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associate ASSOCIATE [2's2u6ieit]
ASSOCIATE adj. 联合的; n.合伙人v. 将人或事物联系起来(英) adj. 联合的(joined);n.合伙人(partner, colleague);v. 将人或事物联系起来( join people or things together)(考) politic : offend / aloof : associate(精明的[人]不易冒犯 /冷漠的[人]不易合作)(记) as(加强)+soci(同伴, 引申为'社会')+ate→ 成为社团→联合(同) 派生词: association (n. 联合, 联盟, 协会))
assorted ASSORTED [2's0:tid]
ASSORTED adj. 混杂的(英) adj. 混杂的( mixed)(记) as+sort(种类)+ed→ 把各种东西放到一起 →混杂的
assuage ASSUAGE [2'sweid7]
ASSUAGE v. 缓和,减轻(英) v. 缓和,减轻(to lessen, allay, relieve)(考) assuage : sorrow / dampen : ardor / muffle : sound(缓和减少痛苦/沮丧 减少热情/蒙住减小声 音)反义词:gall(使烦恼 ); intensify(强化); inflame(燃烧) ; harrow(使痛苦)(记) as+suage(甜)→变甜 →缓和(同) 同根词:suave(温和 的,讨好人的)
assume ASSUME [2'sju:m]
ASSUME v. 假定; 承担,担任(英) v. 假定(accept sth as true before there is proof);承担,担任(take on duties, responsibilities)(考) 反义词:abdicate(放 弃); refuse(拒绝)(记) as(加强动作)+sume( 拿,取) →拿住→承担(责任)(同) 派生词: assumption (n. 假定, 设想; 承担)
assumed ASSUMED [2'sju:md]
ASSUMED adj. 假装的,假的(英) adj. 假装的,假的(pretend ed, false)
assure ASSURE [2'6u2]
ASSURE v. 向某人保证, 确信(英) v. 向某人保证, 确信(tell sb positively )(记) as(一再)+sure(肯定) →一再肯定→确信(同) 派生词: assurance(n. 自信;保证)
assured ASSURED [2'6u2d]
ASSURED adj. 自信的; 确定的(英) adj. 自信的(confident);确定的(made sure; certain)(同) 派生词: assuredness (n. 镇静,沉着)
asteroid ASTEROID ['9st2r0id]
ASTEROID n. 小行星(英) n. 小行星(small planet)
asthma ASTHMA ['9sm2]
ASTHMA n. 哮喘症(记) 按发音分割记忆:as-t h-ma,中间的th不发音
astigmatic ASTIGMATIC [`9s'tigm9tik]
ASTIGMATIC adj. 散光的,乱视的(记) a+stigma(污点)+tic →看不见污点→散光的(同) 派生词: astigmatism (n. 散光)同根词:stigmatize (玷污)
astonished ASTONISHED [2'stani6t]
ASTONISHED adj. 惊讶的(英) 吃惊的(very surprised)(考) moist : sodden / surprised : astonished(潮湿过分为湿透的/ 吃惊过分为惊讶的)(例) She looked astonished when she heard the news
astonishing ASTONISHING [2s't0ni6i8]
ASTONISHING adj. 使人惊讶的(英) adj. 使人惊讶的(very surprising)(例) I find it quite astonishing that none of you liked the play.
astonishment ASTONISHMENT [2'st0ni6m2nt]
ASTONISHMENT n. 大吃一惊(英) 惊讶,惊奇(great surprise)(考) pleasure : ecstasy / surprise : astonishment(高兴过分为狂喜/吃 惊过分为大吃一惊)(例) Imagine my astonishment when Peter walked in!
astound ASTOUND [2'staund]
ASTOUND v. 使震惊(英) v. 使震惊(overcome sb with surprise )(例) We were astounded to read your letter.
astounding ASTOUNDING [2'staundi8]
ASTOUNDING adj. 使人震惊的(英) adj. 使人震惊的(amazing)(考) indelible : forget / astounding : expect(抹不去的无法忘记/ 震惊的无法预期)(例) The figures revealed by the report are astounding.
astral ASTRAL ['9str2l]
ASTRAL adj. 星状的(英) adj. 星状的(relating to the stars)(记) astr(星星)+al
astray ASTRAY [2'strei]
ASTRAY adj. 迷路的,误入歧途的(英) adj. 迷路的,误入歧途的( off the right path or way)(记) a+stray(走离),stra y(走离,迷路)也是一 个单词
astringent ASTRINGENT [2'strind72nt]
ASTRINGENT adj. 止血的,收缩的; n. 收缩剂,止血剂(英) adj. 止血的,收缩的(that contracts body tissue and checks secretions or bleeding)n. 收缩剂,止血剂(an astringent substance )(考) astringent : pucker(contraction) / spark : ignition / anesthetic : insensibility(收缩剂造成收缩/火 花造成点燃/麻醉剂造 成麻木)(记) a+string(绑紧)+ent →绑紧的→收缩的(同) 同根词:stringent( 严格的,严厉的)
astrolabe ASTROLABE ['9str2leib]
ASTROLABE n. 星盘(古代星位观测仪 )(考) astrolabe : nautical / colander : culinary(星盘是航海工具/滤 器是烹调工具)(记) astro(星)+labe(结构 成分,表示名词)
astrology ASTROLOGY [2'str0l2d7i]
ASTROLOGY n. 占星学,占星术(英) n. 占星学,占星术(prim itive astronomy)(考) astrology : astronomy / alchemy : chemistry(占星术不是天文学/ 炼金术不是化学)(记) astro(星)+ology→占 星学;(同) 参考:astronomy(天 文学)派生词: astrologer (n. 占星家)
astronomy ASTRONOMY [2'str0n2mi]
ASTRONOMY n. 天文学(英) n. 天文学(scientific study of the sun, moon, stars, planets)(考) observatory : astronomy / conservatory : music(天文台是研究天文的 地方/音乐学院是研究 音乐的地方)scalpel : surgeon / telescope : astronomer(外科医生的工具是手 术刀/天文学家的工具 是望远镜)(记) astro(星星)+nomy(学 科) →研究星星的学科→ 天文学(同) 派生词: astronomer ( n. 天文学家)); astronomical (adj. 天文学的)
astute ASTUTE [2'stju:t]
ASTUTE adj. 机敏的,精明的(英) adj. 机敏的,精明的(show ing clever or shrewd mind; cunning; crafty)(记) 来自拉丁文astus(灵 活)(例) The astute reader noticed that the author had ignored a crucial fact.
asunder ASUNDER [2's3nd2]
ASUNDER adv. 分离; 化为碎片(英) adv. 分离(apart or separate);化为碎片(into pices)(记) 分割记忆:as-under(例) The war forced the parents and children asunder.
asylum ASYLUM [2'sail2m]
ASYLUM n. 避难所,庇护所(英) n. 避难所,庇护所(refu ge; shelter)(记) a+sylum(逮捕)→不被 逮捕→庇护所(流浪汉 露宿街头会被抓起来)
asymmetric ASYMMETRIC [`eisi'metrik]
ASYMMETRIC adj.不对称的(英) adj.不对称的(being lack of symmetry)(考) circular : asymmetrical / protean : rigid(圆的不是不对称的/ 多变的不是僵化的)(记) a+sym(同)+metr(测量 )+ic→测量不同→不 对称的;(同) 也作asymmetrical参考:symmetry(对称 )
asymptomatic ASYMPTOMATIC [`eisimpt2'm9tik]
ASYMPTOMATIC adj. [医] 无症状的(英) adj. [医] 无症状的(having no symtoms of illness )
asynchronous ASYNCHRONOUS [ei'si8kr2n2s]
ASYNCHRONOUS adj.不同时的(英) adj.不同时的(not occuring at the same time)
atavism ATAVISM ['9t2viz2m]
ATAVISM n.返祖现象(英) n.返祖现象(resembla nce to remote ancestors rather than to parents)
atheism ATHEISM ['ei4iiz2m]
ATHEISM n.无神论,不信神(英) n.无神论,不信神(th e belief that there is no god)(记) a+the(神)+ism→无神 论(同) 派生词: atheistic adj.无神论者的同根词:pantheism( 多神崇拜); theology(神学)
athletics ATHLETICS [94'letiks]
ATHLETICS n. 运动,体育(英) n. 运动,体育(sports, games, exercises)(考) athlete : trophy / soldier : medal(运动员获得奖杯/士 兵获得勋章)(记) athlet(竞赛)+ics→ 竞赛之事→体育(同) 同根词:athlete(运 动员)
atlas ATLAS ['9tl2s]
ATLAS n.地图集(英) n.地图集(a book of maps)(记) 来自希腊神话人物Atl as'阿特拉斯',他被 天神宙斯惩罚在肩上 扛着地球
atom ATOM ['9t2m]
ATOM n. 原子,微粒(考) molecule : atoms / tissue : cells(原子构成分子/细胞 构成组织)matrix : numbers / crystal : atoms(数字排列形成矩阵/ 原子排列形成晶体)
atonal ATONAL [ei't2un(2)l]
ATONAL adj. (音乐)无调的(英) adj. (音乐)无调的(withou t a tonal center or key)(记) a+ton(声音)+al→无 声的→无调的(同) 同根词:monotone(单 调); tonetics(声调学)
atone ATONE [2't2un]
ATONE v.赎罪,补偿(英) v.赎罪,补偿(to make amends for a wrongdoing)(记) 分割分忆:at-one(一 次性补偿)(同) 派生词: atonement n.赎罪,弥补(例) Jane felt the need to atone for her misdeeds.
atrocious ATROCIOUS [2'tr2u62s]
ATROCIOUS adj.残忍的,凶恶的(英) adj.残忍的,凶恶的( very cruel, evil, brutal, outrageous)(考) atrocious :bad / momentous : important(凶恶的是非常坏/重 大的是非常重要)(记) atroc(阴沉,凶残)+i ous→凶狠的
atrocity ATROCITY [2'tr0siti]
ATROCITY n. 残暴,暴行(英) n. 残暴,暴行(brutalit y, cruelty)(记) atroc(阴沉,凶残)+io us→凶狠的(例) The brutal murderer committed a lot of atrocities.
atrophy ATROPHY ['9tr2fi]
ATROPHY n. v.萎缩,衰退(英) n. v.萎缩,衰退(a wasting away of body tissue)(记) a+troph(营养)+y→无 营养→衰退(同) 同根词:trophy(奖品 )(例) The disease atrophied her legs.
attach ATTACH [2't9t6]
ATTACH v. 将某物系在(另一物) 上(英) v. 将某物系在(另一物) 上(fasten sth to sth)(记) at+tach(接触)(同) 派生词: attachment n.附着,附带(例) a young man attached himself to me at the party
attain ATTAIN [2'tein]
ATTAIN v. 达到,实现(英) v. 达到,实现(achieve)(记) at+tain(拿住) →一再拿住→有成就(同) 派生词: attainment n.完成;成就同根词:abstain(戒 除); detain(拘留)
attendant ATTENDANT [2'tend2nt]
ATTENDANT n. 服务员,侍者(英) 服务员,侍者(person whose job is to provide a service in a public place)
attention ATTENTION [2'ten62n]
ATTENTION n. 注意,留意(考) authoritative : acceptance / conspicuous : attention(权威的让人接受/引 人注目的让人注意)反义词:inadvertenc e(疏忽)
attentive ATTENTIVE [2'tentiv]
ATTENTIVE adj.留心听的,关心 的(英) adj.留心听的,关心 的(paying attention; thoughtful)(考) attentive : officious / refined : snobbish(过分关心是多管闲事 /过分文雅是假充绅士)(记) 来自attention(关注) : at+tent(拉)+ive→拉 住(注意力)→关心的
attenuate ATTENUATE [2'tenjueit]
ATTENUATE v.变薄v.变薄(英) v.变薄(to make slender);变弱(to lessen; weaken)(考) attenuate : force / debase : value / decelerate : speed(变弱减少力量/降价 减少价值/减速减少速 度)attenuate : thickness / collapse : volume / cool : temperature / debilitate :strength / enervate : vitality(变薄减少厚度/塌陷 减少体积/降温减少温 度/削弱减少力量/削 弱减少活力)refine(记) at+ten(拉)+uate→一 再拉→变弱(同) 派生词: attenuation n. 稀薄,稀释; 减弱,减少同根词:tenable(攻 得下的); tenacity(顽固, 固执)
attest ATTEST [2'test]
ATTEST v.证明(英) v.证明(to declare to be true or genuine)(记) at+test(证明)→证明 ,证实(例) His success attests his ability.
attic ATTIC ['9tik]
ATTIC n.阁楼,顶楼(记) 比较:antic(古怪的)(同) 近形词: antic(古怪的)
attire ATTIRE [2'tai2]
ATTIRE v.穿着,装饰(英) v.穿着,装饰(to dress in fine garments);n. 衣服(rich apparel; finery)(记) at+tire(顺序)→整理 →装扮(例) the special attire to wear at the wedding. She attired herself in expensive clothing.
attorney ATTORNEY [2't2:ni]
ATTORNEY n.律师(英) n.律师(any person legally empowered to act as agent)(考) attorney : disbar / student : expel(取消律师资格不能做 律师/开除学籍不能做 学生)(记) at+torn(转)+ey→转 的人→能说会道的人 →律师(同) 同根词:tornado(龙 卷风)
attract ATTRACT [2'tr9kt]
ATTRACT v.吸引(考) repellent : attract / ephemeral : endure(讨厌的不吸引人/短 暂的不持久)
attraction ATTRACTION [2'tr9k62n]
ATTRACTION n.吸引力(英) n.吸引力(power to attract; charm or fascination)(考) 反义词:repulsion( 排斥,厌恶)
attractive ATTRACTIVE [2'tr9ktiv]
ATTRACTIVE adj.有吸引力的(英) adj.有吸引力的(plea sing or interesting)(考) ravishing : attractive / perspicacious : discerning(迷人的十分有吸引力 /敏锐的十分有洞察力)(记) at(一再)+tract(拉)+ ive→一再拉过来→吸 引人的
attribute ATTRIBUTE [2'tribju:t]
ATTRIBUTE n.属性,品质; v.把…归于(英) n.属性,品质(a characteristic or quality);v.把…归于(to assign or ascribe to)(考) 反义词:exculpate( 使无罪)-attribute guilt(归罪)(记) at+tribu+te(给与)→ 把…归于(同) 派生词: attribution n.归属同根词:distribute( 分发); tribute(赞扬, 贡品)(例) Jim attributes his success to hard work.
attrition ATTRITION [2'tri62n]
ATTRITION n.消磨,磨损(英) n.消磨,磨损(wearin g away or grinding down by friction)(记) at_trit(磨擦)+ion→ 磨损(同) 同根词:contrition( 悔恨)
attune ATTUNE [2'tju:n]
ATTUNE to v.使调和,习惯于(记) at+tune(调子)→使调 子一致,tune(音调) 自身是一个单词(例) Are you attuned to new ways of thinking?
atypical ATYPICAL ['eitipik2l]
ATYPICAL adj.非典型的(英) adj.非典型的( not normal; not typical)(记) a(无,非)+typical(典 型的)
auction AUCTION ['0:k62n]
AUCTION n.拍卖(记) auct(提高)+ion→提 高价格→拍卖(同) 同根词:augment(提 高),august(八月), auct=aug
audacious AUDACIOUS [0:'dei62s]
AUDACIOUS adj.大胆的,愚勇的(英) adj.大胆的,愚勇的( daring; fearless; brave)(考) audacious : trepidation / shiftless : aspiration(大胆的不会颤抖/无 雄心的不会有热望)反义词:circumspect (慎重的);timid(胆 小的)(记) aud(大胆)+acious(多 …的)→大胆的(例) The audacious employee asked the manager for a second raise.
audacity AUDACITY [0:'d9siti]
AUDACITY n.大胆,鲁莽(英) n.大胆,鲁莽(temeri ty)(考) daredevil : audacity / malcontent : dissatisfaction(冒失鬼特点是鲁莽/ 不满者特点是不满)
audible AUDIBLE ['0:dib2l]
AUDIBLE adj. 听得见的(英) adj. 听得见的(that can be heard clearly)(考) audible : stentorian / discernable : obvious(听得见的 : 洪亮的/可见的 : 明显的)(例) Her voice was scarcely audible above the noise of the wind.
audit AUDIT ['0:dit]
AUDIT v. 审计,核对;旁听(英) v. 审计,核对(to examine and check account)(例) The company hired an accounting firm to audit the books.Some students are auditing the art class, but most are taking it for credit.
