用来修饰 手稿)stylus : mark / lamp : illumination(铁笔用来做记号/灯 用来照明)squall : commotion / flash : illumination(大叫形成混乱/闪光 形成光明)反义词:obfuscate( 使迷乱)(记) 请注意'古书上的装饰 、图案'一意
illusion ILLUSION [i'lu:72n]
ILLUSION n. 幻觉,错觉(英) n. 幻觉,错觉(false idea, belief or impression)(考) illusion : perception / gaffe : judgment(幻觉是观察失误/失 礼是判断失误)nicety : precision / illusion : fantasy(同义: 准确=精确/幻想=幻觉 )(例) I have no illusions about my ability.
illusive ILLUSIVE [i'lu:siv]
ILLUSIVE adj. 幻觉的(英) adj. 幻觉的(deceptive)(考) specious : genuineness / illusory : reality(似是而非的不真实/ 虚幻的不现实)
illusory ILLUSORY [i'lu:s2ri]
ILLUSORY adj. 虚幻的(英) adj. 虚幻的(deceptive; unreal; illusive)(考) maelstrom : turbulent / mirage : illusory(大旋涡的特点是汹涌 的/海市蜃楼的特点是 虚幻的)(记) 来自 illusion(幻觉), il+lus(玩弄)→被玩 弄→错觉
illustrate ILLUSTRATE ['il2streit]
ILLUSTRATE v. 为... 作插图或图表;说明, 阐明(英) v. 为... 作插图或图表;说明, 阐明 (explain by examples, diagrams, pictures)(考) illustrate : pictures / particularize : details(用图说明用图画/详 细说明用细节)(记) il(不断)+lustr(照亮 ,光)+ate→不断给光 明→说明(同) 派生词: illustration (n. 举例说明;图解)
illustrious ILLUSTRIOUS [i'l3stri2s]
ILLUSTRIOUS adj. 著名的,显赫的(英) adj. 著名的,显赫的(very distinguished; outstanding)(记) il(进入)+lustr(光泽 )+ious→进入有光彩 的人之中→著名的(例) the illustrious name of Shakespeare
imaginary IMAGINARY [i'm9d7in2ri]
IMAGINARY adj. 虚构的(英) adj. 虚构的(existing only in the imagination)(记) 注意不要和 imaginative(富于想 象力的)相混
imagination IMAGINATION [i`m9d7i'nei62n]
IMAGINATION n.想象力(考) insipid : invention / prosaic : imagination(乏味的没有创新/单 调的没有想象力)
imaginative IMAGINATIVE [i'm9d7in2tiv]
IMAGINATIVE adj. 想象的, 有想象力的(考) 反义词: reportorial(纪实的) ; pedestrian(陈腐的)
imbecile IMBECILE ['imbisi:l]
IMBECILE n. 心智能力极低的人(英) n. 心智能力极低的人(a very foolish or stupid person)(同) 派生词: imbecility (n. 低能,愚蠢)(例) The imbecilic movie was a waste of my money.
imbibe IMBIBE [im'baib]
IMBIBE v. 饮; 吸入(英) v. 饮(to drink);吸入(to absorb)(记) im(进入)+bibe(=drin k 喝)→喝入(例) a sponge imbibes moisture
imbroglio IMBROGLIO [im'br2uli2u]
IMBROGLIO n. 纠纷,纠葛(英) n. 纠纷,纠葛(confused misunderstanding or disagreement)(考) 反义词:harmony(协 调)(记) im(进入)+broglio(混 乱),原是意大利语(例) an imbroglio of papers and books
imbue IMBUE [im'bju:]
IMBUE with v. 灌输(某人)强烈的情 感或意见(英) with v. 灌输(某人)强烈的情 感或意见(to permeate or inspire)(例) His work is imbued with the evolutionary spirit.
imitation IMITATION [`imi'tei62n]
IMITATION n.模仿(考) exemplary : imitation / culpable : blame(可作模范的值得模仿 /该责备的值得责备)
immaculate IMMACULATE [i'm9kjulit]
IMMACULATE adj. 洁净的,无瑕的(英) adj. 洁净的,无瑕的(perf ectly clean; unsoiled; impeccable)(记) im(不)+macul(斑点)+ ate→无斑点的(同) 同根词:macula(皮肤 上的斑点); maculate(有斑点的)(例) immaculate behavior
immanent IMMANENT ['im2n2nt]
IMMANENT adj. 普遍存在的; 内在的(英) adj.内在的(inherent );普遍存在的(present through the universe)(考) 反义词:explicit(外 在的)(记) im(进入)+man(人)+en t→在人之内的→内在的
immaterial IMMATERIAL [`im2'ti2ri2l]
IMMATERIAL adj. 无关紧要的; 非实体的(英) adj. 无关紧要的(unimport ant);非实体的(incorporea l; spiritual)(考) immaterial : relevance / circuitous : directness / peripheral : center(无关的不相关/绕行 的不直接/外围的无中 心)反义词:relevant(相 关的); corporeal(物质的)(记) im(不)+material(实 体)→非实体的(例) The judge ordered to remove the immaterial comments from the record.
immature IMMATURE [`im2't6u2]
IMMATURE adj. 不够老练的, 不成熟的(英) 不够老练的(not sensible in controlling one's feelings)(考) immature : developed / incipient : realized(不成熟的还没有发展 /开始的还没有实现)(记) im(不)+mature(成熟) →不成熟的
immemorial IMMEMORIAL [`imi'm0:ri2l]
IMMEMORIAL adj. 太古的,极古的(英) adj. 太古的,极古的(exte nding beyond memory or record; ancient)(考) 反义词:recent(近来 的)(记) im(不)+memor(记住)+ ial→记不住的过去→ 太古的
immense IMMENSE [i'mens]
IMMENSE adj. 极大的; 无限的(英) adj. 极大的(very large);无限的(limitless; infinite)(记) im(不)+mense(=measu re测量)→不能测量的 →巨大的
immensity IMMENSITY [i'mensiti]
IMMENSITY n. 巨大之物; 无限
immerse IMMERSE [i'm2:s]
IMMERSE v. 浸入; 沉浸于(英) v. 浸入(to plunge, drop, or dip into liquid);沉浸于(engross)(记) im(进入)+merse(merg e 浸入) →浸入(例) I immersed myself in work so as to stop thinking about her.
imminent IMMINENT ['imin2nt]
IMMINENT adj. 即将发生的,逼近的(英) adj. 即将发生的,逼近的( impending)(记) im(进入)+min(突出)+ ent→突进来→逼近的(同) 同根词:eminent(出 众的);prominent(杰 出的)(例) Black clouds usually mean rain is imminent.
immobility IMMOBILITY [`im2'bil2ti]
IMMOBILITY n. 固定,不能动(英) n. 固定,不能动(state of being immobile)(记) im+mobile(adj. 活动的)+ity(表名词) →不活动
immobilize IMMOBILIZE [i'm2ubilaiz]
IMMOBILIZE v. 使某物不动(英) v. 使某物不动(prevent sth from moving or operation normally )(考) splint : immobilize / duct : convey(夹板的作用是固定/ 管道的作用是运送)(记) im+mob(动)+ilize(使 ...) →使不动
immoderate IMMODERATE [i'm0d2r2t]
IMMODERATE adj. 无节制的,过度的(英) adj. 无节制的,过度的(wi thout restraint; excessive)(记) im(不)+moderate(节 制的)→不节制的(例) She never drinks an immoderate amount of beer.
immolate IMMOLATE ['im2leit]
IMMOLATE v. 牺牲,焚祭(英) v. 牺牲,焚祭(to offer or kill as a sacrifice)(记) im(进入)+mola(祭品) +ate→变成祭品→牺牲(例) He was immolating himself for his family's sake.
immorality IMMORALITY [im2'r9liti]
IMMORALITY n. 不道德,淫荡(英) n. 不道德,淫荡(immoral behavior)(记) im(不)+moral(道德的 )+ity→不道德
immortal IMMORTAL [i'm0:t2l]
IMMORTAL adj. 不朽的; 流芳百世的(英) adj. 不朽的(deathless)(记) im(不)+mort(死)+al →不死的(同) 同根词:postmortem( 死后发生的); mortify(使屈辱)(例) the immortal gods / the immortal words of Shakespeare
immovable IMMOVABLE [i'mu:v2b2l]
IMMOVABLE adj. 固定的(英) adj. 固定的(that cannot be moved)(记) im+movable(可移动的 )
immune IMMUNE [i'mju:n]
IMMUNE adj. 免疫的; 免除的(英) adj. 免疫的(not susceptible to some specified disease because of the presence of the specific antibodies)(考) overexposure : jaded / vaccination : immune(感光过度褪色/接种 疫苗免疫)反义词:having no resistance(无抵抗力 的)(记) im(没有)+mune(公共) →不公共→免除的(例) We are not immune to the influence around us.
immunity IMMUNITY [i'mju:niti]
IMMUNITY n. 免疫; 豁免(英) n. 免疫;豁免(exemptio n)(考) soporific : sleep / vaccinating : immunity(催眠的带来睡觉/接 种的带来免疫)反义词:susceptibil ity(易被感染); liability(易受影响)
immunize IMMUNIZE [i'mju:naiz]
IMMUNIZE v. 使免疫(英) v. 使免疫(to give immunity by inoculation)(考) fertilize : grow / immunize : resist(施肥使生长/免疫使 抵抗)
immure IMMURE [i'mju2]
IMMURE v. 监禁(英) v. 监禁(imprison, confine, or seclude)(考) 反义词:release(释 放)(记) im(进入)+mure(墙)→ 进入墙→监禁(同) 同根词:mural(壁画) ;demure(一本正经的)
immutable IMMUTABLE [i'mju:t2b2l]
IMMUTABLE adj. 不变的(英) adj. 不变的(unchangeable )(考) immutable : altered / implacable : propitiated(不变的不能变化/不 缓和的不能劝解)transitory : endure / immutable : change(短暂的不持久/不变 的不变化)反义词:variable(变 化的)(记) im(不)+mut(变化)+ab le→不变的(同) 同根词:mutation(变 化); commute(交换,改变)
imp IMP [imp]
IMP n. 小鬼; 顽童(英) n. 小鬼(a young demon);顽童(a mischievous child)(考) insensitive : boor / mischievous:imp(粗人的特点是迟钝/ 顽童的特点是淘气)
impact IMPACT ['imp9kt]
IMPACT n. 冲击, 影响(英) 冲击(hitting of one object against another)将某物压入或插入另 一物(press, drive or wedge sth firmly into sth)(考) earplug : noise / shield : impact(耳塞为避免噪音/盾 牌为避免冲击)(记) im(进入)+pact(紧的) →压进去的力量→影 响力
impair IMPAIR [im'pe2]
IMPAIR v. 损害,使弱(英) v. 损害,使弱(damage; reduce; injure)(记) im(进入)+pair(坏)→ 进入坏→损害(同) 派生词: impairment n. 削弱,减少; 损害,损伤
impalpable IMPALPABLE [im'p9lp2b2l]
IMPALPABLE adj. 无法触及的; 不易理解的(英) adj. 无法触及的;不易理 解的(too slight or subtle to be grasped)(记) im(不)+palpable(可 触摸的)→不可触摸的(同) 参考:palpitate(心 突突跳,能摸着的心 跳)
impart IMPART [im'pt]
IMPART v. 传授,告知(英) v. 传授,告知(to make known; tell; reveal)(记) im(进入)+part(部分) →成为(知识)一部分 →告知(例) The good teacher imparts wisdom to his pupils.
impartial IMPARTIAL [im'p62l]
IMPARTIAL adj. 公平的,无私的(英) adj. 公平的,无私的( without prejudice or bias)(记) im(不)+partial(偏见 的)→没有偏见的(例) An umpire must remain impartial throughout the game.
impasse IMPASSE [im'p9s]
IMPASSE n. 僵局; 死路(英) n. 僵局(deadlock);死路( blind alley)(记) im(不)+passe(通过) →通不过→僵局
impassioned IMPASSIONED [im'p962nd]
IMPASSIONED adj. 慷慨激昂的(英) adj. 慷慨激昂的(passiona te; fiery; ardent)(记) im(进入)+passion(激 情)+ed
impassive IMPASSIVE [im'p9siv]
IMPASSIVE adj. 无动于衷的,冷漠的(英) adj. 无动于衷的,冷漠的( stolid; phlegmatic)(考) fearless : daunt / impassive : perturb(无畏的不会受恐吓/ 冷静的不会受干扰)impassive : perturb / voracious : satisfy(冷漠的不易打扰/贪 婪的不易满足)反义词:overwrought (过度紧张的); emotional(有感情的)(记) im(没有)+pass(感情) +ive没有感情的,注 意不要和 impassioned(充满激 情的)相混(例) In shock, Mary spoke of the accident in an impassive voice.
impassiveness IMPASSIVENESS [im'p9sivnis]
IMPASSIVENESS n. 无动于衷(考) 反义词:ebullience( 热情洋溢)(记) impassive(adj.冷漠 的;im[无]+pass[感情 ]+ive→无感情的)+ness
impatience IMPATIENCE [im'pei62ns]
IMPATIENCE n. 无耐性,热切(考) 反义词:forbearance (忍耐)(记) im(无)+patience(耐 性) →无耐性
impeach IMPEACH [im'pi:t6]
IMPEACH v. 指摘; 弹劾(英) v. 指摘(to challenge or discredit; accuse);(记) im(进入)+peach(告发 )→告发,指摘;注意 :peach 作为'桃子'一意大家 都知道(同) 派生词: impeachment(n.弹劾 ,控告)(例) In 1868, The House of Representatives voted to impeach President Johnson.
impeccable IMPECCABLE [im'pek2b2l]
IMPECCABLE adj. 无瑕疵的(英) adj. 无瑕疵的(faultless; flawless)(考) boundless : limit / sterile : bacteria /impeccable : flaw / ingenuous : guile(无限的没有界限/无 菌的没有细菌/无瑕疵 的没有瑕疵/真诚的没 有诡计)反义词:faulty(有缺 点的)(记) im(无)+pecc(斑点)+a ble→无斑点的(同) 同根词:peccadillo( 小过失)(例) His work is impeccable, but he never arrives at work on time.
impecunious IMPECUNIOUS [`impi'kju:ni2s]
IMPECUNIOUS adj. 不名一文的,贫困的(考) foolish : discretion / impecunious : money(鲁莽的缺乏谨慎/贫 困的缺乏钱)反义词:wealthy(富 有的); prosperous(繁荣的); affluent(丰富的)(记) im(无)+pecun(钱)+io us→无钱的(同) 同根词:peculate(挪 用); pecuniary(金钱的)
impede IMPEDE [im'pi:d]
IMPEDE v. 妨碍(英) v. 妨碍(to bar or hinder the progress of; obstruct)(考) blandishment : cajole / obstacle : impede(甜言蜜语是为了哄骗 /障碍是为了阻碍)反义词:assist(支持 ); abet(支持); facilitate(推动)(记) im(进入)+pede(脚)→ 把脚放入→妨碍(同) 同根词:centipede( 蜈蚣); podiatry(足病学)
impediment IMPEDIMENT [im'pedim2nt]
IMPEDIMENT n. 妨碍,阻碍物(英) n. 妨碍,阻碍物(obstac le)
impel IMPEL [im'pel]
IMPEL v. 推进; 驱使(英) v. 推进(to push; propel);驱使(to force, compel, or urge)(考) 反义词:restrain(制 止)(记) im(在里面)+pel(推) →推动(同) 同根词:dispel(驱散 ); compel(强制)(例) Hunger impelled me to finish my work quickly.
