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500 Cards in this Set

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mannered MANNERED ['m9n2d]
MANNERED adj.做作的(英) adj.做作的(having an artificial or stilted character)(考) 反义词:natural(自 然的)
mannerism MANNERISM ['m9n2riz2m]
MANNERISM n. 矫揉造作成癖(英) n. 矫揉造作成癖(a particular and odd way of behaving and speaking that has become a habit)(记) manner(方式,习惯 )+ism
mansion MANSION ['m9n62n]
MANSION n. 公馆; 大厦(英) n. 公馆;大厦(a large imposing house)(考) mansion : residence / limousine : automobile(公馆是[豪华]居所/ 轿车是[豪华]汽车)(记) 来自manse(牧师住宅 ,大厦)+ion→大厦
mantle MANTLE ['m9ntl]
MANTLE n. 披风,斗篷; v. 覆盖(英) n. 披风,斗篷(a loose sleeveless cloak or cape);v. 覆盖(to cover as with a mantle, envelop; cloak)(例) Snow mantles the heights.(雪覆盖着高 地)
manumit MANUMIT [`m9nju'mit]
MANUMIT v. 解放(奴隶)(英) v. 解放(奴隶)(to free from slavery)(考) 反义词:enslave(使 奴役)(记) manu(手)+mit(放)→ 把手放掉→解放(同) 同根词:manual(手工 的); manufacture(制造)
manure MANURE [m2'nju2]
MANURE n. 粪肥 v. 给...施肥(英) n. 粪肥 (waste matter from animals);v. 给...施肥 ( put manure on)(考) glue : seal / manure : fertilize(胶水用来密封/肥料 用来施肥)
manuscript MANUSCRIPT ['m9njuskript]
MANUSCRIPT n. 手稿; 手抄本(英) n. 手稿(a written or typewritten document or paper);手抄本(a book or document written by hand before the invention of printing)(考) archive : manuscript / arsenal : weapon(档案馆存放手稿/军 火库存放武器)frieze : building / illumination : manuscript(横饰带修饰建筑/图 案修饰手稿)revise : manuscript / retouch : picture(修改手稿/润色图画)(记) manu(手)+script(写) →手写稿(例) One of the poet's original manuscripts was auctioned for a high price.
maple MAPLE ['meip2l]
MAPLE n. 枫树(同) 近形词: ample(丰富的, 充足的)
mar MAR [m]
MAR v. 破坏,损伤(英) v. 破坏,损伤(to injure or damage; spoil; impair)(例) The noise marred the peace of the night.
maraud MARAUD [m2'r0:d]
MARAUD v. 抢劫,掠夺(英) v. 抢劫,掠夺(to rove in search of plunder; pillage)(记) 分割记忆:mara(野兔 )+ud(看作under)→野 兔在下面吃东西→掠 夺,抢劫(例) The Roman Empire was attacked by marauding Goths and Huns.(罗马帝国遭受 到处抢劫的哥特人和 匈奴人的攻击)
marble MARBLE ['mb2l]
MARBLE n. 大理石(英) n. 大理石 (a hard sort of stone used for building, sculpture)(考) canvas : painter / marble : sculptor(画家用画布画画/雕 刻家用大理石雕刻)
mare MARE [me2]
MARE n. 母马; 母驴(英) n. 母马; 母驴(a fully mature female horse, mule, donkey)
margarine MARGARINE [`md72'ri:n]
MARGARINE n. 人造黄油(英) n. 人造黄油(cooking fat made of refined vegetable oils)(考) butter : margarine / sugar : saccharin(黄油和人造黄油/糖 和人造糖精)(记) 联想记忆:人名marga ret(玛格丽塔)+ine(例) I spread margarine onto my toast.
margin MARGIN ['md7in]
MARGIN n. 书页空白处; 边缘(考) outskirts : town / shoulder : roadway / margin : page(郊区在城镇边缘/路 肩在马路边缘/书页空 白在书页边缘)
marginal MARGINAL ['md7in2l]
MARGINAL adj. 书页空白处的; 不重要的(英) adj. 书页空白处的;不重 要的(limited, minimal)(记) 来自margin(边缘)+al(例) a matter of marginal importance(微不足道 的事情)
marine MARINE [m2'ri:n]
MARINE adj. 海的; 海中的(英) adj. 海的(of the sea);海中的(inhabiting in the sea)(记) mar(海)+ine(海的)(同) 同根词:submarine( 潜水艇); mariculture(水产养 殖)(例) Lobsters and dolphins are kinds of marine animals.
mariner MARINER ['m9rin2]
MARINER n. 水手,海员(英) n. 水手,海员(a sailor; seaman)(例) A few weary mariners relaxed on the deck of the ship.
marionette MARIONETTE [`m9ri2'net]
MARIONETTE n. 木偶(英) n. 木偶(a puppet)(记) marion(=Mary)+ette( 小东西)→小玛丽→木偶
marital MARITAL ['m9ritl]
MARITAL adj. 婚姻的(英) adj. 婚姻的(of marriage; connubial)(记) marit(=marriage婚姻 )+al→婚姻的,夫妻 的;(同) 参考:maritage(嫁妆 )(例) The happy couple lived in marital bliss.
maritime MARITIME ['m9ritaim]
MARITIME adj.沿海的;航海的, 海上的(英) adj.沿海的(adjacent to the sea);航海的,海上的( nautical)
marked MARKED [mkt]
MARKED adj.明显的,清楚的(英) adj.明显的,清楚的(n oticeable)(例) This year's results, in marked contrast to last year's, were very encouraging.
marrow MARROW ['m9r2u]
MARROW n. 骨髓; 精华(英) n. 骨髓;精华(the innermost and choicest part; pith)(记) 可以和narrow(狭窄的 )一起记(例) the pith and marrow of Marxism
marsh MARSH [m6]
MARSH n. 沼泽地,湿地(英) n. 沼泽地,湿地(a tract of low, wet, soft land; swamp; bog; morass)(考) marsh : sodden / desert : arid(沼泽是湿透的/沙漠 是干燥的)(记) 注意不要和march(行 军)相混(例) I paddled my canoe through the marsh.
marsupial MARSUPIAL [m'sju:pi2l]
MARSUPIAL n. /adj. 有袋动物(的)
martial MARTIAL ['m62l]
MARTIAL adj. 军事的,战争的(英) adj. 军事的,战争的( suitable to war, soldiers, etc.)(考) martial : military / runic : mysterious(同义词类比)(例) martial music
martinet MARTINET [`mti'net]
MARTINET n. 要求严格纪律的人(英) n. 要求严格纪律的人(st icker for rigid regulations)(考) martinet : discipline / pedant : learning(严格的人过分要求纪 律/学究过分要求知识)反义词:indulgent individual(放纵者)(记) 来自人名Martinet,17 世纪法国路易十四世 时的军事教官
martyr MARTYR ['mt2]
MARTYR n. 烈士,殉道者(英) n. 烈士,殉道者(any of those persons who choose to suffer or die rather than give up their faith or principles)(记) 分割记忆:mar(损伤) ,tyr看作tyre(轮胎) ,在轮胎下牺牲(例) The pope declared the martyr to be a saint.
mash MASH [m96]
MASH v. 捣成糊状(考) awl : pierce / pestle : mash(锥子用来刺穿/杵棒 用来捣碎)(例) mashed apples (苹果泥)
mask MASK [msk]
MASK n. 假面具; v. 隐藏(感情)(英) n. 假面具(a covering for the face);v. 隐藏(感情)(to conceal or cover)(考) mask : face / pseudonym : name(面具是[假]面/化名 是[假]名)(例) His smile masked his anger.
mason MASON ['meis2n]
MASON n. 泥瓦匠,石匠(英) n. 泥瓦匠,石匠(a person whose work is building with stone, brick concrete, etc)(例) The masons completed the brick wall in only two days.
masonry MASONRY ['meis2nri]
MASONRY n. 石工技术; 石屋(英) n. 石工技术(the trade or art of a mason)(例) The masonry showed great skill and care.
masquerade MASQUERADE [`m9sk2'reid]
MASQUERADE n. 化装舞会; v. 伪装(英) v. 伪装(to live or act under false pretenses)(记) masque(=假面具)+rad e(例) He got a free ticket to the play by masquerading as a friend of the actors.
massacre MASSACRE ['m9s2k2]
MASSACRE n. 大屠杀; 大败(英) n. 大屠杀(the indiscriminate, merciless killing of a number of human beings)(记) 分割记忆: mass(大批)+acre(英 亩) →把一大批人在一英 亩的地方杀掉(例) The horrendous massacre was condemned by the United Nations.
massive MASSIVE ['m9siv]
MASSIVE adj. 巨大的(英) adj. 巨大的(very big and heavy)(记) mass(体积)+ive→体 积大的→巨大的(例) Congress tried to reduce the massive national debt.
massless MASSLESS ['m9slis]
MASSLESS adj. [物理]无质量的(记) mass(体积)+less
mast MAST [mst,m9st]
MAST n. 船桅,旗杆(英) 船桅,旗杆(a tall spar or now often a hollow metal structure, used to support the sails, and radio equipment,etc; any vertical pole, as in a crane or derrick)(例) The heavy winds cracked the ship's mast.
master MASTER ['mst2]
MASTER n.专家(考) master : experience / luminary:eminence(专家有经验/知名人 士有知名度)
masterpiece MASTERPIECE ['mst2pi:s]
MASTERPIECE n. 杰作,名作(英) 杰作,名作(a piece of work done with extreme skill, which is the best that a particular person has done)
mastery MASTERY ['mst2ri]
MASTERY n. 完全控制;熟练,精通(英) n. 完全控制 (full power to control something);熟练,精通(great skill)(考) improvements : mastery / savings : wealth(不断改进获得熟练/ 不断积蓄获得财富)(记) 来自动词master(控 制,精通)
masticate MASTICATE ['m9st2keit]
MASTICATE v. 咀嚼; 把...磨成浆(英) v. 咀嚼 (to chew up food);把…磨成浆(to grind to a pulp)(记) mast(乳房)+icate→ 原指小孩吃奶→咀嚼(同) 同根词:mastitis(乳 腺炎); mastodon(乳齿象)
mat MAT [m9t]
MAT n. 垫子;adj.表面无光泽 的(英) n. 垫子( flat piece of material used as a floor covering);adj.表面无光泽的(no t shiny)
matador MATADOR ['m9t2d0:]
MATADOR n. 斗牛士(英) n. 斗牛士( a bull fighter)(例) The bull tossed the matador into the air.
mate MATE [meit]
MATE n. 伙伴;配偶v. 交配(英) n. 伙伴(a friend);配偶(one of a male-female pair);v. 交配(make into a pair)
materialize MATERIALIZE [m2'ti2ri2laiz]
MATERIALIZE v. 赋予形体; 实现(英) v. 赋予形体(represent in material form);实现(to become fact)(记) material(材料,物质 )+ize→物质化→使具 体化(例) materialize an idea in words(用语言体现思 想)
matin MATIN ['m9tin]
MATIN n.(电影院或剧院的) 下午场(英) n.(电影院或剧院的) 下午场(dramatic or musical performance given in the afternoon)
matriarchy MATRIARCHY ['meitriki]
MATRIARCHY n. 母权制; 妇女统治(英) n. 母权制;妇女统治(do mination by woman)(记) matri(母)+archy(统 治)(同) 同根词:matriculate (录取入学); matron(妻子,主妇)
matriculate MATRICULATE [m2'trikjuleit]
MATRICULATE v. 录取(英) v. 录取(enroll in college or graduate school)
matriculation MATRICULATION [m2`trikju'lei62n]
MATRICULATION n. 录取入学(考) inauguration : official / matriculation : student(官员就职/学员入学)
matrimony MATRIMONY ['m9trim2ni]
MATRIMONY n.婚姻(生活)(英) n.婚姻(生活)(state of being married)
matrix MATRIX ['meitriks]
MATRIX n. 模子; 矩阵(英) n. 模子;矩阵(a set of numbers or terms)(考) matrix : number / crystal : atoms(数字有规则排列组成 矩阵/原子有规则排列 组成晶体)(记) matr(母)+ix,原指' 子宫',引申为模子和 矩阵
mattress MATTRESS ['m9tris]
MATTRESS n. 床垫(考) tablecloth : table / sheet : mattress(桌布用来铺桌子/床 单用来铺床)(记) 分割记忆:mat(席子 ,草席)+tress(头发)(例) I have back problems, so I sleep on a very firm mattress.
mature MATURE [m2'tju2]
MATURE adj. 成熟的;深思熟虑的(英) adj. 成熟的 (fully developed);深思熟虑的 (carefully decided)(考) 反义词:nascent(新 生的)
maturity MATURITY [m2'tju2riti]
MATURITY n. 成熟(英) n. 成熟(fully grown or developed)(考) ripen : maturity / harden : solidity(使成熟[的结果]是成 熟/使坚硬[的结果]是 坚硬)frank : secretiveness / callow : maturity(坦率的[人]没有隐匿 /无经验的[人]没有成 熟)(例) The maturity of the fruit can be judged by the color of its skin.
maudlin MAUDLIN ['m0:dlin]
MAUDLIN adj. 感情脆弱的,爱哭的(英) adj. 感情脆弱的,爱哭的( foolishly or weakly sentimental)(记) 来自人名Maudalene, 常被描绘成哭泣的典 型形象
maul MAUL [m0:l]
MAUL v. 撕裂皮肉,伤害(英) v. 撕裂皮肉,伤害(to injure by bearing bruise of; lacerate)(例) The hunter was mauled by a lion and badly hurt.
mausoleum MAUSOLEUM [`m0:s2'li2m]
MAUSOLEUM n.陵墓(英) n.陵墓(monumental tomb; large stately tomb)
maverick MAVERICK ['m9v2rik]
MAVERICK n. 想法与众不同的人(英) n. 想法与众不同的人(a person who takes an independent stand as in politics, refusing to conform to that of a party or group)(考) maverick : conformity / extrovert : reserve(独行者不从众/外向 者不沉默寡言)dogma : iconoclast / convention : maverick(攻击传统的人不遵循 教条/独行者不遵循传 统)(记) 来自人名Maverick,19 世纪得克萨斯州大牧 场主,其牲畜皆不烙印(例) The maverick was admired by some for holding to his own beliefs.
mawkish MAWKISH ['m0:ki6]
MAWKISH adj. 自作多情的; 淡而无味的,令人作呕 的(英) adj. 自作多情的(sentimen tal in a weak, insipid way);淡而无味的,令人作 呕的 (insipid or nauseating)(考) mawkish(maudlin): sentiment / pedantic : scholarship(自做多情的(感情脆 弱的)[人]用感情过 分/迂腐的[人]用学问 过分)(记) 可能来自maw(牛胃)+k ish→令人作呕的(例) mawkish verses(无病呻吟的诗 句)
maxim MAXIM ['m9ksim]
MAXIM n. 格言,普遍真理(英) n. 格言,普遍真理(a concisely expressed principle or rule of conduct)(记) maxim作为词根是'大 、高'的意思,如: maximal(最大的),ma ximum(最大量)(例) Grandpa always gave advice in the form of maxims.
maximize MAXIMIZE ['m9ksimaiz]
MAXIMIZE v. 使增至最大限度(英) v. 使增至最大限度( increase to the greatest possible size )
mayhem MAYHEM ['meihem]
MAYHEM n. 严重伤害罪(英) n. 严重伤害罪(the intentional mutilation of another's body)(记) 和maim(伤残)有关;分割记忆:may+hem( 边缘)(例) The violent criminal was charged with mayhem.
maze MAZE [meiz]
MAZE n. 迷宫(英) n. 迷宫(a confusing, intricate network of winding pathways; labyrinth)(同) 近形词: maize(玉米); amaze(使吃惊); daze(使眼花缭乱); gaze(凝视); haze(薄雾); raze(摧毁)(例) It's easy to get lost in Boston's maze of streets.
meadow MEADOW ['med2u]
MEADOW n. 草地; 牧草场(英) n. 草地(a piece of grassland)(例) The grazing sheep stayed in the meadow.
meager MEAGER ['mi:g2]
MEAGER adj. 贫乏的; 削瘦的(英) adj. 贫乏的(of small amount; inadequate);削瘦的(lean; emaciated)(记) 分割记忆:m+eager( 热心的),光靠热心解 决不了贫乏(例) He can's exist on his meager income.