audition AUDITION [0:'di62n]
AUDITION n. (演员等)试唱、试演(英) n. (演员等)试唱、试演( a hearing to test the fitness of an actor)(考) interview : applicant / audition : actor(申请者要参加面试/ 演员要参加试听)(记) audit(听)+ion→听( 新演员)唱→试唱(同) 同根词:auditorium( 大讲堂); audit(旁听)
auditory AUDITORY ['0:dit2ri]
AUDITORY adj.听觉的
auger AUGER ['0:g2]
AUGER n.螺丝钻,钻孔机(记) 和anger一起记,如果 auger钻您一下,您会 很anger
augment AUGMENT [0:g'ment]
AUGMENT v.增大,增值(英) v.增大,增值(to become greater; increase)(考) 反义词:abate(减少) ; abrade(磨损); decrease(降低)(记) aug(提高)+ment→提 高→增大(同) 派生词: augmentation (n.增加)(例) to augment something's value
augur AUGUR ['0:g2]
AUGUR n.占卜师(英) n.占卜师(soothsayer )(考) augur : predict / pundit : opine(占卜师擅长预测/博 学者擅长思考)intercessor : mediate / augur : prediction / pundit : opinion(仲裁者擅长调解/占 卜师擅长预测/博学者 擅长思考)
augury AUGURY ['0:gjuri]
AUGURY n.预言,征兆,占卜(英) n.预言,征兆,占卜( portent; indication)(考) worship : sacrifice / prediction : augury(用牺牲品崇拜/用占 卜预测)(记) 来自augur(v.占卜, 预言),aug(提高)+ur y→显露出来→征兆;
august AUGUST [0:'g3st]
AUGUST adj. 威严的,高贵的(英) adj. 威严的,高贵的(impre ssive; majestic)(记) August n.八月(八月是水果长 大的季节)
aureole AUREOLE ['0:ri2ul]
AUREOLE n.日冕, 光轮(英) n.日冕, 光轮(sun's corona; halo)
auricular AURICULAR [0:'rikjul2]
AURICULAR adj.耳的(英) adj.耳的(of the ear)(记) aur(耳,听)+icular( 形容词后缀)(同) 同根词:aural(听力 的);auride(外耳)
aurora AURORA [0:'r0:r2]
AURORA n.极光(南北极夜晚所 放彩光)(同) 派生词: auroral adj.极光的
auspices AUSPICES ['0:spisiz]
AUSPICES n.资助,赞助 (s. auspex)(英) n.资助,赞助(approv al and support; patronage)(记) au+spic(看)+es→看 到(好事)→吉兆, 赞助(同) 同根词:conspicuous (明显的); suspicious(怀疑的)
auspicious AUSPICIOUS [0:'spi62s]
AUSPICIOUS adj.幸运的; 吉兆的(英) adj.幸运的(favored by future; successful);吉兆的(favorable; propitious)(考) 反义词:boding ill(凶兆的);ill-om ened(凶兆的)(记) au+spic(看)+ious→ 看到的(好事)→吉兆的(同) 同根词:conspicuous( 明显的)(例) Spring is an auspicious time for new activities.
austere AUSTERE [0'sti2]
AUSTERE adj.朴素的; (人)正经的(英) adj.朴素的(very plain; lacking ornament)(人)正经的(showing strict self discipline)(考) plain : austere / clean : sterile(十分简单是简朴/十 分干净是无菌)austere : design / laconic : speech(简朴的设计/简洁的 演讲)austere : embellish(decorate) / pure : adulterate / abstemious : indulge(简朴不装饰/纯洁不 掺假/禁欲不放纵)反义词:baroq(记) au+stere(冷)→冷面 孔→一本正经的(同) 同根词:stern(严厉 的)
austerity AUSTERITY [0'steriti]
AUSTERITY n.朴素,艰苦(英) n.朴素,艰苦(tight economy)(考) 反义词:ostentation (炫耀)
authentic AUTHENTIC [0:'4entik]
AUTHENTIC adj.真正的; 法律证实的(英) adj.真正的(genuine, real);法律证实的(legally attested)(考) authenticity : fraudulent / sincerity : hypocritical(欺骗的无真实/伪善 的无诚挚)genuine : authenticity / honest : trust(真的具有真实性/诚 实的具有可信性)discompose : pacific / fabricate : authentic(使不安没有平静/捏 造没有真实)melodrama : subtlety / chime(记) aut(自己)+hent(得到 )+ic→自己得到的真 品→真正的(同) 派生词: authenticity (n.真实性,可靠性)(例) Is your diamond ring authentic?
authenticate AUTHENTICATE [0:'4entikeit]
AUTHENTICATE v.证明(某物)为真(英) v.证明(某物)为真(to prove to be genuine; confirm)(例) They authenticated the famous athlete's signature.
authoritarian AUTHORITARIAN [0:`40ri'te2ri2n]
AUTHORITARIAN n.极权主义者(英) n.极权主义者(person who believes in complete obedience to authority)(记) 来自authority(权威 ,权力),author(作 家,有权的人)
authoritative AUTHORITATIVE [0:'40r2t2tiv]
AUTHORITATIVE adj.权威性的; 命令式的(英) adj.权威性的(based on competent authority)命令式的(fond of giving orders; dictatorial)(考) authoritative : acceptance / conspicuous : attention(权威的容易让人接受 /明显的容易让人注意)authoritativeness : pundits / allegiance : partisans(权威人士有权威/死 党有忠诚)(记) 来自authority(权威, 权力),author(作家, 有权的人)
authority AUTHORITY [0:'40riti]
AUTHORITY n. 权威, 权力(考) contumacious : authority / reactionary(hidebound; conservative):chang e(innovation; novelty)(不服从的不信权威/ 保守的(死板的)不愿 意变化(改革))cornucopia : abundance / mace : authority(丰饶角象征富饶/权 杖象征权势)
authorize AUTHORIZE ['0:42raiz]
AUTHORIZE v.授权; 批准(英) v.授权(empower; commission),批准(to give official approval; accredit; license)(同) 派生词: authorization (n. 授权, 委任状)(例) I authorized the man to act for me while I was away.
autobiography AUTOBIOGRAPHY [`0:t2bai'0gr2fi]
AUTOBIOGRAPHY n. 自传(英) n. 自传(story of a person's life written by that person)(考) autobiography : reminisce / eulogy : praise(自传回忆/颂词赞扬)(记) auto(自己)+bio(生命 )+graphy(写) →写自己的一生→自传(同) 派生词: autobiographical adj.自传的,有关自传 的
autocrat AUTOCRAT ['0:t2kr9t]
AUTOCRAT n.独裁者(英) n.独裁者(a ruler with absolute power; dictator)(考) nominal : figurehead / absolute : autocrat(傀儡有名无实/独裁 者专制)(记) auto(自己)+crat(统 治者)→独裁者(同) 派生词: autocracy n.独裁政体同根词:democracy( 民主统治); aristocracy(贵族统 治)
automation AUTOMATION [`0:t2'mei62n]
AUTOMATION n.自动装置(英) n.自动装置(mechanis m that imitates actions of humans)(记) auto(自己)+mat(动)+ ion →自己动→自动化
automatism AUTOMATISM [0:'t0m2tiz2m]
AUTOMATISM n.无意识行动(如梦游 )(英) n.无意识行动(如梦游 )(automatic action)
automobile AUTOMOBILE ['0:t2m2bi:l]
AUTOMOBILE n.汽车(考) mansion : residence / limousine : automobile(公馆是豪华居所/轿 车是豪华汽车)four-poster : bed / convertible : automobile(四柱床是一种床/敞 篷车是一种车)
autonomy AUTONOMY [0:'t0n2mi]
AUTONOMY n.自治,独立(英) n.自治,独立(self-g overnment, independent function)(考) 反义词:dependence( 依赖)(记) auto(自己)+nomy(治 理)+→自治的(同) 派生词: autonomous (adj.自治的;独立的 )
autopsy AUTOPSY ['0:t0psi]
AUTOPSY n. 验尸(英) n. 验尸(examination of a dead body)(例) One of the pigs was killed and autopsied(其中一头 猪宰后剖检)
auxiliary AUXILIARY [0:g'zilj2ri]
AUXILIARY adj.辅助的,协助的(英) adj.辅助的,协助的( subordinate, additional, supplementary)(记) aux=aug(提高)+iliar y(形容词后缀)→提高 的→辅助的(同) 同根词:auxin(生长 素)(例) The auxiliary power unit turned on in the storm.
available AVAILABLE [2'veil2b2l]
AVAILABLE adj.可用的, 可得到的(英) adj.可用的, 可得到的([of things] that can be used or obtained)(记) avail(效用)+able→ 能有用的(同) 派生词: availability (n.利用的可能性; 可以利用的人或物)(例) This is the only available room.
avalanche AVALANCHE ['9v2ln6]
AVALANCHE n.雪崩(英) n.雪崩(a mass of loosen snow swiftly sliding down a mountain)(记) 联想:三个a像滚下的 雪球
avant-garde AVANT-GARDE [`9v28'gd]
AVANT-GARDE n.先锋派(英) n.先锋派(new or unconventional movements in the arts)(记) 来自vanguard(前卫) ,van(前面)+guard( 卫士)
avarice AVARICE ['9v2ris]
AVARICE n.贪财,贪婪(英) n.贪财,贪婪(too great a desire to have wealth; cupidity)(考) avarice : money / gluttony : food(贪财喜欢钱财/贪食 喜欢食物)(记) avar(渴望)+ice→渴 求,贪婪;avid(渴望 的)是同源词
avaricious AVARICIOUS [9v2'ri62s]
AVARICIOUS a.贪婪的,贪心的(英) a.贪婪的,贪心的(fu ll of avarice; greedy)(考) stoic : perturb / avaricious : satisfy(镇定的无法被干扰/ 贪婪的无法被满足)(例) He is too avaricious to donate anything to the poor.
avenge AVENGE [2'vend7]
AVENGE v.为…复仇,为…报 仇(英) v.为…复仇,为…报 仇(to get revenge for)(记) a+venge(报复)(同) 同根词:vengeance( 复仇); revenge(复仇)(例) They avenged his death by burning the village.
aver AVER [2'v2:]
AVER v.极力声明;断言(英) v.极力声明;断言(st ate positively; affirm)(考) 反义词:deny(否认); belie(掩饰)(记) a+ver(真实)→说出真 实→声明(同) 同根词:verity(真实 ); veracious(诚实的, 真实的)
averse AVERSE [2'v2:s]
AVERSE adj. 厌恶的,反对的(英) adj. 厌恶的,反对的(not willing or inclined; opposed)(记) a+verse(转)→转开→ 厌恶的(同) 同根词:adverse(不 利的); controversy(争论, 辩论)
aversion AVERSION [2'v2:62n]
AVERSION n.嫌恶,憎恨(英) n.嫌恶,憎恨(an intense dislike; repugnance; loathing)(考) aversion : disinclination / adulation : admiration(厌恶是很不喜欢/奉 承是过分赞扬)反义词:affinity(密 切关系); court(奉承); penchant(偏好); propensity(偏好)
avert AVERT [2'v2:t]
AVERT v.避免, 防止; 避开(英) v.避免, 防止(ward off; prevent);避开(to turn away)(记) a+vert(转)→转开→ 避免(同) 同根词: divert(转向); introvert(内向)(例) avert one's eyes. avert the disaster.
aviary AVIARY ['eivi2ri]
AVIARY n.大鸟笼,鸟舍(英) n.大鸟笼,鸟舍(a large cage to keep many birds)(考) arboretum : trees / aviary : birds(植物园有树供观赏/ 鸟舍有鸟供观赏)(记) avi(鸟)+ary(场所)(同) 同根词:aviation(航 空); aviatrix(女飞行员)
avid AVID ['9vid]
AVID adj.渴望的; 热心的(英) adj.渴望的(having an intense craving);热心的(eager)(考) reverence : respect / avidity : enthusiasm(尊重是很尊敬/热望 是很热情)反义词:indifferent (不关心的)(同) 派生词: avidity (n.热望,贪婪)(例) He is avid for praise.
avocation AVOCATION [`9v2'kei62n]
AVOCATION n.副业,嗜好(英) n.副业,嗜好(hobby)(记) a+vocation(职业)→ 非正规职业→副业
avoid AVOID [2'v0id]
AVOID v.避开,躲避(英) v.避开,躲避(keep oneself away from)(考) irrevocable : repeal / ineluctable : avoid / impervious : penetrate(不能取消的就不能废 止/不能避免的就不能 避免/不能穿透的就不 能穿透)untenable : defended / inevitable : avoided(难以防守无法被防守 /不可避免无法被避免)(记) a+void(空) →弄空→避开(同) 派生词: avoidable (adj.可避免的); avoidance (n.回避,躲避)同根词: void(空, 空虚); devoid of(缺乏...的)(例) I think he is avoiding me.
avow AVOW [2'vau]
AVOW v.承认; 公开宣称(英) v.承认(to acknowledge or claim);公开宣称(to declare openly)(记) a+vow(誓言)→发誓→ 承认,vow(誓言)本身 是个单词(同) 派生词: avowal (n.公开承认)(例) The prisoner avowed his guilt.
avuncular AVUNCULAR [2'v38kjul2,2'v38kj2l2]
AVUNCULAR adj. 伯(叔)父的(英) adj. 伯(叔)父的(of an uncle)(记) av(女方)+uncul(叔伯 )+ar→女方的叔伯→ 伯父的;(同) 参考:uncle(叔叔)
awareness AWARENESS [2'w92nis]
AWARENESS n.意识,觉察; 见闻广博(英) n.意识,觉察; 见闻广博(consciousn ess)
awash AWASH [2'w06]
AWASH adj. 被海水淹没的(英) adj. 被海水淹没的( flooded with sea water)(考) 反义词:dry(干燥的)(例) These rocks are awash at high tide .
awe AWE [0:]
AWE v.敬畏(英) v.敬畏(to cause a mixed feeling of reverence and fear)(考) redoubtable : regard(awe)/ despicable : scorn(contempt; disregard)(可怕的让人敬畏/可 鄙的让人鄙视)反义词:irreverence (不尊敬)(例) The campers were always awed by the beautiful sunset.
awe-inspiring AWE-INSPIRING [`0:in`spai2ri8]
AWE-INSPIRING adj. 令人敬畏的
awkward AWKWARD ['0:kw2d]
AWKWARD adj. 笨拙的,别扭的; 尴尬的(英) adj. 笨拙的,别扭的 (difficult to use);尴尬的(causing inconvenience)(考) craven : admirable / deft : awkward(畏缩的不令人敬佩/ 灵巧的不笨拙)反义词:svelte(娇美 的); lithe(柔软的);glib (伶牙俐齿的); deft(灵巧的)(例) an awkward series of bends in the road
awl AWL [0:l]
AWL n.(钻皮革的)尖钻(考) awl : pierce / pestle : mash(钻用来刺破/研棒用 来捣碎)(记) 比较记忆:owl(猫头 鹰)
awning AWNING ['0:ni8]
AWNING n.遮阳蓬(考) awning : sun / umbrella : rain(遮阳蓬用来抵挡阳光 /雨伞用来抵挡下雨)
awry AWRY [2'rai]
AWRY adj.扭曲的,走样的(英) adj.扭曲的,走样的( not straight; askew)(考) 反义词:orderly(有 序的); aligned(排成一行的)(记) a+wry(歪的)→扭曲的
axe AXE [9ks]
AXE n.斧头(英) 斧子(tool with a handle and a heavy metal blade used for chopping wood.)(考) scythe : reaper / axe : woodcutter(收割者的工具是镰刀 /伐木工的工具是斧头)
axiom AXIOM ['9ksi2m]
AXIOM n.公理;定理(英) n.公理(maxim);定理 (an established principle)
axiomatic AXIOMATIC [`9ksi2'm9tik]
AXIOMATIC adj. 不需证明的,不言自 明的(英) adj. 不需证明的,不言自 明的(self-evident or aphoristic)(考) 反义词:controversi al(有争议的)
axis AXIS ['9ksis]
AXIS n.轴(常为虚构之线, 如地球轴)(英) n.轴(常为虚构之线, 如地球轴)(a real or imaginary straight line on which an object rotates)
axle AXLE ['9ks2l]
AXLE n.轮轴(连接两个车轮 的轴)(英) n.轮轴(连接两个车轮 的轴)(a bar connecting two opposite wheels)(记) 记住这两个字含义的 方法;联想:axis的' i'像虚线→虚构的轴; axle的'l'像 一根车轮的轴
azure AZURE ['972,'97ju2]
AZURE adj. 蔚蓝的(英) adj. 蔚蓝的(sky blue)
babble BABBLE ['b9b2l]
BABBLE v.说蠢话; 牙牙学语(英) v.说蠢话(to talk foolishly);牙牙学语(to make incoherent sounds; prattle)(考) babble : talk / simper : smile / scribble : write(胡说和说/傻笑和笑/ 胡写和写)babble : sense / parrot : originality(胡说没有理智/学舌 没有创新)反义词:express succinctly(简洁表达 )(例) The old friends babbled for hours in the cafe.