impending IMPENDING [im'pendi8]
IMPENDING adj. 行将发生的,逼近的(英) adj. 行将发生的,逼近的( imminent)(记) im(进入)+pend(挂)+i ng→挂到眼前→即将 发生的
impenetrable IMPENETRABLE [im'penitr2b2l]
IMPENETRABLE adj. 不能穿透的; 不可理解的(英) adj. 不能穿透的(that cannot be penetrated);不可理解的(unfathom able; inscrutable)(考) pierce : impenetrable / profane : inviolable(不能渗透的无法穿透 /不能亵渎的无法亵渎)反义词:porous(多孔 的)(记) im(不)+penetrable( 可刺穿的)→不可穿透的
impenitent IMPENITENT [im'penit2nt]
IMPENITENT adj. 不悔悟的(英) adj. 不悔悟的(without regret; unrepentant)(考) 反义词:rueful(悔恨 的)(记) im(不)+penitent(悔 恨的)→死不悔改的
imperative IMPERATIVE [im'per2tiv]
IMPERATIVE adj. 急需的(英) adj. 急需的(absolutely necessary; urgent; compelling)(考) question : interrogative / order : imperative(问题表示怀疑/命令 表示强制)(记) imper(命令)+ative→ 命令的,紧急的(同) 同根词:imperator( 绝对统治者)
imperceptible IMPERCEPTIBLE [`imp2'sept2b2l]
IMPERCEPTIBLE adj. 觉察不到的(英) adj. 觉察不到的(not to be easily perceived)(考) 反义词:appreciable (可感知的)(记) im(不)+perceptable( 有知觉的)
imperfection IMPERFECTION [imp2'fek62n]
IMPERFECTION n. 不完美(英) n. 不完美(being imperfect)(考) purify : imperfection / cerify : doubtfulness(净化消除缺点/证实 消除怀疑)impeccable : fault / unblemished : imperfection(无缺点的没有缺点/ 无瑕疵的没有瑕疵)(记) im+perfect(完美)+io n→不完美
imperial IMPERIAL [im'pi2ri2l]
IMPERIAL adj. 帝国的,皇帝的(英) adj. 帝国的,皇帝的(of an empire or its rulers)(例) the imperial palace
imperious IMPERIOUS [im'pi2ri2s]
IMPERIOUS adj. 傲慢的,专横的(英) adj. 傲慢的,专横的(over bearing, arrogant)(考) fawn : imperiousness / equivocate : directness(奉承不专横/模棱两 可不直接)imperious : fawn / swagger : self-depreciate(专横的不奉承/狂妄 的不自贬)imperious : servile / bellicose : peaceable(专横的无奴性/好战 的无和平)反义词:humble(谦虚 的)(记) imper(命令)+ious→ 命令的,专横的(同) 派生词: imperiousness(n. 傲慢)
impermanent IMPERMANENT [im'p2:m2n2nt]
IMPERMANENT adj. 暂时的(英) adj. 暂时的(temporary)(考) opportune : convenience / impermanent : transience(合适的带来方便/短 暂的带来瞬间)(记) im(不)+per(始终)+ma n(逗留)+ent→不作永 久逗留→暂时的
impermeability IMPERMEABILITY [im`p2:mj2'biliti]
IMPERMEABILITY n. 不能渗透(考) indelibility : erasure / impermeability : passage(无法消除的无法擦掉 /不能穿透的无法透过)opacity : light / impermeability : fluid(不透明无法透光/不 能穿透无法透液体)
impersonal IMPERSONAL [im'p2:s2n2l]
IMPERSONAL adj. 冷淡的(英) adj. 冷淡的(not showing or involving human feelings)(记) im(不)+person(个人) +al→不进入个人感情 的→冷淡的
impersonate IMPERSONATE [im'p2:s2neit]
IMPERSONATE v. 模仿; 扮演(英) v. 模仿(to mimic);扮演(to act the part of)(记) im(进入)+person(人 ,角色)+ate→进入角 色→扮演(例) He impersonates all the well-known politicians exactly right.
impersonator IMPERSONATOR [im'p2:s2neit2]
IMPERSONATOR n.扮演者(英) n.扮演者(person who impersonates other people)(记) im(进入)+person(个 人)+ator→进入另一 个人状态的人→扮演 他人的人
impertinence IMPERTINENCE [im'p2:tin2ns]
IMPERTINENCE n. 无礼, 粗鲁(英) n. 无礼, 粗鲁(rudeness)(考) 反义词: respect(尊敬); relevance(适当)(例) I've had enough of your impertinence.
impertinent IMPERTINENT [im'p2:tin2nt]
IMPERTINENT adj. 不恰当的,粗鲁的(英) adj. 不恰当的,粗鲁的(sa ucy; insolent; impudent)(考) 反义词:obeisant(尊 敬的)(记) im(不)+pertinent(恰 当的)→不恰当的(例) You should apologize for your impertinent behavior.
imperturbable IMPERTURBABLE [`imp2't2:b2b2l]
IMPERTURBABLE adj. 冷静的,沉着的(英) adj. 冷静的,沉着的(that cannot be disturbed; impassive)(考) chary : caution / imperturbable : composure(谨慎的[人]谨慎/镇 静的[人]镇静)反义词:tickish(极 敏感的); restive(不安的; 难控制的)(记) im(不)+perturb(打扰 )+able→不能被打扰 的→沉着的;(同) 参考:perturbation( 不安,扰乱)
impervious IMPERVIOUS [im'p2:vi2s]
IMPERVIOUS adj. 不能渗透的; 不为所动的(英) 不能渗透的(incapabl e of being passed through or penetrated);不为所动的(not affected by)(考) invincible : subdued / impervious : damaged(无法征服的不能被征 服/无法损坏的不能被 损坏)impervious : penetrate / ineluctable : avoid(不能穿透的无法被穿 透/不可避免的无法避 免)impervious : friable / nonflammable : combustible(不受影响的不脆弱/ 不可燃烧的不燃烧)(记) im(不)+pervious(渗 透的)→不可渗透的(例) be impervious to fire and water / be impervious to new ideas
impetuous IMPETUOUS [im'petju2s]
IMPETUOUS adj. 冲动的,鲁莽的(英) adj. 冲动的,鲁莽的(impu lsive ; sudden)(考) impetuous : vacillation(hesitat ion)/ bumptious : humbleness(冲动的不犹豫/狂妄 的不谦卑)反义词:deliberate( 故意的); hesitance(犹豫); vacillation(踌躇)(同) 派生词: impetuosity(n. 冲动)(例) It is impetuous of John to buy four pairs of shoes.
impetus IMPETUS ['impit2s]
IMPETUS n. 推动力; 刺激(英) n. 推动力; 刺激(incentive; impulse)(记) im(进入)+pet (追求)+us→内心追求 →推动力(同) 同根词:competition (竞争,角逐)
impiety IMPIETY [im'pai2ti]
IMPIETY n. 不敬,不恭(英) n. 不敬,不恭(lack of respect)(考) 反义词:devoutness( 朝拜)(例) be guilty of filial impiety
impinge IMPINGE [im'pind7]
IMPINGE v.侵犯; 撞击(英) v.侵犯(infringe; encroach);撞击(collide with)(例) The effects are impinging on every aspect of our lives.
implacable IMPLACABLE [im'pl9k2b2l]
IMPLACABLE adj. 难以满足的,难平息的(英) adj. 难以满足的,难平息 的(that cannot be appeased or pacified)(考) implacable : appease / indomitable : subdue(难平息的无法平息/ 难征服的无法征服)implacable : compromise / honest : swindle(难抚慰的不会和解/ 诚实的不会诈骗)recalcitrant : authority / implacable : conciliation(不顺从的不服权威/ 难抚慰的不听劝慰)(记) )im(不)+plac(平静)+ able→不能平静的(同) 同根词:placate(抚 慰,平息)
implant IMPLANT [im'plnt]
IMPLANT v. 注入; 灌输(英) v. 注入(to plant firmly or deeply);灌输(instill; inculcate)(记) im(进入)+plant(种植 )→种入→灌输(例) to implant all words in your mind by repetition
implausible IMPLAUSIBLE [im'pl0z2bl]
IMPLAUSIBLE adj.难以置信的(考) 反义词: believable(令人相信 的); verisimilar(似乎真 实的)
implement IMPLEMENT ['implim2nt]
IMPLEMENT n. 工具,器具; v. 实现,实施(英) v. 实现,实施(fulfill; accomplish)(考) 反义词:foil(挫败)(记) im(进入)+ple(满)+me nt→进入圆满→实现(同) 同根词:deplete(倒 空,耗尽); replete(饱满的)(例) to implement one's ideas
implicate IMPLICATE ['implikeit]
IMPLICATE v. 牵连(于罪行中)(英) v. 牵连(于罪行中)( involve in a crime)(记) im(进入)+plic(重叠) +ate→重叠进去→牵连(同) 派生词: implication (n.牵连;暗示)
implicit IMPLICIT [im'plisit]
IMPLICIT adj. 含蓄的,不言而喻的(英) adj. 含蓄的,不言而喻的( not directly expressed)(记) im(进入)+plic(重叠) +it(意义)→叠在里面 →含蓄的(例) Annie's implicit message was that he was not welcome.
implode IMPLODE [im'pl2ud]
IMPLODE v. 内爆,剧减(英) v. 内爆,剧减(burst inward, undergo violent compression)(考) contract : implode / descend : plummet(收缩和急剧收缩/下 降和急剧下降)collapse : implode / divide : sunder(向内破裂使倒塌/切 开使分开)(记) im(向内)+plode(爆炸 )→内爆
implore IMPLORE [im'pl0:]
IMPLORE v. 哀求,恳求(英) v. 哀求,恳求(beseech; beg)(记) im(进入)+plore(悲哀 )→进入悲哀→哀求(同) 同根词:deplore(哀 叹)(例) an imploring look
implosion IMPLOSION [im'pl2u72n]
IMPLOSION n. 向内破裂,内爆(考) 反义词:rapid outward movement(快速的向外 运动)(记) 来自动词:implode(内 聚爆炸;im[内]+plode [大声音] →向内爆炸)
imply IMPLY [im'plai]
IMPLY v. 暗示,暗指(英) v. 暗示,暗指(suggest sth indirectly)(记) im(进入)+ply(重叠) →重叠表达→暗示(表 面一层意思,后面一层 意思)
impolitic IMPOLITIC [im'p0litik]
IMPOLITIC adj. 不智的,失策的(英) adj. 不智的,失策的(unwi se; injudicious)(记) im(不)+politic(有手 腕的,策略的)→不策 略的; 比较:apolitical(不 关心政治的)
imponderable IMPONDERABLE [im'p0nd2r2b2l]
IMPONDERABLE adj. (重要性)无法衡量的(英) adj. (重量等)无法衡量的( that cannot be weighed or measured)(记) im(不)+ponder(重量) +able→没法测量重量的(同) 同根词:ponderous( 笨重的)
import IMPORT [im'p0:t,'imp0:t]
IMPORT v./n. 进口,输入; n. 进口货(英) 进口,输入(bring goods, ideas, etc from a foreign country into one's own country)进口货(imported goods, services, etc)进口,输入(action of importing goods)(考) smuggler : import / embezzler : appropriate(走私者偷偷进口/贪 污者偷偷挪用)(记) im(进)+port(拿,运) →拿进港口
importune IMPORTUNE [`im'p0:tju:n]
IMPORTUNE v. 强求,不断请求(英) v. 强求,不断请求(entr eat persistently or repeatedly)(考) importune : request / pry : inquiry(强求是过分请求/刺 探是过分询问)(记) im(进入)+portune(拿 出)→拿出(强求)的姿态(例) The scientists importuned the president for authorization to begin atomic energy research.
impose IMPOSE [im'p2uz]
IMPOSE v. 征税; 强加(英) v. 征税(to place a burden, tax by authority)(记) im(进入)+pose(放)→ 放进去→强加(同) 同根词:dispose(布 置,处理)(例) A new tax has been imposed on wine.
imposing IMPOSING [im'p2uzi8]
IMPOSING adj. 壮丽的,雄伟的(英) adj. 壮丽的,雄伟的(impr essive; grand)(例) an imposing view across the valley
impossibility IMPOSSIBILITY [imp0si'biliti]
IMPOSSIBILITY n. 不可能性(考) vagary : predict / impossibility : execute(奇异行为无法预测/ 不可能的事无法执行)(例) the impossibility of any improvement
impostor IMPOSTOR [im'p0st2]
IMPOSTOR n. 冒充者,骗子(英) n. 冒充者,骗子(person who deceives under false name)(记) im(进入)+post(放)+o r→把自己放入别人的 角色→冒充者(同) 派生词: imposture (n. 冒名顶替,欺骗)
impotent IMPOTENT ['imp2t2nt]
IMPOTENT adj. 无能的; 阳痿的(英) adj. 无能的; 阳痿的(unable to engage in sexual intercourse)(记) im(无)+potent(有力 的)→无能的
impoverish IMPOVERISH [im'p0v2ri6]
IMPOVERISH v. 使成赤贫(英) v. 使成赤贫(to make poor; reduce to poverty)(记) im(进入)+pover(贫困 )+ish→进入贫困;(同) 参考:poverty(贫困)(例) They are impoverished by heavy taxes.
imprecation IMPRECATION [impri'kei62n]
IMPRECATION n. 咒语,诅咒(英) n. 咒语,诅咒(a curse)(记) im(坏)+prec(祷告)+a tion→祷告坏事→诅 咒;(同) 参考:deprecate(反 对,抗议)
imprecise IMPRECISE [impri'sais]
IMPRECISE adj. 不精确的(英) adj. 不精确的(not exact or accurate)(考) 反义词:nice(精确的 )(记) im(不)+precise(adj. 精确的;pre[预先]+ci se[切开,杀] →预先切好→精确的) →不精确的
imprecision IMPRECISION [`impri'si72n]
IMPRECISION n 不精确(考) 反义词:exactitude( 精密)(记) imprecise的名词
impregnable IMPREGNABLE [im'pregn2bl]
IMPREGNABLE adj. 攻不破的,征服不了的(英) adj. 攻不破的,征服不了 的(not capable of being captured or entered by force)(记) im(不)+pregn(拿住)+ able→拿不住的→征 服不了的(同) 同根词:pregnant(怀 孕)
impresario IMPRESARIO [`impri'sri2u]
IMPRESARIO n. (剧院或乐团等)经理 人,主办者(英) n. (剧院或乐团等)经理 人,主办者(the organizer, manager, or director of an opera or ballet company)(考) impresario : entertainment / broker : trade(经纪人从事演出/经 纪人从事贸易)(记) impresar(经营)+io→ 经营者(例) circus impresario马戏团经 理
impress IMPRESS [im'pres,'impres]
IMPRESS v. 给予某人印象深刻; 盖印; n. 压痕,印记(英) 给予某人印象深刻(ha ve a favorable effect on sb)盖印(press sth hard into a soft surface, leaving a mark)压痕,印记(mark left by pressing sth hard into a soft surface)(考) grandstand : impress / equivocate : deceive(哗众取宠是为了留下 印象/含糊其词是为了 欺骗)(记) im(进)+press(挤压) →压进去→盖印→印 入头脑
impressed IMPRESSED [im'prest]
IMPRESSED adj 被打动的; 被感动的(考) apologize : contrite / compliment : impressed(内疚才会道歉/被打 动才会称赞)
impressionable IMPRESSIONABLE [im'pre62n2b2l]
IMPRESSIONABLE adj. 易受影响的(英) adj. 易受影响的(easily affected by impressions)(记) impression(印象)+ab le→容易留下印象的
imprint IMPRINT [im'print]
IMPRINT v. 盖印,刻印(英) v. 盖印,刻印(to mark by pressing or stamping)(记) im(不)+print(印)→ 印上→盖印(例) Every detail is imprinted on my mind.
imprisonment IMPRISONMENT [im'priznm2nt]
IMPRISONMENT n. 关押,监禁(英) n. 关押,监禁(state of being imprisoned)(记) imprison(监禁)+ment
improbity IMPROBITY [im'pr2ubiti]
IMPROBITY n. 不正直,不诚实(英) n. 不正直,不诚实(disho nesty)(考) 反义词:honesty(正 直)(记) im(不)+prob(证明)+i ty →(人)经不起证明和 试验→不正直
impromptu IMPROMPTU [im'pr0mptju:]
IMPROMPTU adj. 即席的,即兴的(英) adj. 即席的,即兴的(with out preparation; offhand; extemporaneous)(考) ad-lib : impromptu / aside : divergent(即兴演讲特点是即兴 的/旁白特点是旁义的)反义词:carefully rehearsed(仔细排练 的)(记) im(不)+promptu(时间 )→不在(安排的)时间 之内→即席的(例) The pianist gave impromptu performance at the party.