mean MEAN [mi:n]
MEAN adj. 卑贱的,吝啬的(self ish in a petty way;stingy)反义词:noble(高贵 的);lavish(a. 过分大方的)
meander MEANDER [mi'9nd2]
MEANDER v. 蜿蜒而流(to take a winding or tortuous course);漫步(to wander aimlessly;ramble)反义词:move purposively(有目的 地走)
measles MEASLES ['mi:z2lz]
MEASLES n. 麻疹(例) The measles cause a high fever and a skin rash of small red dots.
measurable MEASURABLE ['me72r2bl]
MEASURABLE adj. 可测量的,可度量的(英) adj. 可测量的,可度量的 (large enough to be measured)(考) 反义词:unfathomabl e(不可测量的)
measured MEASURED ['me72d]
MEASURED adj. 精确的; 慎重的(英) adj. 精确的(proportioned by a standard);慎重的(calculated, restrained)(记) 来自measure(测量)(例) The mayor's measured reply offended no one.
measurement MEASUREMENT ['me72m2nt]
MEASUREMENT n. 测量,计量;(量得的 )尺寸(英) 测量,计量(the act of measuring)(量得的)尺寸(a length, height, found by measuring)
mechanical MECHANICAL [mi'k9nik2l]
MECHANICAL adj. 机械的; 呆板的(英) adj. 机械的; 呆板的 (done without thought or feeling)(例) She was quite mechanical and unthinking in the way she ironed the shirts.
mechanics MECHANICS [mi'k9niks]
MECHANICS n. 力学(英) n. 力学 (the science of the action of forces on objects)
mechanism MECHANISM ['mek2niz2m]
MECHANISM n. 结构,机制(英) n. 结构,机制 (the arrangement and action of the parts of a machine)
medal MEDAL ['med(2)l]
MEDAL n. 奖牌,勋章(考) blandishment : coax / medal : honor(甜言蜜语用来哄骗/ 奖章用来奖励)athlete : trophy / soldier : medal(运动员获得奖品/士 兵获得勋章)(记) 由metal(金属)变化而 来,因为奖牌是金属 做的(例) The brave soldier was awarded several medals after the war.
meddle MEDDLE ['medl]
MEDDLE v. 干涉, 干预(英) v. 干涉, 干预(interfere)(考) officious : meddle / disaffected : rebel(多管闲事的[人]喜欢 干涉/不满的[人]喜欢 反叛)
meddlesome MEDDLESOME ['medls2m]
MEDDLESOME adj. 爱管闲事的(英) adj. 爱管闲事的(interfer ing; curious)(记) 来自meddle(干涉,干 预)+some, med(混合);(同) 参考:medley(混合物 )
median MEDIAN ['mi:di2n]
MEDIAN adj. 中间的; n.(三角形)中线(英) adj. 中间的(middle; intermediate);(记) medi(中间)+an→中间 的(例) The report listed the median age of each state's population.
mediate MEDIATE ['midieit]
MEDIATE v. 调停(英) v. 调停(to bring about by conciliation)(考) faultfinder : criticize / arbitrator : mediate(吹毛求疵者批评/仲 裁者调停)(记) medi(中间)+ate→在 中间→调停,调解, 注意不要和meditate( 沉思)相混(例) The government mediated between the workers and the employer.
mediation MEDIATION [`mi:di'ei62n]
MEDIATION n. 调停(考) mediation : compromise / prosecution : conviction(调停为了和解/起诉 为了定罪)
mediator MEDIATOR ['mi:dieit2]
MEDIATOR n. 调停者,仲裁人
medicate MEDICATE ['medikeit]
MEDICATE v. 用药医治,加入药物(记) 来自medicine(药)(例) medicate a cold
medieval MEDIEVAL [`medi'i:v2l]
MEDIEVAL adj. 中世纪的,中古的(英) adj. 中世纪的,中古的(of the Middle Ages)(记) medi(中间)+ev(时间) +al→在中间时间→中 世纪的(例) We studied the Crusades in my medieval-history class.
mediocre MEDIOCRE [`mi:di'2uk2]
MEDIOCRE adj. 平庸的,平凡的(英) adj. 平庸的,平凡的(ordi nary; average)(记) medi(中间)+ocre→中 间状态→平庸的(例) The meal on the airplane was just mediocre.
mediocrity MEDIOCRITY [`mi:di'0kriti]
MEDIOCRITY n. 平庸,碌碌之人(英) n. 平庸,碌碌无为( mediocre abilities or attainment)(考) 反义词:virtuosity( 精湛的技艺)
meditation MEDITATION [`medi'tei62n]
MEDITATION n. 沉思,冥想(英) n. 沉思,冥想 (solemn reflection; deep thought)(记) 来自meditate(沉思) ,medit(中间)+ate→ 思考之中
meditative MEDITATIVE ['medit2tiv]
MEDITATIVE adj. 沉思的(英) adj. 沉思的(thinking deeply; pensive)(记) 来自meditate(沉思), medit(中间)+ate→思 考之中
medium MEDIUM ['mi:di2m]
MEDIUM n. 媒介; (细菌等)生存环境(英) n. 媒介(something intermediate);(细菌等)生存环境(an y surrounding or pervading substance in which bodies exist or move)(考) plant : soil / organism(bacterium): medium / parasite : host(植物生长在土壤中/ 生物体(细菌)生长 在培养基中/寄生虫生 长在宿主身上)(记) medi(中间)+um→中间 物,媒介(例) A fish in water is in its natural medium.
medley MEDLEY ['medli]
MEDLEY n. 混杂(英) n. 混杂(heterogeneous assortment or collection)(记) med(可能来自meddle :干涉,乱弄)+ley→ 弄乱,混杂(例) a medley of different ideas
meek MEEK [mi:k]
MEEK adj. 温顺的,谦和的(英) adj. 温顺的,顺服的 (gentle and uncomplaining)(考) 反义词:vaunting(骄 傲的); unyielding(不屈的)(例) She's as meek as a lamb(她象羔羊一般温 顺)
meet MEET [mi:t]
MEET adj. 合适的(英) adj. 合适的(suitable, appropriate)(考) 反义词:inappropria te(不合适的); unsuitable(不合适的)
megalomania MEGALOMANIA [`meg2l2u'meini2]
MEGALOMANIA n. 自大狂(英) n. 自大狂(a highly exaggerated concept of one's own importance)(记) megalo(大)+mania(狂 热)→自大狂;(同) 参考:kleptomania( 盗窃狂)
melancholy MELANCHOLY ['mel2nk2li]
MELANCHOLY adj. 忧郁的; 令人悲伤的(英) adj. 忧郁的(depressed);令人悲伤的(causing depression)(记) melan(黑色)+chol(=b ile胆汁)+y→胆汁发 黑→忧郁的(同) 派生词: melancholic (adj. 忧郁的 )(例) The melancholy song made me cry.
meld MELD [meld]
MELD v. 混合,合并(英) v. 混合,合并(blend, mix)(考) 反义词:separate(分 开)(例) Clouds and grey sea melded and a steady rain began.
mellifluous MELLIFLUOUS [mi'liflu2s]
MELLIFLUOUS adj. (音乐等)柔美流畅的(英) adj. (音乐等)柔美流畅的( sweetly or smoothly flowing)(考) mellifluous : music / ambrosial : food(悦耳的音乐/美味的 食品)反义词:cacophonous (刺耳的); raspy(刺耳的)(记) melli(蜂蜜)+flu(流) +ous→流蜜的(同) 同根词:melliferous (产蜜的); mellow(甘美多汁的)
melodrama MELODRAMA ['mel2drm2]
MELODRAMA n. 情节剧;音乐戏剧(英) n. 情节剧(exciting and emotional drama);音乐戏剧(a romantic dramatic composition with music interspersed)(考) melodrama : subtlety / chimera : authenticity(情节剧不具备微妙性 /妖怪不具备真实性)(记) 来自melody(旋律)+dr ama(戏剧)(例) The melodrama was so overacted that it was fun to watch.
melody MELODY ['mel2di]
MELODY n. 旋律; 歌曲(英) n. 旋律(musical sounds in agreeable succession)(考) metaphor : literal / melody : spoken(隐喻不用字面上的意 义/旋律不用语言上的 意义)(记) mel(甜)+ody(唱)→旋 律(同) 派生词: melodious (adj. 旋律优美的,悦耳的)(例) I whistled a happy melody as I walked down the street.
melon MELON ['mel2n]
MELON n. 甜瓜(考) apple : skin / melon : rind(苹果和苹果皮/甜瓜 和甜瓜皮)(记) mel(甜)+on→甜的东 西→甜瓜;(同) 参考:watermelon(西 瓜)
membrane MEMBRANE ['membrein]
MEMBRANE n. 薄膜; 细胞膜(英) n. 薄膜(pliable material used as a filter, separator, resonator);(考) cell : membrane / seed : hull(细胞外表是细胞膜/ 种子外表是壳)(记) 分割记忆:membr看作 member, brane看作brain(头脑)(例) The silk membrane tore easily.
memento MEMENTO [mi'ment2u]
MEMENTO n. 纪念品(英) n. 纪念品(souvenir)(记) mement(时刻)+o→记 住那一时刻→纪念品
memorial MEMORIAL [mi'm0:ri2l]
MEMORIAL n. 纪念碑; adj. 纪念性的(英) n. 纪念碑(a monument);adj. 纪念性的(commemorat ive)(记) 来自memory(记忆)+al →记忆的东西→纪念物(同) 同根词:memoir(传记 ,回忆录); memorable(难忘的)(例) The memorial ceremony marked the anniversary of the end of the war.
menace MENACE ['men2s]
MENACE v./n. 威胁,危险(英) v./n. 威胁,危险(threat)(考) baleful : menace / solicitous : concern(有害的[东西]带来危 害/热心的[人]带来关 心)(记) 分割记忆:men(人)+a ce看作face,当面的人 →威胁(例) Two men menaced him with weapons and forced him to give up his money.
mendacious MENDACIOUS [men'dei62s]
MENDACIOUS adj. 不真的; 撒谎的(英) adj. 不真的(false or untrue);撒谎的(telling lies habitually)(考) 反义词:honest(诚实 的)(记) mend(修补)+acious→ 修补太多→不真的, 撒谎的(同) 同根词:mendable(可 修理的); mender(修补者)
mendacity MENDACITY [men'd9siti]
MENDACITY n. 虚假(考) 反义词:truthfulnes s(真实)
mendicant MENDICANT ['mendik2nt]
MENDICANT adj. 行乞的;n. 乞丐(beggar)
menial MENIAL ['mi:ni2l]
MENIAL adj. 仆人的,卑微的; n.家仆(英) adj. 仆人的, 卑微的(of servants; humble);n.家仆(a domestic servant)(例) the menial work concerned in turning a house(料理家务的琐 碎工作)
menthol MENTHOL ['men40l]
MENTHOL n. 薄荷醇(英) n. 薄荷醇 (a white substance which smells and tastes of mint)
mentor MENTOR ['ment2]
MENTOR n. 导师(英) n. 导师(a wise and trusted counselor or teacher)(考) mentor : guidance / oracle : prophecy(导师给予指导/预言 家给予预言)(记) ment(精神)+or→在精 神上指导的人→导师(同) 同根词:mental(精神 的,内心的); mentality(智力,心 性)(例) The young writer's editor was also his mentor.
mercantile MERCANTILE ['m2:k2ntail]
MERCANTILE adj. 贸易的,商业的(英) adj. 贸易的,商业的 (of trade and business)(考) agrarian : farming / mercantile : trade(农耕的属于农业范围 /商业的属于贸易范围)
mercenary MERCENARY ['m2:sin2ri]
MERCENARY adj. 惟利是图的; n.雇佣兵(英) adj. 惟利是图的(acting merely for money; venal);n.雇佣兵(a professional soldier hired to serve in a foreign army for money)(考) mercenary : money / vindictive : revenge(惟利是图的[人]想要 钱/怀恨在心的[人]想 要报仇)mercenary : soldier / hack : writer(雇佣兵是用钱买的兵 /雇佣文人是用钱买的 文人)(记) mercen(工资)+ary→ 为了工钱的→贪财的(例) The corrupt lawyer had mercenary objectives.
merchandise MERCHANDISE ['m2:t62ndaiz]
MERCHANDISE n. 商品; 货品(英) n. 商品(commodities);存货(the stock of goods)(考) census : population / inventory : merchandise(人口普查清查人口/ 货物清单查清商品)(记) 来自merchant(商人)+ dise(例) The store has a lot of merchandise on sale.
merciless MERCILESS ['m2:sil2s]
MERCILESS adj. 无情的,冷酷的(英) adj. 无情的,冷酷的(show ing no mercy)(记) mercy(仁慈)+less
mercurial MERCURIAL [m2:'kju2ri2l]
MERCURIAL adj. 善变的; 活泼的(英) adj. 善变的(changeable; fickle);活泼的(animated; sprightly)(考) mercurial : mood /fickle : affection / whimsical : behavior(易变的情绪/易变的 感情/易变的行为)mercurial : committed / profligate : solvent(反复无常的[人]不会 一诺千金/挥霍浪费的 [人]不会有偿债能力)反义词:constant(恒 定的)(记) 来自mercury(水银), 水银流动性极强
meretricious MERETRICIOUS [`meri'tri62s]
MERETRICIOUS adj. 华而不实的,俗艳的(英) adj. 华而不实的,俗艳的( of flashy or vulgar attractions; tawdry)(记) 来自meretrix(妓女)(例) a meretricious style(华而不实的文 体)
merge MERGE [m2:d7]
MERGE v. 合并; 淹没(英) v. 合并(to cause to coalesce; unite)(记) 参考:submerge(淹没) ; emerge(出现)(同) 同根词:submerge(淹 没);emerge(出现)(例) One color merged into the other.
merger MERGER ['m2:d72]
MERGER n.合并(英) n.合并(combination of two business corporations)
merit MERIT ['merit]
MERIT v. 值得(英) v. 值得 ( deserve)(考) 反义词:unsuitable( 不合适的)-merited(同) 派生词:merited(理 所当然的; 应得的)(例) There's no merit in giving away what you don't really want.
meritorious MERITORIOUS [`meri't0:ri2s]
MERITORIOUS adj. 值得赞赏的(英) adj. 值得赞赏的(deservin g praise, esteem)(记) merit(优点,长处)+o rious(多…的)→长处 很多→值得赞美的(例) My boss thanked me for my meritorious efforts.
mermaid MERMAID ['m2:meid]
MERMAID n. 美人鱼(记) mer(=mar海洋)+maid( 少女)→美人鱼
mesa MESA ['meis2]
MESA n. 高台地,平顶山(英) n. 高台地,平顶山(a land formation having steep wells and a relative flat top)(记) 来自西班牙语,意为t able(桌子)
mesmerize MESMERIZE ['mezm2raiz]
MESMERIZE v. 对...催眠; 迷住(英) v. 对…催眠(to hypnotize);迷住(to fascinate)(记) 来自奥地利医生Mesme r, 始创催眠术(例) get mesmerized by television(被电视所 迷)
messenger MESSENGER ['mesind72]
MESSENGER n. 信使(英) n. 信使 (a person who brings a message)(记) 来自名词message(消 息)
metabolism METABOLISM [m2't9b2liz2m]
METABOLISM n. 新陈代谢(记) meta(变化)+bol(=thr ow扔)+ism→产生变化 →新陈代谢(例) Lazy people with slow metabolism tend to gain weight.
metal METAL ['metl]
METAL n. 金属(考) dross : metal / chaff : grain(渣滓是锻造金属的废 渣/谷壳是研磨谷物的 废壳)metal : filing / wood : sawdust(shaving)(加工金属形成锉屑/ 加工木头形成刨花)embroider : cloth / chase : metal(刺绣是在布上绣出图 案/雕镂是在金属上镂 出图案)foil : metal / veneer : wood(金属压成片为箔/木 头压成片为镶面板)
metallurgy METALLURGY [me't9l2d7i,'met2l2:d7i]
METALLURGY n. 冶金(同) 派生词: metallurgical (adj.冶金学的,冶金 的)
metamorphose METAMORPHOSE [`met2'm0:f2uz]
METAMORPHOSE v. 变形(英) v. 变形 ( change into another form)(考) 反义词:remain unaltered(持续不变)(记) meta(变化)+morph(形 状)+ose→变形
metamorphosis METAMORPHOSIS [`met2'm0:f2sis]
METAMORPHOSIS n. 变形,变态(英) n. 变形,变态(as change of form or structure)(考) 反义词:continuatio n without change(持续不变)(记) meta(变化)+morph(形 状)+osis→变形(例) The process of a caterpillar changing into a butterfly is metamorphosis.