bacchanal BACCHANAL ['b9k2n2l]
BACCHANAL n.(行为放纵的)狂欢 会(英) n.(行为放纵的)狂欢 会(a drunk carouser or party; orgy)(记) 来自Bacchus,是希腊 的酒神
backdrop BACKDROP ['b9kdr0p]
BACKDROP n. 背景幕布(英) n. 背景幕布(printed cloth hung at the back of a theatre)(考) placebo : painkiller / backdrop : vista(安慰剂是一种假止痛 药/舞台背景是一种假 风景)
backset BACKSET ['bskit;(u6)'b9skit]
BACKSET n.倒退(考) 反义词: hike(远足, 涨价)
backslide BACKSLIDE ['b9kslaid]
BACKSLIDE v.故态复萌(英) v.故态复萌(revert to bad habits)(记) back(向后)+slide(滑 动) →往后滑(例) I managed to keep off cigarettes for two months, but recently I'm afraid I've begun to backslide.
backwater BACKWATER ['b9k9`w0:t2]
BACKWATER n. 死水; 闭塞地区(英) n. 死水(part of a river not reached by the current)
bacon BACON ['beik2n]
BACON n. 熏猪肉(英) n. 熏猪肉(salted and smoked meat)
bacteria BACTERIA [b9k'ti2ri2]
BACTERIA n.细菌(英) n.细菌(单数: bacterium)(考) bacteria : decomposition / yeast : fermentation(细菌帮助解体/酵母 帮助发酵)sterile : bacteria / impeccable : flaws(无菌的没有细菌/无 瑕疵的没有瑕疵)enzyme : catalyst / bacterium : microbe(酶是一种催化剂/细 菌是一种微生物)host : parasite / medium : bacterium
badge BADGE [b9d7]
BADGE n.徽章(如校徽等)(英) n.徽章(如校徽等)(a distinctive token, emblem, or sign)(考) chevron : badge / caisson : cart(山形袖章是一种徽章 /弹药车是一种车)(记) 比较记忆:adage(格言 )(同) 近形词: badger(獾, v.扰乱), budge(移动), barge(驳船), cadge(乞讨)
badger BADGER ['b9d72]
BADGER n.獾; v.一再烦扰,一再要 求(英) v.一再烦扰,一再要 求(to torment; nag)(考) badger : bother / persecute : injure / belabor : mention(纠缠是不断烦扰/迫 害是不断伤害/过分讨 论是不断提出)(例) You're always badgering me with your silly questions.
badinage BADINAGE ['b9din7]
BADINAGE n.开玩笑,打趣(英) n.开玩笑,打趣(playf ul teasing)(考) 反义词:sernous conversation(严肃的 交谈)
baffle BAFFLE ['b9f2l]
BAFFLE v.使困惑,难倒(英) v.使困惑,难倒(to confuse; puzzle, confound)(同) 派生词: baffling (adj.令人困惑的)(例) The detective was baffled by the case.
bail BAIL [beil]
BAIL n. 保释金; 准许保释(英) n. 保释金(money paid for a person accused of a crime)(例) The magistrate granted him bail.
bait BAIT [beit]
BAIT n.诱饵; v.逗弄, 激怒(英) n.诱饵(lure; enticement);v.逗弄, 激怒(to tease; to provoke a reaction)(考) 反义词:disarm(缓和 )(例) Cheese is good bait for catfish.Don't bait your little sister.
bald BALD [b0:ld]
BALD adj. 秃头的(英) adj. 秃头的(having no hair; bare)(同) 近形词: bold(大胆的)
bale BALE [beil]
BALE n.大包裹; 灾祸,不幸(英) n.大包裹(a large bundle);灾祸,不幸(evil; disaster)(记) bale来自ball(球)→ 大包裹,负担→不幸
baleful BALEFUL ['beilf2l]
BALEFUL adj.邪恶的,恶意的(英) adj.邪恶的,恶意的( harmful; ominous; deadly; sinister)(考) baleful : menace / solicitous : concern(恶意的恐吓/热切的 关心)反义词: beneficent(仁慈的)
balk BALK [b0:lk]
BALK n.大方木料; v. (因困难等)不愿从事 某事(英) n.大方木料(thick, roughly-squared wooden beam);v. (因困难等)不愿从事 某事(be reluctant to tackle sth because it is difficult)(考) 反义词:move ahead willingly(自愿前进)
ballad BALLAD ['b9l2d]
BALLAD n.歌谣,小曲(英) n.歌谣,小曲(a song or poem that tells a story in short stanzas)(考) ballad : stanza / novel : chapter(歌谣由歌节组成/小 说由章节组成)(记) 联想:ball(球)+ad→ 像球一样一代代滚下 来→歌谣
ballast BALLAST ['b9l2st]
BALLAST n.(船等)压舱物(英) n.(船等)压舱物(anyt hing heavy carried in a ship, aircraft, or vehicle to give s tability)(考) ballast : instability / purchase : slippage(压舱物为了防止不稳 定/支点是为了防止滑 落)ballast : stability / girder : support(压舱物有稳定作用/ 横梁有支撑作用)(记) 分割记忆:ball-last , 最后的球→压舱物(例) The ships carried many tons of stone ballast.
ballerina BALLERINA [`b9l2'ri:n2]
BALLERINA n.芭蕾舞女演员(记) 由ballet+rina(女)组 成
ballet BALLET ['b9lei]
BALLET n. 芭蕾舞(考) instrumentalist : symphony / dancer : ballet(乐器演奏者演奏交响 乐/舞者表演芭蕾舞)
balloon BALLOON [b2'lu:n]
BALLOON n.气球 v. 快速增加(英) v. 快速增加( to increase rapidly)(考) 反义词;decrease slowly(慢慢减少)
ballot BALLOT ['b9l2t]
BALLOT n./v. 投票, 抽签
ballroom BALLROOM ['b0:lrum]
BALLROOM n.大舞厅(英) n.大舞厅(a large hall for dancing)
balm BALM [bm]
BALM n.香油,药膏,镇痛剂(英) n.香油,药膏(any fragrant ointment or aromatic oil)(考) antidote : poisoning / balm : irritation(解毒剂可以解除中毒 /油膏可以解除刺痒)反义词:irritant(刺 激物)
balmy BALMY ['bmi]
BALMY adj.(气候)温和的, 芳香的(英) adj.(气候)温和的, 芳香的(soothing, mild, pleasant)(考) 反义词:inclement( 恶劣的) ; piquant(辛辣的)(记) 来自另一个单词:bal sam(风仙花,香脂)
banal BANAL [b2'nl]
BANAL adj. 陈腐的(英) adj. 陈腐的(dull or stale; hackneyed; commonplace; insipid)(考) equivocation : ambiguous / platitude : banal(模棱两可特点是含糊 的/陈词滥调的特点是 陈腐的)disjointed : coherence / banal : originality(脱节的不连贯/陈腐 的不新颖)反义词:arresting( 引人注意的); novel(新奇的); trite(平庸的)(记) 联想:ban(禁止)+al →应该禁止的→陈腐的
banality BANALITY [b2'n9liti]
BANALITY n.陈腐,平庸(考) 反义词:original expression(有创意的 表达)
band BAND [b9nd]
BAND n. 带,箍; 乐队(英) n. 带,箍(thin flat strip)(考) stipple : dot / striate : band(点画由点组成/加条 纹由条纹组成)
bandage BANDAGE ['b9ndid7]
BANDAGE n. 绷带; v.用绷带包扎(英) n. 绷带(strip of material used for binding wound )
bandy BANDY ['b9ndi]
BANDY v.顶嘴谈论(英) v.顶嘴谈论(discuss in a frivolous manner; quarrel)(例) Don't bandy words with me, young man!
bane BANE [bein]
BANE n.祸根(英) n.祸根(the cause of distress, death, or ruin)(考) 反义词:blessing(福 源)(记) ban(挡住)+e→挡住( 运气的)东西→祸根
baneful BANEFUL ['beinful]
BANEFUL adj.有害的,致祸的(英) adj.有害的,致祸的( causing distress; deadly; pernicious)
banish BANISH ['b9ni6]
BANISH v. 放逐某人(英) v. 放逐某人(send sb out of the country as a punishment)(考) evict : residence / banish : country(驱逐从住处赶出/流 放从国家赶出)(例) He was banished for life .
banister BANISTER ['b9nist2]
BANISTER n.(楼梯的)栏杆(考) staircase : banister / garden : fence(楼梯需要栏杆保护/ 花园需要栅栏保护)(记) ban(挡住)+ister(东 西)→挡住的东西→栏杆
bankrupt BANKRUPT ['b98kr3pt]
BANKRUPT adj.破产的(英) adj.破产的(unable to pay debts; insolvent)(考) 反义词: solvency(有尝债能力 )-bankruptcy(破产)(记) bank(银行)+rupt(断) →破产(同) 派生词: bankruptcy (n.破产)同根词:corruption( 腐败); interrupt(打断)
banquet BANQUET ['b98kwit]
BANQUET n. 宴会,盛宴(英) n. 宴会,盛宴(elaborate formal meal)(例) a wedding banquet
banter BANTER ['b9nt2]
BANTER n.打趣,玩笑(英) n.打趣,玩笑(playful , good-humoured teasing)(考) playful : banter / exaggerated : hyperbole(玩笑是诙谐的/夸张 法是夸张的)(同) 近形词: barter(易货贸易); batter(猛击)(例) players exchanging light-hearted banter with the crowd
barb BARB [bb]
BARB n.(鱼钩的)倒钩; 严厉的批评(考) barb : caustic / pan : harsh(严厉批评是尖刻的/ 痛斥是苛刻的)(记) barb原也指倒翘的胡 子,后来胡子一字变 为beard(同) 派生词: barbed adj.有倒钩的;讽刺 的
barbarous BARBAROUS ['bb2r2s]
BARBAROUS adj.野蛮的; 残暴的(英) adj.野蛮的(uncultur ed crude)残暴的(cruel; brutal)(记) barbar(愚昧)+ous→ 愚昧的→野蛮的(同) 派生词: barbarity (n.残忍,残暴)
barbecue BARBECUE ['bbikju:]
BARBECUE n.烤肉架,烤肉(记) barb(倒钩)+ecue→用 倒钩挂上肉笼→烤肉架
bard BARD [bd]
BARD n. 吟游诗人(英) n. 吟游诗人(poet)
bare BARE [be2]
BARE v. 暴露(英) v. 暴露(to make or lay bare; uncover)(考) 反义词: occult(隐藏)
barefaced BAREFACED [be2'feist]
BAREFACED adj.厚颜无耻的(英) adj.厚颜无耻的(sham eless; blatant; bold; unconcealed)(考) 反义词:surreptitio us(秘密的)(记) bare(空的,没有的)+f ace(脸)+ed→没脸的 →无耻的
bargain BARGAIN ['bgin]
BARGAIN v.交易, 买卖(考) debate : issue / bargain : price(争论针对问题/讨价 还价针对价格)
barge BARGE [bd7]
BARGE n.平底货船,驳船(英) n.平底货船,驳船(a large boat, usually flat bottomed)(考) locomotive : flatcar / tugboat : barge(机车拖平台货车/拖 船拖平底货船)(记) 可以和bargain(讨价 还价)一起记
bark BARK [bk]
BARK v.狗吠; n.树皮(英) v.狗吠(cry of a dog);n.树皮(the outside covering of trees)(考) epidermis : mammal / bark : conifer(哺乳动物和表皮/针 叶植物和树皮)(记) GRE中主要考“树皮” 一意
barn BARN [bn]
BARN n.谷仓(英) n.谷仓(a farm building for sheltering harvested crops)(记) barley是'大麦',bar n就是由barley的前半 部加'n'构成→藏大麦 的地方
barometer BAROMETER [b2'r0mit2]
BAROMETER n.气压计,晴雨表(记) baro(重压)+meter(仪 表)→气压计
baron BARON ['b9r2n]
BARON n.贵族;大亨,巨头(英) n.贵族(lord; nobleman)大亨,巨头( magnate)(记) baro(压)+n→压迫别 人的人→大老板
baroque BAROQUE [b2'r0k,b2'r2uk]
BAROQUE n. / adj. (艺术、建筑等)高度 装饰的,过分雕琢的(英) n. / adj. (艺术、建筑等)高度 装饰的,过分雕琢的( gaudily ornate)(考) 反义词:austere(简 朴的)(记) 由17世纪'巴罗克'艺 术而来,以古怪精巧 为特色
barrage BARRAGE ['b9r7]
BARRAGE n. 弹幕;堰,拦河坝(英) n. 弹幕(a curtain of artillery fire)堰,拦河坝(barrier built to store water for irrigation)(考) barrage : explosives / deluge : rain(连续发炮形成弹幕/ 连续降雨形成暴雨)
barren BARREN ['b9r2n]
BARREN adj.不育的,贫瘠的, 不结果实的(英) adj.不育的,贫瘠的, 不结果实的(sterile bare)(记) bar=bare(光光的)+ ren→一无所有的→不 孕的
barricade BARRICADE ['b9rikeid]
BARRICADE v.设栅阻挡; n. 栅栏(英) v.设栅阻挡(to obstruct/to shut in );n. 栅栏(any barrier or obstruction)(考) 反义词:permit passage(允许通过)(记) barric(阻止)+ade→ 阻止物→栅栏; bar作为单词意为'阻 挡'(例) The police barricaded the crime scene.
barrier BARRIER ['b9ri2]
BARRIER n.路障,障碍(英) n.路障,障碍(obstru ction as of a fence, wall; obstacle)
barrister BARRISTER ['b9rist2]
BARRISTER n.讼务律师(英) n.讼务律师(counselo r-at-law or lawyer)
barter BARTER ['bt2]
BARTER v.以物易物,易货贸 易(英) v.以物易物,易货贸 易(to give goods in return for other goods)(考) barter : commodities / correspond : letters(易货贸易是交换商品 /通信是交换信件)jog : exercise / barter : trade(慢跑是一种锻炼/易 货贸易是一种贸易)(例) Will the shopkeeper barter with you?
base BASE [beis]
BASE adj. 卑鄙的(考) debase : value / attenuate : force(降价减少价值/削弱 减少力量)反义词: sublime(高尚的); virtuous(贞洁的); noble(高尚的)
baseboard BASEBOARD [beisb0:d]
BASEBOARD n.脚板, 护壁板(考) veneer : furniture / baseboard : wall(镶板装在家具上/护 壁板装在墙上)
basement BASEMENT ['beism2nt]
BASEMENT n.地下室(英) n.地下室(lowest room below ground level )
baseness BASENESS ['beisnis]
BASENESS n.卑鄙(英) n.卑鄙(state of being mean)(记) base(低下,基础)+nes s(表名词) →品格低下→卑鄙
bashful BASHFUL ['b96ful]
BASHFUL adj.害羞的,羞怯的(英) adj.害羞的,羞怯的( timid, easily embarrassed; shy)(记) bash(羞)+ful;(同) 同根词:abash(使… 害羞)
bask BASK [bsk]
BASK v.晒太阳,取暖(英) v.晒太阳,取暖(to warm oneself pleasantly in the sunlight)(记) 联想:把basket去掉e t, 就是bask→拎着篮子 晒太阳(例) I like to lie on the sand, basking in the sunshine.
bassoon BASSOON [b2'su:n]
BASSOON n.低音管,巴松(记) bass(低)+oon→低音 管;bass本身是一个 单词,意为'低沉的声音'
baste BASTE [beist]
BASTE v.倒脂油于(烤肉上, 以防烤干)(英) v.倒脂油于(烤肉上, 以防烤干)(to moisten[meat]with melted butter)(考) baste : dryness / caulk : moistness(浇油是为了防止干燥 /填塞是为了防止潮湿)(记) 把baste和best联想起 来:要想吃到最好的烤 肉,就把脂油倒在肉上(同) 近形词: taste(味道); paste(糨糊, 粘贴); caste(种姓制度)(例) She basted the roast frequently.