improper IMPROPER [im'pr0p2]
IMPROPER adj. 错误的,不正确的;不 得体的(英) 错误的,不正确的(wro ng or incorrect)不得体的(not suited to the situation)(记) im(不)+proper(恰当 的)
impropriety IMPROPRIETY [`impr2'prai2ti]
IMPROPRIETY n. 不正当(的行为)(英) n. 不正当(的行为)(impr oper act or behavior)(考) 反义词:decorum(礼 貌)(记) im(不)+propriety(礼 貌,得体)
improvidence IMPROVIDENCE [im'pr0vid2ns]
IMPROVIDENCE n. 浪费(考) fervor : zealot / improvidence : spendthrift(狂热者特点是热情/ 浪费者特点是浪费)
improvident IMPROVIDENT [im'pr0vid2nt]
IMPROVIDENT adj. 不顾将来的,不节俭的(英) adj. 不顾将来的,不节俭 的(lacking foresight or thrift)(记) im(不)+provident(节 俭的,有远见的)
improvise IMPROVISE ['impr2vaiz]
IMPROVISE v. 即席而作(英) v. 即席而作(extemporiz e)(考) text : extemporize / score : improvise(即兴演讲不需要原稿 /即兴演奏不需要乐谱)(记) im(不)+pro(前)+vise (看)→没有预先看过 →即席创作(例) Mary improvised a delicious meal from leftover chicken.
imprudent IMPRUDENT [im'pru:d2nt]
IMPRUDENT adj. 轻率的; 不智的(英) adj. 轻率的; 不智的(not wise)(考) apathetic : emotion / imprudent : discretion(冷漠的不会有感情/ 轻率的不会谨慎)(例) an impudent child, grin, question
impudent IMPUDENT ['impjud2nt]
IMPUDENT adj. 鲁莽的,冒失的(英) adj. 鲁莽的,冒失的(sauc y; insolent; impertinent)(考) impudence : brazen / deadpan : impassive(厚颜[者]厚颜无耻/ 冷漠[者]冷漠)反义词:deferential (恭顺的); respectful(尊敬的)(记) im(不)+pud(小心,谦 虚)+ent→不小心的→ 冒失的(例) The impudent passenger swore at the bus driver.
impugn IMPUGN [im'pju:n]
IMPUGN v. 指责,对...表示怀疑(英) v. 指责,对…表示怀疑( challenge as false or questionable; deny)(考) 反义词:champion(支 持); vindicate(辩护); endorse(赞同)(记) im(进入)+pugn(打斗) →打进去→指责(同) 同根词:pugnacious( 好斗的)(例) impugn the present system of education
impuissance IMPUISSANCE [im'pju:is2ns]
IMPUISSANCE n.无力,虚弱(考) 反义词:clout(打击; 力量)
impulse IMPULSE ['imp3ls]
IMPULSE n. 冲动; 刺激(英) 冲动(sudden inclination prompting to action);刺激(an impelling action inducing motion)(记) im(在内)+pulse(推) →内推→冲动(同) 同根词:repulse(打 退;厌恶)
impulsive IMPULSIVE [im'p3lsiv]
IMPULSIVE adj. 易冲动的(英) adj. 易冲动的 (actuated by impulse)
impunity IMPUNITY [im'pju:niti]
IMPUNITY n. 免除惩罚(英) n. 免除惩罚(exemption from punishment)(记) im(不)+pun(罚)+ity →不罚(同) 同根词:punitive(惩 罚性的)(例) Students should not be allowed to cheat on exams with impunity.
imputation IMPUTATION [`impju'tei62n]
IMPUTATION n. 归咎,归罪(英) n. 归咎,归罪(an attribution of fault or crime; accusation)(记) im(进入)+put(计算)+ ation→计算别人→归罪
impute IMPUTE [im'pju:t]
IMPUTE 归咎于(impute … to)(英) 归咎于(to charge with fault; attribute)(例) The police impute the rise in crime to the greater freedom enjoyed by young people.
inadvertence INADVERTENCE [`in2d'v2:t2ns]
INADVERTENCE n. 漫不经心(英) n. 漫不经心(actions done without thinking or not deliberately)(考) 反义词:careful attention(小心留意)(记) in(进入)+ad(加强)+v ert(转)+ence(表名词 ) →进入转的状态→不专心
inadvertent INADVERTENT [`in2d'v2:t2nt]
INADVERTENT adj. 不注意的,疏忽的(英) adj. 不注意的,疏忽的(no t attentive; heedless)(考) 反义词:intentional (故意的)(记) in(不)+advertent(故 意的)→非故意的(例) His inadvertent comments reflected what he really thought.
inalienable INALIENABLE [in'eili2n2b(2)l]
INALIENABLE adj. 不可剥夺的(英) adj. 不可剥夺的(not transferable to another or capable of being repudiated)(考) inalienable : surrendered / implacable : propitiated(不可剥夺的不能被让 与/难以平息的不能被 劝解)(记) in(不)+alien(疏远)+ able→不可疏远→不 可分割的(例) an inalienable part of the territory of a country
inane INANE [i'nein]
INANE adj. 无意义的; 空洞的(英) adj. 无意义的(lacking sense; silly);空洞的(empty, void)(考) 反义词: meaningful(有意义的 ); pregnant(有意义的; 怀孕的)(同) 派生词: inanity (n. 无意义,无聊)(例) No theater would produce your inane play.
inanimate INANIMATE [in'9nim2t]
INANIMATE adj. 无生命的(英) adj. 无生命的(not animate; lifeless)(考) ephemeral : enduring / inanimate : living(短暂的不持久/无生 命的不活)(记) in(无)+anim(生命)+a te→无生命的(同) 同根词:unanimous( 想法一致的)
inapparent INAPPARENT [`in2'p9r2nt]
INAPPARENT adj. 不明显的,不显著的(英) adj. 不明显的,不显著的(n ot clear)(考) 反义词:ostensible( 表面的)(记) in(不)+apparent(adj .显而易见的)
inappropriate INAPPROPRIATE [`in2'pr2upri2t]
INAPPROPRIATE adj. 不适合的(英) adj. 不适合的(not suitable for sb/sth)(考) 反义词:germane(恰 当的); apt(适当的)(记) in(不)+appropriate( adj.适当的)
inaugural INAUGURAL [i'n0:gjur2l]
INAUGURAL adj. 就职的,开幕的(英) adj. 就职的,开幕的(for an inauguration)(例) an inaugural speech, lecture, meeting(就职演说)
inaugurate INAUGURATE [i'n0:gjureit]
INAUGURATE v. 举行就职典礼; 开创(英) v. 举行就职典礼(instal l);开创(initiate; commence )(考) inaugurate : president / install : official / crown : king(总统就职/官员就职/ 皇帝加冕)inauguration : offical / matriculation : student(就职典礼成为官员/ 注册入学成为学生)反义词:cease(停止)(记) in(进入)+augur(预示 ,开始)+ate→开始进 入→就职(同) 派生词: inauguration(n. 就职, 就职典礼)(例) to inaugurate the opening of the new bridge
inborn INBORN [`in'b0:n]
INBORN adj. 天生的,天赋的(英) adj. 天生的,天赋的(natu rally present at birth; innate)(考) endemic : region / inborn : indivdual(地区具有地区性/个 人具有天赋)(记) in(内)+born(出生)→ 与生俱来的
incandescence INCANDESCENCE [`ink9n'des2ns]
INCANDESCENCE n. 白炽,炽热发光(记) in(进入)+cand(光)+e scence(开始...的)→ 进入发光状态→炽热发光
incandescent INCANDESCENT [ink9n'des(2)nt]
INCANDESCENT adj. 白热的; 热烈的(英) adj. 白热的(glowing or white with heat);热烈的(zestful; ardent)(记) in(进入)+cand(白热) +escent(开始…的)→ 开始发热的(例) the incandescent spirit of freedom
incapable INCAPABLE [in'keip2b2l]
INCAPABLE adj.不能胜任的(英) adj.不能胜任的(unab le to do anything well)(记) in(无)+capable(有能 力的)
incapacity INCAPACITY [`ink2'p9siti]
INCAPACITY n. 缺乏能力(记) in(无)+capacity(能 力)
incarcerate INCARCERATE [in'ks2reit]
INCARCERATE v. 下狱,监禁(英) v. 下狱,监禁(to imprison; confine)(考) 反义词:liberate(释 放)(记) in(进入)+carcer(监 狱)+ate→下狱(例) She was incarcerated in her own sensibility.(她成了 自身敏感的奴隶)
incarnate INCARNATE [in'knit]
INCARNATE adj. 具有肉体的; 化身的(英) adj. 具有肉体的(given a bodily form);化身的(personified)(记) in(进入)+carn(肉体) +ate(思想等)→变成 肉体化身(同) 同根词:carnage(大 屠杀); carnal(肉欲的)派生词: incarnation (n. 具体化,化身)(例) She was happiness incarnate.
incendiary INCENDIARY [in'sendi2ri]
INCENDIARY adj. 放火的; 纵火的(英) adj. 放火的,纵火的( pertaining to the criminal setting on fire of property)(记) in(进入)+cend(=cand 发白光)+iary→燃烧 发光→放火的(同) 同根词:incentive( 可燃的)
incense INCENSE ['insens,in'sens]
INCENSE n. 香,香味; v. 激怒(英) n. 香,香味(any pleasant fragrance);v. 激怒(to arouse the wrath of)(考) 反义词:propitiate( 讨好)(记) in(进入)+cense(=can d 发光)→焚烧的香,引 申为点燃怒气→激怒(例) Such careless waste incensed her.
incentive INCENTIVE [in'sentiv]
INCENTIVE n. 刺激,鼓励; 刺激因素(英) n. 刺激,鼓励(motive)(考) 反义词:deterrent( 威慑物)(记) in(进入)+cent(=cant 唱,说)+ive→说服人 做事→上进心,刺激(例) material incentive(物质刺激)
inception INCEPTION [in'sep62n]
INCEPTION n. 开端,开始; 取得学位(英) n. 开端,开始(commence ment)(考) inception : termination / matriculation : graduation(开始是结束的反义/ 开学是毕业的反义)(记) in(进入)+cept(拿)+i on→拿进来→开始(同) 同根词:concept(概 念); accept(接受)
incertitude INCERTITUDE [in's2:titju:d]
INCERTITUDE n. 疑惑,不确定(英) n. 疑惑,不确定(uncert ainty)(记) in(不)+cert(肯定)+i tude(状态)→不肯定 状态(同) 同根词:certify(证 明); certain(无疑的)
incessant INCESSANT [in'ses2nt]
INCESSANT adj. 无间断的,连续的(英) adj. 无间断的,连续的(co ntinuing without interruption)(记) in(不)+cess(停止)+a nt→不停止的→连续的(同) 同根词:concession( 让步); cessation(停止)(例) Jane bores me with her incessant talking.
inchoate INCHOATE [in'k2ueit]
INCHOATE adj. 刚开始的; 未发展的(英) adj. 刚开始的(just begun; incipient);未发展的(not yet completed or fully developed)(考) immature : developed / incipient(inchoate) : realized(不成熟的还没有成熟 /未成形还没有实现)反义词:completely formed(完全形成的); fully formed(完全形成的)(记) in(进入)+choate(开 始)→刚开始的;分割记忆:inch(寸)+ oat(燕麦)+e,燕麦刚 长一寸→初期的,不 成熟的
incidence INCIDENCE ['insid2ns]
INCIDENCE n. 事情发生;发生率(英) 事情发生;发生率,影 响范围(extent to which sth happens or has an effect)(记) in(进入)+cid(落下)+ ence→掉进来的事→ 事情发生
incinerate INCINERATE [in'sin2reit]
INCINERATE v. 焚化,毁弃(英) v. 焚化,毁弃(to burn to ashes; cremate)(记) in(进入)+ciner(灰)+ ate→变成灰→焚化(同) 同根词:cinerary(灰 的,骨灰的)
incipient INCIPIENT [in'sipi2nt]
INCIPIENT adj. 初期的,刚出现的(英) adj. 初期的,刚出现的(be ginning to exist or appear)(考) immature : developed / incipient(inchoate) : realized(不成熟还没有发展/ 未成形的还没有实现)反义词:full-blown( 充分发展的)(记) in+cip(掉)+ient→掉 进来的→刚出现的(同) 同根词:precipitate( 加速,促进)(例) The project we are working on is an incipient disaster.
incise INCISE [in'saiz]
INCISE v. 切,切割(英) v. 切,切割(to cut into)
incision INCISION [in'si72n]
INCISION n. 切口; 切割(英) n. 切口(a cut, gash)(考) 反义词:suture(缝合 )
incisive INCISIVE [in'saisiv]
INCISIVE adj. 一针见血的(英) adj. 一针见血的(sharp; keen; penetrating)
incisor INCISOR [in'saiz2]
INCISOR n. 门牙(英) n. 门牙(any of the four anterior teeth)(记) 以上四个单词都来自 in(进入)+cise(切)→ 切入
incite INCITE [in'sait]
INCITE v. 激发,刺激(英) v. 激发,刺激(to stimulate to action; foment)(考) instigator : incite / bully : browbeat(煽动者煽动/欺凌弱 小者恫吓)exhortation : motivate / persiflage : incite(劝告为了激发/挖苦 为了刺激)(记) in(进入)+cite(唤起) →唤起情绪→激发(同) 同根词:excite(兴奋 ); recite(背诵)(例) His words incited anger among the soldiers_
inclement INCLEMENT [in'klem2nt]
INCLEMENT adj. (天气)严酷的; 严厉的(英) adj. (天气)严酷的(severe ; stormy);严厉的(rough; severe)(考) 反义词:balmy(温和 的)(记) in+clement(仁慈的) →不仁慈的→严酷的 ,严厉的(例) The game was canceled because of the inclement weather.
inclination INCLINATION [`inkli'nei62n]
INCLINATION n. 斜坡; 爱好(英) n. 斜坡(an inclined surface);爱好(a liking or preference)(记) in(内向)+clin(倾斜) +ation→倾向于自己 →癖好(同) 同根词:decline(衰 退,下降)
inclined INCLINED [in'klaind]
INCLINED adj. 倾向于,赞成的(英) adj. 倾向于,赞成的(disp osed; willing; tending)
include INCLUDE [in'klu:d]
INCLUDE v. 包括,包含(英) v. 包括,包含(have sb/sth as part of a whole)(考) 反义词: omit(省略)(记) in(进入)+clude(关闭 )→关进去→包含
incogitant INCOGITANT [in'k0d7it2nt]
INCOGITANT adj. 无思想的(考) incogitant : thoughtful / restive : calm(无思想的不深思/不 安的不安静)
incognito INCOGNITO [`ink0g'ni:t2u]
INCOGNITO adj./n. 隐姓埋名的,化名(英) adj./n. 隐姓埋名的,化名(wi th true identity unrevealed; pseudonym)(记) in(不)+cogn(认识)+i to→不认识的→隐姓的(同) 同根词:incognizant (没意识到的); recognize(认出)
incoherent INCOHERENT [`ink2u'hi2r2nt]
INCOHERENT adj. (思想文字)不连贯的(英) adj. (思想文字)不连贯的( not logically connected; disjointed)(记) in(不)+coherent(连 贯的)→不连贯的;(同) n. incoherence
incommensurate INCOMMENSURATE [`ink2'men62rit]
INCOMMENSURATE adj. 不成比例的,不相称的(英) adj. 不成比例的,不相称 的(not proportionate; not adequate)(记) in(不)+commensurate (等量的,相称的)→ 不相称的
incommodious INCOMMODIOUS [`ink2'm2udi2s]
INCOMMODIOUS adj. 不方便的; 狭小的(英) adj. 不方便的(causing inconvenience)狭小的(inconvenient ly small)(记) in(不)+commodious( 宽敞的)→不宽敞的
incommunicative INCOMMUNICATIVE [`ink2'mju:nik2tiv]
INCOMMUNICATIVE adj. 不爱交际的,沉默寡言 的(英) adj. 不爱交际的,沉默寡 言的(reserved; taciturn)(记) in(不)+communicativ e(爱交际的)
incompatible INCOMPATIBLE [`ink2m'p9t2b2l]
INCOMPATIBLE adj. 不能和谐共存的(英) adj. 不能和谐共存的(not able to exist in harmony or agreement)(记) in(不)+compatible( 和谐的)
incompetence INCOMPETENCE [in'k0mpit2ns]
INCOMPETENCE n. 不胜任,不称职(英) n. 不胜任,不称职(lack of ability to do a task successfully)(记) in(无)+compete(竞争 能力)+ence→无能力的
incompetent INCOMPETENT [in'k0mpit2nt]
INCOMPETENT adj. 无能力的,不能胜任的(英) 无能力的,不能胜任的 (without adequate ability, knowledge, fitness, etc.; failing to meet requirements; incapable; unskillful)(记) in(不)+competent(有 能力的)
inconceivable INCONCEIVABLE [`ink2n'si:v2b2l]
INCONCEIVABLE adj. 难以想象的,不可能的(英) adj. 难以想象的,不可能 的(that cannot be conceived)(记) in(不)+conceivable( 想象的)
incongruent INCONGRUENT [in'k08gru2nt]
INCONGRUENT adj. 不和谐的(考) incongruent : conform / recalcitrant : obey(不和谐的不会一致/ 反抗的不会顺从)
incongruous INCONGRUOUS [in'k08gru2s]
INCONGRUOUS adj. 不调和的(英) adj. 不调和的 (lacking harmony)(记) in(不)+congruous(全 等的,一致的)→不一 致的
inconsequential INCONSEQUENTIAL [in`k0nsi'kwen62l]
INCONSEQUENTIAL adj. 不重要的,微不足道的(英) adj. 不重要的,微不足道 的(unimportant; trivial)(考) 反义词:crucial(至 关重要的)(记) in(不)+consequentia l(重要的)
inconsiderable INCONSIDERABLE [`ink2n'sid2r2bl]
INCONSIDERABLE adj. 微小的,不值得考虑的(英) adj. 微小的,不值得考虑的 (small in size or value)(记) in(不)+consider(考 虑)+able(能...的) →不值得考虑的
inconsiderate INCONSIDERATE [`ink2n'sid2rit]
INCONSIDERATE adj. 不体谅别人的(英) adj. 不体谅别人的(withou t thought or consideration for others)(记) in(不)+considerate( 体谅的,周到的)(例) I asked the inconsiderate salesman not to call during dinner.