metaphor METAPHOR ['met2f2]
METAPHOR n. 隐喻,暗喻(英) n. 隐喻,暗喻(the application of word or phrase to an object or concept it does not literally denote)(考) metaphor : literal / melody : spoken(隐喻不是字面上的表 达/旋律不是语言上的 表达)(记) meta(变化)+phor(带 有)→以变化的方式表 达→隐喻(例) The candidate's speech contained many metaphors and little substance.
metaphysics METAPHYSICS [`met2'fiziks]
METAPHYSICS n. 形而上学,玄学(英) n. 形而上学,玄学(a branch of philosophy)(考) insect : butterfly / philosophy : metaphysics(蝴蝶是一种昆虫/形 而上学是一种哲学)(记) meta(变化,超过)+ph ysics(物理)→在物理 之上→形而上学
meteoric METEORIC [`mi:ti'0rik]
METEORIC adj. 流星的; 昙花一现的(英) adj. 流星的(consisting of meteors);昙花一现的(transien t , swift)(考) 反义词:gradual(逐 渐的); plodding(缓慢进行的)(记) 来自meteor(流星,陨 石)+ic(例) a meteoric success
meteorology METEOROLOGY [mi:ti2'r0l2d7i]
METEOROLOGY n. 气象学(英) n. 气象学 (the scientific study of weather conditions)(考) meteorology : weather / pathology : disease / demography : population(气象学研究天气/病 理学研究疾病/人口统 计学研究人口)(记) meteor(陨石; 天气)+ology
meter METER ['mi:t2]
METER n.(诗的)音步, 韵律(英) n.(诗的)音步, 韵律(arrangement of words in the form of poetry by accentual rhythm)
methodical METHODICAL [mi'40dik2l]
METHODICAL adj. 细心的,有条不紊的(英) adj. 细心的,有条不紊的 (doing thing carefully using an ordered system)(考) 反义词:desultory( 散漫的, 随意的); haphazard(偶然的)(例) methodical work , study
methodology METHODOLOGY [`me42'd0l2d7i]
METHODOLOGY n.方法论; 教学法(英) 方法论(the set of methods used for study or action in a particular subject, as in science or education)教学法(a set of methods used in teaching)(例) an oral-based methodology
meticulous METICULOUS [m2'tikjul2s]
METICULOUS adj. 细心的,一丝不苟的(英) adj. 细心的,一丝不苟的( taking extreme care about minute details; precise)(考) interested : agog / careful : meticulous(十分有兴趣是热切的 /十分小心是一丝不苟 的)fluent : glib / meticulous : finicky(过分流利是油腔滑调 /过分细心是挑剔讲究)(记) metic(害怕的)+ulous (多…的)→多害怕的 →细心的_(例) The inspector's meticulous questioning made me nervous.
metrical METRICAL ['metrik2l]
METRICAL adj.测量的; 韵律的(英) adj.测量的; 韵律的(metric; written in the form of poetry)
metropolitan METROPOLITAN [`metr2'p0lit2n]
METROPOLITAN adj. 大都会的,首都的(英) adj. 大都会的,首都的 (of a metropolis)(记) metro(母亲)+polit (城市)+an→母亲城 的→大城市的
mettle METTLE ['metl]
METTLE n. 勇气,斗志(英) n. 勇气,斗志(courage and fortitude)(记) 可能来自metal(金属) ,有着钢铁的特征→ 勇气(例) The runner fell and hurt his knee, but he showed his mettle by continuing in the race.
mettlesome METTLESOME ['metls2m]
METTLESOME adj. 精神抖擞的(英) adj. 精神抖擞的(spirited ; courageous)
miasma MIASMA [mi'9zm2]
MIASMA n. 瘴气,不健康的环境或 影响(英) n. 瘴气,不健康的环境 或影响(unhealthy mist rising from the ground; unhealthy environment or influence)(例) a miasma of tobacco smoke
microbe MICROBE ['maikr2ub]
MICROBE n. 微生物(英) n. 微生物(tiny living creature)(考) enzyme : catalyst / bacterium : microbe(酶是一种催化剂/细 菌是一种微生物)(记) micro(微小)+be(=bio 生命)→小生命→微生物
microorganism MICROORGANISM [`maikr2u'0:g2niz2m]
MICROORGANISM n. 微生物,细菌(英) n. 微生物,细菌 (a bacterium)(考) sterilization : microorganisms / deforestation : trees(杀菌是杀死细菌/砍 伐森林是杀死树木)(记) micro(微小)+organ ism(生物)→微生物
microscope MICROSCOPE ['maikr2sk2up]
MICROSCOPE n. 显微镜(英) 显微镜(a scientific instrument that makes extremely small things look larger)(考) microscope : small / telescope : distant(显微镜观看小的[东 西]/望远镜观看远的[ 东西])
microscopic MICROSCOPIC [`maikr2'sk0pik]
MICROSCOPIC adj. 极小的; 显微镜的(英) adj. 极小的(very small; tiny)(考) 反义词:elephantine (巨大的)(记) micro(小)+scop(看)+ ic→看小东西→显微 镜的(例) It's impossible to read his microscopic handwriting.
midget MIDGET ['mid7it]
MIDGET n. 侏儒(英) n. 侏儒( an extremely small person; dwarf)(记) 分割记忆:mid(中间) +get(得到)→到达中 间状态→没长高→侏 儒;注意dget结尾的 单词:gadget(小工具 ),budget(预算)(例) The door was so low that only a midget could get through.
mien MIEN [mi:n]
MIEN n. 风采,态度(英) n. 风采,态度(air, bearing, or demeanor)(记) 可能来自demeanor(举 止)(例) The judge looked at the prisoner with a thoughtful and solemn mien.
mighty MIGHTY ['maiti]
MIGHTY adj. 强有力的,强大的(英) adj. 强有力的,强大的 (very great in power, strength, size)(记) might(力量)+y
migrant MIGRANT ['maigr2nt]
MIGRANT n. 移民,候鸟(英) n. 移民,候鸟(a person or animal that moves from one place to another)(记) migr(移动)+ant→移 动的人或物→移民(同) 同根词:immigrant( 移入民); emigrant(移出)派生词: migration (n. 迁移,移居); migratory (adj. 迁移的)
mild MILD [maild]
MILD adj. 温和的;和缓的,不 严重的(考) 反义词:acute(急性 的,严重的)
mildew MILDEW ['mildju:]
MILDEW n. 霉(因潮湿而生)(英) 霉(因潮湿而生)(a disease of plant; whitish coating on the affected parts, caused by any of various fungi)(记) mild(潮湿)+dew(露珠 )→潮湿的露珠产生霉(同) 派生词: mildewed (adj. 陈腐的)(例) a mildewed joke(陈腐的笑话); / a mildewed book
mildness MILDNESS ['mildnis]
MILDNESS n. 温和(考) 反义词:asperity(粗 暴)(记) 来自形容词mild(温和 的)+ness
milestone MILESTONE ['mailst2un]
MILESTONE n. 里程碑; 转折点(英) 里程碑(a stone at the side of a road, on which is marked the number of miles to the next town)转折点(an important event which changes the course of someone's life, or of history)(记) 组合词:mile(里)+ stone(石头)
milieu MILIEU ['mi:lj2:]
MILIEU n. (个人所处的)社会环 境(英) n. (个人所处的)社会环 境(surroundings, environments)(记) mid(中间)+lieu(地方 )→在一个地方之中(例) the urban milieu(都市环境) / create a milieu conducive to the study of English
militant MILITANT ['milit2nt]
MILITANT adj. 好战的,好暴力的(英) adj. 好战的,好暴力的(ag gressive, and often combative)(考) martial : military / runic : mysterious(同义词[类比] 军事对军事/神秘对神 秘)(记) milit(军事,打斗)+a nt→好战的(同) 同根词:military(军 事的); militate(产生影响或 作用)(例) Management ignored the militant workers' demands.
militia MILITIA [mi'li62]
MILITIA n. 民兵(英) 民兵(a body of men not belonging to a regular army, but trained as soldiers to serve only in their own country)
milk MILK [milk]
MILK n. 奶 v. 榨取(英) v. 榨取(to coerce profit or advantage to an extreme degree)(考) milk : extract / exploit : utilize(程度[类比] 压榨和提取/剥削和利 用)venom : toxin / milk : nutrient(毒液具有毒素/牛奶 具有营养)
mill MILL [mil]
MILL n.磨房(考) mill : grain / forge : medal / refinery : petroleum(磨房加工谷物/铁匠 铺加工金属/炼油厂加 工石油)
millennium MILLENNIUM [mi'leni2m]
MILLENNIUM n.一千年; (未来的)太平盛世(英) n.一千年; (未来的)太平盛世( hoped-for period of happiness and prosperity)
miller MILLER ['mil2]
MILLER n. 磨坊主人(考) miller : grain / tanner : hide(磨房工加工谷物/鞣 革工加工皮革)(记) mill(磨房)+er
millinery MILLINERY ['milin2ri]
MILLINERY n. 女帽及其装饰物(英) n. 女帽及其装饰物(wome n's hats and related articles)(考) suitcase : luggage / hat : millinery(行李箱是箱子的一种 /女帽是帽子的一种)(记) 来自milliner(女帽设 计者),源自16世纪米 兰商人Milaner
mime MIME [maim]
MIME n. 比划手脚(以表达); 哑剧(演员)(英) n. 比划手脚表达;哑剧( 演员)(pantomime)(考) charade : word / mime : stories(猜字游戏通过动作来 表现字/哑剧通过动作 来表现故事)(记) mim(动作)+e; 参考:pantomime(哑剧 ); mimic(模仿,戏弄)(同) 参考:pantomime(哑 剧);mimic(模仿,戏 弄)(例) The actor expressed his request in mime.
mimic MIMIC ['mimik]
MIMIC v. 模仿,戏弄; n. 模仿他人言行的人(英) v. 模仿,戏弄(to imitate or copy playfully or derisively)(例) The comedian mimicked the president's voice.
mimicry MIMICRY ['mimikri]
MIMICRY n. 模仿,(动物等)拟态伪 装(英) 模仿,(动物等)拟态伪 装(the close external resemblance of an organism to a different organism, such that it benefits from the mistaken identity)(考) mimicry : camouflage / mutation : variation(拟态伪装是一种伪装 /生物突变是一种变化)
minatory MINATORY ['min2t2ri]
MINATORY adj. 威胁的,恫吓的(英) adj. 威胁的,恫吓的(thre atening, menacing)(考) 反义词:reassuring( 使安心的); unthreatening(没有 威胁的); nonthreatening(没有 威胁的)(记) minat(威胁)+ory→威 胁的(同) 同根词:minacious( 恫吓的); minacity(威胁性)
mince MINCE [mins]
MINCE v. 切碎; 小步走路(英) v. 切碎(to chop into very small pieces);小步走路(to move with short, affected steps)(考) quaff : sip / stride : mince(畅饮, 啜饮/大步走, 小步走)(记) min(小)+ce→切小, 切碎→小步走(同) 参考:minute(微小的 ); minutia(细微末节)(例) He minced his way across the square.
mincing MINCING ['minsi8]
MINCING adj.做作的,装腔作势 的(英) adj.做作的,装腔作势 的(affectedly dainty );
mine MINE [main]
MINE n. 矿井; v.开采矿物(英) 矿井(a deep hole under the ground from which coal, gold, tin, or other mineral substances are dug)开采(dig a mine)(考) quarry : rock / mine : ore(采石场可以采掘岩石 /矿井可以采掘矿石)
mineral MINERAL ['min2r2l]
MINERAL n. 矿物(英) 矿物(any of various substances that are formed naturally in the earth)(考) calcium : mineral / sugar : carbohydrate(钙是一种无机元素/ 糖是一种碳水化合物)(记) min(矿石)+eral
miniature MINIATURE ['mini2t62]
MINIATURE n. 小画像; 缩影(英) n. 小画像(a very small portrait);缩影(a representation of something on a small scale)(记) mini(极小的)+ature →极小的画像(同) 同根词:minikin(娇 小的动物或人);mini mal(最小的)(例) This model car is a miniature of a real one.
minimize MINIMIZE ['minimaiz]
MINIMIZE v. 把...减至最低数量或 程度(英) v. 把...减至最低数量或 程度 ( lessen to the smallest possible amount or degree)(考) 反义词:exaggerate( 夸张); overestimate(高估); inflate(膨胀)
minion MINION ['mini2n]
MINION n. 奴才,低下之人(英) n. 奴才,低下之人(a servile follower or subordinate)(考) minion : dependent / groveler : petitioner(奴才是过分依赖者/ 乞求者是过分请求者)(记) mini(小)+on被看小的 人→奴才
minnow MINNOW ['min2u]
MINNOW n. 鲦鱼,小淡水鱼(记) 注意不要和winnow(簸 去,筛选)相混
minority MINORITY [mai'n0riti]
MINORITY n. 少数,小部分; 少数民族(英) 少数,小部分(the smaller number or part)少数民族(a small part of a population which is different from the rest in race, religion, etc.)(记) minor(较小的)+ity
mint MINT [mint]
MINT n.大量; 巨额(考) 反义词:modicum(微 量)
minuet MINUET [`minju'et]
MINUET n. 小步舞(英) n. 小步舞(a slow, stately dance)(记) minu(小)+et→小步舞(同) 同根词:minute(微小 的); minuscular(无足轻重 的)
minuscule MINUSCULE ['min2skju:l]
MINUSCULE adj. 极小的(英) adj. 极小的 (extremely small)(考) small : minuscule / moist : staturated(小的, 极小的/湿的, 湿透的)反义词:gargantuan( 巨大的)
minute MINUTE ['minit,mai'nju:t]
MINUTE adj. 微小的; n. (复数)会议记录(考) agenda : minutes / itinerary : log(会议记录记录会议议 程/旅行日志记录旅行 行程)meeting : minutes / sale : deed(会议记录记录会议/ 销售契约记录销售)
minutia MINUTIA [mai'nju:6i2]
MINUTIA n. 微枝末节,细节(英) n. 微枝末节,细节(smal l or trifling matters)(考) minutia : details / quibbles : objections(细枝末节是[小的]细 节/轻微反对是[小的] 反对)反义词:essential point(重点); vital feature(重要特征)(记) minute(微小的)+ia→ 微小的东西→细节(例) The report was perfect to the smallest minutia._
miracle MIRACLE ['mir2kl]
MIRACLE n. 奇迹, 奇事(英) n. 奇迹, 奇事(a wonderful unexpected event)(考) prodigy : person / miracle : occurrence(奇才是神奇的人/奇 迹是神奇的事)(例) It's a miracle you weren't killed in that car crash !
mirage MIRAGE ['mir7]
MIRAGE n. 幻影,海市蜃楼(英) n. 幻影,海市蜃楼(an optical illusion)(考) maelstrom : turbulent / mirage : illusory(大旋涡[的特点]是狂 暴/海市蜃楼[的特点] 是虚幻)(记) mir(惊奇)+age→使人 惊奇之物→海市蜃楼(同) 同根词:miraculous( 神奇的);mirror(镜 子)(例) The image of an oasis was just a mirage.
mire MIRE ['mai2]
MIRE n. 泥沼,困境; v. 使…陷入困境(英) n. 泥沼(swampy ground; bog; marsh)(考) 反义词:extricate( 解脱困境)(例) find oneself in a mire of debt(陷入债务之困境 )
mirth MIRTH [m2:4]
MIRTH n. 欢乐,欢笑(英) n. 欢乐,欢笑(gaiety or jollity)(考) mirth : laughter / approval : applause(笑声代表欢乐/鼓掌 表示赞同)(记) 可能与merry(高兴的) 有关;(同) 参考:mirthful(欢乐 的);mirthless(忧郁 的)(例) Christmas is a time of mirth, especially for children.