bastion BASTION ['b9sti2n]
BASTION n.堡垒(英) n.堡垒(stronghold)
baton BATON ['b9t(2)n]
BATON n.指挥棒(指挥家用); 警棍(英) n.警棍(truncheon)(记) bat(打)+on→打的东 西→警棍
battalion BATTALION [b2't9li2n]
BATTALION n. (部队)营(英) n. (部队)营(part of a regiment or brigade)
bauble BAUBLE ['b0:b2l]
BAUBLE n.花哨的小玩意儿; 没价值的东西(英) n.花哨的小玩意儿; 没价值的东西(a showy but worthless thing; trinket)(例) Wealth and social position are only baubles, we cannot take them with us when we die.
bauxite BAUXITE ['b0:ksait]
BAUXITE n.铝土岩(产铝的矿土 、石)(记) 源自法国地名Baux, 因产铝而知名
bawdy BAWDY ['b0:di]
BAWDY adj.淫猥的(英) adj.淫猥的(indecent ; obscene; about sex in a rude funny way)(考) 反义词:decorous(端 庄的)(记) 联系bawd (鸨母)
bawl BAWL [b0:l]
BAWL v.大叫,大喊(英) v.大叫,大喊(to shout or call out noisily; bellow)(记) 联想: b+awl(尖钻),被尖钻 戳到而大喊(例) The captain bawled out an order.
bazaar BAZAAR [b2'za(r)]
BAZAAR n.集市,商店集中区(英) n.集市,商店集中区( a market or street of shops)(记) 外来词,原指东方国 家的大集市,今天的 中国新疆一带仍把集 市叫”巴扎'
beacon BEACON ['bi:k2n]
BEACON n. 烽火;信号灯(英) n. 烽火;信号灯(a signal light for warning or guiding)
bead BEAD [bi:d]
BEAD n.小珠子(英) 小珠子(small piece of material with a hole through it, for threading wih others on a string)
beam BEAM [bi:m]
BEAM n.(房屋等)大梁;光 线(英) n.(房屋等)大梁;光 线(a shaft or stream of light)(记) 分割记忆:be-am; 尤其注意GRE中常考的 “大梁”一义
beat BEAT [bi:t]
BEAT v.心跳; 搅拌(英) v.心跳(pulsate, vibrate);搅拌(to mix by stirring; whip)(考) grow : burgeon / beat : palpitate(成长和快速成长/跳 动和快速跳动)(同) 派生词: beater (n. 搅拌器)
beatific BEATIFIC [`bi2'tifik]
BEATIFIC adj.祝福的,有福的(英) adj.祝福的,有福的( blissful or blessed; delightful)(记) beat(幸福)+ific→幸 福的
beatitude BEATITUDE [bi:'9titju:d]
BEATITUDE n.至福,十分幸福(英) n.至福,十分幸福(pe rfect blessedness or happiness)
beaver BEAVER ['bi:v2]
BEAVER n.水獭(记) 十分勤奋的人被叫做' eager beaver'
bedeck BEDECK [bi'dek]
BEDECK vt.装饰(英) vt.装饰(to adorn)(考) 反义词: strip(剥去)
bedizen BEDIZEN [bi'diz(2)n]
BEDIZEN v.把...装饰得华丽而 俗气(英) v.把...装饰得华丽而 俗气(dress with vulgar finery)(记) 联想: bed(床)+izen→把床 弄得华丽
bedlam BEDLAM ['bedl2m]
BEDLAM n. 混乱,骚乱(a situation of noisy uproar and confusion)(记) 分拆联想:bed(床) + lam(想成“乱”) →没叠被子床上乱→ 混乱(反) serenity(n. 平静)
bedraggled BEDRAGGLED [bi'dr9g(2)ld]
BEDRAGGLED adj.(衣服、头发等) 弄湿的,凌乱不堪的(英) adj.(衣服、头发等) 弄湿的,凌乱不堪的( made wet and dirty)(记) be+draggled(凌乱的)
beet BEET [bi:t]
BEET n. 甜菜(记) 也叫sugar beet或beet root
befriend BEFRIEND [bi'frend]
BEFRIEND v. 对(某人)尽朋友之道(英) v. 对(某人)尽朋友之道( act as a friend to sb)(记) be(使...成为)+frien d(朋友) →使成为朋友
befuddlement BEFUDDLEMENT [bi'f3d2l-m2nt]
BEFUDDLEMENT n. 迷惑不解(英) n. 迷惑不解(state of being confused)(记) be(使...成为)+fuddl e(使错乱)+ment→使 错乱
beget BEGET [bi'get]
BEGET v.产生,引起(英) v.产生,引起(to bring into being; produce)(记) 分割记忆:be-get→ 是得到了→产生(例) Hunger begets crime.
begrudge BEGRUDGE [bi'gr3d7]
BEGRUDGE v.吝啬,勉强给(英) v.吝啬,勉强给(to give with ill-will or reluctance)(考) taciturn : chatter / magnanimous : begrudge(沉默寡言不会喋喋不 休/心胸宽广不会嫉妒)(记) (给)be+grudge(吝啬)(同) 参考:grudge(吝啬; 怨恨)
beguile BEGUILE [bi'gail]
BEGUILE v.欺骗,诱骗(英) v.欺骗,诱骗(mislea d; cheat; deceive)(记) be+guile(欺诈)→欺 骗;guile本身也是一 个常考单词(同) 派生词: beguiling (adj.欺骗的deceivin g;迷人的luring)
behold BEHOLD [bi'h2uld]
BEHOLD v.目睹,看见(英) v.目睹,看见(to hold in view ; look at)(记) be+hold(拿住)→被拿 住→看到(同) 派生词: beholder (n. 目睹者)(例) She screamed when she behold the mess in the kitchen.
beholden BEHOLDEN [bi'h2uldn]
BEHOLDEN adj.感激某人的;欠人 情的(英) adj.感激某人的;欠人 情的(obligated; indebted)(例) We were much beholden to him for his kindness.
belabor BELABOR [bi'leib2]
BELABOR v.(过分冗长地)做或 说; 痛打(英) v.(过分冗长地)做或 说(to spend too much time or effort on);痛打(to beat severely)(考) assert : belabor / tend : fuss(过分断言是罗嗦/过 分注意是大惊小怪)badger : bother / belabor : mention(纠缠是过分烦扰/冗 长说是不断提起)(记) be+labor(劳动)→不 断劳动→过分做或说(例) Let's not belabour the point.
belated BELATED [bi'leitid]
BELATED adj. 来得太迟的(英) adj. 来得太迟的(delayed )(记) be(使...成为)+late( 迟)+ed
belch BELCH [belt6]
BELCH v./n.打嗝; v.喷出(英) v./n.打嗝; v.喷出(gush sth out)
beleaguer BELEAGUER [bi'li:g2]
BELEAGUER v. 围攻(英) v. 围攻(to besiege by encircling)(考) 反义词:delight(高 兴)(记) be+leaguer(围攻的部 队或兵营)→围攻
belie BELIE [bi'lai]
BELIE v.掩饰; 证明为假(英) v.掩饰(disguise or misrepresent);证明为假(prove false)(考) 反义词:aver(断言); affirm(肯定)(记) be-lie(谎言)→使… 成谎言→证明…为假(例) The poor sales of the product belied our high hopes for it.
belief BELIEF [bi'li:f]
BELIEF n.信仰(考) frenetic : movement / fanatical : belief(狂乱的动作/狂热的 信仰)veer : direction / convert : belief(转变方向/改变信仰)
believable BELIEVABLE [bi'li:v2bl]
BELIEVABLE adj. 令人相信的(英) 可信任的(that can be trusted)(考) 反义词: implausible (难以置信的)
belittle BELITTLE [bi'litl]
BELITTLE v.轻视,贬抑(英) v.轻视,贬抑(speak slightingly of ; depreciate)(记) be+little(小)→把( 人)看小→轻视(例) The reporter's comments belittled the candidate.
bellicose BELLICOSE ['belik2us]
BELLICOSE adj.好战的,好斗的(英) adj.好战的,好斗的( eager to fight or quarrel ; warlike, belligerent)(考) imperious : servile / bellicose : peaceable(专横无奴性/好战无 和平)反义词:pacific(爱 好和平的); inclined to make peace(愿意讲和的)(记) bell(战争)+icose(形 容词后缀)→好斗的;(同) 派生词: bellicosity (n. 好斗)同根词:rebel(反叛) ; rebellion(叛乱)(例) The bellicose man threatened to hit me.
belligerent BELLIGERENT [bi'lid72r2nt]
BELLIGERENT adj. (国家等)交战的; 挑衅的(英) adj. (国家等)交战的(at war);挑衅的(bellicose, pugnacious)(同) 派生词: belligerence (n.好战性;战斗)(例) The belligerent boy was sent to the principal's office.
belongings BELONGINGS [bi'l08i8z]
BELONGINGS n.所有物,财产(英) n.所有物,财产(poss essions; property)
bemoan BEMOAN [bi'm2un]
BEMOAN v.为...悲伤, 抱怨(英) v.为...悲伤, 抱怨(express sorrow or disapproval of)(例) He bemoaned his bitter fate.
bemused BEMUSED [bi'mju:zd]
BEMUSED adj.茫然的,困惑的(英) adj.茫然的,困惑的(c onfused; preoccupied)(例) He was totally bemused by the traffic system in the city.
bench BENCH [bent6]
BENCH n. 法官席; 长凳(英) 长凳(long seat made of wood)(考) 类比; rostrum : orator / bench : judge(演讲者在讲台 上演讲/法官在法官席 上审判)(例) a park bench
bend BEND [bend]
BEND v. 使弯曲(英) v. 使弯曲(force sth straight into an angle)(考) bend : rigid / submerge : buoyant / dissolve : insoluble(刚毅的不会弯曲/有 浮力的不会沉没/不能 溶解的不会溶解)(例) a slight bend
benediction BENEDICTION [beni'dik62n]
BENEDICTION n.祝福; 祈祷(英) n.祝福(a blessing);祈祷(an invocation of divine blessing)(考) 反义词:curse(诅咒)(记) bene(好)+dict(说话) +ion→说好话→祝福(同) 同根词:valediction (告别演说);maledict ion(坏话)
benefactor BENEFACTOR ['beni`f9kt2]
BENEFACTOR n.行善者,捐助者(英) n.行善者,捐助者(a person who has given financial help; patron)(记) bene(好)+fact(做)+o r →做好事的人
beneficent BENEFICENT [bi'nefis2nt]
BENEFICENT adj. 行善的(英) adj. 行善的(showing active kindness, charitable)(考) beneficent : harm / tenacious : yield(行善的不会伤害/顽 强的不会屈服)philanthropist : beneficence / comedian : humor(慈善家特点是慈善/ 喜剧演员特点是幽默)反义词:baleful(恶 意的); noxious(有害的); toxic(有毒的)(记) bene(善,好)+fic(做) +ent→做好事的
beneficial BENEFICIAL [`beni'fi62l]
BENEFICIAL adj.有益的,有用的(英) adj.有益的,有用的( advantageous; favorable)(考) 反义词:invidious( 招人嫉妒的)
beneficiary BENEFICIARY [`beni'fi62ri]
BENEFICIARY n.受惠者;(遗产的)受 益人(英) n.受惠者(anyone receiving benefit);(记) bene(好)+fact(做)+o r →做好事的人; fact=fic;(同) 同根词:maleficent( 心怀叵测的)
benefit BENEFIT ['benifit]
BENEFIT n. 利益,实惠; 保险金(英) n. 利益,实惠(profit, gain);保险金(allowance of money from an insurance policy )(记) bene+fit(做) →做事后的好处
benevolent BENEVOLENT [bi'nev2l2nt]
BENEVOLENT adj. 善心的,仁心的(英) adj. 善心的,仁心的(kind ly, charitable)(考) sage : wisdom / philanthropist : benevolence(哲人有智慧/慈善家 有善心)反义词: antipathy(厌恶); truculence(凶残)(记) bene(好)+vol(意志)+ ent→好意的(同) 派生词: benevolence (n. 善心,仁心)同根词: volition(意志, 决心); malevolent(恶意的)
benign BENIGN [bi'nain]
BENIGN adj. 慈祥的(英) adj. 慈祥的(good-natured , kindly)(考) 反义词: malign(邪恶的)(记) ben(好)+ign(形容词 后缀)→好的→仁慈的;
benison BENISON ['beniz2n]
BENISON n.祝福,赐福(英) n.祝福,赐福(blessin g)
bent BENT [bent]
BENT n. 特长, 爱好; adj. 弯曲的(英) n. 特长, 爱好(natural skill at sth )(考) 反义词:ineptitude( 愚笨)(例) a bent copper
bequeath BEQUEATH [bi'kwi:5]
BEQUEATH v.遗赠(英) v.遗赠(to leave property to another by last will)(记) be+queath(说)→说出 来把东西留给谁→遗赠(例) They bequeathed him a lot of money.
bequest BEQUEST [bi'kwest]
BEQUEST n. 遗产,遗赠物(考) heirloom : ancestor / bequest : testator(传家宝是祖先留下/ 遗产立遗嘱人留下)
berate BERATE [bi'reit]
BERATE v.猛烈责骂(英) v.猛烈责骂(to scold or rebuke severely)(记) be+rate(责骂),rate 本身是一个单词(例) The teacher berated the students for being late.
bereave BEREAVE [bi'ri:v]
BEREAVE v.丧亲,夺去(英) v.丧亲,夺去(to deprive; dispossess)(记) be+reave(抢夺)→抢 夺掉→丧失;reave本 身是一个单词(例) He was bereft of his beloved wife(注意用法: be bereft of).
berry BERRY ['beri]
BERRY n. 浆果(英) n. 浆果(small juicy fruit without a stone )(例) blackberry
berserk BERSERK [b2's2:k]
BERSERK adj. 狂怒的,疯狂的(英) adj. 狂怒的,疯狂的(viol ent or destructive rage or frenzy)(记) ber(穿)+serk(衣服sh irt), 原指古代斯堪的纳维 亚穿衣打仗的武士, 因为胆怯发疯(例) The berserk customer started pulling items off the shelf.
beseech BESEECH [bi'si:t6]
BESEECH v.祈求,恳求(英) v.祈求,恳求(to ask earnestly; entreat; implore)(考) supplicant : beseeching / coquette : flirtation(恳求者恳求/卖弄风 情的女子调情)(记) be+seech(寻求seek) →寻求→恳求(例) He besought a favor of the judge.(他恳求法官给 予恩惠)
beset BESET [bi'set]
BESET v.镶嵌,困扰(英) v.镶嵌,困扰(harass from all directions)(例) The voyage was beset with dangers.
besiege BESIEGE [bi'si:d7]
BESIEGE v.围攻,困扰(英) v.围攻,困扰(to overwhelm, harass, or beset)(记) be+siege(围攻)→围 攻;siege本身是一个 单词(例) He was besieged by doubts.
besmirch BESMIRCH [bi'sm2:t6]
BESMIRCH v. 诽谤(英) v. 诽谤(defile; make dirty)(考) 反义词:honor(荣誉)(记) be+smirch(污点)(例) What he did besmirched his image.(他的所作所为 损害了他的形象)
bespeak BESPEAK [bi'spi:k]
BESPEAK v.显示, 表示(英) v.显示, 表示(to be indicative of ;show)(记) be+speak(讲话)→讲 出来→表示(例) His skill at singing bespeaks much good training.
bestial BESTIAL ['besti2l]
BESTIAL adj.野兽的,残忍的(英) adj.野兽的,残忍的(b eastlike; brutal)(记) best=beast(野兽)
bestow BESTOW [bi'st2u]
BESTOW v.给予,赐赠(英) v.给予,赐赠(to give or present as a gift)(记) be+stow(收藏)→给予 以便收藏;(例) The committee bestowed an engraved plaque on the winner.
betoken BETOKEN [bi't2uk2n]
BETOKEN v.预示,表示(英) v.预示,表示(signify ; indicate)(记) be(使...成为)+token (记号,标志) →使...成为标志→预示(例) Milder weather betokens the arrival of spring.