inconsistency INCONSISTENCY [`ink2n'sist2nsi]
INCONSISTENCY n. 不一致,不一贯(英) 不一致,不一贯(quali ty of being inconsistent)(记) in(不)+con(共同)+si st(站立)+ency→不站 在一起→不一致
inconsolable INCONSOLABLE [`ink2n's2ul2b2l]
INCONSOLABLE adj. 极度沮丧的(英) adj.极度沮丧的(that cannot be consoled)(记) in(不)+consol(安慰) +able→不能被安慰的
inconsonant INCONSONANT [in'k0ns2n2nt]
INCONSONANT adj. 不协调的, 不一致的(考) 反义词:in agreement(一致的)(记) in(不)+con(共同)+so n(声音)+ant→声音不 相同的
inconstancy INCONSTANCY [in'k0nst2nsi]
INCONSTANCY n. (指人)反复无常(英) n. (指人)反复无常(feel ings and intentions that change often)(考) 反义词:persistence (坚持); stability(稳定)(记) in(不)+con(始终)+st an(站,立) →不始终站着→反复 无常
incontestable INCONTESTABLE [`ink2n'test2b2l]
INCONTESTABLE adj. 无可争辩的(英) adj. 无可争辩的(indisput able; unquestionable)(记) in(不)+contest(争论 )+able→无可争辩的
incontinent INCONTINENT [in'k0ntin2nt]
INCONTINENT adj. 无力控制(自己)的; 纵欲的(英) adj. 无力控制(自己)的(in capable of containing);纵欲的(without self-restrain)(记) in(不)+continent(节 制的)
incontrovertible INCONTROVERTIBLE [in`k0ntr2'v2:t2b2l]
INCONTROVERTIBLE adj. 无可辩驳的(英) adj. 无可辩驳的(cannot be disputed )(考) incontrovertible : disputed / untenable : defended / ravenous : satisfied /intrepid : feared(无可辩驳的无法争论 /不能防守的无法保护 /贪婪的无法满足/无 畏的无法恐吓)(记) in(不)+contro(反对) +vert(转)+ible→不 能反着转的→无可辩驳的
incorporate INCORPORATE [in'k0:p2rit]
INCORPORATE v. 合并,并入(英) v. 合并,并入(to combine or join with something already formed; include; embody)(记) in(进入)+corpor(团 体)→进入团体→合并(例) I incorporated the new peans with the old.
incorporeal INCORPOREAL [`ink0:'p0:ri2l]
INCORPOREAL adj. 无形体的(英) adj. 无形体的(without material body or substance)(记) in(无)+corporeal(身 体的)→无形体的
incorrigibility INCORRIGIBILITY [in`k0rid72'bil2ti]
INCORRIGIBILITY n. 无可救药(考) 反义词:tractabilit y(易处理)(记) 分割记忆: in(无)corrigible(尚 可救药的)
incorrigible INCORRIGIBLE [in'k0rid72b2l]
INCORRIGIBLE adj. 积习难改的,不可救药 的(英) adj. 积习难改的,不可救 药的(that cannot be corrected)(考) incorrigible : reformed / inscrutable : understood(难以纠正的无法被纠 正/难以理解的无法被 理解)反义词:tractable( 易于管教的)(记) in(不)+corrigible( 可以改正的)(例) an incorrigible liar
incorruptible INCORRUPTIBLE [`ink2'r3pt2bl]
INCORRUPTIBLE adj. (道德上)不受腐蚀的(英) adj. (道德上)不受腐蚀的( unable to be corrupted morally)(考) 反义词:venal(贪污 的)(记) in(不)+corrupt(腐败 )+ible→不会腐败的
incredible INCREDIBLE [in'kred2b2l]
INCREDIBLE adj. 不可相信的(英) adj. 不可相信的(impossib le to believe)(记) in(不)+cred(相信)+i ble→不可相信的
incredulous INCREDULOUS [in'kredjul2s]
INCREDULOUS adj. 不肯轻信的(英) adj. 不肯轻信的(not willing to believe)(记) in(不)+cred(相信)+u lous(多...) →不肯多相信的
increment INCREMENT ['inkrim2nt]
INCREMENT n. 增值,增加(英) n. 增值,增加(increase ; gain; growth)(记) in(进入)+cre(增加)+ ment→使增加→增加(同) 同根词:accretion( 自然增大); incretion(内分泌)
incriminate INCRIMINATE [in'krimineit]
INCRIMINATE v. 连累,牵连(英) v. 连累,牵连(to involve in)(考) 反义词:exoneration (免除)(记) in(进入)+crimin(罪 行)+ate→被牵连罪行中(同) 派生词: incrimination(n. 控告)
incrustation INCRUSTATION [`inkr3'stei62n]
INCRUSTATION n.硬壳,外层(英) n.硬壳,外层(hard coating or crust)
incubation INCUBATION [`i8kju'bei62n]
INCUBATION n. 孵卵期,潜伏期(英) n. 孵卵期,潜伏期(the phase of development of a disease between the infection and the first appearance of symptoms)(考) latency : response / incubation : disease(反应和反应潜伏期/ 疾病和疾病潜伏期)(记) 来自 incubate(孵卵,潜伏 ),in (里面)+cub(睡)+ate →睡在里面→潜伏(同) 同根词:incubus(梦 魇); concubine(小妾)
incubator INCUBATOR ['i8kjubeit2]
INCUBATOR n. 孵卵器; 早产婴儿保育箱(英) 孵卵器(an artificially heated container for hatching eggs);早产婴儿保育箱(a similar apparatus in which premature babies are kept for a period)(考) greenhouse : plant / incubator : infant(温室中培养植物/保 育箱中培养婴儿)
incubus INCUBUS ['i8kjub2s]
INCUBUS n. 恶梦; 梦魇般的精神压力,负 担(英) n. 恶梦(a nightmare),梦魇般 的精神压力,负担(bu rden)(记) in+cub(睡)+us,原指 在妇女睡觉时和妇女 同眠的怪物
inculcate INCULCATE [in'k3lkeit]
INCULCATE v. 灌输,谆谆教诲(英) v. 灌输,谆谆教诲(to impress upon the mind by frequent repetition or persistent urging; implant)(记) in(进入)+culc(=cult 培养,种植)+ate→种 进去→灌输(例) inculcate a love of reading in children
inculpate INCULPATE ['ink3lpeit]
INCULPATE v. 连累;控告;归咎于(考) 反义词:exonerate( 证明无罪); absolve(宣布免除); exculpate(开脱)(记) in(使)+culp(错,罪)+ ate→使(别人)有罪→ 归罪
incumbent INCUMBENT [in'k3mb2nt]
INCUMBENT n. 在职者,现任者; adj.义不容辞的(英) n. 在职者,现任者(the holder of an office or benefice); adj.义不容辞的(记) in+cumb(躺)+ent→躺 在(职位)上的人(同) 同根词:encumber(妨 碍); recumbent(斜躺的)
incur INCUR [in'k2:]
INCUR v. 招惹(英) v. 招惹(bring upon oneself)(记) in(进入)+cur(跑)→ 引着跑进来→招惹(例) I incurred his dislike from that day on(从那天起我就招惹 了他的讨厌).
incurable INCURABLE [in'kju2r2b2l]
INCURABLE adj. 无可救药的(英) adj. 无可救药的(that cannot be remedied or corrected)(记) in(不)+curable(可治 疗的)
incuriosity INCURIOSITY [`inkju2ri'0s2ti]
INCURIOSITY n. 不好奇,无兴趣(英) n. 不好奇,无兴趣(lack of interests)(记) in(不)+curi(关心)+o sity(多的状态)→不 多关心→不好奇
incursion INCURSION [in'k2:62n]
INCURSION n. 侵犯,入侵(英) n. 侵犯,入侵(a sudden, brief invasion or raid)(考) 反义词:retreat(退 却)(记) in(进入)+curs(跑)+i on→跑进来→入侵
indebted INDEBTED [in'detid]
INDEBTED adj. 感激的,感恩的(英) adj. 感激的,感恩的(owin g gratitude)(记) in(进入)+debt(债务) +ed→欠人债务的,引 申为别人不催还债而 →感激的(例) I'm indebted to all the people who worked so hard to make the party a success.
indecipherable INDECIPHERABLE [`indi'saif2r2b2l]
INDECIPHERABLE adj. 不可破译的(考) indecipherable : decoded / unmanageable : controlled(无法破译的不能被破 译/难于控制的不能被 控制)(记) 来自decipher, 意为“破译”
indecorous INDECOROUS [in'dek2r2s]
INDECOROUS adj. 无礼的(考) indecorous : propriety / boorish : sensitivity(无礼的没有礼貌/鲁 钝的没有敏感)反义词: seemly(有礼的)
indefatigable INDEFATIGABLE [`indi'f9tig2b2l]
INDEFATIGABLE adj. 不知疲倦的(英) adj. 不知疲倦的(not yielding to fatigue; untiring)(记) in(不)+de(表示强调) +fatig(疲倦)+able→ 不知疲倦的; 参考: fatigue(疲倦)
indefinite INDEFINITE [in'definit]
INDEFINITE adj. 模糊的; 不确定的(英) adj. 模糊的(not precise; vague);不确定的(uncertain)(记) in(不)+definite(确 定的)
indelibility INDELIBILITY [in`del2'bil2ti]
INDELIBILITY n.无法消除(考) indelibility : erasure / impermeability : passage(无法消除不能擦去/ 无法穿过不能通过)反义词: erasability(可擦除)
indelible INDELIBLE [in'del2b2l]
INDELIBLE adj. 擦拭不掉的,不可磨灭 的(英) adj. 擦拭不掉的,不可磨 灭的(that cannot be erased)(考) indelible : forget / astounding : expect(难以抹去的无法忘记 /令人惊骇的无法预料)(记) in+del(=delete擦掉) +ible→不能擦掉的;(同) 参考:delete(擦掉)
indemnification INDEMNIFICATION [in`demnifi'kei62n]
INDEMNIFICATION n. 赔偿,赔偿金(英) n. 赔偿,赔偿金(recomp ense; reparation)
indemnify INDEMNIFY [in'demnifai]
INDEMNIFY v. 赔偿,偿付(英) v. 赔偿,偿付(compensa te for a loss; reimburse)(记) in+demn(损坏)+ify→ 使损坏消除→赔偿(同) 同根词:condemn(谴 责)
indemnity INDEMNITY [in'demniti]
INDEMNITY n. 赔偿, 保护(考) mollification : soothe / indemnity : secure(减轻为了缓和/赔偿 为了获得)
indent INDENT [in'dent]
INDENT v. 切割成锯齿状(英) v. 切割成锯齿状(to cut tooth-like points; notch)(记) in(进入)+dent(牙齿) →成牙齿状(例) Mary indented the first line of each paragraph.
indentation INDENTATION [`inden'tei62n]
INDENTATION n. 锯齿状,缺口(英) n. 锯齿状,缺口(a dent, or slight hollow)
indenture INDENTURE [in'dent62]
INDENTURE n. 契约,合同(英) n. 契约,合同(a written contract or agreement)(记) in(进入)+dent(牙齿) +ure(状态),原指古 代师徒间分割成锯齿 状的契约
indescribable INDESCRIBABLE [`indis'kraib2b2l]
INDESCRIBABLE adj. (美得)无法形容的(英) adj. (美得)无法形容的(be yond the power of description)(记) in(不)+describ(描绘 )+able→无法描绘的
indicative INDICATIVE [in'dik2tiv]
INDICATIVE adj.暗示的(英) adj.暗示的(suggesti ve; implying)(例) Their failure to act is indicative of their lack of interest.
indices INDICES ['indisi:z]
INDICES n.index 的复数,指数(英) n.index 的复数,指数(signs; indications)
indict INDICT [in'dait]
INDICT v. 控诉,起诉(英) v. 控诉,起诉(to make a formal accusation against; accuse)(考) 反义词:exculpate( 使无罪)(记) in(进入)+dict(说)→ 把…(在法庭上)说→ 控告(同) 同根词:dictator (独裁者); dictation(听写)(例) He was indicted on two counts of attempted murder.
indifferent INDIFFERENT [in'difr2nt]
INDIFFERENT adj. 不感兴趣的,漠不关心 的(英) adj. 不感兴趣的,漠不关 心的(having or showing no partiality; detached; disinterested)(考) 反义词: avid(热情的)(记) in(不)+different(不 同的)→任何不同之事 都与己无关(例) Jane may seem indifferent but she really does care.
indigenous INDIGENOUS [in'did7in2s]
INDIGENOUS adj. 土产的,本地的(英) adj. 土产的,本地的(nati ve)(考) 反义词:acquired(后 天获得的); exotic(外来的); nonnative(非本土的)(记) indi(内部)+gen(产生 )+ous→内部产生的→ 本地的
indigent INDIGENT ['indid72nt]
INDIGENT adj. 贫穷的,贫困的(考) indigent : wealth / redundant : indispensability(穷困的不富有/多余 的不是不可缺少)反义词:affluent(丰 富的)(记) indi(内部)+gent(=e gent缺乏)→内部缺乏 ,贫困的,分割记忆:in(没有)+ dig(挖)+ent,挖不出 东西→贫困的
indignant INDIGNANT [in'dign2nt]
INDIGNANT adj. 愤慨的,愤愤不平的(英) adj. 愤慨的,愤愤不平的( feeling or expressing anger)(记) in(不)+dign(礼貌)+a nt→不礼貌→愤慨的(同) 同根词:dignity(尊 贵,礼貌); indign(不得体的)
indignation INDIGNATION [`indig'nei62n]
INDIGNATION n. 愤慨(英) n. 愤慨(anger or scorn; righteous anger)
indignity INDIGNITY [in'digniti]
INDIGNITY n.侮辱,轻蔑; 侮辱性的言行(英) n.侮辱,轻蔑; 侮辱性的言行(humili ating or degrading treatment)
indiscernible INDISCERNIBLE [`indi's2:n2b2l]
INDISCERNIBLE adj. 看不清的(英) adj. 看不清的(that cannot be discerned; imperceptible)(记) in(不)+discernible( 能分辨出来的)(例) a path almost indiscernible in the mist
indiscreet INDISCREET [`indis'kri:t]
INDISCREET adj. 不谨慎的(英) adj. 不谨慎的(lacking prudence; unwise)(记) in(不)+discreet(谨 慎的)
indiscretion INDISCRETION [`indi'skre62n]
INDISCRETION n. 不谨慎,鲁莽(英) n. 不谨慎,鲁莽(lack of good judgment; imprudence)(考) overdose : prescription / indiscretion : convention(用药过量没有依照处 方/不谨慎没有依照传 统)反义词:judiciousne ss(明智)
indiscriminate INDISCRIMINATE [`indis'kriminit]
INDISCRIMINATE adj. 不加选择的(英) adj. 不加选择的(not making careful choices or distinctions)(考) 反义词:fastidious( 挑剔的)(记) in(不)+discriminate (区别)(例) Bob is quite indiscriminate in his choice of clothing.