misanthrope MISANTHROPE ['mis2n4r2up]
MISANTHROPE n. 愤世嫉俗者(英) n. 愤世嫉俗者(a hater of humankind)(考) misanthrope : people / xenophobe : strangers(愤世嫉俗者恨人类/ 排外者反对恨外国人)(记) mis(坏,恨)+anthrop e(人)→恨人的人→厌 世者(同) 同根词:philanthrop ist(博爱家); anthropoid(类人猿)
misapprehension MISAPPREHENSION [`mis9pri'hen62n]
MISAPPREHENSION n. 误会,误解(英) n. 误会,误解 (a mistaken belief)(记) mis(错误)+apprehe nsion(理解)
misbehave MISBEHAVE [misbi'heiv]
MISBEHAVE v. (使)行为无礼貌, (使)行为不端(考) castigation : disapproval / crime : misbehave(指责比不赞成严重/ 犯罪比行为不端严重)lapse : error / misbehavior : criminality(失误比错误程度轻/ 行为不端比犯罪程度 轻)reprobate : misbehave / sycophant : fawn(堕落的人行为不端/ 谄媚的人拍马屁)(同) 派生词: misbehavior(行为不 端, 不守规矩)
miscalculate MISCALCULATE [mis'k9lkjuleit]
MISCALCULATE v. 算错(英) v. 算错 ( calculate wrongly)(记) mis(错误)+calcula te(计算)
miscalculation MISCALCULATION [mis'k9lkju:'lei62n]
MISCALCULATION n. 误算,估错(考) miscalculation : judgment / gaffe : decorum(计算错误是一种判断 失误/社交失礼是一种 礼仪失误)(记) mis(错误)+calculate (计算)+ion
miscellany MISCELLANY [mi'sel2ni]
MISCELLANY n.混合物(英) n.混合物(a collection of various items or parts)(记) miscel(混合)+lany→ 混合物(同) 派生词: miscellaneous(各种 各样的);参考:promiscuous( 杂乱的,乱交的)
mischievous MISCHIEVOUS ['mist6iv2s]
MISCHIEVOUS adj. 淘气的; 有害处的(英) adj. 淘气的(playfully annoying);有害处的(harmful; injurious)(考) insensitive : boor / mischievous : imp(感觉迟钝是粗人的特 点/顽皮淘气是顽童的 特点)tightfisted : parsimonious / brattish : mischievous(同义[类比] 吝啬的→小气的/顽皮 的→淘气的)(记) mis(坏)+chiev(=chie f首领)+ous→坏首领 →恶作剧的;(同) 参考:achieve(获得)(例) a mischievous prank(恶作剧)
misconception MISCONCEPTION [misk2n'sep62n]
MISCONCEPTION n. 误解,错误想法(英) n. 误解,错误想法 (understanding something wrongly)(考) loose : confinement / disabuse : misconception(释放是解除拘禁/解 惑是消除误解)(记) mis(错误)+concept ion(概念)
misconduct MISCONDUCT [`mis'k0nd3kt]
MISCONDUCT n. 不端行为(英) n. 不端行为 (intentional bad behavior)(记) mis(坏)+conduct( 行为)
misconstrue MISCONSTRUE [`misk2n'stru:]
MISCONSTRUE v. 误解,曲解(英) v. 误解,曲解(misinter pret)(考) misjudge : assess / misconstrue : interpret(误判是判断失误/曲 解是解释失误)(记) mis(错误)+construe( 直译)→翻译错误,co n+strue(=struct结构)(例) I'm sorry you misconstrued my meaning.
miscreant MISCREANT ['miskri2nt]
MISCREANT n. 恶棍,歹徒(英) n. 恶棍,歹徒(a vicious or depraved person)(记) mis(坏)+crea(做)+an t→做坏事者→恶棍;(同) 参考:creation(创造 )
misdeed MISDEED [`mis'di:d]
MISDEED n. 错误行为,犯罪(英) n. 错误行为,犯罪 (a wrong or illegal action)(记) mis(错误)+deed( 行为)
misdemeanor MISDEMEANOR [`misdi'mi:n2]
MISDEMEANOR n. 轻罪, 行为失误(英) n. 轻罪, 行为失误(a crime that is less serious than stealing or murder)(考) misdemeanor : crime / lapse : error(轻罪比罪行轻微/失 误比错误轻微(例) They were fined for their misdemeanor.
misdirect MISDIRECT [misdi'rekt]
MISDIRECT v. 写错地址, 误引(英) v. 写错地址, 误引 ( direct wrongly)(记) mis(错误)+direct (指引)
miser MISER ['maiz2]
MISER n. 守财奴,吝啬鬼(英) 守财奴,吝啬鬼(a person who loves money and hates spending it, and often lives in very poor conditions in order to become wealthy by storing all his money)(考) miser : thrift / chauvinist : patriotism(吝啬鬼过分节俭/沙 文主义者过分爱国)miser : stingy(parsimonious ) / loner : solitary / insurgent : rebelliousness / spendthrift : prodigal(吝啬鬼的特点是小气 /孤独者的特点是孤独 /反叛者的特点是反叛 /挥霍者的特点是浪费)(考) miser : munificent / zealot : blas(吝啬鬼不慷慨/狂热 者不厌倦)
miserable MISERABLE ['miz2r2b2l]
MISERABLE adj. 痛苦的(英) adj. 痛苦的 (very unhappy)(考) 反义词:halcyon(愉 快的)
miserly MISERLY ['maiz2li]
MISERLY adj. 吝啬的,贪婪的(考) frugal : miserly / confident : arrogant(过分节俭是吝啬/过 分自信是自大)
misery MISERY ['miz2ri]
MISERY n. 苦痛,难受(英) n. 苦痛,难受 (a condition of great unhappiness)(例) suffer the misery of toothache
misfortune MISFORTUNE [mis'f0:t62n]
MISFORTUNE n. 厄运,不幸(英) n. 厄运,不幸 (bad luck)(考) 反义词:boon(恩惠)(记) mis(不)+fortune( 幸运的)
misgiving MISGIVING [mis'givi8]
MISGIVING n. 疑虑,恐惧(英) n. 疑虑,恐惧 (a feeling of doubt, distrust, or fear)(考) 反义词:certainty( 确信)(例) I have serious misgivings about taking the job.
misguide MISGUIDE [mis'gaid]
MISGUIDE v. 误导(记) mis(错误)+guide( 指导)
mishap MISHAP ['mish9p]
MISHAP n. 不幸,坏运气(英) n. 不幸,坏运气(an unfortunate accident)(考) catastrophe : mishap / humiliation : embarrassment(灾难是大不幸/羞辱 是大难堪)(记) mis(坏)+hap(运气)→ 运气不好(同) 同根词:happiness(幸 福)(例) The fisherman drowned in a boating mishap.
misinform MISINFORM [misin'f0:m]
MISINFORM v. 向...提供错误信息(英) v. 向...提供错误信息 ( give someone wrong information)(记) mis(错误)+inform (提供信息)
misinterpret MISINTERPRET [`misin't2:prit]
MISINTERPRET v. 误解,曲解(英) v. 误解,曲解 ( explain wrongly)(记) mis(错误)+interpr et(解释)
misjudge MISJUDGE [mis'd73d7]
MISJUDGE v. 错误判断(英) v. 错误判断 ( judge wrongly)(考) misjudge : assess / misconstrue : interpret(判断错误是评估失误 /误解是解释失误)(记) mis(错误)+judge( 判断)
mislead MISLEAD [mis'li:d]
MISLEAD v. 误导(英) v. 误导 ( guide wrongly)(考) permicious : injure / disingenuous : mislead(有害的造成伤害/不 坦率的造成误导)epithet : disparage / alias : mislead(贬低的话贬低/化名 误导)(记) mis(错误)+lead( 引导)
misleading MISLEADING [`mis'li:di8]
MISLEADING adj. 令人误解的(考) equivocation : misleading / bromide : hackneyed(模棱两可的话是误导 的/陈词滥调是陈腐的)(记) 来自动词mislead(误 导)
mismanagement MISMANAGEMENT ['mis'm9n2d7m2nt]
MISMANAGEMENT n. 管理不善(记) mis(错误)+managem ent(管理)
misnomer MISNOMER [mis'n2um2]
MISNOMER n. 名字的误用(英) n. 名字的误用 (a wrong or unsuitable name)(记) mis+nom(名字)+er(例) ' Road ' was a misnomer for the rough track along which we had to drive.
misogamy MISOGAMY [mi's0g2mi]
MISOGAMY n.[心]厌婚症(英) n.[心]厌婚症(hatred of marriage)(记) miso(恨)+gamy(结婚)
misogynist MISOGYNIST [mi's0d7inist]
MISOGYNIST n.厌恶女人的人(英) n.厌恶女人的人(hate r of woman)(记) miso(恨)+gyn(女人)+ ist
misperceive MISPERCEIVE [`misp2'si:v]
MISPERCEIVE v. 误解(记) mis(错误)+perceiv e(察觉)
misplace MISPLACE [`mis'pleis]
MISPLACE v. 把...放错位置(英) v. 把...放错位置 ( put in an unsuitable place)(记) mis(错误)+place( 放置)
misread MISREAD [mis'ri:d]
MISREAD v. 读错,看错(英) v. 读错,看错 ( read something wrongly)(考) 反义词:interpret correctly(正确的解 释)(记) mis(错误)+read(读)
misrepresent MISREPRESENT [`misrepri'zent]
MISREPRESENT v. 误传,歪曲(英) v. 误传,歪曲 (give an intentionally untrue account)(考) tamper : adjust/ misrepresent : communicate(篡改相反于调整/误 传相反于沟通)(记) mis(错误)+represe nt(表现)
misshapen MISSHAPEN [mis'6eip2n]
MISSHAPEN adj. 畸形的,奇形怪状的(英) adj. 畸形的,奇形怪状的 (not of the ordinary shape)(记) mis(坏)+shapen( 一定形状的)
missile MISSILE ['misail]
MISSILE n. 投射出的物体或武器; 导弹(英) n. 投射出的物体或武器( an thrown object or weapon, as a stone, bullet, arrow, or rocket)(考) dart : missile / skiff : boat(飞镖是一种投射物/ 小艇是一种船)(记) miss(发送)+ile(物体 )→发送出去的东西→ 投射物(同) 同根词:dismiss(开 除,解散);emissary (使者,间谍)(例) Missiles rained down on the enemy's fort.
missive MISSIVE ['misiv]
MISSIVE n.信件;(尤)公函(英) n.信件;(尤)公函(let ter; written statement)
mist MIST [mist]
MIST n. 薄雾; v. 被雾气笼罩(英) n. 薄雾 (thin fog)
mistimed MISTIMED [`mis'taimd]
MISTIMED adj. 不合时机的(记) mis(不好)+time(时间 )+d→时间不当(例) He made a mistimed remark about his wife's cooking in front of all the guests.
mistral MISTRAL ['mistr2l]
MISTRAL n. 寒冷干燥的强风(英) n. 寒冷干燥的强风(cold , dry wind blowing from the north)
misunderstand MISUNDERSTAND [`mis3nd2'st9nd]
MISUNDERSTAND v. 误解,误会(英) v. 误解,误会 ( understand wrongly)(记) mis(错误)+underst and(理解)
misunderstood MISUNDERSTOOD [`mis3nd2'stud]
MISUNDERSTOOD adj. 被误解的;未得到充 分理解的(考) misunderstood : clarify / erroneous : retract(澄清被误解的[事]/ 收回错误的[话])(例) a misunderstood question
misuse MISUSE [`mis'ju:z]
MISUSE v. 误用; n. 用错,滥用(英) 误用(use something in a wrong way)用错,滥用(bad, wrong, or unsuitable use)(记) mis(错误)+use(使 用)
mite MITE [mait]
MITE n. 极小量; 小虫(英) n. 极小量(a very small contribution or sum of money)(考) mite : creature / speck : amount(螨虫是小生物/微粒 是小量)(记) mite原意'螨虫',词 组:a mite on an elephant(大象身上一 小虫),引申为'小量 ,一点点'(例) Anybody with a mite of common sense could see how useless it was.
mitigate MITIGATE ['mitigeit]
MITIGATE v. 减轻,缓和(英) v. 减轻,缓和(to lessen in force or intensity)(考) mitigate : severe / qualify : general(缓和是使事情不再严 重/限定是使事情不再 普通)反义词:exacerbate( 加重)(记) miti(小,轻)+gate(= ag做)→弄轻→减轻(同) 派生词: mitigation (n. 缓解,减轻)
mitten MITTEN ['mitn]
MITTEN n. (四指套在一起拇指分 开的)手套(考) muffler : neck / mitten : hand(围巾带在脖子上保暖 /手套带在手上保暖)(记) 也作mitt,常用复数
mnemonics MNEMONICS [ni:'m0niks]
MNEMONICS n. 记忆法,记忆规则(英) n. 记忆法,记忆规则(th e technique of developing the memory)(考) regimen : health / mnemonics : memory(养生法帮助健康/记 忆法帮助记忆)(记) mnemo(记忆)+nics→ 记忆法(同) 同根词:amnesia(健 忘症);mnemonist(记 忆能手)
moan MOAN [m2un]
MOAN v./n. (痛苦的)呻吟; (不满的)抱怨(英) v./n. (痛苦的)呻吟;(不满 的)抱怨(a complaint)(例) He is always moaning his luck.
moat MOAT [m2ut]
MOAT n. 壕沟,护城河(英) n. 壕沟,护城河(a deep, wide trench)(记) 和moan(呻吟)一起记(例) The castle moat was filled with crocodiles.
mobile MOBILE ['m2ubail]
MOBILE adj. 易于移动的(英) adj. 易于移动的 (not fixed in one position)(记) mob(动)+ile
mobility MOBILITY [m2u'biliti]
MOBILITY n. 可动性,流动性(英) n. 可动性,流动性 (the quality of being mobile)(考) splint : mobility / lubricant : friction / ballast :instability / purchase :slippery(夹板防止移动/润滑 剂防止摩擦/压舱物防 止不稳定/支点防止滑动)splint : immobilize / duct : convey(夹板的作用是固定/ 管道的作用是运输)(记) mob(动)+ility
mock MOCK [m0k]
MOCK v. 嘲笑; 模仿地嘲弄(英) v. 嘲笑(to treat with ridicule; deride);模仿地嘲弄(to mimic; imitate)(考) mock : imitate / taunt : challenge(mock是模仿性嘲弄/t aunt是挑衅性嘲弄)(例) He made all the other boys laugh by mocking the way the teacher spoke and walked.
mockery MOCKERY ['m0k2ri]
MOCKERY n. 嘲笑,愚弄(英) n. 嘲笑,愚弄 (scorn or ridicule)(考) patronize : condescension / deride : mockery(用恩赐态度去庇护别 人/用嘲弄态度去嘲笑 别人)diatribe : abuse / burlesque : mockery(指责演讲是一种辱骂 /滑稽戏是一种嘲弄)(记) 来自动词mock(嘲笑 )+ery
moderate MODERATE ['m0d2rit]
MODERATE adj. 不过分的,有节制的; v. 减轻,节制(英) adj. 不过分的,有节制的( not extreme, excessive, orintense);v. 减轻,节制(to make temperate; reasonable)(考) moderate : intensity / extenuate : seriousness(缓和是消除强度/减 轻是消除严重)(例) The wind was strong all day, but it moderated after sunset.
moderation MODERATION [`m0d2'rei62n]
MODERATION n. 自我控制;缓和,减轻(英) n. 自我控制 (self-control);缓和,减轻 (reduction in force, degree, rate, etc.)(考) exorbitant : moderation / perfidious : loyalty(过度的[人]没有节制 /不忠的[人]没有忠诚)
moderator MODERATOR ['m0d2reit2]
MODERATOR n. 调解人,仲裁人(英) n. 调解人,仲裁人(a person or thing that moderates)(记) moderate(减轻)+or→ 减轻事物严重性的人 →调解人(例) The moderator introduced the members of the guest panel.
modest MODEST ['m0dist]
MODEST adj. 谦虚的,谨慎的; 适度的(英) adj. 谦虚的,谨慎的(humb le, unassuming);适度的(not large in quantity, size)(记) mod(方式,风度)+e st→做事有规矩→礼 貌的
modestly MODESTLY ['m0distli]
MODESTLY adv. 谨慎地,适度地(考) 反义词: speak modestly→pontifica te(傲慢地说)(记) 来自形容词modest(谦 虚的)
modesty MODESTY ['m0disti]
MODESTY n. 谦虚,谦逊(英) n. 谦虚,谦逊 (the quality of being modest)(记) modest(谦虚的)+y
modicum MODICUM ['m0dik2m]
MODICUM n. 少量(英) n. 少量(a moderate or small amount)(考) 反义词:large amount(大量)(例) If he had a modicum of sense, he wouldn't have done such a foolish thing.
modify MODIFY ['m0difai]
MODIFY v. 修改,变更(英) v. 修改,变更(alter partially; amend)(记) mod(=mode方式,时髦 )+ify→使改变方式→ 修改(同) 派生词: modification (n. 修改,修饰)(例) The bus route was modified to provide service to the mall.
modish MODISH ['m2udi6]
MODISH adj. 时髦的(英) adj. 时髦的(fashionable; stylish)(考) 反义词:lacking style and fashionableness(缺 乏风格和时尚的)(记) mod(=mode时髦)+ish →时髦的
modulate MODULATE ['m0djuleit]
MODULATE v. 调整(音的强弱); 变调(英) v. 调整(音的强弱)(to regulate by or adjust to)(记) mod(方式)+ulate→改 变方式→调整(例) Some people are able to modulate their voices according to the size of the room in which they speak.
