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40 Cards in this Set

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recovery from childbirth or severe illness; primary therapy during radiation or chemo; to speed up healing after surgery. no obvious signs of dampness. breathlessness, loose stools, spontaneous sweat, aversion to cold, anemia, chronic bronchitis, myasthenia, weak limbs, habitual miscarriage, rectal prolapse

P: surging but soft & deficient when pressed (large forceless empty - da wu li xu)
T: pale with thin white coat
Buzhong Yiqi Tang - Tonify the Center and Augment the Qi Decoction

Dx: Deficiency of the Spleen and Stomach Qi leading to sinking of the Yang (collapse).
Tx: Raises Qi and Yang, Tonifies the Qi of the Middle Burner
18 huangqi
6 renshen
9 baizhu
9 zhigancao
3 danggui
6 chenpi
6 shengma
6 chaihu
severe degree of spleen deficiency and dampness, chronic respiratory problems. "engender metal by banking up on earth."

P: fine or empty and moderate
T: pale, white greasy coat
Shen Ling Baizhu San

Spleen Qi Deficiency leading to internally-generated Dampness (in patient with a constitutional weakness).

Tonifies Qi
Tonifies Stomach and Spleen
Transforms Dampness
9 renshen
9 baizhu
9 fuling
6 (chao) gancao
12 shanyao
12 baibiandou
12 yiyiren
12 lianzi
9 sharen
9 jiegeng
loose stools, pale complexion, weak voice, weak limbs, fatigue, lethargy, chronic gastritis

P: soft & fine, moderate
T: pale
Si Junzi Tang

Dx- SP qi xu due to lifestyle
Actions - tonifies spleen qi w/o over-warming or over-drying
9 renshen
9 fuling
9 baizhu
9 zhigancao
SP yang xu signs, GI cold, chronic colitis or gastritis, nausea, no thirst, poor appetite, diarrhea & nose bleeding, stomach prolapse, fullness of abdomen or epigastrium

P: weak-slow-deep (ruo chi chen)
T: moist-white coat, pale tongue
Lizhong Wan

Dx - middle burner yang deficiency

Actions - tonify spleen & stomach, warm middle burner
9 renshen
9 ganjiang
9 baizhu
9 gancao
spleen yang xu with pulsations above umbilicus
Lizhong Wan minus baizhu, plus guizhi
spleen yang xu with abdominal pain

P: weak & slow or sunken & forceless
T: pale, white moist coat
Lizhong Wan, increase renshen
hypertension, dizziness, stroke, headache, tic, tinnitus, aphasia, blurred vision, epilepsy, restless sleep, sensation o heat in the head, tics, spasms of the limbs

T: red, possible yellow coat
P: wiry, possibly rapid
Tianma Gouteng Yin

Dx: Liver Yang Rising w. Wind
Tx: Calm liver and extinguish wind, clear heat and move blood, calm shen
9 tianma
12 gouteng
18 shijueming
12 chuan niuxi
9 yimucao
9 sangjisheng
9 duzhong
9 huanglian
9 zhizi
9 yejiaoteng
9 fushen
mumps, swollen head epidemic

P: forceful & rapid
T: red & dry, yellow coat
Puji Xiaodu Yin

dx- Acute, massive febrile disorder of the head (Da Tou Wen) due to a seasonal epidemic toxin associated with Wind-Heat and Damp-Phlegm.

Clears Heat and relieves toxicity
Eliminates Fire
Releases Wind-Heat from the Exterior
15 huanglian
15 huangbai
6 chenpi
6 chaihu
6 xuanshen
6 jiegeng
6 gancao
3 banlangen
3 mabo
3 bohe
3 niubangzi
3 lianqiao
1.5 jiangcan
1.5 shengma
strep, staph or other acute bacterial infection. fever, irritability, dark/scanty urine, heat rash, hacking cough, constipation

P: full and rapid
T: red, dry yellowish coat
Liang Ge San

dx-Accumulated Heat in the Three Burners.

Actions - clear heat and resolve toxicity in all three burners, disinhibit bowel & urination
6 dahuang
6 mangxiao
6 gancao
3 huangqin
3 zhizi
12 lianqiao
3 bohe
excess heat in all three burners. septicemia, eye infection, toxic carbuncles.
P: forceful and rapid
T: greasy yellow coat
Huanglian Jiedu Tang

Severe obstruction of the Three Burners by Heat toxin which pervades both the Interior and Exterior.

Clears Heat and relieves toxicity
Drains Fire from the Triple Burner
9 huanglian
6 huangqin
6 huanbai
6 zhizi
hot diarrhea, general heat sensation in the body, asthmatic breathing with sweating, sinus infection, acute enteritis, burning sensation in anus, fever, thirst

P: rapid
T: reddish tip & sides, yellow coating
Gegen Qin Lian Tang

dx- Heat in LI with unresolved surface syndrome

actions - clear heat from Stomach & Intestine, Release Exterior
24 gegen
9 huangqin
6 huanglian
6 zhigancao
general signs of excess heat, esp. in HT & ST. acute gastroenteritis, cholecystitis, constipation, delirium, diarrhea, epigastric distention, dysentery, fever, hepatitis, irritability, restlessness, headache, dark urine, nosebleed, mouth ulcers, trigeminal neuralgia

P: full, possibly rapid (shu hong)
T: red (esp at tip), yellow-greasy coat
Xiexin Tang

Damp-Heat excess with interior clumping.
Heat entering the Heart and Stomach.