indispensability INDISPENSABILITY ['indis`pens2'biliti]
INDISPENSABILITY n.不可缺少(考) indigent : wealth / redundant : indispensability(穷困的没有财富/多 余的不是不可缺少)
indispensable INDISPENSABLE [`indi'spens2b2l]
INDISPENSABLE adj. 不可缺乏的(英) adj. 不可缺乏的(that cannot be dispensed with)(记) in(不)+dispensable( 必要的)
indisposed INDISPOSED [`indi'sp2uzd]
INDISPOSED adj. 不愿意的; 身体不适的(英) adj. 不愿意的(unwilling; disinclined)
indisputable INDISPUTABLE [`indi'spju:t2b2l]
INDISPUTABLE adj.无可辩驳(考) 反义词: refutable(可反驳的)
indistinguishable INDISTINGUISHABLE [`indi'sti8gwi62b2l]
INDISTINGUISHABLE adj. 不能区别的(考) indistinguishable : confound / equivalent : interchange(不能区别的容易混淆 /等同的容易交换)
indite INDITE [in'dait]
INDITE v.写,赋(诗文)(英) v.写,赋(诗文)(write ; compose)
indocile INDOCILE [in'd2usail]
INDOCILE adj. 不听话的,难驯服的(英) adj. 不听话的,难驯服的( not easy to teach or discipline)(记) in(不)+docile(温顺 的)
indoctrinate INDOCTRINATE [in'd0ktrineit]
INDOCTRINATE v.教导; 灌输思想(英) v.教导; 灌输思想(to imbue with doctrines)(考) stickler : exact / pedagogue : indoctrinate(吹毛求疵者特点是苛 刻的/学究特点是教导)(记) in(进入)+doctrin(教 条,思想)+ate→使思 想进入→灌输
indolent INDOLENT ['ind2l2nt]
INDOLENT adj. 懒惰的(英) adj. 懒惰的 (idle; lazy)(考) rectitude : transgression / indolence : diligence(正直不犯罪/懒惰不 勤奋)(记) in(不)+dol(悲痛)+en t→不悲痛的,指不因 为浪费时间等而悲痛 →懒隋的(同) 同根词:condolence( 安慰)(例) The boss fired the indolent employee.
indomitable INDOMITABLE [in'd0mit2bl]
INDOMITABLE adj. 坚强不屈的(英) adj. 坚强不屈的(unyieldi ng; unconquerable)(考) implacable : appease / indomitable : subdue(难平息的无法平息/ 难征服的无法征服)(记) in(不)+domit(统治, 支配)+able→不可支 配的→不可征服的;(同) 参考:dominate(支配 )
indubitable INDUBITABLE [in'dju:bit2b2l]
INDUBITABLE adj. 不容置疑的(英) adj. 不容置疑的(unquesti onable)(考) 反义词:questionabl e(可疑的)(记) in(不)+dubit(怀疑)+ able→不可怀疑的(同) 同根词:dubitation( 怀疑)
induce INDUCE [in'dju:s]
INDUCE v. 诱导; 引起(英) v. 诱导(to lead on to some action);引起(to bring out)(记) in(进入)+duce(引导) →引入,引起(例) Too much food induced sleepiness.
inducement INDUCEMENT [in'dju:sm2nt]
INDUCEMENT n. 引诱物(英) n. 引诱物(anything that induces; incentive)(考) 反义词:deterrent( 威慑物)
induct INDUCT [in'd3kt]
INDUCT v. 使就职; 使入伍(英) v. 使就职(install);使入伍(to enroll in the armed forces)(记) in(进去)+duct(引导) →引进→入伍(例) I was inducted into the navy.
induction INDUCTION [in'd3k62n]
INDUCTION n. 就职,入伍仪式; 归纳(英) n. 就职,入伍仪式(inst allation)
indulge INDULGE [in'd3ld7]
INDULGE v. 放纵(英) v. 放纵(allow oneself/sb to have whatever one likes or wants);满足(satisfy a perhaps unwarranted desire)(考) embarrass : mortify / indulge : mollycoddle(使窘迫过分是羞辱/ 迁就过分是纵容)indulge : ascetic / restrain : libertine(禁欲者不会放纵/放 荡者不会克制)abstemious : indulge / austere : decorate(节制的不会放纵/朴 素的不会装饰)反义词:eschew(躲避 )(例) It is sometimes necessary to indulge a sick child.
indulgence INDULGENCE [in'd3ld72ns]
INDULGENCE n. 放纵,纵容(英) 放纵,纵容(state of being allowed whatever one wants)(考) 反义词:asceticism( 禁欲主义)(例) Constant indulgence in bad habits brought about his ruin.
indulgent INDULGENT [in'd3ld72nt]
INDULGENT adj. 放纵的(英) adj. 放纵的(inclined to indulge)(考) 反义词:martinet(严 格执行纪律者)-indul gent individual(放纵者);(例) indulgent parents
indurate INDURATE ['indju2reit]
INDURATE v. 使硬化,使坚硬; 使习惯于(考) 反义词:soften(软化 )(记) in(进入)+dur(坚硬)+ ate→进入坚硬
industrious INDUSTRIOUS [in'd3stri2s]
INDUSTRIOUS adj. 勤劳的, 勤勉的(英) adj. 勤劳的, 勤勉的(hard-working , diligent)
industriousness INDUSTRIOUSNESS [in'd3stri2snis]
INDUSTRIOUSNESS n. 勤勉(考) industriousness : activity / fastidiousness : selectivity(勤奋多活动/挑剔多 选择)反义词:sedulity(勤 奋)-lack of industriousness(缺 乏勤奋)
inebriate INEBRIATE [i'ni:brieit]
INEBRIATE v. 使醉; n. 酒鬼,酒徒(英) v. 使醉(intoxicate);n. 酒鬼,酒徒(a drunkard)(记) in(进入)+ebri(醉)+a te→使…醉(同) 同根词:inebriety( 酗酒); inebriant(令人陶醉 的)(例) The inebriated driver crashed into the stop sign.
inedible INEDIBLE [in'edibl]
INEDIBLE adj. 不宜食用的(英) adj. 不宜食用的(not suitable to be eaten)(记) in(不)+edible(能吃 的) →不能吃的
ineffable INEFFABLE [in'ef2b2l]
INEFFABLE adj. 妙不可言的(英) adj. 妙不可言的(inexpres sible)(记) in(不)+effable(可以 表达的)(例) ineffable joy(妙不可言的乐趣)
ineffaceable INEFFACEABLE [`ini'feis2bl]
INEFFACEABLE adj. 抹不掉的(英) adj. 抹不掉的(indelible)
ineffective INEFFECTIVE [`ini'fektiv]
INEFFECTIVE adj. 不起作用的,无效果的(英) adj. 不起作用的,无效果的 (not producing the required effects)(记) in(无)+effect(效果) +ive→做不出来的→ 不起作用的
inefficacious INEFFICACIOUS [`inefi'kei62s]
INEFFICACIOUS adj. 无效果的,不灵的(记) in(无)+ef+fic(做)+i ous(多...的) →做不出的→无效果的
inelastic INELASTIC [`ini'l9stik]
INELASTIC adj. 无伸缩性的(英) adj. 无伸缩性的(not flexible or adaptable)(考) ephemeral : endure / inelastic : stretch(短暂的不持久/无弹 性的不伸展)(记) in(无)+elastic(伸缩 性的) →无伸缩性的
inelasticity INELASTICITY [`inil9s'tis2ti]
INELASTICITY n. 无弹性,无伸缩性(考) 反义词: resilience(弹性)(记) in+elastic+ity
ineligible INELIGIBLE [in'elid72b2l]
INELIGIBLE adj. 没有资格的(英) adj. 没有资格的(not legally or morally qualified)(记) in(不)+eligible(有 资格的)
ineluctable INELUCTABLE [`ini'l3kt2b2l]
INELUCTABLE adj. 不能逃避的(英) adj. 不能逃避的(certain; inevitable )(考) irrevocable : repeal / impervious : penetrate / ineluctable : avoid(不能取消的无法废止 /不能穿透的无法穿透 /不能避免的无法避免)serendipitous : effort / ineluctable : chance(偶然发现的不需要努 力/不可避免的不需要 机遇)(记) in(不)+eluctable(逃 避的)→不可避免的,
inept INEPT [i'nept]
INEPT adj. 无能的; 不适当的(英) adj. 无能的(inefficient) ;不适当的(not suitable)(记) in(无)+ept(熟练的) →不熟练的→无能的
ineptitude INEPTITUDE [i'neptitju:d]
INEPTITUDE n. 无能,不称职(考) 反义词:bent(爱好); finesse(灵巧)
inequity INEQUITY [in'ekwiti]
INEQUITY n. 不公正,不公平(英) n. 不公正,不公平(injus tice or unfairness)(考) illiteracy : education / inequity : redistribution(教育消除文盲/重新 分配消除不公平)(记) in(不)+equal(相等)+ ity→不相等
inerrancy INERRANCY [in'er2nsi]
INERRANCY n. 无差错,绝对正确(考) 反义词:fallibility (易错)(记) in(不)+err(出错)+an cy→不出错
inert INERT [i'n2:t]
INERT adj. 惰性的; 行动迟钝的(英) adj. 惰性的(having few or no active properties);行动迟钝的(dull; slow)(考) 反义词:reactant(反 应物); active(积极的); dynamic(动力的)(记) in(不)+ert(动)→不 动的→惰性的(例) the inert gas / to lie inert in the bed
inertia INERTIA [i'n2:62]
INERTIA n. 惰性; 懒惰(英) n. 惰性(the tendency of matter to remain at rest if at rest);懒惰(disinclination to move or act)(考) 反义词:tendenty to change motion(改变运动趋势 ); activity(活性)
inestimable INESTIMABLE [in'estim2b2l]
INESTIMABLE adj. 无法评价的,难以估量 的(英) adj. 无法评价的,难以估量 的(too great, precious to be estimated)(记) in(不)+estimable(可 估量的)
inevitable INEVITABLE [i'nevit2b2l]
INEVITABLE adj. 不可避免的(英) adj. 不可避免的(that cannot be avoid)(考) inevitable : chance / absolute : variability(不可避免的不是机会 /绝对的不是可变)untenable : defended / inevitable : avoided(难以防守的无法被防 守/难以
inexcusable INEXCUSABLE [inik'skju:z2b2l]
INEXCUSABLE adj. 不可原谅的(英) adj. 不可原谅的(too bad to be excused)(记) in+excuse(原谅)+abl e
inexhaustible INEXHAUSTIBLE [`inig'z0:st2b2l]
INEXHAUSTIBLE adj. 用不完的,取之不竭的(英) adj. 用不完的,取之不竭 的(that cannot be used up or emptied)(记) in(不)+exhaust(耗尽 )+ible→耗不尽的
inexorable INEXORABLE [in'eks2r2b2l]
INEXORABLE adj. 不为所动的; 坚决不变的(英) adj. 不为所动的(that cannot be moved or influenced);坚决不变的(that cannot be altered)(考) inexorable : dissuasion / indomitable : conquest(不为所动的无法说服 /不屈服的无法征服)反义词:relenting( 温和的)(记) in(不)+exorable(可 说服的)→不可说服的(同) 同根词:oration(演 讲)
inexpedient INEXPEDIENT [`inik'spi:di2nt]
INEXPEDIENT adj. 不适当的,不明智的(英) adj. 不适当的,不明智的( inadvisable; unwise)(记) in(不)+expedient(得 当的)(例) It would be inexpedient to set out in the rain.
inexpiable INEXPIABLE [in'ekspi2b2l]
INEXPIABLE adj. 不能补偿的(英) adj. 不能补偿的(that cannot be expiated or atoned)(记) in+expiable(可抵偿 的)→不能补偿的,来 自 expiate(补偿)
inexplicable INEXPLICABLE [`inik'splik2b2l]
INEXPLICABLE adj. 无法解释的(英) adj. 无法解释的 ( that cannot be explained or accounted for)(记) in(不)+explicable( 可以解释的)(例) the inexplicable disappearance of the woman
inexplicit INEXPLICIT [`inik'splisit]
INEXPLICIT adj. 措词含糊的, 表达不清的(记) in(不)+explicit(明 确的)→措词含糊的
inextricable INEXTRICABLE [in'ekstrik2b2l]
INEXTRICABLE adj. 无法摆脱的(英) adj. 无法摆脱的(that cannot be disentangled)(记) in(不)+extric(摆脱) +able→不能摆脱的;(同) 参考:extricate(拯 救,摆脱)
infallible INFALLIBLE [in'f9l2b2l]
INFALLIBLE adj. 绝不会错的; 绝对可靠的(英) adj. 绝不会错的(incapabl e of error),绝对可靠的(dependab le)(记) in(不)+fallible(错 误的)
infamous INFAMOUS ['inf2m2s]
INFAMOUS adj. 恶名昭彰的; 邪恶的(英) adj. 恶名昭彰的( notorious);邪恶的(scandalous; outrageous)(考) 反义词:estimable( 可尊敬的)(记) in(不好)+fam(名声)+ ous→名声不好的;(同) 参考:fame(名声)
infamy INFAMY ['inf2mi]
INFAMY n. 恶名昭彰(英) n. 恶名昭彰(very bad reputation)(考) 反义词:good repute(好名声)
infantry INFANTRY ['inf2ntri]
INFANTRY n. 步兵(英) n. 步兵(foot soldiers collectively)
infatuated INFATUATED [in'f9t6u:eitid]
INFATUATED adj. 迷恋(人)的(英) adj. 迷恋(人)的(complete ly carried away by foolish or shallow love or affection)
infatuation INFATUATION [in`f9t6u'ei62n]
INFATUATION n. 迷恋(英) n. 迷恋( infatuated love)(考) )[类比] sabbatical : leave / flattering : infatuation(休假给 人假期/奉承使人迷恋)反义词:odium(厌恶(记) in(进入)+fatu(愚蠢) +ate→因迷恋某人而 变得愚蠢;(同) 参考:fatuous(愚蠢 的)(例) Two mutually infatuated people can want each other desperately.