mogul MOGUL ['m2ug2l]
MOGUL n. 显要人物,权势之人(英) n. 显要人物,权势之人( an influential or powerful person)(考) 反义词:nonentity( 无足轻重者)(记) 来自Mogul(莫卧儿人 ,蒙古人),因比较高 大而引申为'显要人物'(例) a literary mogul(文坛巨擘)
moiety MOIETY ['m0i2ti]
MOIETY n. 一半,半份(英) n. 一半,半份(a half)
moist MOIST [m0ist]
MOIST adj. 潮湿的,微湿的(英) adj. 潮湿的,微湿的 (slightly wet)(考) small : minuscule / moist : saturated(sodden) / surprised : astonished(小和极小/湿和湿透/ 吃惊和大吃一惊)(例) Water the plant regularly to keep the soil moist.
moistness MOISTNESS ['m0istnis]
MOISTNESS n. 湿(考) baste : dryness / caulk : moistness(浇油防止干燥/堵漏 防止潮湿)(记) moist(潮湿的)+ness
molar MOLAR ['m2ul2]
MOLAR n. 臼齿(记) mol(磨)+ar→磨的牙 →臼齿
mold MOLD [m2uld]
MOLD n. 模子; (美)霉 v. 塑造(考) palpable : touch / pliable : mold(可触摸的可以触摸/ 易变形的可以塑造)(例) to mold a head in clay(用粘土塑造头像 )
molding MOLDING ['m2uldi8]
MOLDING n. 装饰线条;铸造物(英) n. 装饰线条 (a decorative band of stone or wood);铸造物(an object produced from a mould)(考) ruffle : shirt / molding : cabinet / hem : garment(花边修饰衬衫/线条 修饰柜子/摺边修饰衣 服)(记) mold(铸造)+ing
moldy MOLDY ['m2uldi]
MOLDY adj. 发霉的(英) adj. 发霉的 ( covered with mold)
molecule MOLECULE ['m0likju:l]
MOLECULE n. 分子(英) 分子(the smallest unit into which any substance can be divided without losing its own chemical nature)(考) molecule : atoms / tissue : cells(分子由原子组成/细 胞组织由细胞组成)(记) mol(=heap堆)+cu le
molest MOLEST [m2'lest]
MOLEST v. 骚扰,干扰(英) v. 骚扰,干扰(to bother or annoy)(记) mol(磨)+est→磨擦→ 骚扰(例) A dog that molests sheep has to be killed.
mollification MOLLIFICATION [`m0lifi'kei62n]
MOLLIFICATION n. 缓和(考) mollification : soothe / indemnity : secure(缓和就是使平静/保 护就是使安全)反义词:inflammatio n(激怒)
mollify MOLLIFY ['m0lifai]
MOLLIFY v. 安慰,安抚(英) v. 安慰,安抚(to soften in feeling or temper; appease)(考) mollify : anger / hearten : dejection(安抚减少愤怒/加油 减少沮丧)反义词:ire(激怒); pique(激怒); rouse(激起); antagonize(对抗); discommode(使为难); vex(使烦恼)(记) moll(软)+ify→软化 →安慰(同) 同根词:emollient( 润肤剂); mollescent(变软的)(例) The waiter mollified the angry diners with a free bottle of wine.
mollusk MOLLUSK ['m0l2sk]
MOLLUSK n. 软体动物(记) moll(软)+usk→软的 身体→软体动物(例) Snails, slugs and octopuses are mollusks.
mollycoddle MOLLYCODDLE ['m0li`k0dl]
MOLLYCODDLE v. 过分爱惜,娇惯; n. 娇生惯养的人(英) v. 过分爱惜,娇惯(to overly coddle; pamper)(考) embarrass : mortify / indulge : mollycoddle(程度[类比] 使难堪和羞辱/迁就和 过分溺爱)chide : pillory / humor : mollycoddle(程度[类比] 轻微指责和严厉指责/ 迁就和过分溺爱)反义词:treat harshly(严厉对待)(记) molly(软,溺爱)+cod dle(纵容)
molt MOLT [m2ult]
MOLT v. 换羽,脱毛; n. 换羽(期),脱毛( 期)(英) 换羽,脱毛(lose most of its feathers, hair, or fur at the season when a new covering for the body grows)换羽(期),脱毛(期)(t he time of molting)(考) molt : bird / slough : snake(鸟脱羽/蛇脱皮)molt : feathers / shed : hair(脱羽是脱去羽毛/脱 发是脱去头发)反义词:fledge(长羽 毛)(例) molt one's old notions(去掉旧观念)
molten MOLTEN ['m2ult2n]
MOLTEN adj.熔化的(英) adj.熔化的(melted)
moment MOMENT ['m2um2nt]
MOMENT n.瞬间;重要(考) 反义词:insignifica nce(不重要)
momentary MOMENTARY ['m2um2nt2ri]
MOMENTARY adj. 短暂的,瞬间的(英) adj. 短暂的,瞬间的(last ing but a moment)(记) moment(时刻)+ary→ 时刻的→短暂的
momentous MOMENTOUS [m2u'ment2s]
MOMENTOUS adj. 极重要的,严重的(英) adj. 极重要的,严重的(of great importance or consequence)(考) atrocious : bad / momentous : important(极坏和坏/极重要和 重要)(记) moment(时刻)+ous→ 刻不容缓的→重要的(例) The Supreme Court issues many momentous decisions each year.
momentum MOMENTUM [m2u'ment2m]
MOMENTUM n. 推进力,势头(英) n. 推进力,势头(force or speed of movement, impetus)(考) oscillation: swing / momentum : scooter(秋千通过震荡摇摆/ 滑行车通过冲力运动)(记) moment(=movement)+u m→动力(例) The national struggle for independence is gaining momentum every day.
monarch MONARCH ['m0n2k]
MONARCH n. 君主,帝王(英) n. 君主,帝王(a hereditary sovereign)(记) mon(单个)+arch(统治 者)→个人统治→君主(例) As a federal republic,the United States has never had a monarch.
monastery MONASTERY ['m0n2stri]
MONASTERY n. 男修道院,僧院(英) n. 男修道院,僧院(a place of residence occupied by a community of monks, living in a religious seclusion)(记) mon(单个)+aster(星 星)→孤星→孤独者所 住之处→寺院(例) The orphan was taken to the local monastery.
monetary MONETARY ['m3nit2ri]
MONETARY adj. 货币的(英) adj. 货币的 ( about money)(例) the government's monetary policy
money MONEY ['m3ni]
MONEY n.钱,金钱(考) sophism : reasoning / counterfeit : money(诡辩是假推理/伪钞 是假钱)mercenary : money / vindictive : revenge(惟利是图的人想要钱 /怀恨的人想要报仇)tact : offensive / money : poor(圆滑的人不会冒犯/ 有钱的人不会贫穷)dally : time / squander : money(虚度时间/挥霍金
mongrel MONGREL ['m38gr2l]
MONGREL n. 杂种动物; 混血儿(英) 杂种动物(an animal or plant resulting from an uncontrolled or accidental crossing of breeds or varieties);混血儿(any cross between different types of persons or things)(考) 反义词:purebred(纯 种的)
monochromatic MONOCHROMATIC [m0n2u'kr2um9tik]
MONOCHROMATIC adj.单色的(英) adj.单色的(having only one color)(考) 反义词:iridescent( 彩虹色的)
monochrome MONOCHROME ['m0n2kr2um]
MONOCHROME adj.单色, 单色画(英) adj.单色, 单色画(painting in only one color)
monocle MONOCLE ['m0n2k2l]
MONOCLE n. 单片眼镜(英) n. 单片眼镜 (an eyeglass for one eye only)
monogamy MONOGAMY [m2'n0g2mi]
MONOGAMY n. 一夫一妻制(英) n. 一夫一妻制(having one spouse at a time)(记) mono(单个)+gam(婚姻 )+y(同) 同根词:neogamist( 新婚者);bigamous( 重婚的)
monograph MONOGRAPH ['m0n2grf]
MONOGRAPH n. 专题论文(英) n. 专题论文(a learned treatise on a particular subject)(记) mono(单个)+graph(写 )→为一个主题而写→ 专题论文
monolithic MONOLITHIC [`m0n2'li4ik]
MONOLITHIC adj. 巨石的,巨大的(记) mono(单个)+lith(石 头)+ic→单块大石头(同) 同根词:paleolith( 旧石器); neolith(新石器)
monologue MONOLOGUE ['m0n2l0g]
MONOLOGUE n. 独白; 个人长篇演说(英) n. 独白(soliloquy);个人长篇演说(a prolonged discourse)(考) opera : aria / play : monologue(独唱曲是一个人在歌 剧中唱/独白是一个人 在戏剧中说)(记) mono(单个)+logue(说 话)→一个人说话
monomania MONOMANIA [m0n2'meini2]
MONOMANIA n. 偏狂症,狂热病(英) n. 偏狂症,狂热病(a condition of the mind in which a person keeps thinking of one particular idea or subject)
monopoly MONOPOLY [m2'n0p2li]
MONOPOLY n. 专利权,垄断(英) n. 专利权,垄断(exclus ive control of a commodity)(记) mono(单个)+poly(运 用)→一个人用→垄断(同) 同根词:employ(雇佣 ); deploy(展开,部署)(例) An university education shouldn't be the monopoly of those whose parents are rich.
monotonous MONOTONOUS [m2'n0t2n2s]
MONOTONOUS adj. 单调的,无聊的(英) adj. 单调的,无聊的(lack ing in variety; tediously unvarying)(考) mutter : indistinct / drone : monotonous / hiss : sibilant(嘟囔声是不清楚的/ 嗡嗡声是单调的/咝咝 声是咝咝的)(记) mono(单个)+ton(声音 )+ous→一个声音的
monotony MONOTONY [m2'n0t2ni]
MONOTONY n. 单调, 千篇一律(英) n. 单调, 千篇一律 (lack of variety)
monsoon MONSOON [m0n'su:n]
MONSOON n. 季雨,季风(英) n. 季雨,季风(the season wind of the Indian Ocean, bringing rain)
monstrous MONSTROUS ['m0nstr2s]
MONSTROUS adj. 巨大的; 可怕的(英) adj. 巨大的(huge; immense);可怕的(frightful or hideous in appearance)(例) the monstrous policy of genocide(残暴的种族 灭绝政策)
montage MONTAGE ['m0nt7,man'ta7]
MONTAGE n.蒙太奇, 拼集画(考) montage : images / medley : songs / zigzag : turns(蒙太奇由影象组成/ 集成曲由歌曲组成/Z 字形由转弯组成)
monumental MONUMENTAL [m0nju'ment(2)l]
MONUMENTAL adj. 极大的;纪念碑的(英) adj. 极大的(massive; impressively large);纪念碑的( built as a monument)(记) monu(警告,提醒)+men t+al→起提醒作用→ 纪念物的
mood MOOD [mu:d]
MOOD n. 情绪(考) mercurial : mood / fickle : affection / whimsical : behavior(易变的情绪/易变的 感情/易变的行为)
moody MOODY ['mu:di]
MOODY adj.喜怒无常的(英) adj.喜怒无常的( given to changeable moods; gloomy)(同) 派生词: moodiness (n.不高兴,愤怒)
moor MOOR [mu2]
MOOR n. 旷野地,荒野; v.使(船)停泊(英) n. 旷野地,荒野(open. uncultivated land);v.使(船)停泊(to hold a ship in place)(记) 和moon(月亮)一起记( a moon over the moor, 笼罩在旷野地上的月 光)(例) moor a suitcase to a bucking vehicle(把箱子在颠 簸的车子上固定住)
mope MOPE [m2up]
MOPE v./n. 抑郁不乐,生闷气(英) v./n. 抑郁不乐,生闷气(to be gloomy and dispirited)(记) 和mop(拖把)一起记(例) She's always complaining; there's nothing she enjoys better than a good mope.
morale MORALE [m2'rl]
MORALE n. 士气,精神力量(英) n. 士气,精神力量(stat e of discipline and spirit)(记) 和moral(道德的)一起 记(例) The morale of the enemy troops is low.
moralistic MORALISTIC [`m0r2'listik]
MORALISTIC adj. 道学气的(英) adj. 道学气的(concerned with morals)(考) moralistic : principled / pedantic : learned(道学气的是过分讲究 原则/学究气的是过分 讲究学问)(记) moral(道德的)+ist
morality MORALITY [m2'r9liti]
MORALITY n. 道德(英) n. 道德 (rightness or honesty of behavior)(考) transgression : morality / presumption : propriety(犯罪是没有道德/傲 慢是没有礼貌)
morass MORASS [m2'r9s]
MORASS n. 沼泽地,困境; v.陷入困境(英) n. 沼泽地,困境(marsh; entanglement)(记) 分割记忆:mor看作mo re+ass(驴子),很多 驴子在周围→(陷入困境)(例) be morassed in an intrigue(陷入阴谋之 中)
moratorium MORATORIUM [`m0r2't0:ri2m]
MORATORIUM n. 停止偿付; 禁止(英) n. 停止偿付(a legal authorization to delay payment of money)(考) reprieve : punishment / moratorium : activity / fast : eat(缓刑暂缓刑罚/暂停 暂缓活动/斋戒暂缓进 食)(记) mora(延误)+torium;(同) 参考:moratory(延期 偿付的)(例) Let's call a moratorium on the matter.(这件事我们 暂且搁一搁吧)
morbid MORBID ['m0:bid]
MORBID adj. 病态的,不正常的(英) adj. 病态的,不正常的( unhealthy; diseased)(考) 反义词:wholesome( 健康的)(记) morb(病)+id→病态的 ;(同) 参考:morbific(引起 疾病的)派生词: morbidity (n. 病态)(例) Jane has a morbid interest in horror films.
mordant MORDANT ['m0:dnt]
MORDANT adj. 讥讽的,尖酸的(英) adj. 讥讽的,尖酸的(biti ng, caustic, or sarcastic)(考) 反义词:genial(和蔼 的)(记) mord(咬)+ant→咬人 的→尖酸的;(同) 参考:mordacious(尖 锐的,尖刻的)
mores MORES ['m0:ri:z]
MORES n. 风俗习惯,道德观念(英) n. 风俗习惯,道德观念( folkways conductive to the welfare of society)(记) 分割记忆:more+s,m or(道德);(同) 参考:moral(道德的)(例) the mores of an author(作者的道德观 )
moribund MORIBUND ['m0rib3nd]
MORIBUND adj. 即将结束的; 垂死的(英) adj. 即将结束的(coming to end);垂死的(dying)(考) 反义词:increasingl y vital(生机勃勃的); nascent(新生的); beginning(开始的)(记) mori(=mort死)+bund( 接近的)→垂死的
moron MORON ['m0:r0n]
MORON n. 极蠢之人,低能儿(英) n. 极蠢之人,低能儿(a very foolish or stupid person)(记) moro(笨, 愚)+on→笨人,moron ic(痴愚的)(例) It is very impolite to call a mentally retarded person a moron.
morose MOROSE [m2'r2us]
MOROSE adj. 阴郁的(英) adj. 阴郁的(sullenly melancholy)(考) 反义词:cheerful(高 兴的); lighthearted(轻松愉 快的); sanguine(乐观的)(记) mo(记成'没')+rose( 记成玫瑰) →没有玫瑰的→不高 兴的(例) The runner who lost the race was morose for the rest of the day.
morsel MORSEL ['m0:s2l]
MORSEL n. 一小块(食物); 小量(英) n. 一小块(食物)(a small bite or portion of food);小量(a small piece or amount)(例) morsels of news(点滴新闻)
mortality MORTALITY [m0:'t9liti]
MORTALITY n. 死亡率(英) n. 死亡率 (the rate of deaths)(记) mort(死亡)+ality (性质)
mortar MORTAR ['m0:t2]
MORTAR n. 小臼,乳钵,迫击炮(考) hammer : anvil / pestle : mortar(配对工具[类比] 锤子在铁砧上加工东 西/杵棒在乳钵中加工 东西)(例) He ground the spices himself with a mortar and pestle.mortar['mO:tE]n. (砌砖用的)灰浆
mortgage MORTGAGE ['m0:gid7]
MORTGAGE n. 抵押贷款;抵押证书; v. 用…作抵押(英) 抵押贷款(the pledging of property to a creditor as security for the payment of a debt);抵押证书(the deed by which this pledge is made);抵押(to pledge[a property] by a mortgage)(记) mort(死亡)+gage(抵 押品)(例) He will have to mortgage his land for a loan.