betray BETRAY [bi'trei]
BETRAY v.背叛; 暴露(英) v.背叛(be a traitor to);暴露(to reveal; indicate)(考) juggernaut : crush / quisling : betray(不可抗拒的力量摧毁 /卖国贼背叛)(记) be+tray(背叛)→背叛 ;(同) 参考:traitor(叛徒)(例) Her red face betrayed her nervousness.(脸色通 红暴露了她的不安)
betrayal BETRAYAL [bi'trei2l]
BETRAYAL n. 背叛或被出卖(英) n. 背叛或被出卖(action of showing disloyalty)(记) 来自betray(v.出卖或 背叛)
betroth BETROTH [bi'tr2u5]
BETROTH v.许配,和...订婚(英) v.许配,和...订婚(be come engaged to marry)(记) be+troth(忠诚,订婚) →和...订婚(例) Her father betrothed her to him at an early age.
beverage BEVERAGE ['bev2rid7]
BEVERAGE n.(水,酒等之外的) 饮料(英) n.(水,酒等之外的) 饮料(any liquid for drinking)(记) bever(喝)+age→喝的 东西→饮料
bevy BEVY ['bevi]
BEVY n. 一群(少女)(英) n. 一群(少女)(a group of girls or women)
bewail BEWAIL [bi'weil]
BEWAIL v. 悲哀(英) v. 悲哀(express sorrow over sth)(记) be+wail(哭,恸哭) →使恸哭→悲哀
bewilder BEWILDER [bi'wild2]
BEWILDER v. 迷惑, 混乱(英) v. 迷惑, 混乱(confuse)(记) be(使...成为)+wilde r(迷惑) →使...迷惑→混乱
bewildering BEWILDERING [bi'wild2ri8]
BEWILDERING adj. 令人迷惑的; 费解的(英) adj. 令人迷惑的; 费解的( puzzling )
bewitch BEWITCH ['bi'wit6]
BEWITCH v.对...施魔法;蛊惑; 令...心醉(英) v.对...施魔法;蛊惑( cast a spell over);令...心醉(captivate )(记) be+witch(女巫;迷人 的女子) →使...被迷住(例) He was bewitched by her beauty.
bias BIAS ['bai2s]
BIAS n. 偏见; v. 对某人有偏见(英) n. 偏见(opinion favors one side);(考) dilettante : superficiality / partisan : bias(业余爱好者肤浅/党 派主义者有偏见)(记) bias本身就是词根: 斜→向一边倾斜→偏 见
bibliographer BIBLIOGRAPHER [`bibli'0gr2f2]
BIBLIOGRAPHER n. 书目编制者(英) n. 书目编制者(person who compiles a list of books)(记) 来自bibliography(n. 书目提要;biblio[书] +graphy[学科]→书的 学科→书目提要)
bibliography BIBLIOGRAPHY [`bibli'0gr2fi]
BIBLIOGRAPHY n.文献学;参考书目(英) n.文献学;参考书目( a list of the books, articles)(考) bibliophile : books / gourmet : food(爱书者喜爱书籍/美 食家喜爱食物)(记) biblio(书)+graphy( 写)写书时用的书→参 考书目(同) 同根词:bibliophile (珍爱书籍者)
bibulous BIBULOUS ['bibjul2s]
BIBULOUS adj.高度吸收的; 嗜酒的(英) adj.高度吸收的(high ly absorbent);嗜酒的(fond of alcoholic beverages )(记) bibul(喝)+ous→好喝 的
bicker BICKER ['bik2]
BICKER v. 为小事争吵(英) v. 为小事争吵(quarrel about unimportant things)(例) The children are always bickering .
bid BID [bid]
BID v.命令; 出价,投标(英) v.命令(command);出价,投标(offer as a price)(例) She bade him enter.
biennial BIENNIAL [bai'eni2l]
BIENNIAL adj. 两年一次的(英) adj. 两年一次的(every two years )(记) bi(两个,双)+enn(年) +ial→两年(一次)的
bifurcate BIFURCATE ['baif2:keit]
BIFURCATE v.分为两支,分叉(英) v.分为两支,分叉(to divide into two parts or branches)(考) 反义词:coalesce(接 合)(记) bi(两个)+furc(叉for k)+ate→分为两叉(同) 同根词:furcate(分叉 的)
bigot BIGOT ['big2t]
BIGOT n. (宗教,政治等的)盲 信者; 心胸狭窄者,偏执的人(英) n. (宗教,政治等的)盲 信者(a person who holds blindly to a particular creed) ;心胸狭窄者,偏执的 人(a narrow minded person; zealot)(考) recluse : withdrawn / bigot : biased(隐士隐居/固执己见 者有偏见)bigot : tolerance / liar : honesty / turncoat : constancy(固执己见者无宽容/ 说谎者无诚实/变节者 无坚定不移)posturer : unaffected / bigot : tolerant(做作者不会自然/固 执己见者不会宽容)bigoted : advice /(记) 分割记忆:big-got, 得到不放的人
bigotry BIGOTRY ['big2tri]
BIGOTRY n.顽固,偏狭
bile BILE [bail]
BILE n. 胆汁; 愤怒(考) insulin : pancreas / bile : liver(胰脏分泌胰岛素/肝 脏分泌胆汁)
bilingual BILINGUAL [bai'li8gw2l]
BILINGUAL adj. (说)两种语言的(英) adj. (说)两种语言的(of two languages)(记) bi(两个)+lingu(语言 )+al→两种语言的(同) 同根词:linguistics (语言学)
bilious BILIOUS ['bilj2s]
BILIOUS adj. 胆汁的;坏脾气的(ba d-tempered;cross)
bilk BILK [bilk]
BILK v. 躲某人的债; 骗取(英) v. 躲某人的债(avoid paying money);骗取( cheat sb out of sth)(例) He bilked us of all our money .
billow BILLOW ['bil2u]
BILLOW n.巨浪; 如波涛之物(英) n.巨浪(large wave of water)(记) 分拆联想:bill(钞票 ) + low(下,低) →把钞票扔下海→中 国人用钱等祭祀海神 以平息波涛近形词:bellow(v./n .怒吼,吼叫)
billowing BILLOWING ['bil2ui8]
BILLOWING adj. 如波浪般翻滚的(英) adj. 如波浪般翻滚的(surg ing )
bin BIN [bin]
BIN n. 大箱子(英) n. 大箱子(large container)(记) dustbin(垃圾箱)(例) a bread bin
biography BIOGRAPHY [bai'0gr2fi]
BIOGRAPHY n. 传记(英) n. 传记(story of a person's life)(考) portrait : painting / biography : history(肖像画是一种画/传 记是一种历史)diary : biographer / scripture : theologian(传记作家研究日记/ 神学家研究经文)(记) bio+graphy(写) →写生命→传记(同) 派生词: biographer (n.传记作家)
biosphere BIOSPHERE ['bai2sfi2(r)]
BIOSPHERE n. 生命层,生物圈(记) bio(生命)+sphere(球 ,圈)→生物圈(同) 同根词:atmosphere( 大气层); hemisphere(半球)
biped BIPED ['baiped]
BIPED n. 二足动物(英) n. 二足动物(animal with two feet)(记) bi(二个,两)+ped(足, 脚) →两足动物(同) 同根词: centipede(蜈蚣); podiatrist(足病医生 )
birch BIRCH ['b2:t6]
BIRCH n.桦树,赤杨(同) 近形词: birth(出生); bitch(母狗)
bishop BISHOP ['bi62p]
BISHOP n. 主教(英) n. 主教(senior clergyman )(例) the Bishop of Durham
bivouac BIVOUAC ['bivu29k]
BIVOUAC n.露天营地(英) n.露天营地(camp without tents)
bizarre BIZARRE [bi'z]
BIZARRE adj. 奇异的,古怪的(英) adj. 奇异的,古怪的(grot esque, fantastic)(记) 比较:bazaar(集市) ,集市上有各种古怪 的东西(例) Bazaars can be bizarre.A bizarre series of events preceded the murder.
blackball BLACKBALL ['bl9kb0:l]
BLACKBALL v.投反对票以阻止,排 挤(英) v.投反对票以阻止,排 挤(vote against; ostracize)
blackmail BLACKMAIL ['bl9kmeil]
BLACKMAIL n. v.敲诈,勒索(英) n. v.敲诈,勒索(paymen t extorted by threatening)(记) black(黑)+mail(寄黑 信)→敲诈
blade BLADE [bleid]
BLADE n.刀锋,刀口(英) n.刀锋,刀口(the cutting part of a tool)(考) bit : drill / blade : razor(钻靠钻头钻/剃刀靠 刀锋剃)(记) razor(刀片)
blame BLAME [bleim]
BLAME v. 谴责, 责备(考) narcissism : love / guilt : blame(自恋是喜欢自己/内 疚是责备自己)reprove : reprimand / blame : censure(reprove severely is to reprimand / blame severly is to censure)
blanch BLANCH [blnt6]
BLANCH v.使变白; (脸色)变苍白的(英) v.使变白(to make white);(脸色)变苍白的(turn pale)(记) blanc(白)+h→变白(同) 参考:blank(空白的 ,空白处); bleach(漂白)(例) Her face blanched with fear at the bad news.
bland BLAND [bl9nd]
BLAND adj. (人)情绪平稳的; (食物)无味的(英) adj. (人)情绪平稳的 (pleasantly smooth);(食物)无味的(insi pid))(考) 反义词:pungency(刺 激)-blandness(平淡) ; tangy(刺激性的)(记) bland本身可作词根, 意为“温和,奉承”; 参考:blandishments
blandishments BLANDISHMENTS ['bl9ndi6m2nts]
BLANDISHMENTS n. 甘言劝诱,甜言蜜语(英) n. 甘言劝诱,甜言蜜语( flattering or ingratiating remarks meant to persuade)(考) blandishment : coax(cajole) / medal : honor / obstacle : impede / prevarication : deceive(甜言蜜语是为了哄骗 /奖章是为了奖励/障 碍物是为了阻碍/支吾 其词是为了欺骗)反义词: threat(恐吓)(记) (记)bland(温和) +ish(表动作)+ments →用温和的手段骗;(同) 参考:blandish(诱 骗)
blare BLARE [ble2]
BLARE v. 高声鸣叫(英) v. 高声鸣叫(to sound trumpetlike tones)(记) 和bleat(牛羊的叫声 )来自同一词源(例) The radio is blaring, turn it off.
blasé BLASé [bl'zei]
BLASé adj. 厌倦的; 冷漠的(考) miser : munificent / zealot : blasé(吝啬鬼不会大方的/ 狂热者不会冷漠的)
blasphemy BLASPHEMY ['bl9sfimi]
BLASPHEMY n. 亵渎,渎神(英) n. 亵渎,渎神(profane or contemptuous speech; cursing)(考) castigation : disapproval / blasphemy : irreverence(谴责表示十分不赞成 /亵渎表示十分不敬)(记) (记)blas=blame( 责备)+phem(出现) +y→受责备的事→亵渎(同) 派生词: blasphemous (adj. 亵渎神明的)同根词:phenomenon (现象; 奇迹)
blast BLAST [blst]
BLAST n.一阵(风); 冲击波 v.爆破(考) blast : whiff / gush : trickle(大风对微风/涌出对 滴流)
blatant BLATANT ['bleit2nt]
BLATANT adj. 喧哗的; 显眼的(英) adj. 喧哗的(boisterous; clamorous);显眼的(glaringly conspicuous or obtrusive)(考) ambiguous : understand / blatant: ignore(模棱两可的难以理解 /显眼的难以忽视)blatant : arresting / odious : disgusting(炫耀的是引人注意的 /厌恶的是令人反感的)反义词:unobtrusive (不显眼的); inconspicuous(不显 眼的); unimpressive(无印象 的); subtle(微妙的)(记) blat(闲聊)+ant→侃 大山→喧哗的(同) 同根词:blatter(大 声快说)(例) blatant satisfaction(无耻的 贪欲)
blazon BLAZON ['bleiz2n]
BLAZON n. 纹章, 装饰; v. 精确描绘(英) n. 纹章, 装饰; v. 精确描绘(to paint or depict with accurate details)(考) blazon : adorn / pillar : support(纹章用来装饰/支柱 用来支撑)反义词: efface(抹掉)
bleach BLEACH [bli:t6]
BLEACH v. 漂白(英) v. 漂白(cause sth to become white )(例) bleach cotton,linen
bleachers BLEACHERS ['bli:t62z]
BLEACHERS n.(球场的)露天座位(记) bleach(白)+ers→空 白没遮盖的座位→露 天看台;(同) 近形词:bleach(漂白 ,变白); bleak(寒冷的)
bleak BLEAK [bli:k]
BLEAK adj. 寒冷的; 阴沉的; 阴郁的,暗淡的(英) adj. 寒冷的; 阴沉的(cold; frigid);阴郁的,暗淡的(depre ssing)(例) The future looks bleak.
blemish BLEMISH ['blemi6]
BLEMISH v.损害,玷污; n.瑕疵,缺点(英) v.损害,玷污(to mar; spoil the perfection of );n.瑕疵,缺点(defect )(考) anomaly : paradigmatic / blemish : flawless(反常不是范例的/污 点不是无瑕的)blemish : impeccable / guile : artless(反义: 玷污对无瑕/狡诈对朴 实)(记) blem(弄伤)+ish→把 …弄伤→损害,玷污(例) One illness will blemish your perfect attendance record.
blend BLEND [blend]
BLEND v. 混合,搀和;n.不同种 类的混合物(英) v. 混合,搀和(mix different type);(例) Which blend of coffee would you like ?
bless BLESS [bles]
BLESS v. 祝福;颂扬(英) v. 祝福;颂扬(to praise or glorify)(记) 请比较:bliss(极乐)
blessing BLESSING ['blesi8]
BLESSING n. 神恩; 祝愿(英) n. 神恩(God's favor and protection);祝愿(good wishes)(考) 反义词:bane(祸根)(例) I cannot give my blessing to such a proposal .
blight BLIGHT [blait]
BLIGHT n.植物枯萎病; v.使…枯萎(英) n.植物枯萎病(any of several plant diseases);v.使…枯萎( wither)(记) 分割记忆:b-light, 植物无光便枯萎(例) A blight spread across the field of grain.
blighted BLIGHTED ['blaitid]
BLIGHTED adj. 枯萎的; 破旧的(英) adj. 枯萎的; 破旧的(withered)(考) 反义词:hale(强壮的 )
blinds BLINDS [blaindz]
BLINDS n.百页窗(记) 由blind(看不见的)而 来,使外面看不见的 窗户
blissful BLISSFUL ['blisful]
BLISSFUL adj. 极幸福的(英) adj. 极幸福的(extremely happy)(例) blissful ignorance
blithe BLITHE ['blai5]
BLITHE adj.快乐的,无忧无 虑的(英) adj.快乐的,无忧无 虑的(cheerful; carefree)(考) 反义词:grave(严肃 的)(例) a blithe spirit(快乐精灵)
blizzard BLIZZARD ['bliz2d]
BLIZZARD n.暴风雪(英) n.暴风雪(a severe snowstorm)(记) 请和bizarre(古怪的) 一起记(同) 近形词: lizard(蜥蜴)
bloated BLOATED ['bl2utid]
BLOATED adj. 肿胀的(英) adj. 肿胀的(swelled, as with water or air)(记) bloat=blow(吹)(例) the bloated body of a drowned animal
blockade BLOCKADE [bl0'keid]
BLOCKADE v./n. 封锁(英) v./n. 封锁(a shutting off of a port or region)(考) filibuster : legislation / blockade : commerce(阻碍立法/阻止贸易)(记) block(阻碍)+ade→阻 碍物→封锁(例) They blockaded the roads used to supply the rebels.
blockage BLOCKAGE ['bl0kid7]
BLOCKAGE n.障碍物(英) n.障碍物(thing that blocks)(例) a blockage in an artery
blooming BLOOMING ['blu:mi8]
BLOOMING adj. 有花的; 精力旺盛的(英) adj. 有花的(having flowers);精力旺盛的(full of energy)
blossom BLOSSOM ['bl0s2m]
BLOSSOM n. 花(flower);v. 指树木开花(to produce blossom)(例) The cherry trees blossomed earlier this year. (樱桃花今年开得早)
blotch BLOTCH [bl0t6]
BLOTCH n. (皮肤上的)红斑点; (墨水等)大斑点(英) n. (皮肤上的)红斑点(pa tch or blemish on the skin);(墨水等)大斑点(larg e blot or stain)(记) 比较:botch(弄坏, 做事拙劣)(例) a blotch on the page with coffee. red blotches on her face.