infection INFECTION [in'fek6(2)n]
INFECTION n. 传染,感染(英) n. 传染,感染(becoming ill through contact with bacteria)(考) antibiotic : infection / coagulant : bleeding(抗生素用来防止感染 /止血剂用来防止流血)反义词:septic(腐烂 的)-free of infection(未受感染 的)(记) infect+ion
infelicitous INFELICITOUS [`infi'lisit2s]
INFELICITOUS adj. 不幸的, 不妥当的(英) adj. 不幸的, 不妥当的(unfortunat e or unsuitable),(考) 反义词: happy(高兴的)(记) in(不)+felicitous( 得体的)
infelicity INFELICITY [infi'lisiti]
INFELICITY n. 不幸; 不恰当(考) 反义词:appropriate ness(适当)(记) in(不)+felic(得体)+ ity
infer INFER [in'f2:]
INFER v. 推断,推定(英) v. 推断,推定(reach an opinion from reasoning)(考) tacit : infer / encoded : decode(心照不宣的需要推断 /加密的需要解密)(记) in(进入)+fer(带来) →带进(意义) →推断
infernal INFERNAL [in'f2:n2l]
INFERNAL adj. 地狱的; 可恶的(英) adj. 地狱的(of hell);可恶的(hateful; outrageous)(记) infern(低)+al→低的 地方→地狱的(同) 同根词:inferior(低 下的)
inferno INFERNO [in'f2:n2u]
INFERNO n. 火海,地狱般的场所(英) n. 火海,地狱般的场所( hell or any place characterized by great heat or flames)(考) fire : inferno / storm : hurricane(程度: 火,火海/风,飓风)(记) infern(地狱)+o→地 狱,火海
infertile INFERTILE [in'f2:tail]
INFERTILE adj. 无法生殖的; 不毛的(英) adj. 无法生殖的(not fertilized);不毛的( not productive; barren )(记) in(不)+fertile(肥沃 的,生育的)
infertility INFERTILITY [`inf2'til2ti]
INFERTILITY n. 贫瘠(英) n. 贫瘠(state of being barren)(记) in(不)+fertility(n. 肥沃,多产)
infest INFEST [in'fest]
INFEST v. 骚扰,扰乱(英) v. 骚扰,扰乱(to overrun or inhabit in large numbers; swarm in or over)(记) in(进入)+fest(匆忙) →匆忙起来→骚扰(同) 同根词:festinate(赶 快,加速)(例) Mice infested the old house.
infidel INFIDEL ['infid(2)l]
INFIDEL n. 不信教者; 异教徒(英) n. 不信教者(a person who holds no religious belief)(记) in(不)+fid(相信)+el →不相信宗教的人
infidelity INFIDELITY [`infi'deliti]
INFIDELITY n. 不忠实,不贞(英) n. 不忠实,不贞(unfait hfulness or disloyalty to another)
infiltrate INFILTRATE ['infiltreit]
INFILTRATE v. 渗透,渗入(英) v. 渗透,渗入(to pass through,)(考) infiltrate : enter / insinuate : say(渗透是不知不觉进入 /暗示是不知不觉说出)(记) in(进入)+filtr(过滤 )+ate→过滤进去→渗 透;(同) 参考:filter(过滤)(例) Water has infiltrated the soil surface.
infinite INFINITE ['infinit]
INFINITE adj. 无限的,无穷的(英) adj. 无限的,无穷的(witho ut limits)(考) infinite : exhaust / discrete : overlap(无限的无法耗尽/离 散的无法重叠)unique : precedent / infinite : end(独特的没有先例/无 限的没有尽头)(记) in(无)+fin(范围)+it e→无范围的→无限的
infinitesimal INFINITESIMAL [`infini'tesim(2)l]
INFINITESIMAL adj. 极微小的n.极小的数(英) adj. 极微小的(infinitely small);(记) infinite(无穷的)+si mal→无穷小的
infinity INFINITY [in'finiti]
INFINITY n. 无限的时间或空间(英) 无限的时间或空间(en dless or unlimited space, time, distance, quantity, etc.)(考) 反义词:bounded space(有限空间)(记) in(无)+fin(结束)+it y→没有结束→无穷
infirm INFIRM [in'f2:m]
INFIRM adj. 虚弱的(英) adj. 虚弱的(physically weak)(考) 反义词:hale(强壮的 )(记) in(不)+firm(坚定) →不坚定的(同) 派生词: infirmity n. (虚弱feebleness; weakness)
inflame INFLAME [in'fleim]
INFLAME v. 使燃烧; 激怒(某人)(英) v. 使燃烧(to set on fire);激怒(某人)( excite intensely with anger)(考) 反义词:assuage(缓 和); subdue(征服)
inflamed INFLAMED [in'fleimd]
INFLAMED adj.发炎的(英) adj. 发炎的(red and swollen because of infection)(例) John scratched his inflamed skin. The inflamed girl screamed.
inflammable INFLAMMABLE [in'fl9m2b2l]
INFLAMMABLE adj.可燃的; 易激怒的(英) adj.可燃的(flammabl e);易激怒的(easily provoked, or excited)(记) in(进入)+flame(火) →进入火→燃烧
inflammation INFLAMMATION [`infl2'mei62n]
INFLAMMATION n. 激怒; 炽热; 炎症(英) 激怒,炽热;炎症(cond ition in which a part of the body is red, swollen and sore , esp because of infection)(考) 反义词:mollificati on(缓和)(记) in(进入)+flam(火焰) +m+ation→进入火焰 →炽热
inflate INFLATE [in'fleit]
INFLATE v.使膨胀(英) v.使膨胀(fill with air)(考) inflate : burst / pull : tear(使膨胀最终爆裂/拉 最终撕裂)反义词:minimize(减 到最小)
inflated INFLATED [in'fleitid]
INFLATED adj.充气的; 骄傲的(英) adj.充气的(puffed out);骄傲的(pompous; bombastic)(记) in(进入)+flate(气) →充气(同) 同根词:deflate(放 气); conflate(合并)派生词: inflation (n. 膨胀,夸大, 通货膨胀)
inflexible INFLEXIBLE [in'fleks2b2l]
INFLEXIBLE adj. 不可弯曲的;不屈的(英) adj. 不可弯曲的;不屈的(t hat cannot be changed)(记) in(不)+flex(弯曲)+i ble→不弯曲的
inflict INFLICT [in'flikt]
INFLICT v. 遭受(英) v. 遭受(cause a blow, penalty to be suffered by sb)(记) in(进入)+flict(打击 ) →进入打斗→导致痛苦
infliction INFLICTION [in'flik62n]
INFLICTION n. (强加于人身的)痛苦, 刑罚(英) n. (强加于人身的)痛苦 ,刑罚(something inflicted as punishment)(记) in(进入)+flict(打击 )+ion→打击,痛苦(同) 同根词:affliction( 苦恼); conflict(冲突)(例) He endured many inflictions with patience.
influx INFLUX ['infl3ks]
INFLUX n. 注入,涌入(英) n. 注入,涌入(arrival of people or things in large numbers or quantities)(考) 反义词:exodus(流出 )(记) in(进入)+flux(流动) →注入
informality INFORMALITY [`inf0:'m9l2ti]
INFORMALITY n. 非正式, 衣着随便(英) n. 非正式, 衣着随便(being informal)(记) informal+ity
informer INFORMER [in'f0:m2(r)]
INFORMER n.告发者,告密者(英) n.告发者,告密者(a person who secretly accuses)(记) inform(通知)+er→通 知者
infraction INFRACTION [in'fr9k62n]
INFRACTION n.违法(英) n.违法(violation; infringement)(记) in(使)+fract(破裂)+ ion→使法律破裂→违法(同) 同根词:refractory( 倔强的); fraction(碎片)(例) We do not condone or tolerate an infraction of even the most trivial kind.
infringe INFRINGE [in'frind7]
INFRINGE v.违反,侵害(英) v.违反,侵害(to break a law; violate; trespass)(记) in(不)+fringe( 界限)→不在界限之内 →违反(例) We'll sue your company if it infringes our agreement.
infuriate INFURIATE [in'fju2rieit]
INFURIATE v.使(人)极为愤怒(英) v.使(人)极为愤怒(en rage)(记) in(进入)+furi(=fury 狂怒)+ate→进入狂怒(例) Mary infuriated Bob by insulting him in public.
infuse INFUSE [in'fju:z]
INFUSE v.灌输; 鼓励(英) v.灌输(instill; impart);鼓励(inspire)(考) inspire : infuse / obliterate : remove(同义: 鼓舞=鼓舞/删除=去除 )反义词:drain away(排出); refuse(拒绝); extract(拔出)(记) in(进入)+fuse(流)→ 流进去→灌输(例) His speech infused the men with eagerness.
ingenious INGENIOUS [in'd7i:ni2s]
INGENIOUS adj.聪明的,有发明天 才的(英) adj. 聪明的,有发明天才 的(original, inventive)(记) in(内在)+gen(产生)+ ious→聪明产生于内 →聪慧的,注意不要 和ingenuous(坦率的 ,天真的)相混(同) 派生词: ingeniousness (n. 足智多谋;巧妙)(例) The prisoner developed an ingenious plan to break out of jail.
ingenue INGENUE ['9n7einju:]
INGENUE n.天真无邪的少女(英) n.天真无邪的少女(yo ung innocent girl)(考) ingenue : spohistication / cynic : rustfulness(无邪少女无世故/愤 世嫉俗者朴素)
ingenuity INGENUITY [`ind7i'nju:iti]
INGENUITY n.巧思,聪敏(英) n.巧思,聪敏(clever ness; originality)(考) diplomat : tact / inventor : ingenuity(外交官特点是圆滑/ 发明家特点是创新)反义词:lack of inventiveness(缺乏 创造性)
ingenuous INGENUOUS [in'd7enju2s]
INGENUOUS adj.纯朴的,单纯的(英) adj.纯朴的,单纯的( simple; artless)(考) shiftless : ambition / impeccable : flaw / ingenuous : guile(懒散的没有雄心/无 瑕疵的没有瑕疵/真诚 的没有诡计)ingenuous : dissemble / raffish : preen / polite : snub(天真的不掩饰/粗俗 的不打扮/礼貌的不冷 落)反义词: cunning(狡猾的); hypercritical(苛刻 的)(例) He displayed an ingenuous candour.
ingest INGEST [in'd7est]
INGEST v.咽下,吞下(英) v.咽下,吞下(to take into the body by swallowing)(考) 反义词:expel(排出) ; disgorge(呕吐); excrete(排泄)(记) in(进入)+gest(带)→ 带进去→咽下去(同) 同根词:congestion( 拥挤); digest(消化)
ingestion INGESTION [in'd7est62n]
INGESTION n. 摄取,吸收; 容纳(记) in(内)+gest(带来, 产生)+ion→带到里面 →摄取
ingrained INGRAINED [in'greind]
INGRAINED adj.根深蒂固的(英) adj. 根深蒂固的(firmed, fixed or established)(考) 反义词:easily to change(容易改变的)(记) in(进入)+grain(木头 的纹理)→进入纹理之 内→根深蒂固的(例) ingrained habits
ingrate INGRATE [in'greit]
INGRATE n.忘恩负义的人(英) n.忘恩负义的人(an ungrateful person)(考) 反义词:thinkful person(感恩者)(记) in(不)+grate(感激)(同) 派生词: ingratitude (n.忘恩负义ungratef ulness)
ingratiate INGRATIATE [in'grei6ieit]
INGRATIATE v.逢迎,讨好(英) v.逢迎,讨好(to bring oneself into another's favor or good graces by conscious effort)(考) camouflage : deception / flattery : ingratiating(伪装是为了欺骗/恭 维是为了逢迎)(记) in(使)+grati(感激)+ ate→使别人感激自己 →讨别人欢心(例) Many applicants try to ingratiate themselves with foreign professors.
ingratiating INGRATIATING [in'grei6ieiti8]
INGRATIATING adj.讨好的,谄媚的(考) ingratiating : win favor / disingenuous : deceive(讨好为了邀宠/虚伪 为了欺骗)(例) Mary's ingratiating comments flattered her boss.
ingredient INGREDIENT [in'gri:di2nt]
INGREDIENT n.成分(英) n.成分(element; ingredient)(记) ingr(=integr完整, 进入)+edi(吃)+ent→ 进入吃的东西内的东 西→(烹调的)原料
ingress INGRESS ['ingres]
INGRESS n.进入(英) n.进入(the act of entering)(记) in(进去)+gress(走) →走进去
inhabit INHABIT [in'h9bit]
INHABIT v. 栖居于,占据(英) v. 栖居于,占据(live in sth, occupy)(记) in(进入)+habit(居住 ) →住里面
inhabitant INHABITANT [in'h9bit2nt]
INHABITANT n. 居民; 栖息的动物(英) n. 居民; 栖息的动物(person or animal living in a place)(记) inhabit+ant(表人)
inhale INHALE [in'heil]
INHALE v.吸气(英) v.吸气(to draw air, vapor, etc. into the lungs)(记) in(进)+hale(呼吸)→ 吸气(同) 同根词:exhale(呼气 ); halitus(气息,蒸气)(例) to inhale deeply to enjoy the fresh air
inherent INHERENT [in'hi2r2nt]
INHERENT adj.固有的,与生俱来 的(英) adj.固有的,与生俱 来的(innate; basic; inborn)(记) in(内在)+her(继承)+ ent→天生继承下来的inherent(adj.天赋的 ,生来的;in[里面]+he r[粘附]+ent→天生[ 与身体连着] →天赋的)+ly
inherit INHERIT [in'herit]
INHERIT v. 继承(英) v. 继承(receive property)(例) The eldest son will inherit the title.
inheritor INHERITOR [in'herit2(r)]
INHERITOR n. 继承人,后继者(记) inherit(继承)+or(人 )
inhibit INHIBIT [in'hibit]
INHIBIT v.抑制(英) v.抑制(to prohibit, forbid)(考) 反义词: foment(激起); catalyze(催化)(记) in(不)+hibit(拿)→ 不许拿出→禁示(同) 同根词:exhibit(展 览); prohibit(阻止)
inhibited INHIBITED [in'hibtid]
INHIBITED adj.拘谨的,拘束的(英) adj.拘谨的,拘束的( to hold back feelings)(记) 来自inhibit(禁止), in(不)+hibit(拿)→ 不许拿出→禁示(同) 同根词:exhibit(展览 ); prohibit(阻止)(例) An introvert is a person with an inhibited personality.
inhibition INHIBITION [`inhi'bi62n]
INHIBITION n. 抑制,阻止;抑制力(英) n. 抑制,阻止(being inhibited)(考) abandon : inhibition / tranquillity : agitation(放纵不抑制/宁静不 骚动)(记) in(里面)+hibit(拿住 )+ion→在里面拿住→ 抑制
inhibitor INHIBITOR [in'hibit2]
INHIBITOR n.抑制剂(考) 反义词: catalyst(催化剂)
inhumane INHUMANE [`inhju:'mein]
INHUMANE adj.不近人情的(英) adj.不近人情的(crue l, brutal, unkind etc.)
inimical INIMICAL [i'nimik2l]
INIMICAL adj.敌意的,不友善的(英) adj.敌意的,不友善 的(hostile; unfriendly)(考) 反义词:friendly(友 好的); amiable(亲切的); amicable(友善的)(记) inim(=enemy敌人)+ic al→敌人的→敌对的
inimitable INIMITABLE [i'nimit2b2l]
INIMITABLE adj.无法仿效的,不可 比拟的(英) adj.无法仿效的,不 可比拟的(that cannot be imitated or matched)(考) 反义词:ordinary(普 通的); commonplace(普通的)(记) in(不)+imit(模仿)+a ble→不可模仿的;(同) 参考:imitation(模 仿)
iniquitous INIQUITOUS [i'nikwit2s]
INIQUITOUS adj.邪恶的,不公正的(英) adj.邪恶的,不公正 的(wicked; unjust)
iniquity INIQUITY [i'nikwiti]
INIQUITY n.邪恶,不公正(英) n.邪恶,不公正(lack of righteousness or justice; wickedness)(考) 反义词:rectitude( 正直); disinterestedness( 公正)(记) in(不)+iquit(=equit 公正)+ous→不公正的(例) Those who are complacent about any iniquity in our society should be wary of the unsavory consequences for all.
initial INITIAL [i'ni62l]
INITIAL adj. 开始的,最初的; n.(姓名的)首字母(英) adj. 开始的,最初的( at the beginning);n.(姓名的)首字母(in itial letter of a name)(例) the initial letter of a word
initiate INITIATE [i'ni6ieit]
INITIATE v. 发起,创始;接纳或介 绍某人加入某团体等(英) v. 发起,创始(put a scheme into operation);接纳或介绍某人加入 某团体等(admit or introduce sb to membership of a group)(考) 反义词: follow up(后来跟上)(例) initiate a plan
initiative INITIATIVE [i'ni6i2tiv]
INITIATIVE n. 主动; 首创精神(英) n. 主动;首创精神(ente rprise)(记) 来自initial(开始的 ,最初的)(例) His initiatives won him a lot of accolades.