mortification MORTIFICATION [`m0:tifi'kei62n]
MORTIFICATION n. 耻辱,屈辱(英) n. 耻辱,屈辱(shame, humiliation, chagrin)
mortify MORTIFY ['m0:tifai]
MORTIFY v. 使屈辱, 使痛心(英) v. 使屈辱, 使痛心(to cause to feel humiliation and chagrin)(考) embarrass : mortify / indulge : mollycoddle(使人过分难堪是羞辱 /过分纵容别人是溺爱)(记) mort(死)+ify→让人 想死→使人屈辱(例) The teacher was mortified by his own inability to answer such a simple question.
mortuary MORTUARY ['m0:t6u2ri]
MORTUARY n. 停尸间,太平间(英) 停尸间,太平间(a place where dead bodies are kept before burial or cremation, as a morgue or funeral home)(记) mort(死)+uary→死亡 地方→停尸间(例) A mortician(殡仪员) works in a mortuary.
mosaic MOSAIC [m2u'zei`ik]
MOSAIC n. 马赛克; 镶嵌钿工(把小块玻璃 石头等镶嵌成图画)(英) 镶嵌钿工(the process of making pictures or designs by inlaying small bits of colored stones,glass, tile etc, in mortar);(考) piece : jigsaw puzzle / tile : mosaic / stitch : sampler(拼图由图块组合而成 /马赛克由瓷块组合而 成/刺绣由针脚组合而成)parquet : wood / mosaic : glass(镶木地板原料是木头 /镶嵌细工原料是玻璃)mosaic : ceramic /patchwork : cloth(马赛克由陶瓷片作成 /拼缝物由布料作成)
mosque MOSQUE [m0sk]
MOSQUE n.清真寺(伊斯来教的 寺庙)(考) spire : church / minaret : mosque(spire是教堂的顶端/ minaret是清真寺的顶 端)
mosquito MOSQUITO [m2s'ki:t2u]
MOSQUITO n.蚊子(考) mosquito : netting / impurity : filter(蚊帐挡住蚊子/过滤 器挡住杂质)
mote MOTE [m2ut]
MOTE n. 微粒,微尘(英) n. 微粒,微尘(a speck of dust)(例) a mote in sb's eye(某人的小缺点)
moth MOTH [m04]
MOTH n. 蛾(英) n. 蛾 (an insect related to the butterfly)
motif MOTIF [m2u'ti:f]
MOTIF n. (作品)主题,主旨(英) n. (作品)主题,主旨(a main theme or subject)(记) 可能是motive(动机) 的变体(例) The lively and attractive child is the motif through the book.
motility MOTILITY [m2u'til2ti]
MOTILITY n. 运动性(考) 反义词:stasis(静止 )(记) mot(运动)+ility; 参考: motion(运动)
motionless MOTIONLESS ['m2u62nl2s]
MOTIONLESS adj. 静止的,一动不动的(英) adj. 静止的,一动不动的( completely still)(考) 反义词:vacillation (摇摆)(记) motion(运动)+less
motivate MOTIVATE ['m2utiveit]
MOTIVATE v. 促使,激发(英) v. 促使,激发(incite or impel)(考) exhortation : motivate / invective : discredit(激励演讲是为了激励 /恶言漫骂是为了使人 丢脸)(记) motiv(动机)+ate→有 动机→促使(例) He was motivated only by his wish to help me, and expected nothing in return.
motivation MOTIVATION [`m2uti'vei62n]
MOTIVATION n. 动机,目的(考) fungi : ecologist / motivation : psychologist(生物学家研究真菌/ 心理学家研究动机)
motivational MOTIVATIONAL [`m2uti'vei62n2l]
MOTIVATIONAL adj. 动机的,有关动机的(考) exculpatory : absolve / motivational : stir(辩明无罪是为了赦免 /激励鼓动是为了激发)
motive MOTIVE ['m2utiv]
MOTIVE n.动机(考) motive : deed / doubt : question(动机产生行为/怀疑 产生问题)
motley MOTLEY ['m0tli]
MOTLEY adj. 混杂的; 杂色的(英) adj. 混杂的( heterogeneous);杂色的(of many colors)(考) 反义词: colorless(无色的); unique(唯一的)(记) mot (=mote 微粒)+ley→各种微粒 混合→混杂的;(同) 参考:medley(混合物 )(例) There's a motley collection of books on the shelf.
mottled MOTTLED ['m0tld]
MOTTLED adj. 有杂色的,斑驳的(英) adj. 有杂色的,斑驳的(ma rked with blotches,streak, and spots of different colors or shades)(考) striated : groove / mottled(dappled): spot(有条纹的和条纹/有 斑点的和斑点)反义词:homogenous( 相同的); blanch(使成白色)-mo ttle(使成杂色)(例) The underside of this snake is all yellow, but its back is mottled.
motto MOTTO ['m0t2u]
MOTTO n. 座右铭; 箴言(英) n. 座右铭;箴言(a maxim)(考) epitaph : tombstone / motto : shield(碑文刻在墓碑上/箴 言刻在盾牌上)
moult MOULT [m2ult]
MOULT v. 脱毛,换羽毛(=molt)(英) v. 脱毛,换羽毛(to cast off or shed hair or feathers)
mountainous MOUNTAINOUS ['mauntin2s]
MOUNTAINOUS adj. 多山的;巨大的(英) adj. 多山的 (full of mountains);巨大的(very large)(记) 来自名词mountain(山 )
mountebank MOUNTEBANK ['mauntib98k]
MOUNTEBANK n. 江湖郎中; 骗子(英) n. 江湖郎中, 骗子(any charlatan, or quack)(记) mounte(登高,山丘)+ bank(=bench椅子)→ 登上椅子叫卖→江湖郎中
mourn MOURN [m0:n]
MOURN v. 哀悼,哀伤(英) v. 哀悼,哀伤(to feel or express sorrow or grief)(例) The nation mourned when the president was assassinated.
mournful MOURNFUL ['m0:nful]
MOURNFUL adj. 悲伤的(英) adj. 悲伤的(feeling or expressing sorrow or grief)(考) 反义词:jovial(快乐 的)(例) He looked mournful. a mournful song
movement MOVEMENT ['mu:vm2nt]
MOVEMENT n. (交响乐)乐章(英) n. (交响乐)乐章(a principal division or section of a sonata or symphony)(考) stanza : poem / movement : orchestra(诗节和诗/乐章和管 弦乐)(记) movement作为'运动' 一意大家都熟悉,但' 乐章'一意不可忘(例) The symphony's second movement is written in a minor key.
muddle MUDDLE ['m3dl]
MUDDLE n. 混乱, 迷惑(英) n. 混乱, 迷惑(a confused or disordered state; mess)(记) mud(泥浆)+dle→混入 泥浆→混乱(例) I was all in a muddle and didn't even know what day it was.
muffle MUFFLE ['m3f2l]
MUFFLE v. 使声音降低,裹住(考) muffle : sound / assuage : grief(减弱声音使声音减少 /抚慰悲伤使悲伤减少)(例) muffled foot steps (压低的脚步声)
muffled MUFFLED ['m3fld]
MUFFLED adj. (声音)压低的(考) muted : color / muffled : sound(颜色变淡/声音减弱)反义词:plangent(轰 鸣的)
muffler MUFFLER ['m3lfl2]
MUFFLER n.消音器; 围巾(考) muffler : neck / mitten : hand(围巾带在脖子上/手 套带在手上)
muggy MUGGY ['m3gi]
MUGGY adj. (天气)闷热而潮湿的(英) adj. (天气)闷热而潮湿的( oppressively humid and damp)(例) The air was growing increasingly muggy.
mulch MULCH [m3lt6]
MULCH n. 覆盖料,护根(保护土 壤及植物根的覆盖物) ; v. 覆盖(英) 覆盖料,护根(a covering of material used to improve soil and protect the roots of plants)用覆盖料覆盖(cover with a mulch)
mulct MULCT [m3lkt]
MULCT v.诈取, 诈骗(英) v.诈取, 诈骗(defraud a person of something; swindle)
mulish MULISH ['mju:li6]
MULISH adj. 骡一样的, 执拗的(考) despicable : value / mulish : flexibility(可鄙的[东西]没有价 值/执拗的[人]没有灵 活性)反义词:flexible(灵 活的); pliant(顺从的)
multifarious MULTIFARIOUS [`m3lti'fe2ri2s]
MULTIFARIOUS adj. 多种的,各式各样的(英) adj. 多种的,各式各样的( numerous and varied)(记) multi(多)+fari(=fac t做)+ous→做的样子 多→多种多样的(例) multifarious activities
multiple MULTIPLE ['m3ltip2l]
MULTIPLE adj. 多样的,多重的(英) adj. 多样的,多重的 (including many different parts)(记) multi(多)+ple
multiply MULTIPLY ['m3ltiplai]
MULTIPLY v. 乘; 大大增加;繁殖(英) v. 大大增加(greatly increase);繁殖(breed)(考) multiply : divide / enter : leave(乘对除/进对出)反义词:propagate( 繁殖)-fail to multiply(不能繁殖)(记) multi(多)+ply(表 动词)→变多→乘
multitude MULTITUDE ['m3ltitju:d]
MULTITUDE n. 多数; 大众,平民(英) n. 多数(numerousness) ;大众,平民(populace ; crowd)(记) multi(多)+itude→多 的状态→多数,大众(例) A great multitude gathered in the street.
mumble MUMBLE ['m3mb2l]
MUMBLE v. 咕哝,含糊不清地说(英) v. 咕哝,含糊不清地说( speak or say unclearly)(考) scribble : write / mumble : talk(胡写和写/胡说和说)enunciate : mumbling / clarify : confusing(清楚说相对含糊说/ 澄清相对混淆)反义词:enunicate( 清楚地说)
mundane MUNDANE [m3n'dein]
MUNDANE adj. 现世的,世俗的(英) adj. 现世的,世俗的(pert aining to this world; worldly; earthly)(考) 反义词:exotic(奇异 的); unearthly(超脱自然 的)(例) He is nothing but a mundane businessman.
municipality MUNICIPALITY [`mju:nisi'p9liti]
MUNICIPALITY n. 市; 市政当局(指城市行政 区及管理者)(英) 自治市镇(town or district having local self-government)
munificence MUNIFICENCE [mju:'nifis2ns]
MUNIFICENCE n. 慷慨, 宽宏大量(考) 反义词:stinginess( 吝啬)
munificent MUNIFICENT [mju:'nifis2nt]
MUNIFICENT adj. 慷慨的,大方的(英) adj. 慷慨的,大方的(disp laying great generosity)(考) miser : munificent / zealot : blas(吝啬鬼不慷慨/狂热 者不厌倦)(记) muni(公共)+ficent( 做…的)→为公共做→ 慷慨的(例) a munificent gift(厚礼)
muniments MUNIMENTS ['mju:nim2nts]
MUNIMENTS n. 契据,房契(记) muni(礼物,加强)+me nts→加强买卖关系的 东西→契据
munitions MUNITIONS [mju(:)'ni62nz]
MUNITIONS n. 军火,弹药(英) n. 军火,弹药(weapons and ammunition)(考) larder : food / armory : munitions(食品储藏室存放食品 /武器库存放军火)(记) muni(礼物,加强)+ti on→送给敌人的礼物 →军火_(例) The warring county's budget went mostly to munitions.
mural MURAL ['mju2r2l]
MURAL adj. 墙壁的; n. 壁画(英) adj. 墙壁的(of a wall);(考) petrography : rock / mural : wall(岩石记述学是在岩石 上铭刻/壁画是在墙上 画画)(记) mur(墙)+al→墙上的 画→壁画(同) 同根词:demur(反对) ; immure(监禁)(例) This mural depicts the first moon landing.
murky MURKY ['m2:ki]
MURKY adj. 黑暗的; 朦胧的(英) adj. 黑暗的(dark, gloomy);朦胧的(vague)(考) 反义词:lucid(明晰 的); limpid(清澈的); pellucid(透明的);cl ear(清晰的)(记) 来自murk(黑暗),mur k(可看作mur墙)(例) a murky prison / a murky sky
murmur MURMUR ['m2:m2]
MURMUR v. 柔声地说,喃喃而言(英) v. 柔声地说,喃喃而言( to express in murmurs)(考) glimmer : dazzle / murmur : resound(微光和强光/低声说 和高声说)croon : sing / murmur : speak(低声唱和唱/低声说 和说)(记) 象声词:mur-mur(例) the murmur of a distant brook
muscular MUSCULAR ['m3skjul2]
MUSCULAR adj. 肌肉的; 强健的(英) adj. 肌肉的 (consisting of muscles)(记) 来自名词muscle(肌 肉)
musculature MUSCULATURE ['m3skjul2t62]
MUSCULATURE n. 肌肉组织(记) 来自名词muscle(肌肉 )
muse MUSE [mju:z]
MUSE v. 沉思,冥想(英) v. 沉思,冥想(to think or meditate in silence)(记) 联想记忆:Muse (希腊神话中缪斯女神 )(例) She sat musing for hours.
mushroom MUSHROOM ['m36ru:m]
MUSHROOM n. 蘑菇; v. 雨后春笋般迅速发展(英) 蘑菇(any of several types of fungus which grow and develop very quickly)雨后春笋般迅速发展( grow and develop fast)(例) new blocks of flats and offices mushrooming all over the city
musicologist MUSICOLOGIST [`mju:zik'k0l2d7ist]
MUSICOLOGIST n. 音乐学者(记) 来自名词musicology (音乐学)
musket MUSKET ['m3skit]
MUSKET n. 旧式步枪(英) n. 旧式步枪 (a type of gun used in former times)(考) daguerreotype : photograph / musket : firearm(早期银板相片是老相 片/早期步枪是老枪炮)
musky MUSKY ['m3ski]
MUSKY adj. 有麝香味的(英) adj. 有麝香味的(having the odor of musk)
muster MUSTER ['m3st2]
MUSTER v. 召集,聚集(英) v. 召集,聚集(to gather or summon)(记) 和master(主人,大师 )一起记(a master has the power to muster)(例) The troops mustered on the hill.
musty MUSTY ['m3sti]
MUSTY adj.霉臭的(英) adj.霉臭的(stale in odor or taste; spoiled by age)
mutable MUTABLE ['mju:t2b2l]
MUTABLE adj. 易变的,可变的(英) adj. 易变的,可变的 (able or likely to change)(记) mut(变)+able; 参考: mutation(突变)(同) 派生词: mutability (n. 易变性)
mutate MUTATE [mju'teit]
MUTATE v. 变异(考) 反义词:remain the same(保持不变); root(生根不变)(记) mut(变)+ate→变化
mutation MUTATION [mju:'tei62n]
MUTATION n. 突变,变化(英) n. 突变,变化(a sudden departure from the parent type)(考) mimicry : camouflage / mutation : variation(拟态是一种伪装/突 变是一种变化)(记) mut(变)+ation→变化(同) 同根词:immutable(不 可变的)(例) Mutation can be caused by radiation.
mute MUTE [mju:t]
MUTE adj. 沉默的;v. 减弱声音; n. 弱音器(英) adj. 沉默的(silent)(考) 反义词:amplify(放 大)(例) He touched her hand in mute sympathy.
muted MUTED ['mju:tid]
MUTED adj. (声音)减弱的,变得 轻柔的(英) 减弱的,变得轻柔的(m ade softer than usual)缓和的,温和的(less forceful than usual of expected)(考) muted : color / muffled : sound(颜色变淡/声音变柔)
mutilate MUTILATE ['mju:tileit]
MUTILATE v. 残害; 切断(英) v. 残害(to injure or disfigure)(记) mutil(砍掉)+ate;(同) 参考:maim(伤残)(例) She was mutilated in the accident and has only one leg.
mutineer MUTINEER [`mju:ti'ni2]
MUTINEER n. 反叛者,背叛者(英) n. 反叛者,背叛者(a person who mutinies)
mutinous MUTINOUS ['mju:tin2s]
MUTINOUS adj. 加入叛变的; 反抗的(英) adj. 加入叛变的(engaged in revolt);反抗的(rebellious)(记) 来自mutiny(叛变),m ut(变化)+iny(例) The captain was killed by the mutinous crews.
mutter MUTTER ['m3t2]
MUTTER v. 咕哝,嘀咕(英) v. 咕哝,嘀咕 ( speak in a low voice)(考) mutter : indistince / drone : monotonous(嘀咕声是不清晰的/ 嗡嗡声是单调的)反义词:speak distinctly(清楚地说 )(例) Don't mutter! I can't hear you.