blouse BLOUSE [blauz]
BLOUSE n. 女衬衫(英) n. 女衬衫(garment like a shirt)
blowhard BLOWHARD ['bl2uhd]
BLOWHARD n.自吹自擂者(英) n.自吹自擂者(a loudly boastful person, braggard)(考) blowhard : boastful / toady : obsequious(吹牛者擅长吹牛/谄 媚者擅长谄媚)(记) 分割记忆:blow-har d: 使劲吹→吹牛者
bludgeon BLUDGEON ['bl3d72n]
BLUDGEON n.大头短棒(英) n.大头短棒(club; heavy-headed weapon)
blue BLUE [blu:]
BLUE adj. 忧伤的,沮丧的(英) adj. 忧伤的,沮丧的(state of depression or melancholy)
blueprint BLUEPRINT ['blu:`print]
BLUEPRINT n. 蓝图; 计划,方案(英) n. 蓝图(photographic print of building plans);计划,方案(detailed plan )
bluff BLUFF [bl3f]
BLUFF n. 虚张声势; 悬崖峭壁(英) n. 虚张声势(pretense of strength);悬崖峭壁( high cliff)(例) She threatened to sack me, but it's all a bluff.
blunder BLUNDER ['bl3nd2]
BLUNDER v.犯大错; n.愚蠢之举(英) v.犯大错(to do clumsily; bungle);n.愚蠢之举(a foolish or stupid mistake)(考) protocol : blunder / bumper : damage(学习礼节防止愚蠢之 举/安装保险杠防止毁 坏)(记) 分割记忆:bl-under , 把bl看作blow,被打 到下面,犯了大错(例) Columbus wanted to reach India but blundered into North America.
blunt BLUNT [bl3nt]
BLUNT adj. 钝的; 直率的(英) adj. 钝的(without a sharp edge );直率的(frank and straightforward)(考) slacken : tension / blunt : sharpness(放松不再紧张/弄钝 不再锋利)反义词:hone(磨锋利 ); whet(磨快)(例) a blunt refusal
blur BLUR [bl2:]
BLUR n.模糊不清的事物; v.使… 模糊(英) n.模糊不清的事物(an ything indistinct or hazy);v.使… 模糊(to make or become hazy or indistinct)(记) 比较:slur(含糊不清 地说)(例) a very blurred photograph
blurt BLURT [bl2:t]
BLURT v.脱口而出(英) v.脱口而出(utter impulsively)(例) He blurted out the bad news before I could stop him.
blush BLUSH [bl36]
BLUSH v. 因某事物脸红; n. 因羞愧等脸上泛出的 红晕(英) 因某事物脸红(become red in the face)因羞愧等脸上泛出的 红晕(reddening of the face from shame, embarrassment)(同) 近形词: brush(画笔); flush(脸红, 冲洗); lush(青翠繁茂的)(例) She turned away to hide her blushes.
bluster BLUSTER ['bl3st2]
BLUSTER v. 指风猛刮(英) v. 指风猛刮(of the wind blow fiercely )(考) blustering : speak / swaggering : walk(咆哮是傲慢无礼的说 /大摇大摆是傲慢无礼 的走)pontificate : pompous / scoff : derisive / drawl : slow / /bluster : loud /prate : aimless(武断讲话特点是自大 的/嘲弄的特点是嘲笑 的/慢吞吞说的特点是 慢的/咆哮特点是大声 的/空谈特点是无目的的)(例) The gale blustered all night .
boastful BOASTFUL ['b2ustful]
BOASTFUL adj. 指人好自夸的(英) adj. 指人好自夸的(full of self-praise)(考) blowhard : boastful / toady : obsequious(吹牛者擅长吹牛/谄 媚者擅长谄媚)
bode BODE [b2ud]
BODE v.预示(英) v.预示(to be an omen of ; presage)(记) 比较:forebode(预言 ),bodement(n.预示)(例) These weaknesses in his character boded him no good for the future.
bodyguard BODYGUARD ['b0digd]
BODYGUARD n.保镖,侍卫(英) 保镖,侍卫(a person or group of persons assigned to protect someone from harm)(考) bodyguard : person / soldier : country(保镖保护个人/士兵 保护国家)
bog BOG [b0g]
BOG n.沼泽; v.使...陷入泥沼(英) n.沼泽(soft wet land);v.使...陷入泥沼( hinder or be hindered)(例) The tank got bogged down in the mud.
boggle BOGGLE ['b0g2l]
BOGGLE v. 畏缩不前; 不敢想(英) v. 畏缩不前(to hesitate);不敢想(to be startled or frightened)(考) 反义词:embolden(使 大胆)(同) 近形词: goggle(游泳护目镜)(例) He's always boggled at murder.(谋杀之事他 想都不敢想)
bogus BOGUS ['b2ug2s]
BOGUS adj.假装的,假的(英) adj.假装的,假的(no t genuine; spurious)(考) 反义词:authentic( 真实的)(记) 来自一种叫'Bogus'的 机器,用来造伪钞(例) The museum quickly discovered that the painting was bogus.
bohemian BOHEMIAN ['b2u'hi:mi2n]
BOHEMIAN n./adj.放荡不羁的( 人)(英) n./adj.放荡不羁的( 人)(unconventional)(记) 来自波西米亚人, 有流浪的传统
boisterous BOISTEROUS ['b0ist2r2s]
BOISTEROUS adj.喧闹的; 猛烈的(英) adj.喧闹的(noisy and unruly)(考) 反义词:quiet(安静 的)(记) boister(喧闹)+ous→ 喧闹的(同) 近形词:bolster(支 持); preposterous(荒谬的)(例) The friends played a boisterous game of football.
bolster BOLSTER ['b2ulst2]
BOLSTER n.枕垫; v. 支持,鼓励(英) n.枕垫(cushion or pillow);v. 支持,鼓励(support, strengthen, or reinforce)(考) bolster : support / tackle : hoist(枕梁是用来支撑/滑 索是用来拉升)反义词:undermine( 削弱); decrease support of(减少支持); sap(削弱)(例) Dave bolstered his courage to ask for a raise.
bolt BOLT [b2ult]
BOLT n. 螺栓,门栓; v. 急逃(英) v. 急逃(to dash out; dart)(例) The cat bolted when it saw the dog coming.
bolted BOLTED ['b2ultid]
BOLTED adj.脱离的(英) adj.脱离的(separate d)
bombardment BOMBARDMENT [b0m'bdm2nt]
BOMBARDMENT n.炮炸,炮轰(英) n.炮炸,炮轰(attack (as with missiles or bombs))(记) 来自动词bombard(炮 轰)
bombast BOMBAST ['b0mb9st]
BOMBAST n.高调,夸大之辞(英) n.高调,夸大之辞(po mpous language)(考) bombast : pompous / tirade : critical / drivel : nonsensical(夸大之辞是夸大的/ 攻击性演说是批判的/ 胡说是无意义的)反义词: down-to-earth language(实事求是的 话); understated(保守地 说); unpretentious(谦逊的)(记) bomb(空洞的声音; 炸弹)+ast→唱高调(同) 派生词: bombastic (adj.唱高调的grandi loquent)
bondage BONDAGE ['b0ndid7]
BONDAGE n. 奴役,束缚(英) n. 奴役,束缚(slavery, captivity)(记) bond(绑)+age(例) keep sb in bondage
bonnet BONNET ['b0nit]
BONNET n.圆帽,扁平软帽(记) bon(好)+net→好东西 →帽子(同) 同根词:bonny(吸引 人的); bonus(奖金)
bonus BONUS ['b2un2s]
BONUS n. 奖金,红利; 意外的好处(英) 奖金,红利(payment added to what is usual or expected)意外的好处(anything pleasant in addition to what is expected)(记) 分割记忆:bon(好)发 奖金是好事
bookcase BOOKCASE ['buk`keis]
BOOKCASE n.书橱,书柜(英) n.书橱,书柜(piece of furniture with shelves for books)(考) wardrobe : clothes / bookcase : books(衣柜用来装衣服/书 柜用来装书)
bookish BOOKISH ['buki6]
BOOKISH adj.爱读书的,好学的(英) adj.爱读书的,好学的 (fond of books and reading)
boom BOOM [bu:m]
BOOM n. 繁荣昌盛时期;v.发 出深沉,有回响的声音(英) n. 繁荣昌盛时期(period of prosperity);(例) The oil market is enjoying a boom .
boon BOON [bu:n]
BOON n. 请求, 恩惠(英) n. 请求, 恩惠(request or favor)(考) 反义词: misfortune(不幸)(记) 从moon(月亮)得到boo n(恩惠)(例) a boon companion (合得来的伙伴)
boor BOOR [bu2]
BOOR n.举止粗野的人; 乡下人(英) n.举止粗野的人(a rude, awkward person);乡下人(a peasant)(考) credulous : dupe / insensitive : boor / mischievous : imp(易上当之人轻信/鲁 钝之人感觉迟钝/顽童 顽皮)neophyte : experience / boor : sensitivity(新手缺乏经验/鲁钝 之人缺乏敏感)反义词: civil person(有礼貌的人)
boorish BOORISH ['buri6]
BOORISH adj.粗野的(英) adj.粗野的 (like a boor; rude; ill-mannered)(考) indecorous : propriety / boorish : sensitivity(无礼的缺乏礼貌/鲁 钝的缺乏敏感)(同) 派生词: boorishness (n.粗鲁, 粗野)(例) The boorish guest ruined the banquet.
boost BOOST [bu:st]
BOOST v.往上推; 增加,提高(英) v.往上推(to raise by a push);增加,提高(to make higher)(记) boot(靴子), 用靴子往上推(同) 派生词: booster (n.支持者enthusiast ic supporter)(例) boost the morale of the soldier
bore BORE [b0:]
BORE v.钻孔; n.孔(a hole);令人厌烦的人(英) v.钻孔(to make a hole);n.孔(a hole);令人厌烦的人( a tiresome, dull person)(考) die : shaping / drill : boring(模子用来定型/钻用 来钻孔)
boredom BOREDOM ['b0:d2m]
BOREDOM n. 厌烦,厌倦(英) n. 厌烦,厌倦(state of being dull)(记) bore(麻烦)+dom(表名 词) →厌烦,厌倦
boring BORING ['b0:ri8]
BORING adj. 无趣的,乏味的(英) adj. 无趣的,乏味的(unint eresting, dull)(考) 反义词:entrancing( 使人入神的)
botany BOTANY ['b0t2ni]
BOTANY n. 植物学(英) 植物学(the branch of biology that studies plants, their life, structure, growth, classification, etc.)(记) botan(草)+y→植物学(同) 派生词: botanical (adj.植物学的)
botch BOTCH [b0t6]
BOTCH v.(笨手笨脚地)弄坏 某事物(英) v.(笨手笨脚地)弄坏 某事物(mismanage; blow)
bother BOTHER ['b052]
BOTHER v.打扰或烦扰某人(英) v.打扰或烦扰某人(ca use trouble to sb)(例) I am sorry to bother you, but could you tell me the way to the station ?
boudoir BOUDOIR [bu'dw]
BOUDOIR n.(女人的)化妆室, 闺房(英) n.(女人的)化妆室, 闺房(a woman's bedroom)
boulder BOULDER ['b2uld2]
BOULDER n.巨砾(英) n.巨砾(any large rock)(考) colossus : figurine / boulder : pebble(巨型雕像对小雕像/ 大卵石对小卵石)frond : leaf / boulder : rock(蕨类叶是一种叶子/ 大圆石是一种石头)(记) 比较:pebble(小卵石)
boundary BOUNDARY ['baund2ri]
BOUNDARY n. 界限(英) n. 界限(line that marks a limit)(例) The fence marks the boundary between my land and hers .
boundless BOUNDLESS ['baundlis]
BOUNDLESS adj. 无限的(英) adj. 无限的(without limits)(考) boundless : limit / impeccable : flaw(无限的没有界限/无 瑕疵的没有瑕疵)(例) boundless generosity, enthusiasm
bounteous BOUNTEOUS ['baunti2s]
BOUNTEOUS adj. 慷慨的; 丰富的(英) adj. 慷慨的(giving freely and generously, without restraint);丰富的(provided in abundance; plentiful)(记) bount=bon(好)+eous →好的→慷慨的;(同) 参考:bountiful=bou nteous(例) bounteous gifts
bouquet BOUQUET [bu:'kei]
BOUQUET n.花束; 芳香(英) n.花束(a bunch of cut flowers);芳香(fragrance)(考) bouquet : flowers / woodpile : logs(花束由花组成/木料 堆由木头组成)singer : choir / flower : bouquet(歌手组成合唱团/花 组成花束)(记) 比较:banquet(宴会)(同) 近形词:banquet(宴 会)
bout BOUT [baut]
BOUT n.一回合,一阵(英) n.一回合,一阵(a going and coming back again)(记) 原指农夫来回犁地, 现在指带有反复性的 活动(bouts of activity几番活动); 比较:boutique(妇女 时装精品店→妇女反 复走的地方)
bovine BOVINE ['b2uvain]
BOVINE adj. (似)牛的; 迟钝的(英) adj. (似)牛的(of an ox);迟钝的(slow, stolid)(记) bov(牛)+ine→牛的
bowdlerize BOWDLERIZE ['baudl2raiz]
BOWDLERIZE v.删除(英) v.删除(expurgate)
bower BOWER ['bau2]
BOWER n.凉亭,树荫下凉快 之处(英) n.凉亭,树荫下凉快 之处(a place enclosed by overhanging boughs of trees; arbor)(记) 联想:bow-er,弓: 凉亭的顶常是'弓'形的
boycott BOYCOTT ['b0ik0t]
BOYCOTT v.抵制(贸易)(英) v.抵制(贸易)(to refuse to buy, sell, or use)(考) 反义词:patronize( 资助)(记) 来自人名'Boycott', 1897英国驻爱尔兰官 员,因拒绝降低房租( 地租)而被爱尔兰人抵 制及驱逐(ostracize)(例) All the angry customers boycotted the grocery store.
brace BRACE [breis]
BRACE v.使稳固,架稳; n.支撑物(英) v.使稳固,架稳(to strengthen; prop up) ;n.支撑物(fastener)(记) brace原指两条手臂, 用手支撑→稳固(同) 同根词:embrace(拥 抱); bracelet(手镯)(例) I braced myself when the test scores were announced.
bracelet BRACELET ['breislit]
BRACELET n. 手镯,臂镯(记) brace(两臂) + let(小东西) →戴在手上的小东西 →手镯
bracing BRACING ['breisi8]
BRACING adj.令人振奋的(考) 反义词: vapid(索然无味的)
bracket BRACKET ['br9kit]
BRACKET n. 托架(英) n. 托架(wooden or metal angle-shaped support)(考) buttress : wall / bracket : shelf(扶壁用来支撑墙壁/ 支架用来支撑书架)(同) 近形词: racket(球拍)
brackish BRACKISH ['br9ki6]
BRACKISH adj.(指水)略咸的(英) adj.(指水)略咸的(so mewhat saline)
brag BRAG [br9g]
BRAG v. 吹嘘(英) v. 吹嘘(boast)(记) bag(口袋), 'r'像一个嘴巴在吹(例) Stop bragging
braggadocio BRAGGADOCIO [`br9g2'd2ut6i2u]
BRAGGADOCIO n.大吹大擂(英) n.大吹大擂(boasting )
braggart BRAGGART ['br9g2t]
BRAGGART n.吹牛者(英) n.吹牛者(person who brags)
braid BRAID [breid]
BRAID n./v. 穗子, 发辫; 编成辫子(英) 发辫(plait)
brake BRAKE [breik]
BRAKE n.刹车; v.减速,阻止(英) v.减速,阻止(to slow down or stop with a brake)(考) : divert : shunt / retard : brake(转轨转变方向/ 刹车阻止前进)(记) 是'break'的古典形式(例) Brake the car to slow down. The bicyclists braked at the stop sign.
brand BRAND [br9nd]
BRAND n. 商标;烙印;v. 在某事物上打烙印(to mark sth. with a brand)(例) On big farms cattle are usually branded. (在大农场里牛都被打 上烙印)
brandish BRANDISH ['br9ndi6]
BRANDISH v.(威胁性地)挥舞(英) v.(威胁性地)挥舞(wa ve around)(例) The demonstrators brandished banners and shouted slogans.