injection INJECTION [in'd7ek62n]
INJECTION n. 注射; 注射剂(记) inject(v.注射; in[进]+ject[扔]→扔 进去→注射)
injunction INJUNCTION [in'd738k62n]
INJUNCTION n. 命令,强制令(英) n. 命令,强制令(biddin g; command)(记) in(进入)+junct(连接 )+ion→和(法令)相连 接→命令; 参考: enjoin(命令)
inkling INKLING ['i8kli8]
INKLING n. 暗示,迹象;略知,模糊 概念(英) n. 暗示,迹象(hint);略知,模糊概念(sligh t knowledge of sth secret or not previously known)(考) inkling : indication / lapse : error(程度: 暗示指示/小错错误)
innate INNATE [`i'neit]
INNATE adj. 生来的,天赋的(英) adj. 生来的,天赋的(inbo rn; inbred; congenital; hereditary)(记) in(内生)+nate(出生) →出生时带来的(同) 同根词:natality(出 生率)(例) The singer had an innate talent for music.
innocence INNOCENCE ['in2s2ns]
INNOCENCE n. 无辜,清白(英) n. 无辜,清白(quality of being innocent)(考) 反义词:guilt(罪过)(记) in(无)+noc(伤害,毒) +ence
innocent INNOCENT ['in2s2nt]
INNOCENT adj. 无辜的,清白的;无害 的;单纯的(英) 无辜的,清白的(not guilty of wrongdoing)无害的(harmless)单纯的(knowing nothing of evil or wrong)(记) in(无)+noc(伤害,毒) +ent→无害的
innocuous INNOCUOUS [i'n0kju2s]
INNOCUOUS adj. (行为,言论等)无害的(英) adj. (行为,言论等)无害 的(harmless)(考) placebo : innocuous / salve : unctuous / venom : toxious(安慰剂是无毒的/油 膏剂是油质的/毒液是 有毒的)反义词:noxious(有 害的); caustic(尖刻的)(记) in(无)+noc(毒害)+uo us→无毒的(同) 同根词:obnoxious( 引起反感的)(例) There appears to be no such thing as an innocuous heresy.
innovation INNOVATION [`in2'vei62n]
INNOVATION n. 革新,改革(英) n. 革新,改革(making changes)(考) contumacious : authority / reactionary(hidebound, conservative):chang e(innovation, novelty)(顽固的不接受权威/ 反动的[僵化的, 保守的]不接受变化[ 创新])(记) innovate(v.革新,改 革)
innovative INNOVATIVE ['in2uveitiv]
INNOVATIVE adj. 革新的(英) adj. 革新的(introducing or using new ideas, techniques)(考) 反义词:derivative( 派生的)(记) innovate+ive
innuendo INNUENDO [`inju'end2u]
INNUENDO n. 含沙射影,暗讽(英) n. 含沙射影,暗讽(an indirect remark, gesture, or reference, usually implying some thing derogatory; insinuation)(记) innu(在内)+endo(内 部)→包含在内→暗讽(同) 参考:endogenous(内 生的,自发的); insinuate(暗指)
inoculate INOCULATE [i'n0kjuleit]
INOCULATE v. 预防注射(英) v. 预防注射(to inject a serum, vaccine to create immunity)(记) in(进入)+ocul(萌芽 ,眼睛)+ate→(接种) 进入萌芽→预防注射_(例) Have you been inoculated against measles yet?
inoffensive INOFFENSIVE [in2'fensiv]
INOFFENSIVE adj. 不触犯人的(英) adj. 不触犯人的(not objectionable)(记) in(不)+offensice(冒 犯的)
inordinate INORDINATE [in'0rdinit,i'n0:din2t]
INORDINATE adj. 过度的,过分的(英) adj. 过度的,过分的(immo derate; excessive)(记) in(不)+ordin(正常) →ate→(生活)不正常 的,无节制的(例) an inordinate cigarette-smoker
inquietude INQUIETUDE [in'kwaiitju:d]
INQUIETUDE n. 焦虑,不安(英) n. 焦虑,不安(restless ness; uneasiness)(记) in(不)+quietude(安 静)→不安静
inquiry INQUIRY [in'kwai2ri]
INQUIRY n. 询问(英) n. 询问(request for help or information)(考) importune : request / pry : inquiry(强求是过分请求/刺 探是过分询问)confidence : arrogant / inquiry : interrogatory(过分自信是自大/过 分询问是质问)(记) inquie的名词
inquisitive INQUISITIVE [in'kwizitiv]
INQUISITIVE adj. 过分好问的; 好奇的(英) adj. 过分好问的(prying)(记) in(进入)+quisit(询 问)+ive→问进去→好 问的(同) 同根词:prerequisit e(先决条件); inquisition(调查)(例) The teacher enjoyed teaching the inquisitive class.
inroad INROAD ['inr2ud]
INROAD n.突袭;消耗(英) n.突袭(hostile invasion);消耗( advance that lessens the quantity of something)(例) It is a serious inroad into personal freedom(对个人自由 的严重侵犯)
insalubrity INSALUBRITY [ins2'lu:briti]
INSALUBRITY n.不利健康(考) 反义词: healthfulness(有益 健康)
insane INSANE [in'sein]
INSANE adj. 疯狂的(英) adj. 疯狂的(deranged; demented; mad)(记) in(不)+sane(清醒的) →头脑不清醒的(例) You'd be insane to wear a bathing suit to the wedding.
insanity INSANITY [in's9niti]
INSANITY n. 疯狂; 愚昧(英) n. 疯狂(derangement);愚昧(great folly; extreme senselessness)
insatiable INSATIABLE [in'sei62b2l]
INSATIABLE adj. 不能满足的,贪心的(英) adj. 不能满足的,贪心的(v ery greedy)(记) in(不)+sati(满)+abl e→不能满足的
inscribe INSCRIBE [in'skraib]
INSCRIBE v. 在某物上写,题(英) v. 在某物上写,题(write words on as a formal or permanent record)(记) in(进入)+scribe(写) →刻写进去→铭刻
inscription INSCRIPTION [in'skrip62n]
INSCRIPTION n. 铭刻; 题献(英) n. 铭刻;题献(a brief or informal dedication in a book)(记) in(进入)+script(写 ,刻)+ion→刻写进去 →铭刻(同) 同根词:describe(描 绘); conscription(征兵)
inscrutability INSCRUTABILITY [in`skru:t2'bil2ti]
INSCRUTABILITY n. 神秘(英) n. 神秘(mystery)(记) 联系inscrutable(adj .神秘的)
inscrutable INSCRUTABLE [in'skru:t2b2l]
INSCRUTABLE adj. 高深莫测的,神秘的(英) adj. 高深莫测的,神秘的( unfathomable; enigmatic; mysterious)(考) incorrigible : reformed / inscrutable : understood(难以纠正的无法被纠 正/难以理解的无法被 理解)(记) in(不)+scrut(理解)+ able→不理解的(同) 同根词:scrutiny(详 细阅读)
insecticide INSECTICIDE [in'sektisaid]
INSECTICIDE n. 杀虫剂(英) n. 杀虫剂(substance used for killing insects)(记) insect(昆虫)+I+cide (杀) →杀昆虫的东西→杀 虫剂
insecure INSECURE [insi'kju2]
INSECURE adj. 不安全的,不稳定的; 信心不足的(英) adj. 不安全的,不稳定的(n ot secure);信心不足的(lacking confidence)(记) in(不)+secure(安全 的)→不安全的
insensate INSENSATE [in'senseit]
INSENSATE adj.无感觉的;蠢笨无 情的(英) adj.无感觉的(withou t feeling);蠢笨无情的(foolish)
insensibility INSENSIBILITY [insensi'biliti]
INSENSIBILITY n. 无知觉,无意识(英) n. 无知觉,无意识(uncon sciousness)(考) astringent : contraction / anesthetic : insensibility(收缩剂的作用是收缩 /麻醉剂的作用是麻醉)(记) insensible+ity
insensible INSENSIBLE [in'sens2b2l]
INSENSIBLE adj. 昏迷不醒的; 一无所知的(英) adj. 昏迷不醒的(unconsci ous);一无所知的(without knowledge)(考) numb : insensible / burnish : lustrous(使麻木的结果是无知 觉/磨光的结果是有光 泽)(记) in(无)+sens(感觉)+i ble→无感觉的
insensitive INSENSITIVE [in'sensitiv]
INSENSITIVE adj. 未意识到的, 感觉迟钝的(英) adj. 未意识到的, 感觉迟钝的(not realizing)(考) credulous : dupe / insensitive : boor / mischievous : imp(易上当的人特点是轻 信/鲁钝的人特点是迟 钝/顽童的特点是顽皮)(记) in+sens+itive
insensitivity INSENSITIVITY [in`sensi'tiviti]
INSENSITIVITY n. 感觉迟钝, 麻木不仁
insentient INSENTIENT [in'sen62nt]
INSENTIENT adj. 无知觉的, 无生命的(考) 反义词:perceiving( 可感知的)(记) in(无)+senti(感觉)+ ent→无感觉的→无生 命的
insert INSERT [in's2:t,'ins2:t]
INSERT v. 插入(英) v. 插入(to put or fit into something else)(考) superimpose : above / insert : between(放在上面位置在上面 /插入中间位置在中间)反义词:remove(拿走 )(记) in(进入)+sert(插, 放)→插进去→插入(同) 同根词:exsert(突出 ,伸出)
insertion INSERTION [in's2:62n]
INSERTION n. 插入,插入物(考) caret : insertion / comma : pause(插字符表示插入/逗 号表示暂停)
insider INSIDER [in'said2]
INSIDER n. 局内人,圈内人(英) n. 局内人,圈内人(a person inside a given place or group)
insidious INSIDIOUS [in'sidi2s]
INSIDIOUS adj.隐藏诡计的(英) adj.隐藏诡计的(more dangerous than seems evident)(记) in+(里面)+sid(坐)+i ous→(祸害)坐在里面的(同) 同根词:assiduous( 勤勉的); preside(主持)(例) The glib salesman sells products in some insidious way.
insight INSIGHT ['insait]
INSIGHT n. 洞察力(英) n. 洞察力(ability to see into the true nature)(考) 反义词:discernment (洞察力)-lack of insight(缺乏洞察力)(记) in(进入)+sight(眼光 ) →眼光看进去→洞察力
insightful INSIGHTFUL [in'saitful]
INSIGHTFUL adj. 富有洞察力的(英) adj. 富有洞察力的(showin g insight)(记) insight+ful
insignia INSIGNIA [in'signi2]
INSIGNIA n. 徽章,袖章(英) n. 徽章,袖章(badges, emblems, etc.)(记) in(作为)+sign(标志 ,记号)+ia→作为标 志的东西
insignificance INSIGNIFICANCE [`insig'nifik2ns]
INSIGNIFICANCE n. 无足轻重(考) skirmish : insignificance / duel : formality(小战斗的特点是不重 要/决斗的特点是正式)(记) in(不)+sign(信号)+i fic(带有)+ance→没 有带信号→没有意义
insinuate INSINUATE [in'sinjueit]
INSINUATE v. 暗指,暗示(英) v. 暗指,暗示(to hint or suggest indirectly; imply)(考) infiltrate : enter / insinuate : say(渗透是不知不觉进入 /暗示是不知不觉说出)(记) in(进入)+sinu(弯曲) +ate→绕弯说出来→ 暗指(同) 同根词:sinuous(弯 弯曲曲的)(例) an insinuating remark(含沙射影的话 )
insipid INSIPID [in'sipid]
INSIPID adj. 乏味的,枯燥的(英) adj. 乏味的,枯燥的(dull ; lifeless; vapid; flat; banal)(考) ruthless : mercy / insipid : flavor(无情不会仁慈/无味 不会有味道)insipid : invention / prosaic : imagination(枯燥的不会有创新/ 单调的不会有想象力)(记) in(进入)+sip(啜饮)+ id→不好喝的→乏味 的;注意:insipienc e(愚蠢)
insistence INSISTENCE [in'sist2ns]
INSISTENCE n. 坚持,强求(英) 坚持,强求(the act or instance of insisting)(记) 来自insist(坚持),i n(里面)+sist(站)→ 站在里面→坚持(同) 同根词:resistance( 对抗);persist(坚韧 不拔)
insolate INSOLATE ['ins2uleit]
INSOLATE v. 使暴晒(英) v. 使暴晒(to expose to the rays of the sun)(记) in(进入)+sol(太阳)+ ate→进入太阳→暴晒 ; 参考: solar(太阳的)(同) 同根词:solarium(日 光浴室)
insolent INSOLENT ['ins2l2nt]
INSOLENT adj. 粗野的,无礼的(英) adj. 粗野的,无礼的(bold ly disrespectful in speech orbehavior; impudent)(考) 反义词: polite(礼貌的); courteous(有礼貌的)(记) in(不)+sol(悲哀,感 情)+ent→不讲感情的 →粗野的_(同) 派生词: insolence (n. 粗野的,无礼的)(例) The insolent student yelled at the teacher.
insolently INSOLENTLY ['ins2l2ntli]
INSOLENTLY adv. 粗野地, 傲慢地(考) perfunctorily : inspiration / insolently : veneration(敷衍地不会产生灵感 /傲慢地不会产生尊敬)
insoluble INSOLUBLE [in's0ljub2l]
INSOLUBLE adj. 不溶解的;不能解决的(英) adj. 不溶解的(that cannot be dissolved);不能解决的(that cannot be solved)(考) buoyant : sink / insoluble : dissolve(有浮力的无法下沉/ 不能溶解的无法溶解)(记) in(不)+soluble(adj. 可溶的; solu[松开]+able)
insolvency INSOLVENCY [in's0lv2nsi]
INSOLVENCY n. 破产(英) n. 破产( bankruptcy)(考) 反义词:ability to pay one's debts(有偿还能力)(记) in(无)+solvency(n. 还债能力)→无还债能力
insolvent INSOLVENT [in's0lv2nt]
INSOLVENT adj. 无钱还债的(英) adj. 无钱还债的(unable to pay debts)
insomnia INSOMNIA [in's0mni2]
INSOMNIA n. 失眠症(英) n. 失眠症(abnormally prolonged inability to sleep)(考) insomnia : sleep / dyslexia : read(失眠症无法睡眠/阅 读障碍症无法阅读)(记) +in(不)+somn(睡眠)+ ia→不能睡眠→失眠症(同) 同根词:somniferous (催眠的); somnolent(想睡的)
insouciance INSOUCIANCE [in'su:si2ns]
INSOUCIANCE n. 漠不关心, 漫不经心(记) in(不)+souci(担心)+ ance→不担心→漠不 关心
insouciant INSOUCIANT [in'su:si2nt]
INSOUCIANT adj. 漫不经心的(英) adj. 漫不经心的(unconcer ned)
inspection INSPECTION [in'spek62n]
INSPECTION n.检查, 细看(英) n.检查, 细看(critical examination)(考) tender : acceptance / exhibit : inspection(提出是为了别人接受 /展览是为了别人参观)(记) 来自inspect(细看, 视察)(同) 同根词:retrospect( 回顾); introspect(内省)(例) I gave the radio a thorough inspection before I bought it.
inspiration INSPIRATION [`insp2'rei62n]
INSPIRATION n. (思考而得的)启示,灵 感(英) n. (思考而得的)启示 ,灵感(thought or emotion inspired by sth.)(考) perfunctorily : inspiration / insolently : veneration(敷衍地不会产生灵感 /傲慢地不会产生尊敬)(记) in(进入)+spir(呼吸) +ation→吸入(灵_气) →灵感_(同) 同根词:expire(期满 ,断气);aspiration (热望)
inspired INSPIRED [in'spai2d]
INSPIRED adj. 有创见的,有灵感的(英) adj. 有创见的,有灵感的( aroused creative thought and action)(记) in(进入)+spir(呼吸) +ation→吸入(灵气) →灵感(同) 同根词:expire(期满, 断气); aspiration(热望)
instability INSTABILITY [`inst2'biliti]
INSTABILITY n. 不稳定,不稳固(英) n. 不稳定,不稳固(lack of stability)(记) in(不)+stability(n. 稳定性)
install INSTALL [in'st0:l]
INSTALL v. 安装,装置; 使就职(英) v. 安装,装置(fix equipment etc)(记) in(进)+stall(放) →放进去→安装(同) 派生词: installation (n. 就职,安装)
installment INSTALLMENT [in'st0:lm2nt]
INSTALLMENT n. 分期付款; 安装(英) n. 分期付款; 安装( installation)(记) in(不)+stall(停止)+ ment→不停地(给钱) →分期付款_
instantaneous INSTANTANEOUS [`inst2n'teini2s]
INSTANTANEOUS adj. 立即的; 瞬间发生的(英) adj. 立即的(immediate)(记) instant(马上的,立 即的)+aneous→立即 的;(同) 参考:instantize(把 食品等预先配制好)
instigate INSTIGATE ['instigeit]
INSTIGATE v. 发起,煽动(英) v. 发起,煽动(to urge on; foment; incite)(考) 反义词:quell(镇压)(记) in(进入)+stig(=stin g 刺激)+ate→刺激起来 →煽动(同) 派生词: instigation (n. 煽动,刺激)
instigator INSTIGATOR ['instigeit2(r)]
INSTIGATOR n. 发起者,煽动者(英) n. 发起者,煽动者(perso n who instigates)(考) instigator : incite / bully : browbeat(煽动者擅长煽动/欺 凌弱小者擅长恫吓)(例) He is the instigator of this organization.