mutton MUTTON ['m3tn]
MUTTON n.羊肉(同) 参考:beef(牛肉); pork(猪肉); venison(鹿肉)
muzzy MUZZY ['m3zi]
MUZZY adj. 头脑糊涂的(英) adj. 头脑糊涂的(muddled; mentally hazy)(例) I'm feeling a bit muzzy in the head.
myopia MYOPIA [mai'2upi2]
MYOPIA n. 近视,缺乏远见(英) n. 近视,缺乏远见(lack of foresight or discernment)(考) 反义词:prescience( 远见)(记) myo(肌肉)+op(光,眼 )+ia→眼病→近视(例) I am frustrated by my supervisor's myopia.
myopic MYOPIC [mai'0pik]
MYOPIC adj. 近视眼的; 缺乏辨别力的(考) 反义词:discerning( 能分辨的)
myriad MYRIAD ['miri2d]
MYRIAD adj. 许多,无数(英) adj. 许多,无数(innumera ble)(考) myriad(countless; innumerable; untold): number / everlasting (interminable): duration(无穷多的数字/无穷 尽的时间)(记) myria(许多)+d;(同) 参考:myriad-minded (多才多艺的)(例) A myriad of thoughts passed through her mind.
mysterious MYSTERIOUS [mi'sti2ri2s]
MYSTERIOUS adj. 神秘的,难以理解的(英) adj. 神秘的,难以理解的 (full of mystery)(考) 反义词:scrutable( 可理解的)(记) 来自名词mystery(神 秘)
mystery MYSTERY ['mist2ri]
MYSTERY n. 神秘的事; 神秘小说(英) 神秘的事,不可思议的 事(something which cannot be explained or understood)(考) martial : military / runic : mysterious(同义词[类比] 军事的/神秘的)magazine : periodical / mystery : fiction(杂志是一种期刊/神 秘小说是一种小说)(例) the mysteries of nature
mysticism MYSTICISM ['mistisiz2m]
MYSTICISM n. 神秘主义, 神秘教(英) 神秘主义(the attempt to gain, or practice of gaining, a knowledge of real truth and union with God by prayer and meditation)
myth MYTH [mi4]
MYTH n.神话故事(英) n.神话故事(a legendary story; legend)
mythical MYTHICAL ['mi4ik2l]
MYTHICAL adj. 神话的;虚构的(英) adj. 神话的 ( in a myth);虚构的 (not real)
mythology MYTHOLOGY [mi'40l2d7i]
MYTHOLOGY n. 神话; 神话学(英) n. 神话(myths collectively);神话学(the science and study of myths)(例) I like to read about the gods and heroes of ancient mythology.
nadir NADIR ['neidi2]
NADIR n. 最低点(英) n. 最低点(the lowest point)(考) 反义词:topmost point(最高点); zenith(最高点); summit(最高点) acme(顶点)(同) 反义词:zenith(最高 点)
nag NAG [n9g]
NAG v. 唠叨,烦扰(英) v. 唠叨,烦扰(to find fault or complain)(记) 与gnaw(啃,咬)有关(例) She kept nagging her husband for a new car.
naivety NAIVETY [n'i:vti]
NAIVETY n. 天真,纯朴,幼稚(英) n. 天真,纯朴,幼稚(un affected simplicity)(考) fickle : constancy / naive : sophistication(易变的没有恒定/纯 真的没有世故)反义词:worldly(世 间的)-naive(天真的)(记) 来自naive(天真的), 源自native(自然的) ,也写作naivete
narcissism NARCISSISM [n'sisizm]
NARCISSISM n. 自恋,自爱(英) n. 自恋,自爱(inordina te fascination with oneself)(考) narcissism : love / guilt : blame(自恋是爱自己/内疚 是谴责自己)hedonistic : pleasure / narcissistic : self(享乐主义的人喜欢快 乐/自恋的人喜欢自我)narcissist : self-absorbed / sycophant : obsequious(自恋者自我陶醉/奉 承者谄媚奉承)(记) 来自Narcissus, 希腊神话中的美少年 ,因爱恋自己水中的 影子而淹死,化为水 仙花(narcissus)(同) 派生词:narcissisti c(自恋的); narcissist(自恋者)
narcotic NARCOTIC [n'k0tik]
NARCOTIC n. 催眠药; adj. 催眠的(记) narco(睡眠)+ic→催 眠的(同) 同根词:narcotize( 使昏迷); narcosis(睡眠状态)(例) The security guards found a suitcase full of narcotic drugs in the car.
narration NARRATION [n2'rei62n]
NARRATION n. 叙述,故事(英) n. 叙述,故事 (the telling of a story)(记) narrate(叙述)+ion
narrative NARRATIVE ['n9r2tiv]
NARRATIVE n. 记叙故事; adj. 叙述性的(英) 记叙(that which is narrated)(记) 来自动词narrate(叙 述)
nasal NASAL ['neiz2l]
NASAL adj. 鼻的; 有鼻音的(英) adj. 鼻的(pertaining to the nose)(记) nas(鼻)+al→(鼻子的 );(同) 参考:nasalize(鼻音 化)(例) His nasal voice is hard to listen to.
nascent NASCENT ['n9s2nt]
NASCENT adj. 初生的,萌芽的(英) adj. 初生的,萌芽的(begi nning to exist or develop)(考) 反义词:fully established(完全形 成的); mature(成熟的); moribund(垂死的)(记) nasc(出生)+ent→出 生的(同) 同根词:renascent( 复活的); nascency(诞生,起源)
natation NATATION [n2'tei62n]
NATATION n.游泳,游泳术(英) n.游泳,游泳术(swimm ing)
natty NATTY ['n9ti]
NATTY adj. 整洁的,漂亮的(英) adj. 整洁的,漂亮的(neat ly or trimly smart)(考) 反义词:sloppy(邋遢 的)(记) 可能是neat(干净的) 变体(例) He's a very natty dresser.(他穿着整齐 )
nausea NAUSEA ['n0:zi2,'n0:si2]
NAUSEA n. 作呕,恶心(英) n. 作呕,恶心(sickness at the stomach)(记) 原来写作nausia, naus(=naut船)+ia(病 )→船上的病→晕船→ 恶心(例) The rough boat ride gave me an attack of nausea.
nauseate NAUSEATE ['n0:zieit]
NAUSEATE v. 使作呕,使厌恶(同) 派生词: nauseating (adj. 令人作呕的)(例) nauseating hypocrisy(令人作呕 的虚伪)
nautical NAUTICAL ['n0:tik2l]
NAUTICAL adj. 船员的,航海的(英) adj. 船员的,航海的(pert aining to sailors, ships or navigation)(考) astrolabe : nautical /colander :culinary(星盘是航海工具/滤 器是烹调工具)(记) naut(船)+ical→航海 的(同) 同根词:astronaut( 宇航员); navy(海军)(例) Sailors use a lot of special nautical terms.
navigate NAVIGATE ['n9vigeit]
NAVIGATE v. 航海,导航(英) v. 航海,导航 ( direct the course of a ship, plane)(考) abacus : calculate / sextant:navigate(算盘是计算工具/六 分仪是航海工具)(记) nav(船)+ig(走)+ ate→船走→航海(同) 派生词: navigation (n. 航海,航空)
nebula NEBULA ['nebjul2]
NEBULA n. 星云(英) n. 星云(a cloud of interstellar gas and dust)(记) nebul(云)+a→星云;(同) 参考:nebulize(使成 雾状)
nebulous NEBULOUS ['nebjul2s]
NEBULOUS adj. 模糊不清的; 云状的(英) adj. 模糊不清的(hazy, vague, indistinct);云状的(cloudlike)(考) 反义词:distinct(明 显的) clear-cut(清晰的)
necessitate NECESSITATE [ni'sesiteit]
NECESSITATE v. 使成为必需,需要(英) v. 使成为必需,需要(ma ke necessary)
necessitous NECESSITOUS [ni'sesit2s]
NECESSITOUS adj. 贫困的; 急需的(英) adj. 贫困的(needy, indigent);急需的(urgent)(记) necessit(需要)+ous →需要的→贫困的(同) 同根词:necessary( 必需的); necessity(必需品)
necklace NECKLACE ['neklis]
NECKLACE n. 项链,项圈(英) n. 项链,项圈 (a decorative chain worn around the neck)(记) 组合词neck(颈)+la ce(带)
necropolis NECROPOLIS [ni'kr0p2lis]
NECROPOLIS n.大墓地, 公墓(英) n. 大墓地, 公墓(a cemetery)(记) necro(死尸)+polis( 城市)→死人城市→公 墓;(同) 参考:metropolis(大 都市)
nectar NECTAR ['nekt2]
NECTAR n.琼浆玉液;花蜜(英) n.琼浆玉液(drink of the gods);花蜜( sweet liquid collected by bees)
needle NEEDLE ['ni:dl]
NEEDLE n. 针,针叶(考) needle : knit / loom : weave(针用来编织/织布机 用来织布)leaf : oak / needle : pine / frond : fern(橡树上的树叶/松树 上的针叶/蕨类植物的 复叶)
needlework NEEDLEWORK ['ni:d2lw2:k]
NEEDLEWORK n. 缝纫,刺绣(英) n. 缝纫,刺绣(sewing done with needle and thread)(记) 组合词needle(针)+ work(作品)→用针 缝出来的作品→刺绣
needy NEEDY ['ni:di]
NEEDY adj.贫穷的(考) 反义词:affluent(丰 富的)
nefarious NEFARIOUS [ni'fe2ri2s]
NEFARIOUS adj. 违法的,邪恶的(英) adj. 违法的,邪恶的(extr emely wicked; iniquitous)(考) nefarious : wickedness / generous :liberality(邪恶的和邪恶/慷慨 的和慷慨)反义词:above reproach(无可责备的 ); virtuous(美德的)(记) ne(=not)+far(公正)+ ious→不公正的,违 法的(例) a nefarious plan to cheat his own company
negate NEGATE [ni'geit]
NEGATE v. 取消; 否认(英) v. 取消(nullify or invalidate);否认(to deny)(记) neg(否认)+ate→否认 ; negation(n.否定)(同) 同根词:abnegation( 自我否认); neglect(忽视)(例) The new law negated the possibility of a reduction in taxes.
negative NEGATIVE ['neg2tiv]
NEGATIVE adj. 否定的; 消极的; n. 底片(英) 否定的(containing one of the words 'no', 'not', 'nothing', 'never', etc.)消极的(without any active, useful, or helpful qualities)
neglect NEGLECT [ni'glekt]
NEGLECT v./n. 忽视,忽略(英) v./n. 忽视,忽略 (give too little attention)
negligence NEGLIGENCE ['neglid72ns]
NEGLIGENCE n. 疏忽,粗心(英) n. 疏忽,粗心(disregar d of duty; neglect)(记) neg(不)+lig(选择)+e nce→不加选择→大意(例) The parents of the starving child were charged with negligence.
negligent NEGLIGENT ['neglid72nt]
NEGLIGENT adj. 疏忽的,粗心大意的(英) adj. 疏忽的,粗心大意的 (neglectful)
negligible NEGLIGIBLE ['neglid72b2l]
NEGLIGIBLE adj. 可忽略的,无关紧要的(英) adj. 可忽略的,无关紧要 的(so small or unimportant as to be disregarded)(记) neg(不)+lig(选择)+i ble→可以不选择的(例) The damage to my car is negligible.
negotiable NEGOTIABLE [ni'g2u6i2b2l]
NEGOTIABLE adj. 可商量的; (证券)可兑现的(英) adj. 可商量的(that can be negotiated)(记) neg(不)+oti(空闲)+a te→不空闲→处理, 谈判(例) These bonds are negotiable at any bank.
negotiation NEGOTIATION [ni`g2u6i'ei62n]
NEGOTIATION n.商议,谈判(英) 协商,谈判(an act of negotiating)(考) clog : drainage / stalemate : negotiations(阻塞排水/僵持谈判)
nemesis NEMESIS ['nemisis]
NEMESIS n. 报应,天罚(英) n. 报应,天罚(an agent or act of retribution)(记) 来自希腊神话中的复 仇女神Nemesis
neolithic NEOLITHIC [`ni:2u'li4ik]
NEOLITHIC adj. 新石器时代的(记) neo(新)+lith(石头)+ ic
neologism NEOLOGISM [ni:'0l2d7iz2m]
NEOLOGISM n. 新字,新义(英) n. 新字,新义( a new word or phrase)(记) neo(新)+log(话语)+i sm→新话语→新字(例) In the 17th century, gaswas a scientific neologism.
neonate NEONATE ['ni:2neit]
NEONATE n. 初生婴儿(英) n. 初生婴儿(a new born child)(记) neo(新)+nate(出生)
neophyte NEOPHYTE ['ni2fait]
NEOPHYTE n. 初学者,新手(英) n. 初学者,新手(a beginner or a novice)(考) inexperience : neophyte / irresponsibility : wastrel(没有经验是新手的特 点/不负责任是败家子 的特点)(记) neo(新)+phyte(植物) →新植物→新手(例) The experienced workers made the neophytes do the hard work.
nephritis NEPHRITIS [ni'fraitis]
NEPHRITIS n. 肾炎(记) nephr(肾)+itis(炎症 )→肾炎;(同) 参考:nephrolith(肾 结石)
nepotism NEPOTISM ['nep2tizm]
NEPOTISM n. 裙带关系(英) n. 裙带关系(patronage or favoritism based on family relationship)(考) nepotism : relative / cronyism : friend(裙带关系是任用亲戚 /任人唯友是任用朋友)(记) nepot(=nephew侄甥)+ ism→裙带关系(例) The mayor's son got a city job through nepotism.
nerve NERVE [n2:v]
NERVE n. 勇气; v.鼓起勇气(考) 反义词:appall(使害 怕)
nerveless NERVELESS ['n2:vlis]
NERVELESS adj. 无力的; 无勇气的(英) adj. 无力的(weak);无勇 气的(lacking courage)
nervousness NERVOUSNESS ['n2:v2snis]
NERVOUSNESS n. 神经紧张(记) nervous(紧张的)+n ess
nestle NESTLE ['nesl]
NESTLE v. 舒适地安顿; 依偎(英) v. 舒适地安顿(to settle snugly);依偎(press affectionately)(记) nest(鸟窝)+le→像鸟 一样安顿(例) She nestled her head against his shoulder.
nestling NESTLING ['nestli8]
NESTLING n. 尚未离巢的小鸟(英) n. 尚未离巢的小鸟(a bird too young to leave the nest)(记) nest(鸟窝)+ling(小 东西)
nethermost NETHERMOST ['ne52m2ust]
NETHERMOST adj. 最低的,最下方的(英) adj. 最低的,最下方的(lo west;the farthest down)(记) nether(下面的)+most →最下面的
nettle NETTLE ['netl]
NETTLE n. 荨麻; v. 烦忧,激恼(英) v. 烦忧,激恼(to irritate, provoke)(记) 分割记忆:net (网)+tle(例) be nettled by sb's refusal to help
neurology NEUROLOGY [nju'r0l2d7i]
NEUROLOGY n. 神经学(英) n. 神经学(dealing with the nervous system)(记) neur(神经)+ology(学 科)
neurosis NEUROSIS [nju'r2usis]
NEUROSIS n. 精神病(英) n. 精神病(mental functional disorders)(记) neur(神经)+osis(病) →精神病
neurotic NEUROTIC [nju'r0tik]
NEUROTIC adj. 神经病的; n.神经病患者(英) n. 神经病患者(a neurotic person)
neutral NEUTRAL ['nju:tr2l]
NEUTRAL adj. 中间的,中立的(英) 中间的,中立的(not taking part or giving assistance in a dispute or war between others)
neutralize NEUTRALIZE ['nju:tr2laiz]
NEUTRALIZE v. 使无效; 中和(英) v. 使无效(to make ineffective; nullify);中和(to make neutral)(考) soothe: anger/neutralize: acid(抚慰消除愤怒/ 中和消除酸)(记) 来自neutral(中性的) +ize(例) to neutralize an acid with a base
neutron NEUTRON ['nju:tr0n]
NEUTRON n. 中子(英) n. 中子 (particle carrying no electric charge)
nexus NEXUS ['neks2s]
NEXUS n. (看法等的)联系,连结(英) n. (看法等的)联系,连 结(a means of connection)(记) nex(=nect连系)+us→ 连结(例) the traditional nexus between work and income
nib NIB [nib]
NIB n. 钢笔尖(英) n. 钢笔尖(a penpoint)
nibble NIBBLE ['nib2l]
NIBBLE v. 一点点地咬,慢慢啃(英) v. 一点点地咬,慢慢啃( to bite off small bits)(考) quaff(swill): sip / gobble : nibble(大口饮相对小口饮/ 大口吃相对小口吃)(记) nib(小)+ble→小咬→ 一点点啃; 注意不要和nipple(乳 头)相混(例) Food and rent nibbled away the money they had saved.