brash BRASH [br96]
BRASH adj.性急的, 无礼的(考) frivolous : gravity / brash : discretion(轻浮的无庄重/急性 的无慎重)
brassy BRASSY ['brsi]
BRASSY adj.厚脸皮的(考) 反义词: diffident(缺乏自信 的); furtive(偷偷摸摸的) ; humble(谦虚的)
brat BRAT [br9t]
BRAT n. 孩子, 顽童(英) n. 孩子, 顽童(a badly-behaved child)(记) rat(耗子), 像耗子般的小孩
brattish BRATTISH ['br9ti6]
BRATTISH adj.讨厌的(考) tightfisted : parsimonious / brattish : mischievous(同义: 吝啬的=吝啬的/淘气 的=淘气的)
bravado BRAVADO [br2'vd2u]
BRAVADO n.故作勇敢,虚张声 势(英) n.故作勇敢,虚张声 势(pretended courage)(考) courageous : bravado / complimentary : fulsomeness(虚张声势是虚假勇敢 /恭维是虚假称赞)swagger : bravado / caress : affection(大摇大摆是虚张声势 的表现/爱抚是爱的表 现)(记) brav(勇敢)+ado→故 作勇敢(同) 同根词:bravura(演 出等精彩,热烈),来 自bravo(欢呼:好极了)
bravery BRAVERY ['breiv2ri]
BRAVERY n. 勇气, 胆量(英) n. 勇气, 胆量(being brave, courage)(例) a medal for bravery in battle
bravura BRAVURA [br2'vju2r2]
BRAVURA adj. 华美的, 炫耀技巧的(英) 华丽而雄壮的表演(br illiant or ambitious performance)(考) bravura : performance / resplendent : appearance(华美的表演/灿烂的 外表)
brawl BRAWL [br0:l]
BRAWL v./n.争吵,打架(英) v./n.争吵,打架(a rough, noisy quarrel or fight)(记) 和下面的brawny一起 记,'强壮的'人容易' 吵架'(someone who is brawny is easy to brawl)(同) 近形词: crawl(爬行); awl(尖钻)(例) The children brawled with each other constantly.
brawny BRAWNY ['br0:ni]
BRAWNY adj. (人)强壮的(英) adj. (人)强壮的(strong and muscular)(记) 来自brawn(肌肉,臂 力),注意:brown(棕 色的)(例) the brawny weightlifter
brazen BRAZEN ['breiz2n]
BRAZEN adj.厚脸皮的(英) adj.厚脸皮的(showin g no shame; impudent)(考) impudence : brazen / deadpan : impassive(厚颜无耻特点是厚脸 皮/无表情特点是冷漠)反义词:modest(谦虚 的)(记) braz=brass(黄铜)+en →像黄铜一样→厚颜的(同) 同根词:brazier(炭 火盆)(例) That brazen man told lie after lie. The brazen accusation was denied.
breach BREACH [bri:t6]
BREACH v. 违反; 毁坏; n.缺口;违反(英) v. 违反; 毁坏(break open or through);n.缺口(a broken or torn place)(考) 反义词:solder(焊接 )(记) 来自break,比较:bl each(漂白)(例) Tom breached his contract with the company.
breadth BREADTH [bred4]
BREADTH n. 宽度(英) n. 宽度(distance from side to side)
breakthrough BREAKTHROUGH ['breik4ru:]
BREAKTHROUGH n.突破敌人防线; 重大的发现(英) n.突破敌人防线; 重大的发现(importan t discovery)
breeder BREEDER ['bri:d2]
BREEDER n. 饲养员(英) n. 饲养员(person who breeds animals)(记) 来自breed(v.饲养)
breezeway BREEZEWAY [bri:zwei]
BREEZEWAY n.有顶棚的通路(考) breezeway : building / stairway : floor(有顶棚的通道是建筑 物间的通道/楼梯是楼 层间的通道)
brevity BREVITY ['breviti]
BREVITY n. 短暂; 简洁(英) n. 短暂(shortness or briefness);简洁(conciseness)(考) epitomize : brevity / embellish : ornamentation(概括的特点是简洁/ 修饰的特点是装饰)exaggeration : caricature / brevity : epigram(讽刺画的特点是夸张 /警句的特点是简洁)brevity : aphorism / distortion : caricature(格言特点是简洁/讽 刺画特点是扭曲)反义词:prolixity( 罗嗦)(记) brev(短,缩短)+ity( 状态→短的状态→短 暂,简短)
bricklayer BRICKLAYER ['brik`lei2]
BRICKLAYER n. 砌砖盖房者(英) workman trained or skilled in building with bricks(记) brick(砖)+layer(层) →把砖一层层垒上→ 砌砖盖房者
bridle BRIDLE ['braidl]
BRIDLE n.马笼头; v.抑制,控制(英) n.马笼头(a head harness);v.抑制,控制(to curb or control)(考) 反义词:without restraint(没有控制 的)(记) 比较bride(新娘),在 婚后的生活中,新娘 可能给新郎上笼头(Th e bride puts a bridle on the bridegroom.)(例) Bridle your tongue and be more careful about what you say.
brilliant BRILLIANT ['brili2nt]
BRILLIANT adj. 辉煌的; 才气焕发的(英) adj. 辉煌的(shining brightly; sparkling);才气焕发的(showing keen intelligence)(考) firm : ironclad / smart : brilliant(程度:坚固和十分坚 固/聪明和才华横溢)(记) brilli(发光)+ant→ 辉煌的(同) 派生词: brilliance (n. 光辉灿烂brightness; 才华横溢intelligenc e)
brim BRIM [brim]
BRIM n. (杯)边,缘; v. 盈满(英) n. (杯)边,缘(the topmost edge of a cup);v. 盈满(to fill to the brim)(记) rim(边, 框); 参考: grim(严厉的, 坚定的); trim(修剪)(同) 派生词: brimful (adj.充满的,盈满的 )
brindled BRINDLED ['brind2ld]
BRINDLED dj.有棕色斑纹的(英) dj.有棕色斑纹的(gra yish with streaks or spots)(记) 来自brindle(n. 斑纹)
brink BRINK [bri8k]
BRINK n.(峭壁的)边沿,边 缘(英) n.(峭壁的)边沿,边 缘(the edge of a steep place; verge, border)(记) 比较:blink(眨眼睛) ,在峭壁的边缘吓得 直眨眼睛(blink at the brink of a cliff)
brisk BRISK [brisk]
BRISK adj. 敏捷的,活泼的; 清新健康的(英) adj. 敏捷的,活泼的(quick );清新健康的(giving a healthy feeling )(考) 反义词:ponderous( 沉重的)(例) a brisk breeze
bristle BRISTLE ['bris2l]
BRISTLE n. 短而硬的毛发; v.(毛)竖起; 发怒(英) n. 短而硬的毛发(short stiff hair);v.(毛)竖起; 发怒(fur stand up stiffly in fear or anger )(考) 反义词: cower(畏缩)(同) 近形词: brittle(易碎的); gristle(n.软骨)(例) The dog's fur bristled as it sensed danger .
brittle BRITTLE ['britl]
BRITTLE adj. 脆弱的(hard but easily broken);声音尖利的 (sharp)(记) 分拆联想:br想成bri ng + ittle想成little→带 来很少→脆弱的人带 来很少成功派生词:brittleness (n. 脆弱 fragility)
broach BROACH [br2ut6]
BROACH v.开瓶; 钻洞; 提出(题目)(英) v. 提出(题目) (to start a discussion; bring up)(考) 反义词:close off(关闭)(记) 比较:breach(缺口), 开瓶时造成一缺口(ma ke a breach while broaching)(同) 近形词:breach(缺口 ),cockroach(蟑螂)(例) At last he broached the subject of their marriage to her.
broaden BROADEN ['br0:dn]
BROADEN v. 使某物加宽(英) v. 使某物加宽(cause sth to become broader)(例) He broadened out in his twenties .
brocade BROCADE [br2'keid]
BROCADE n. 织锦(英) n. 织锦(fabric woven with a raise pattern of gold or silver threads)(同) 近形词: cascade(小瀑布); facade(表面, 正面)(例) brocade curtains
brochure BROCHURE ['br2u62]
BROCHURE n. 小册子(英) n. 小册子(booklet or pamphlet)(例) a travel brochure
broil BROIL [br0il]
BROIL v. 烧烤(英) v. 烧烤(cook by direct heat)(例) broil chicken over a small fire(在小火上烤鸡肉 )n.v.争吵,怒骂
broker BROKER ['br2uk2]
BROKER n. 经纪人(英) n. 经纪人(person who buys and sells things for others)(考) impresario : entertainment / broker : trade(演出经纪人经营娱乐 /贸易经纪人经营贸易)(记) pawnbroker(典当商)
bromide BROMIDE ['br2umaid]
BROMIDE n.平庸的人或话; 溴化物(英) n.平庸的人或话(a trite saying; platitude);溴化物(medicine as a sedative)(考) equivocation : misleading / bromide : hackneyed(模棱两可的话是误导 的/庸俗之言是陈腐的)(记) brom(臭味)+ide
brooch BROOCH [br2ut6]
BROOCH n.胸针(英) n.胸针(ornamental clasp; pin)
brood BROOD [bru:d]
BROOD n. 一窝幼鸟; v.孵蛋; 冥想(英) v.孵蛋(to sit on and hatch);冥想(to keep thinking in a distressed way)(例) She brooded over the plan, trying to find some mistakes in it.
brook BROOK [bru:k]
BROOK v.容忍,忍受(英) v.容忍,忍受(to put up with; endure, bear)(考) 反义词: refuse to tolerate(拒绝容忍)(记) 通常与否定词no连用(例) He would brook no interruptions from his listeners.brook[brU:k]n.小河(英) n.小河 (a small stream)(考) twig : limb / brook : river(小树枝和树枝/小河 和河)
browbeat BROWBEAT ['braubi:t]
BROWBEAT v. 欺侮; 吓唬(英) v. 欺侮; 吓唬(bully)(考) instigator : incite / bully : browbeat(煽动者擅长煽动/欺 凌弱小者擅长欺辱)(例) They browbeat him into signing the document.
browse BROWSE [brauz]
BROWSE v./n.吃嫩叶或草; 浏览(英) v./n.吃嫩叶或草(to nibble at leaves, twigs);浏览(to look through a book casually)(记) brow=sprout(嫩叶)+s e→吃嫩叶; 参考: browser(计算机浏览 器)(例) to browse in the fields. to browse through someone's books.
bruise BRUISE [bru:z]
BRUISE adj. 受伤, 擦伤(英) adj. 受伤, 擦伤(to injure the skin)
bruit BRUIT [bru:t]
BRUIT v. 散布(谣言)(英) v. 散布(谣言)(spread a rumor )(考) 反义词:keep secret(保守秘密)
brunt BRUNT [br3nt]
BRUNT n. 主要冲击力或影响(ma in impact or shock)[例] I had to bear the brunt of his anger.(我不得不忍受 他的怒火。)
brushwork BRUSHWORK ['br36w2:k]
BRUSHWORK n. 绘画; 笔法(英) 画家的笔法(particul ar way in which an artist paints with a brush)
brusque BRUSQUE [bru:sk,brusk]
BRUSQUE adj.唐突的,鲁莽的(英) adj.唐突的,鲁莽的( rough or abrupt; curt, blunt)(记) brus=brut(野兽的)+q ue→像野兽的→唐突的(同) 同根词:brutal(残忍 的)(例) brusque behavior
brutal BRUTAL ['bru:tl]
BRUTAL adj.残忍的; 严酷的(英) adj.残忍的(savage, violent);严酷的(very harsh and rigorous)(同) 派生词: brutality (n.残酷,兽行)
brute BRUTE [bru:t]
BRUTE n.野兽; 残忍的人(英) n.野兽(an animal);残忍的人(a person who is brutal)
bubble BUBBLE ['b3b2l]
BUBBLE v.起泡; n.气泡,水泡(英) v.起泡(foam; effervesce);n.气泡,水泡(a tiny ball of air or gas in a liquid)(记) 比较babble(说急话), pebble(小卵石),pudd le(小水坑)(同) 近形词: babble(说急话),peb ble(小卵石),puddle (小水坑)
buck BUCK [b3k]
BUCK v. 反对; 马弓背跳跃; n. 雄鹿,雄兔(英) v. 反对(oppose, resist);n. 雄鹿,雄兔(male deer or rabbit);(考) 反义词:assent to(同意)(记) 美国口语一美圆叫 one buck.
bucket BUCKET ['b3kit]
BUCKET n. 圆桶; v. 雨倾盆而下(英) n. 圆桶(round open container);v. 雨倾盆而下(rain pour down heavily)(例) The rain bucketed down all afternoon .
buckle BUCKLE ['b3k2l]
BUCKLE n.皮带扣环; v. 扣紧(英) v. 扣紧(to fasten or join with a buckle)(记) buckle up扣紧安全带
bucolic BUCOLIC [bju:'k0lik]
BUCOLIC adj. 乡村的; 牧羊的(英) adj. 乡村的(of country life; rustic, rural);牧羊的(pastoral)(考) 反义词:urban(城市 的)palatial : hovel / city : bucolic(富丽堂皇的:简陋的/ 城市的 : 乡村的)(记) buc(牛)+olic(养…的 )→养牛的→乡村的
bud BUD [b3d]
BUD n. 芽; 花蕾(英) n. 芽; 花蕾(small knob from a flower)(例) Buds appear on the trees in spring .
budge BUDGE [b3d7]
BUDGE v.移动一点; 妥协(英) v.移动一点(to move a little);妥协(to yield)(考) obdurate(diehard): budge / lachrymose : cheer(顽固的不会让步/悲 哀的不会高兴)(记) 比较:budget(预算) ,去掉一个't'就成了 'budge'(例) I bargained hard,but the shop owner did not budge a bit.
budget BUDGET ['b3d7it]
BUDGET n. 预算(英) n. 预算( plan of how money will be spent over a period of time)(考) regimen : health / budget : solvency(养生法可以帮助获得 健康/预算可以帮助获 得偿债能力)(例) a weekly budget
buffet BUFFET ['b3fit,b3'f2t]
BUFFET v.把...打来打去; 自助餐(英) v.把...打来打去(str ike forcefully; slap)(例) We were buffeted by the wind and the rain.
buffoon BUFFOON [b2'fu:n]
BUFFOON n.演出时的丑角, 粗俗而愚蠢的人(考) ludicrous : buffoon / dissolute : libertine / humorous : wag(丑角特点是可笑/放 纵者特点是放纵/小丑 特点是幽默)
bugaboo BUGABOO [b3g2bu:]
BUGABOO n.吓人的东西;妖怪(英) n.吓人的东西;妖怪(b ugbear; object of baseless terror)
buggy BUGGY ['b3gi]
BUGGY n.轻型马车; 婴儿车(英) n.轻型马车(a light carriage);婴儿车(baby carriage)(记) 分割记忆: bug-gy, buggy作为形容词为' 多臭虫的'
bulb BULB [b3lb]
BULB n. 植物的球茎(英) n. 植物的球茎(an underground bud as in a lily, onion)(记) 比较: light bulb(灯泡), bulb首先是圆的意思, 如bulbous(又胖又圆)
bulge BULGE [b3ld7]
BULGE v./n. 膨胀,鼓起(英) v./n. 膨胀,鼓起(to swell; protrude or project)(考) 反义词:depressed region(凹陷的地方)(记) 比较: budge(让步), bilge(船底), bugle(军号)(同) 近形词: budge(让步), bilge(船底), bugle(军号)(例) The population bulge after the war made more schools necessary.
bulk BULK [b3lk]
BULK n. 体积, 数量; 大多数; 大身躯(英) n. 体积, 数量(size, quantity);(例) He heaved(举起) his huge bulk out of the chair .
bulletin BULLETIN ['bul2tin]
BULLETIN n. 布告,公告(英) n. 布告,公告(short official statement of news)(例) a news bulletin
bullion BULLION ['bulj2n]
BULLION n. 金条,银条(英) n. 金条,银条(gold or silver in the form of ingots)(记) 和bull(公牛)一起记, 卖公牛得金银(sell bulls to get bullions)
bully BULLY ['buli]
BULLY v. 以强欺弱,威胁; n. 欺负别人者(英) v. 以强欺弱,威胁(to hurt, frighten, or tyrannize);(考) instigator : incite / bully : browbeat(煽动者煽动/欺凌弱 小者欺辱)反义词:underdog(受 压迫者)(记) bully 古意为'情人', 在争夺情人的斗争中 总是强的打败弱的, 所以有'欺负'之意(同) n. bully(欺负别人者)(例) bullying smaller boys
bulwark BULWARK ['bulw2k]
BULWARK n. 堡垒,保障(英) n. 堡垒,保障(fortifie d rampart)(记) bul(厚木块 plank)+wark(工作)→ 用厚木板工作→加固, 堡垒
bumble BUMBLE ['b3mb2l]
BUMBLE v. 说话含糊(英) v. 说话含糊(to stumble)(同) 近形词: humble(谦虚的); stumble(跌倒, 结巴地说), bumblebee(大黄蜂)
bump BUMP [b3mp]
BUMP v.碰撞; n. 碰撞声(英) v.碰撞(hit or knock against);n. 碰撞声(dull sound of a blow)(例) The passengers felt a violent bump as the plane landed.