instill INSTILL [in'stil]
INSTILL v. 滴注; 逐渐灌输(英) v. 滴注(to put in drop by drop);逐渐灌输(impart gradually)(记) in(进入)+still(水滴 )→像水滴一样进入→ 滴注(同) 同根词:distill(蒸 馏)(例) Working as a waitress instilled Anne with patience.
instinct INSTINCT [in'sti8kt]
INSTINCT n. 本能(英) n. 本能(natural inborn tendency)(考) 反义词:learned response(学到的反应 )(记) in(内)+stinct(刺,刺 激) →内在的刺激
instinctive INSTINCTIVE [in'sti8ktiv]
INSTINCTIVE adj. 天生的,直觉的(英) 天生的,直觉的(not coming from training or based on reasoning)(记) instinct+ive
institute INSTITUTE ['institju:t]
INSTITUTE v. 制定,创立(社团,规章 ); n. 学院,协会(英) v. 制定,创立(社团,规 章)(to set up; establish)(考) 反义词: rescind(废除); abrogate(废除)(记) in(进入)+stitute(站 )→站进去→制定,创立(同) 同根词:constitutio n(宪法,规章); restitution(赔偿)(例) The foundation was instituted in 191
institution INSTITUTION [`insti'tju:62n]
INSTITUTION n. 建立,设立, 制度(英) 建立,设立(instance of establishing [an inquiry, a custom ,a rule])(记) institute(v.制定,设 立;in[进入]+stitute [建立,放]→建立进去 →设立)+ion
institutionalized INSTITUTIONALIZED [insti'tju:62n2laizd]
INSTITUTIONALIZED adj. 制度化的,有组织的(记) institution+alize( 表动词化)+ed
instruct INSTRUCT [in'str3kt]
INSTRUCT v. 教授科目或技巧; 指导(英) v. 教授科目或技巧; 指导(give orders or directions)(考) didactic : instruct / comic : amuse(教诲的目的是教导/ 喜剧的目的是娱乐)(记) in(进)+struct(建立) →把知识建立进去→ 指导
instruction INSTRUCTION [in'str3k62n]
INSTRUCTION n. 教授,传授; 命令,指示(英) 教授,传授(process of teaching)命令,指示(order or direction given)(考) tuition : instruction / fare : transportation(教育要收取学费/运 输要收取运费)anecdote : amusement / lecture : instruction(轶事是带来消遣/讲 座带来教育)(记) in+struct+ion
instrument INSTRUMENT ['instrum2nt]
INSTRUMENT n. 器具,仪器(英) 器具,仪器(implement or apparatus used in performing an action, esp for delicate or scientific work)(考) allergy : reaction / lancet : instrument(过敏是一种反应/柳 叶刀是一种工具)
instrumental INSTRUMENTAL [`instru'ment2l]
INSTRUMENTAL adj. 有帮助的,有作用的(英) adj. 有帮助的,有作用的( helpful in bringing something about)(考) orchestra : instrumental / choir : vocal(管弦乐队是用乐器演 奏的/合唱团是用嗓子 歌唱的)(记) instrument(器具, 手段)+al→像工具一 样→有帮助的(例) Tom's good manners were instrumental in getting him the job.
instrumentalist INSTRUMENTALIST [instr2'ment2list]
INSTRUMENTALIST n. 乐器演奏者(英) n. 乐器演奏者(player of a musical instrument)(考) instrumentalist : orchestra / actor : troupe(乐器演奏者组成管弦 乐队/演员组成剧团)instrumentalist : symphony / dancer : ballet(乐器演奏者表演交响 乐/舞者表演芭蕾舞)conductor : instrumentalist / director : actor(指挥指导乐器演奏者 表演/导演指挥演员表 演)(记) instrument+al+ist
insubordinate INSUBORDINATE [`ins2'b0:d2nit]
INSUBORDINATE adj. 不服从的,反抗的(英) adj. 不服从的,反抗的(di sobedient)(考) 反义词:tractable( 易驾驭的)(记) in(不)+subordinate( 服从的,下属的)
insubstantial INSUBSTANTIAL [`ins2b'st9n6l]
INSUBSTANTIAL adj.非实体的;薄弱的(英) adj.非实体的( immaterial);薄弱的( frail)
insufferable INSUFFERABLE [in's3f2r2b2l]
INSUFFERABLE adj. 无法忍受的(英) adj. 无法忍受的(intolera ble; unbearable)(记) in(不)+suffer(遭受, 忍受)+able
insufficient INSUFFICIENT [`ins2'fi62nt]
INSUFFICIENT adj. 不足的(英) adj. 不足的(not enough; inadequate)(考) 反义词:surfeit(过 度的)(记) in(不)+sufficient( 足够的)
insular INSULAR ['insjul2]
INSULAR adj. 岛屿的; 心胸狭窄的(英) adj. 岛屿的,心胸狭窄的( narrow-minded, illiberal)(考) 反义词:cosmopolita n(世界性的)(记) insul(岛)+ar→岛屿 的;(同) 同根词:peninsular( 半岛的)
insularity INSULARITY [`insju'l9riti]
INSULARITY n. 心胸狭窄(英) 偏狭性(state of being insular)(考) 反义词:cosmopolita nism(大同主义)
insulate INSULATE ['insjuleit]
INSULATE v. 使绝缘; 使隔离(英) v. 使绝缘(to separate or cover with a nonconducting material);使隔离(isolate)(考) 反义词:expose(暴露 )(记) insul(岛)+ate→成为 岛一样→隔离(例) We are not insulated from the real world the way we were.
insulin INSULIN ['insjulin]
INSULIN n. 胰岛素(考) insulin : pancreas / bile : liver(胰脏分泌胰岛素/肝 脏分泌胆汁)(记) insul(岛)+in(素)
insuperable INSUPERABLE [in'sju:p2r2b2l]
INSUPERABLE adj. 难以克服的(记) insul(不)+super(超 越)+able→不可超越的(同) 同根词:supernatura l(超自然的)(例) insuperable difficulties
insurance INSURANCE [in'6u2r2ns]
INSURANCE n. 保险契约; 保险业(英) 保险契约(contract made to provide a guarantee of compensation for loss, damage , death in return for regular payment)保险业(business of providing such contracts)(考) raincoat : rain / insurance : loss(穿雨衣防止下雨被淋 湿/买保险防止受损失)(记) insure(保险)+ance
insurgent INSURGENT [in's2:d72nt]
INSURGENT adj. 叛乱的,起事的; n. 叛乱分子(英) adj. 叛乱的,起事的(rebe llious);n. 叛乱分子(a person engaged in insurgent activity)(考) parsimony : miser / rebelliousness : insurgent(吝啬鬼的特点是小气 /反叛者特点是反叛)(记) in(内部)+surge(浪涛 ,升起)+ent→内部起 浪潮→叛乱的;(同) 参考:surge(巨浪,汹 涌)
insurrection INSURRECTION [`ins2'rek62n]
INSURRECTION n. 造反,叛乱(英) n. 造反,叛乱(rebellio n; revolt)(记) in(内部)+sur(下面)+ rect(竖直,直)+ion →内部的下属站直了 →造反(同) 同根词:rectitude( 正直); resurrect(复活)
intact INTACT [in't9kt]
INTACT adj. 完整的,未动过的(英) adj. 完整的,未动过的(un impaired; complete)(考) 反义词:riven(被撕 裂的)(记) in(不)+tact(接触)→ 未接触过→完整的(同) 同根词:contact(接 触); tactile(接触的)
intangibility INTANGIBILITY [`int9nd72'bil2ti]
INTANGIBILITY n.无形, 不可接触(考) 反义词: palpability(可触知 性)
intangible INTANGIBLE [in't9nd72b2l]
INTANGIBLE adj. 不可捉摸的(英) adj. 不可捉摸的(incorpor eal; impalpable)(考) 反义词:corporeal( 物质的)(记) in(不)+tangible(可 触摸的)
integral INTEGRAL ['intigr2l]
INTEGRAL adj. 构成整体所必需的;完 整的(英) adj. 构成整体所必需的(ne cessary for completeness);完整的(whole)(考) 反义词:superfluous (多余的)(记) integr(完整)+al
integrate INTEGRATE ['intigreit]
INTEGRATE v. 使成整体(英) v. 使成整体(to make whole or complete)(记) integr(完整)+ate→ 完整化→成为整体(同) 同根词:integrity( 完整,正直); integrant(不可分割 的)派生词: integration (n. 结合,综合)
integrity INTEGRITY [in'tegriti]
INTEGRITY n. 正直,诚实; 完整(英) n. 正直,诚实(honesty and sincerity);完整(entirety)(考) ecumenical : generality / entire : integrity(一般的有一般性/整 体的有整体性)反义词:incompleten ess(不完全)
intellect INTELLECT ['intilekt]
INTELLECT n. 智力,思维能力(英) n. 智力,思维能力(power of the mind to reason and acquire knowledge)(记) intel(在...中间)+le ct(选择)→在中间选 出的人→智者
intelligible INTELLIGIBLE [in'telid72b2l]
INTELLIGIBLE adj. 可了解的,清晰的(英) adj. 可了解的,清晰的(th at can be understood; comprehensible)(记) intel(在中间)+lig(= let 选择)+ible→从中间 选择出来的→可理解的(同) 同根词:intelligenc e(智力,智慧); intellect(智力,理 解力)
intemperance INTEMPERANCE [in'temp2rens]
INTEMPERANCE n. 无节制, 放纵(英) 无节制,放纵(state of being lack of self-control)(考) 反义词:teetotalism (绝对禁酒)(记) in(无)+temper(时间 或时间引起的现象)+a nce
intemperate INTEMPERATE [in'temp2rit]
INTEMPERATE adj. 无节制的,放纵的(ex cessive;going to extremes)反义词:equable(a. 平静的);constraine d(a. 拘泥的)
intensify INTENSIFY [in'tensifai]
INTENSIFY v. 加剧(英) v. 加剧(cause to become more intense )(考) 反义词:assuage(缓 和); abate(减少)(记) intense+ify
intensity INTENSITY [in'tensiti]
INTENSITY n. 剧烈,紧张; (感情的)强烈程度(英) 剧烈,紧张(quality of being intense)(感情的)强烈程度(st rength of emotion)(考) moderate : intensity / extenuate : seriousness(缓和使强度降低/减 轻使严重性降低)反义词:palliate(减 轻)(记) intense(强烈的)+ity
intent INTENT [in'tent]
INTENT adj. 专心的,渴望的;目的, 意向(英) adj. 专心的,渴望的(full of eager interest);目的,意向(purpose)(记) 来自intend (v.打算)
intentional INTENTIONAL [in'ten62n2l]
INTENTIONAL adj. 存心的,故意的(英) adj. 存心的,故意的(done on purpose)(考) 反义词:inadvertent (无意的)(记) intention+al
inter INTER [in't2:]
INTER v. 埋葬(英) v. 埋葬(to put into a grave or tomb; bury)(考) submerge : water / inter : earth(被水淹没/被土掩埋)(记) in(进入)+ter(=terr 泥土)→埋进泥土(同) 同根词:terrain(地 形); subterranean(地下的)
interaction INTERACTION [`int2'r9k62n]
INTERACTION n. 相互作用(影响)(英) n. 相互作用(影响)( reciprocal action or effect)(记) inter(在中间)+act( 作用)+ion→相互作用
intercede INTERCEDE [`int2'si:d]
INTERCEDE v. 说好话,代求情(英) v. 说好话,代求情(to plead or make a request on behalf of another)(记) inter(在中间)+cede( 走)→走到中间→代别 人求情(例) He interceded with the governor for me, and I was saved.
intercept INTERCEPT [`int2'sept]
INTERCEPT v. 中途拦截,截取(英) v. 中途拦截,截取(to seize or stop on the way(记) inter(在中间)+cept( 拿)→从中间拿→拦截
intercessor INTERCESSOR [`int2'ses2(r)]
INTERCESSOR n.仲裁者(考) intercessor : mediate / augur : predict/ translator : interpret(仲裁者仲裁/预言家 预言/翻译家翻译)
interchangeable INTERCHANGEABLE [`int2't6eind72b2l]
INTERCHANGEABLE adj. 可互换的(英) adj. 可互换的(that can be interchanged)(考) synonymous : meaning / interchangeable : function(意义相同的是同义的 /功能相同是可互换的)(记) interchange(交换, 互换)+able→能互换的
interdependent INTERDEPENDENT [`int2:di'pend2nt]
INTERDEPENDENT adj. 互相依赖的(英) adj. 互相依赖的(dependin g on each other)(记) inter(相互)+depende nt(依赖的)
interdict INTERDICT ['int2dikt]
INTERDICT v. 禁止; 切断(补给线); n. 禁令(英) v. 禁止(to prohibit; forbid with authority);切断(补给线)(to impede or hinder by firepower or bombing);(记) inter(在中间)+dict( 说)+在内部命令(不准 做)→禁止(例) The play was interdicted by law.
interdisciplinary INTERDISCIPLINARY [`int2`disi'plin2ri]
INTERDISCIPLINARY adj. 跨学科的(英) adj. 跨学科的(covering more than one area of study)(记) inter(在中间)+disci plinary(学科的)
interest INTEREST ['intrist]
INTEREST v.感兴趣; n.兴趣, 利息(考) interest : inveigle / plan : scheme(用阴谋让人感兴趣是 诱惑/用阴谋计划是密 谋)fascination : interest / adoration : fondness(着迷是十分有兴趣/ 爱慕是十分喜爱)usury : interest / gouging : price(放高利贷收高利息/ 敲竹杠收高价格)反义词: obsession(沉迷)-per functory interest(
interference INTERFERENCE [`int2'fi2r2ns]
INTERFERENCE n. 干涉,妨碍(英) n. 干涉,妨碍(interferi ng)(考) 反义词:assistance( 协助)(记) interfere+ence
interim INTERIM ['int2rim]
INTERIM n. 中间时期,过渡时期; adj. 暂时的(英) n. 中间时期,过渡时期( the period of time between);adj. 暂时的(temporary)(考) 反义词:permanent( 永久的)(记) inter(在中间)+im(名 词后缀)→中间时期(例) in the interim period
interlace INTERLACE [`int2'leis]
INTERLACE v. 编织; 交错(英) v. 编织(weave together);交错(to connect intricately)(记) inter(在中间)+lace( 花边)→在中间织花→ 交织(例) interlaced branches(纵横交错的 树枝)
interlock INTERLOCK [`int2'l0k]
INTERLOCK v. 连锁,连串(英) v. 连锁,连串(to lock together)(记) inter(在中间)+lock( 锁)→互相锁→连锁(例) interlocking questions which can't be answered separately
interlocking INTERLOCKING ['int2'l0ki8]
INTERLOCKING adj. 连锁的(考) 反义词:independent (独立的)
interlocutor INTERLOCUTOR [`int2'l0kjut2]
INTERLOCUTOR n. 对话者,谈话者(英) n. 对话者,谈话者(a person taking part in a conversation or dialogue)(记) inter(相互)+locut( 说话)+or →对话者
interloper INTERLOPER ['int2l2up2]
INTERLOPER n.闯入者(英) n.闯入者(intruder; one who interferes)