nicety NICETY ['naisiti]
NICETY n.准确,精确(英) n.准确,精确(precisi on; accuracy)(考) nicety : precision / illusion : fantasy(精确和精确/ 幻想和幻想)
niche NICHE [nit6]
NICHE n. (放艺术品等的)壁龛; 合适的位置(英) n. (放艺术品等的)壁龛( a recess in wall;合适的位置(a suitable place or position)(例) He found his niche in politics.
nick NICK [nik]
NICK n. 小伤口,刻痕(英) n. 小伤口,刻痕(a small dent or wound)(记) 联想记忆:北美五分 钱硬币,叫nickel, 砍掉el,就成了nick(例) He was not badly hurt, only nicks and cuts.
nicotine NICOTINE ['nik2ti:n]
NICOTINE n. 尼古丁(考) cigarette: nicotine/ coffee: caffeine(香烟中的尼古丁/ 咖啡中的咖啡因)(记) 来自人名Nicot, 1560年将烟草引入法 国(例) It's hard to stop smoking because nicotine is addictive.
niggard NIGGARD ['nig2d]
NIGGARD n. 吝啬鬼(英) n. 吝啬鬼(an extremely stingy person)(记) nig(小,小气)+gard →小气之人;(同) 参考:sluggard(懒鬼 )
niggling NIGGLING ['nigli8]
NIGGLING adj. 琐碎的(英) adj. 琐碎的(petty; trivial; inconsequential)(记) nig(小)+gle→在小事 上费力(例) niggling remarks / a niggling job
nightmare NIGHTMARE ['naitm92]
NIGHTMARE n. 恶梦; 可怕的事(英) n. 恶梦(a terrifying dream)(记) 组合词:night+mare( 母马,恶魔);(同) 参考:mare(母马)(例) I awoke screaming from a horrible nightmare.
nihilism NIHILISM ['nailiz(2)m]
NIHILISM n. 虚无主义(生存无意义 );民粹主义(消灭一 切旧体系建立新制度)(记) nihil(无)+ism→虚无 主义(同) 同根词:annihilate( 消灭); nihil(无, 虚无)
nil NIL [nil]
NIL n. 无, 零(英) n. 无,零 (nothing, zero)(例) Our team won the game three goals to nil.
nimble NIMBLE ['nimb2l]
NIMBLE adj. 敏捷的,灵活的(英) adj. 敏捷的,灵活的(movi ng quickly and lightly)(记) 来自nim(偷窃),偷窃 需要手脚灵活(例) a piano player with nimble fingers
nippers NIPPERS ['nip2z]
NIPPERS n. 钳子,镊子(记) 来自动词nip(夹住, 咬住);(同) 参考:nipple(乳头)
nipping NIPPING ['nipi8]
NIPPING adj. 尖酸的; 刺骨的(英) adj. 尖酸的(sarcastic);刺骨的(sharp biting)(记) nip(咬)+ping→咬人 的→尖酸的(例) a nipping wind/nipping remarks
nitpick NITPICK ['nitpik]
NITPICK v. 挑剔,吹毛求疵(英) v. 挑剔,吹毛求疵(pay too much attention to petty details; niggle)(考) nitpick : criticize / cavil : object(吹毛求疵是过分批评 /无端指责是过分反对)fluent : glib / meticulous : nitpick(finicky)(过分流畅为油腔滑调 /过分精细为吹毛求疵)nitpicker : criticize / preacher : sermon / quibbler : cavil(吹毛求疵的人挑剔/ 传教士训诫/吹毛求疵 的人(记) nit(幼虫)+pick→挑 小虫→挑剔(例) a dull speech that contained nothing but nitpicking
nocturnal NOCTURNAL [n0k't2:nl]
NOCTURNAL adj. 夜晚的,夜间发生的(英) adj. 夜晚的,夜间发生的( happening in the night)(考) 反义词:diurnal(白 天的)(记) noct(夜)+urnal→夜 间的;(同) 参考:diurnal(白天 的)同根词:noctambulan t(梦游的);noctiluc ence(夜间发光的)(例) The bat is a nocturnal creature.
noisome NOISOME ['n0is2m]
NOISOME adj. 恶臭的; 令人不快的(英) adj. 恶臭的(foul smelling)(考) 反义词:appealing( 吸引人的); beneficial(有益的); pleasant(愉快的); healthy(有益健康的)(记) noi(=annoy讨厌)+som e→讨厌的,有害的(例) a noisome environment(不卫生 的环境)
nomad NOMAD ['n2um9d]
NOMAD n. 流浪者; 游牧部落的人(英) n. 流浪者(any wanderer)(记) 分割记忆:no-mad, 流浪者不疯也狂(同) 派生词: nomadic (adj. 游牧的,流浪的itine rant)(例) Nomads can be found in some deserts.
nomenclature NOMENCLATURE [n2u'menkl2t62,'n2m2n`klet62]
NOMENCLATURE n. 术语,专门用语(英) n. 术语,专门用语(the system or set of names used in a specific branch of learning or activity)(记) nomen(=nomin名称)+c lature(结构)→术语
nominal NOMINAL ['n0minl]
NOMINAL adj. 名义上的,有名无实的(英) adj. 名义上的,有名无实 的(in name only)(考) nominal : significance / disjunctive : unity(名义上的不重要/分 裂的不统一)figurehead : nominal / dictator : absolute(傀儡是名义领导人/ 独裁者是绝对领导人)(记) nomin(名称)+al→名 义上的(例) a nominal leader(挂名的领导人 )
nominate NOMINATE ['n0mineit]
NOMINATE v. 提名; 任命,指定(英) v. 提名; 任命,指定(appoint someone to a position)
nonchalant NONCHALANT ['n0n62l2nt]
NONCHALANT adj. 冷漠的(英) adj. 冷漠的(not showing interest)(考) anonymous : identify / nonchalant : excite(匿名的不能被确定身 份/冷漠的不能被激奋)(记) non(没有)+chal(关心 )+ant→不关心的(同) 派生词: nonchalance (n. 无动于衷,冷淡)(例) The jury did not take the nonchalant witness seriously.
noncommittal NONCOMMITTAL [`n0nk2'mitl]
NONCOMMITTAL adj. 态度暖味的, 不承担义务的(记) non(不)+committal( 效忠的)→不效忠任何 一方→态度暖味的(例) The noncommittal candidate refused to debate the issues.
nonconformist NONCONFORMIST [`n0nk2n'f0:mist]
NONCONFORMIST adj./n. 不遵照传统生活的(人 )(英) 不遵照传统生活的(人 ) (not following established customs, beliefs, etc. )(例) The nonconformist poet satirized American culture.
nonconformity NONCONFORMITY [`n0nk2n'f0:miti]
NONCONFORMITY n. 不遵从(传统)(英) 不遵从(传统) (failure or refusal to act in conformity with generally accepted beliefs and practices)(记) non(不)+conformist( 一致的人)
noncontemporaneous NONCONTEMPORANEOUS [n0nk2n`temp2'reini2s]
NONCONTEMPORANEOUS adj. 非同一时期的(记) non(不)+contempor aneous(同时期的)
nondescript NONDESCRIPT ['n0ndi`skript]
NONDESCRIPT adj. 没有特征的; 平凡的(英) adj. 没有特征的(hard to classify or describe);平凡的(drab)(考) 反义词:conspicuous (特征显著的)(记) non(不)+descript(描 述)→没法描述的(例) Her clothes were so nondescript, I can't remember what she was wearing.
nonentity NONENTITY [n0'nentiti]
NONENTITY n. 无重要之人或事(英) n. 无重要之人或事(a person or thing of no importance)(考) dilettante : commitment / nonentity : consequence(外行不专心/无足轻 重的人不重要)(记) non+entity(存在)→ 不存在→无能之人(例) The popular mayor viewed her opponents as nonentities.
nonesuch NONESUCH ['n3ns3t6]
NONESUCH n. 无匹敌的人(英) n. 无匹敌的人(a person or thing unrivalled or unequaled)(记) 组合词:none+such→ 没有这种人
nonflammable NONFLAMMABLE [n0n'fl9m2bl]
NONFLAMMABLE adj. 不易燃的(考) impervious : friable / nonflammable : combustible(坚韧的相对脆弱的/ 不燃的相对可燃的)(记) non(不)+flammble(易 燃的); 注意不要和inflammab le(易燃的)相混(例) Children's clothing should be made from nonflammable material.
nonobservance NONOBSERVANCE [`n0n2b'z2:v2ns]
NONOBSERVANCE n. 不遵守,违反(规则等)(记) non(不)+observance( 遵循)(例) Nonobservance of the rules could get you into trouble.
nonpareil NONPAREIL [n0np2'r9l,'n0np2reil]
NONPAREIL adj./n. 无匹敌的(人)(英) adj./n. 无匹敌的(人)(unequa led; unrivaled; peerless)(记) non(没有)+par(平等) +eil→没有和其平等 的人
nonplus NONPLUS [`n0n'pl3s]
NONPLUS v. 使窘困,狼狈不堪; n.迷惑,窘境(英) v. 使窘困迷惑(to put in perplexity, bewilder)(记) non(不)+plus(增加, 有利的)→不利的→窘困(同) 派生词: nonplussed (adj. 窘困迷惑的)(例) The speaker looked very nonplussed.
nonporous NONPOROUS ['n0n'p0:r2s]
NONPOROUS adj. 无孔的, 不渗透的(记) non(不)+porous( 多孔的)
nonradioactive NONRADIOACTIVE [n0n`reidi2u'9ktiv]
NONRADIOACTIVE adj. 非放射性的(记) non(不)+radioacti ve(放射性的)
nonsensical NONSENSICAL [n0n'sensik(2)l]
NONSENSICAL adj.荒唐的, 无意义的(考) nonsensical : drivel / pompous : bombast(荒唐的胡说/夸张的 夸口)
nonthreatening NONTHREATENING ['n0n'4ret2ni8]
NONTHREATENING adj. 不威胁的(记) non(不)+threateni ng(威胁的)
nontraditional NONTRADITIONAL [`n0ntr2'di62n2l]
NONTRADITIONAL adj. 非传统的(记) non(不)+tradition al(传统的)
nonverbal NONVERBAL [n0n'v2:b2l]
NONVERBAL adj. 不用言辞表达的(英) adj. 不用言辞表达的 (not using words)(记) non(不)+verbal( 口头的)
nonviable NONVIABLE [n0n'vai2bl]
NONVIABLE adj. 无法生活的(记) non(不)+viable( 能养活的)
nonviolent NONVIOLENT [`n0n'vai2l2nt]
NONVIOLENT adj. 不使用暴力的,非暴力 的(记) non+violent(暴行的) →不用暴力的(例) The minister led the nonviolent marchers to city hall.
nonviscous NONVISCOUS [n0n'visk2s]
NONVISCOUS adj. 无粘性的(记) non(不)+viscous( 粘性的)
noose NOOSE [nu:s]
NOOSE n. 绳套,绞索(刑)(英) n. 绳套,绞索(刑)(a loop formed in a rope)(记) 和noon(中午)一起记 ,中间的'oo'像绳套
norm NORM [n0:m]
NORM n. 规范,准则(英) n. 规范,准则(a standard or mode that should be followed)(例) norms of conduct 行为准则
nostalgia NOSTALGIA [n0'st9ld72]
NOSTALGIA n. 怀旧之情; 思乡病(英) n. 怀旧之情;思乡病(ho mesick)(记) nost(家)+alg(痛)+ia →想家病;(同) 参考:nostrum(民间 药方)(例) The old man remembered his college days with nostalgia.
nostalgic NOSTALGIC [n0'st9ld7ik]
NOSTALGIC adj. 乡愁的,怀旧的
nostrum NOSTRUM ['n0str2m]
NOSTRUM n. 秘方药; 万灵丹(英) n. 秘方药(quack medicine);万灵丹(panacea)(记) nostr(家)+um→家里 制的药→秘方药(例) There is no simple nostrum for political and social evils.
notability NOTABILITY [`n2ut2'biliti]
NOTABILITY n. 著名,显著(英) n. 著名,显著(the quality of being notable)(记) notable(注意到的)+i lity→显著
notch NOTCH [n0t6]
NOTCH n. V字形刻痕; 山间窄路(英) n. V字形刻痕(a concave or V-shaped cut or indentation(考) 反义词: serrated(锯齿状的)- without notches (没有刻痕的)
noteworthy NOTEWORTHY ['n2ut`w25i]
NOTEWORTHY adj. 值得注意的,显著的(英) adj. 值得注意的,显著的 (deserving attention)(记) note(注意)+worthy (值得的)
noticeable NOTICEABLE ['n2utis2b2l]
NOTICEABLE adj. 值得注意的(英) adj. 值得注意的(worth noticing)(记) note(注意)+able
notify NOTIFY ['n2utifai]
NOTIFY v. 通知(英) v. 通知(inform; announce to)(记) not(=note知道)+ify →使人知道(例) I'll notify my lawyer to write out the agreement.
notoriety NOTORIETY [`n2ut2'rai2ti]
NOTORIETY n. 臭名昭著(记) not(知道)+oriety(多 )→人所共知(例) The convicted criminal's sudden notoriety surprised us all.
notorious NOTORIOUS [n2u't0:ri2s]
NOTORIOUS adj. 臭名昭著的; 著名的(例) English has been notorious as a word borrower._
nova NOVA ['n2uv2]
NOVA n.新星(英) n.新星(star that suddenly becomes much brighter and then returns to its original brightness)
novelty NOVELTY ['n0v2lti]
NOVELTY n. 新奇(的事物)(英) n. 新奇(的事物)(newnes s; freshness)(考) 反义词:banal(陈腐 的); timeworn(陈旧的)(记) novel(新的)+ty(例) Hard work was no novelty to a person from a poor family like him.
novice NOVICE ['n0vis]
NOVICE n. 生手, 新手(英) n. 生手, 新手(apprentice; beginner)(记) 参考:neophyte(新手)(同) 参考:neophyte(新手 )(例) Although I've played golf for years, I still play like a novice.
noxious NOXIOUS ['n0k62s]
NOXIOUS adj. 有害的,有毒的(英) adj. 有害的,有毒的(inju rious; pernicious)(考) 反义词:beneficial( 有益的)(记) nox(毒)+ious→有毒 的;(同) 参考:nocuous(有害 的)(例) The rats were poisoned by noxious fumes.
nuance NUANCE ['nju:ns,nju'ans]
NUANCE n. 细微的差异(英) n. 细微的差异(shade of difference)(考) nuance : distinction / hint : suggestion(程度[类比] 细微差别→明显差别/ 暗示→明确建议)反义词:patent difference(明显的差 异)(例) the slightest nuance of change in foreign policy
nubile NUBILE ['nju:bail]
NUBILE adj. (女孩)到婚嫁年龄的; 吸引人的(英) adj. (女孩)到婚嫁年龄的( marriageable);吸引人的(sexually attractive)(记) nub(结婚)+ile→可结 婚的;(同) 参考:nubility(适婚 性),注意不要和nubi lous(模糊的)相混
nucleate NUCLEATE ['nju:kliet]
NUCLEATE v. 使成核;adj. 有核的(英) v. 使成核(bring into a nucleus);(例) The nucleating factors of a community are rooming houses, bars, pool rooms.
nucleus NUCLEUS ['nju:kli2s]
NUCLEUS n. (原子)核(英) n. (原子)核 (the central part of an atom)
nude NUDE [nju:d]
NUDE adj. 赤裸的; n. 裸体者(英) adj. 赤裸的(naked; bare);n. 裸体者(a nude person)(同) 派生词: nudity (n. 裸露)(例) a nude model(裸体模特儿)
nudge NUDGE [n3d7]
NUDGE v. (用肘)轻触,轻推(英) v. (用肘)轻触,轻推(to push or poke gently)_(例) He nudged his friend to let him know it was time to leave.
nugatory NUGATORY ['nju:g2t2ri]
NUGATORY adj. 无价值的,琐碎的(英) adj. 无价值的,琐碎的(tr ifling; worthless)(记) 来自nugae(无价值的 东西)+tory→无价值的
nullify NULLIFY ['n3lifai]
NULLIFY v. 使无效; 取消(英) v. 使无效(invalidate; annul);取消(to cancel out)(记) null(无)+ify→使… 无→取消(同) 同根词:nullity(无 效); nulliparous(未生育 过的)(例) a claim nullified by the court