bumper BUMPER ['b3mp2]
BUMPER n. 汽车前后的保险杠(考) protocol : blunder / bumper : damage(学习礼节防止犯错/ 安装保险杠防止毁坏)(记) bump(碰撞)+er防止碰 撞之物→保险杠(同) 同根词: bumpy(崎岖的)(例) bumper to bumper (水泄不通)
bumptious BUMPTIOUS ['b3mp62s]
BUMPTIOUS adj. 傲慢的, 自夸的(考) dour : geniality / impetuous : vacillation(hesitation)/bumptious : humbleness(严厉的不亲切/冲动 的不犹豫/傲慢的不谦 逊)反义词: humble(谦逊的)
bungle BUNGLE ['b38g2l]
BUNGLE v. 粗制滥造; n. 拙劣的工作(英) v. 粗制滥造(do sth badly );n. 拙劣的工作(bad piece of work)(考) 反义词:bring off(顺利完成)(同) 派生词: bungler(笨手笨脚的 人)近形词: jungle(丛林); tangle(纠缠)(例) The whole job was a gigantic bungle .
buoy BUOY [b0i]
BUOY n. 浮标; 救生圈;v. 支持,鼓励(英) n. 浮标(a floating object);v. 支持,鼓励(encourag e)(考) 反义词:unsupported (无支持的)-buoyed( 支持的)(例) buoy up one's spirits(振作精神)
buoyant BUOYANT ['b0i2nt]
BUOYANT adj. 有浮力的,快乐的(英) adj. 有浮力的,快乐的(sh owing buoyancy; cheerful)(考) buoyant : sink / insoluble : dissolve(有浮力不会下沉/不 能溶解的不会溶解)bend : rigid / submerge : buoyant / dissolve : insoluble(顽固的无法弯曲/浮 动的无法下沉/难溶的 无法溶解)(记) buoy(浮标)+ant(同) 派生词: buoyancy (n. 浮动,快乐)
burdensome BURDENSOME ['b2:dns2m]
BURDENSOME adj. 令人困扰的(英) adj. 令人困扰的(hard to bear)(记) burden(重负)+some( 充满...的,具有...的 倾向) →成为负担的→令人 困扰的
bureaucracy BUREAUCRACY [bju'r0kr2si]
BUREAUCRACY n. 官僚政治(英) 官僚政治(the administration of government through departments and subdivisions managed by appointed officials following an inflexible routine)(记) bureau(政府的局、处 等)+cracy(统治) →官僚政治(同) 派生词: bureaucratic (adj. 官僚的); bureaucratization (n. 官僚政治化)
burgeon BURGEON ['b2:d72n]
BURGEON v. 迅速成长,发展(英) v. 迅速成长,发展(to grow rapidly; proliferate)(考) grow : burgeon / beat : palpitate(程度: 发展和快速发展/跳动 和快速跳动)反义词:subside(下 沉); wither(衰弱); subdue(征服)(记) burg=bud(花蕾)+eon →成长, burg 本身是单词, 意为'城、镇'→成长 的地方
burglar BURGLAR ['b2:gl2]
BURGLAR n. 窃贼(英) n. 窃贼(person who enters a building illegally)(例) The burglar got into the house through the bedroom window.
burial BURIAL ['beri2l]
BURIAL n. 埋葬(英) n. 埋葬(burying, esp of a dead body)(考) inter : burial / obliterate : removal(同义: 埋葬=埋葬/删节=去除 )(例) Cremation(火葬) is more common than burial in some countries .
burlesque BURLESQUE [b2:'lesk]
BURLESQUE n. 讽刺或滑稽的戏剧(英) n. 讽刺或滑稽的戏剧(de risive caricature; parody)(考) doggerel : verse / burlesque : play(打油诗是一种诗/讽 刺剧是一种剧)diatribe : abuse / burlesque : mockery(攻击性演说特点是辱 骂/讽刺剧特点是嘲笑)(记) burl(玩笑)+esque→ 玩笑话→滑稽戏; 参考: burly(直率的, 粗壮的)
burnish BURNISH ['b2:ni6]
BURNISH v. 擦亮,磨光(英) v. 擦亮,磨光(to become shine by rubbing; polish)(考) numb : insensible / burnish : lustrous(使麻木是使没有知觉 的/磨光是使有光泽的)(记) 联想: burn(烧)+ish, 烧得发亮(同) 近形词: tarnish(使…失去光 泽); furnish(提供, 装修)
burrow BURROW ['b3r2u]
BURROW n. (兔子等)所掘的地洞; v. 挖洞(英) n. (兔子等)所掘的地洞( a hole or tunnel );v. 挖洞(to make a burrow)(考) ditch : canyon / burrow : cavern(水沟和峡谷/小洞和 巨洞)(同) 近形词: borrow(借); furrow(犁沟, 皱纹)
burst BURST [b2:st]
BURST v. 爆裂(英) 爆破(cause sth to break violently apart)爆炸(explosion)(考) inflate : burst / pull : tear(过分膨胀导致爆裂/ 过分拉伸导致撕裂)(例) the burst of bomb
bust BUST [b3st]
BUST n. 半身(雕)像(英) 半身(雕)像(a piece of sculpture representing the head, shoulders, and upper chest of a human body)
butcher BUTCHER ['but62]
BUTCHER n. 屠夫; 刽子手(英) n. 屠夫; 刽子手(person who kills people brutally)(考) hammer : carpenter / knife : butcher(锤子是木匠的工具/ 刀是屠夫的工具)(例) a mindless butcher of innocent people
butterfly BUTTERFLY ['b3t2flai]
BUTTERFLY n. 蝴蝶; 无恒心的人(英) 蝴蝶(insect with a long thin body and four wings)无恒心的人(person who never settles down to one job for long)(例) a social butterfly
buttress BUTTRESS ['b3tr2s]
BUTTRESS n. 拱墙,拱壁; v. 支持(英) n. 拱墙,拱壁(a projecting structure built against a wall to support or reinforce it);v. 支持(to prop up; bolster)(考) strut : wing / buttress : wall / bracket : shelf(支杆用来支撑机翼/ 扶墙用来支撑墙/支架 用来支撑书架)反义词:contravene( 反驳; 违反)(记) 分割记忆: but-tress, tress 意为“一束头发”, 是GRE常考词(同) 近形词: mattress(床垫); butt(烟头)
buxom BUXOM ['b3ks2m]
BUXOM adj. 体态丰满的(英) adj. 体态丰满的(having a shapely, full-bosomed figure)
bygone BYGONE ['baig0n]
BYGONE adj. 过去的(英) adj. 过去的(past)(记) by(经过)+gone(过去 的) →过时的
byline BYLINE ['bailain]
BYLINE n.(列作者名字的)报 刊文章首行(英) n.(列作者名字的)报 刊文章首行(a line identifying the writer)(考) credits : movie / byline : article(片头字幕介绍电影的 演员/标题下署名行介 绍文章的作者)(记) by+line(字行) →第二行→大标题下 面作家姓名一行
bypass BYPASS ['baips]
BYPASS v. 规避,绕过(英) v. 规避,绕过(to go around instead of through)(记) by(旁边)+pass(经过) →从边上经过→绕过(例) Let's bypass the town with all its traffic.
byproduct BYPRODUCT ['bai`pr0d3kt]
BYPRODUCT n. 副产品; 副作用(英) n. 副产品; 副作用(side effect)(记) by(在旁边,副的)+pro duct(产品) →副产品
bystander BYSTANDER ['bai`st9nd2]
BYSTANDER n. 旁观者(英) 旁观者(person standing near, but not taking part, when sth happens)(记) by +stander(站立者) →站在旁边的人→旁 观者
byzantine BYZANTINE [bai'z9nti:n]
BYZANTINE adj.像迷宫似的; 难变更的(英) adj.像迷宫似的; 难变更的(complicate d, secretive and difficult to change)(考) 反义词;straightfor word(直接的)(记) 来自拜占庭(Byzantin e)帝国, 其政治以错综复杂而 著名(例) an organization of Byzantine complexity
cabal CABAL [k2'b9l]
CABAL n.政治阴谋小集团(考) cabal : association / plot : plan(阴谋集团是秘密协会 /密谋是秘密计划)
cabinet CABINET ['k9binit]
CABINET n. 储藏柜; 内阁(英) 储藏柜(piece of furniture with drawers of storing things)(考) ruffle : shirt / molding : cabinet(装饰性花边用来装饰 衬衣/装饰性板条用来 装饰柜子)(例) a filing cabinet
cache CACHE [k96]
CACHE n.贮藏处; v.将...藏于(英) n.贮藏处(hiding place);v.将...藏于(place sth in a cache)(记) c+ache(痛) →将痛藏于心
cacophony CACOPHONY [k2'k0f2ni]
CACOPHONY n. 难听的声音(英) n. 难听的声音(harsh, jarring sound; dissonance )(考) cacophony : sound / glare : light / malodor : scent(刺耳是强烈声音/刺 眼是强烈光线/恶臭强 烈气味)反义词: mellifluous(声音甜 美的); dulcet(美妙的); euphonious(悦耳的)(记) caco(坏)+phony(声音 ) →声音不好(同) 派生词: cacophonous(adj. 声音难听的)同根词: euphonious(声音好听 的); symphony(交响乐)
cactus CACTUS ['k9kt2s]
CACTUS n. 仙人掌(同) 复数为cacti)
cadaver CADAVER [k2'deiv2]
CADAVER n. 尸体(英) n. 尸体(a dead body; corpse)(记) cad(倒下=fall)+aver →倒下的人→尸体(同) 同根词: decadent(堕落的); cadence(节奏)
cadaverous CADAVEROUS [k2'd9v2r2s]
CADAVEROUS adj. 像尸体的(英) adj. 像尸体的(pale, ghastly, or gaunt and haggard)
cadence CADENCE ['keid2ns]
CADENCE n.抑扬顿挫; 节奏,韵律(英) n.抑扬顿挫(rhythmic rise and fall);节奏,韵律(rhythm)
cadet CADET [k2'det]
CADET n. 军校或警官学校的学 生
cadge CADGE [k9d7]
CADGE v. 乞讨;占便宜(英) v. 乞讨;占便宜(get sth from sb by asking)(考) 反义词:earn(挣钱)(同) 近形词: badge(徽章); budge(移动, 退让)(例) Could I cadge a lift with you
caffeine CAFFEINE ['k9fi:n]
CAFFEINE n. 咖啡因(英) n. 咖啡因(stimulant drug found in tea coffee beans)(考) nicotine : tobacco / caffeine : coffee(烟草中含有尼古丁/ 咖啡中含有咖啡因)
cajole CAJOLE [k2'd72ul]
CAJOLE v.(以甜言蜜语)哄 骗(英) v.(以甜言蜜语)哄 骗(to coax with flattery; wheedle)(考) blandishment : cajole / obstacle : impede(甜言蜜语为了哄骗/ 障碍物为了阻挡)(记) caj=cage(笼子)+ole →把(鸟)诱入笼子→ 哄骗; 参考: blandishments(甜言 蜜语诱惑)(同) 派生词: cajolery (n.劝诱,蒙骗coaxing )
calamity CALAMITY [k2'l9miti]
CALAMITY n. 大灾祸,不幸之事(英) n. 大灾祸,不幸之事(an y extreme misfortune)(记) calam(破坏destructi on)+ity→大灾祸(同) 派生词: calamitous (adj. 造成灾祸的)
calcification CALCIFICATION [`k9lsifi'kei62n]
CALCIFICATION n. 人体组织的钙化; 寡情(考) 反义词: flexibility(柔软)(记) 来自calcify(n.钙化, 僵化;calc[石头]+ify)
calcify CALCIFY ['k9lsifai]
CALCIFY v. 使硬化,钙化(英) v. 使硬化,钙化(to change into a hard, stony substance)(记) calc(石头)+ify→石 化→硬化(同) 同根词: calcination(煅烧石 灰), calculus(结石)
calcium CALCIUM ['k9lsi2m]
CALCIUM n. 钙(考) calcium : mineral / sugar : carbohydrate(钙是一种无机元素/ 糖是一种碳水化合物)
calculable CALCULABLE ['k9lkjul2bl]
CALCULABLE adj. 可计算的, 可估计的(英) adj. 可计算的, 可估计的(that can be deduced)
calculate CALCULATE ['k9lkjuleit]
CALCULATE v. 计算, 估计(英) v. 计算, 估计(to work sth out by using numbers)(考) abacus : calculate / sextant : navigate(算盘用来计算/六分 仪用来航海)(例) calculate the cost of sth
calculated CALCULATED ['k9lkjuleitid]
CALCULATED adj. 蓄意的(英) adj. 蓄意的(intentional)(例) a calculated insult
calculating CALCULATING ['k9lkjuleiti8]
CALCULATING adj. 深谋远虑的,精明的(英) adj. 深谋远虑的,精明的( shrewd or cunning; scheming)
calculus CALCULUS ['k9lkjul2s]
CALCULUS n. 微积分学(英) 微积分学(branch of mathematics, divided into two parts that deals with problems involving rates of variation)
caldron CALDRON ['k0:ldr2n]
CALDRON n.(煮汤用的)大锅(英) n.(煮汤用的)大锅( large kettle)(例) The witch stirred her caldron.
calf CALF [kf]
CALF n.小牛,犊;小牛皮革(英) n.小牛,犊(young of cattle)
calibrate CALIBRATE ['k9libreit]
CALIBRATE v. 量…口径; 校准(英) v. 量…口径(to determine the calibre of)(考) measure : dimensions / calibrate : diameter / plumb : depth(测量大小/测量直径/ 测量深度)反义词:unstandardi zed(未校准的)(记) calib原指鞋匠的楦子 , 楦子使鞋子标准
calibre CALIBRE ['k9lib2]
CALIBRE n.(枪等)口径;(人或 事)品德,才能(英) n.(枪等)口径;(人或 事)品德,才能(value , quality or ability)
calipers CALIPERS ['k9lib2z]
CALIPERS n. 测径器,双脚规(英) n. 测径器,双脚规(instr ument for measuring the diameter of tubes or round objects)
calligraphy CALLIGRAPHY [k2'ligr2fi]
CALLIGRAPHY n. 书法(英) n. 书法(handwriting)(考) calligraphy : scribble / sonnet : doggerel(乱涂乱写不是书法/ 打油诗不是十四行诗)(记) call=kall(美丽)+gra phy(写) →写美丽的字→书法
callous CALLOUS ['k9l2s]
CALLOUS adj. 结硬块的; 无情的(英) adj. 结硬块的(thick and hardened);无情的(lacking pity; unfeeling)(记) 来自callus(老茧)
calloused CALLOUSED ['k9l2st]
CALLOUSED adj. 无感觉的; 茧子的(英) adj. 茧子的(of the skin hardened)(记) 来自callous(adj.冷 漠的,无感觉的;call[ 硬皮]+ous)
callow CALLOW ['k9l2u]
CALLOW adj. (鸟)未生羽毛的; (人)未成熟的(英) adj. (鸟)未生羽毛的(unfl edged);(人)未成熟的(immatu re)(考) frank : secretiveness / callow : maturity(坦率不坦率/不成熟 对成熟)反义词:behaving with adult sophistication(成熟 老练地做事)(记) callow来自中古英文c all,意为bald(秃的)
calorie CALORIE ['k9l2ri]
CALORIE n. 卡路里; 热卡(英) 卡路里(unit for measuring a quantity of heat)大卡,千卡(unit for measuring the energy value of food)(考) heat : calories / liquid : gallons / power : watt / sound : decibel / electricity : volt(卡路里是热量单位/ 加仑是液体体积单位/ 瓦是动力单位/分贝是 声音单位/伏特是电单位)(记) 联系词根calori(热)c alorie(热卡)(同) 派生词: calorific (adj. 生热的)
calorimeter CALORIMETER [`k9l2'rimit2]
CALORIMETER n. 热量计(考) heat : calorimeter / distance : odometer(热量计用来测量热度 /里程表用来测量距离)(记) calori(热)+meter(测 量) →测量热的仪器→热 量计