Clears Damp-Heat
Clears Heat and relieves toxicity
Drains Heat and relieves toxicity
Transforms Damp-Heat
6 dahuang
3 huanglian
3 huangqin
dysentery with blood and pus, damp heat in LI, tenesmus, acute colitis, abdominal pain, dark or scanty urine, burning sensation in anus

P: slippery and rapid
T: red tongue, yellow & greasy coat
Shaoyao Tang

Dx: Heat Toxin or Damp Heat in the LI

Clears Heat and relieves toxicity
Drains Damp-Heat
Harmonizes Qi and Blood
Moves Qi and Blood
Calms pain of the abdomen
9 dahuang
15 huanglian
15 huangqin
30 shaoyao
15 danggui
5 rougui
6 muxiang
6 binglang
5 gancao
slight jaundice, hep A, thirst and constipation, cholecystitis, cirrhosis, gallstone, typhoid fever, malaria

P: deep & full, or slippery & rapid
T: yellow greasy coat
Yinchenhao Tang

Dx: Yang-type jaundice or Damp-Heat jaundice due to Dampness and static Heat accumulating in the Interior.

Clears & drains Heat and Damp-Heat, Treats jaundice
18 yinchenhao
12 zhizi
6 dahuang
acute appendicitis, inflammation in pelvic/genital region, post-surgical infection/stasis, tidal fever with sudden cold spells

P: moderate, tight, forceful
T: greasy, thin yellow coat
Dahuang Mudanpi Tang

Dx: damp heat in LI with infection [Early-stage intestinal abscess, a condition of excess with interior clumping of Heat and Blood]
Tx: Purge heat
12 dahuang
9 mangxiao
3 mudanpi
9 taoren
15-30 dongguaren
early stage of acute ileus, life-threatening heat-type emergency, full abdomen, acute cholecystitis, acute pancreatitis, acute appendicitis, bloating, intestinal obstruction, painful abdomen worse upon palpation, delirium, early stage dysentery

P: deep and full, or full-rapid-overflowing (shi shu hong)
T: red tongue, dry with yellow or maroon/black coat, possible cracks
da chengqi tang

Yang brightness organ-stage disorders which is characterized by Heat accumulating in the Interior and taking form.

Harshly purges accumulation due to Heat
12 dahuang
6 zhishi
24 houpo
9 mangxiao
general signs of yangming fu excess. early stage of acute ileus, esp with weaker constitution.

P: full & slippery, esp on R
L: yellow or grey coat, possible cracks
Xiao Chengqi Tang

Mild Yang brightness organ-stage disorders.

Moderately purges accumulation due to Heat
12 dahuang
6 houpo
3 zhishi
cold/flu-related disorder in children (and in Portland), signs of wind-cold with mounting heat signs. Headache, Increasing fever and decreasing chills, Influenza, Painful limbs, Stiffness of the limbs, Bitter taste, Dry nose, Insomnia, Irritability, Night blindness, Ocular pain, Stiffness of the extremities, Toothache

P: floating & slightly surging
T: thin yellow coat
Chai Ge Jieji Tang

Dx: Acute wind damp cold invasion with heat signs
Tx: Release exterior wind cold from muscle layer and clear internal heat
6 chaihu
9 gegen
3 qianghuo
3 baizhi
6 huangqin
3 shigao
3 jiegeng
6 baishao
6 shengjiang
2-3p dazao
6 gancao
flaring fire in GB, damp heat in LR. hypertension with headaches and red eyes.

P: wiry, forceful, poss rapid
T: reddish (esp on sides), greasy yellow coat
Longdan Xiegan Tang

dx: Full-Heat in the Liver and/or Gall-Bladder channels.
Damp-Heat in the Lower Burner.

Clears and drains Damp-Heat from the Triple Burner (Lower Burner, in particular)
Drains Full-Heat and Fire from the Liver and Gall-Bladder
6 longdancao
6 chaihu
9 huangqin
9 zhizi
6 mutong
9 cheqianzi
12 zexie
9 shengdihuang
3 danggui
6 gancao
Distension of the breasts, Dysmenorrhea, Fullness of the chest, Pain of the hypochondrium, Poor digestion, Premenstrual syndrome, Susceptibility, Belching, Constipation, Distension of the abdomen, Hypertension, Irregular menstruation, Nervous breakdown
Tongue with thin-white coating
Wiry pulse (Xian)

P: wiry
T: reddish on sides, poss purple spots
Chaihu Shugan San

dx-Liver constraint due to stagnation of Qi and Blood Deficiency

Calms pain
Moves Qi and Blood
Soothes Liver-Qi
6 chenpi
6 chaihu
4.5 chuanxiong
4.5 zhike
4.5 baishao
4.5 xiangfu
1.5 zhigancao
shaoyang disorders, sweating in the head only, palpitations, dry cough, loose stools, deficient constitution, baihe bing (JG), lyme (arnaud)

P: wiry and tight
T: white moist coat
Chaihu Guizhi Ganjiang Tang
ear infection, restlessness, intercostal/subcostal distress, visual disturbance, swollen lymph glands, temporal headache

T: thin white coat or none
P: fine & wiry (esp on L); possibly deep never strong
Xiao Chaihu Tang
24 chaihu
9 huangqin
9 renshen
12 banxia
9 shengjiang
9 dazao
9 gancao
heat in the chest and cold in the stomach, diarrhea, borborygmus, fever w/slight chills, poss nausea/vomiting

Red-tipped tongue, slippery-white coating
Wiry pulse (Xian)
Huanglian Tang
9 huanglian
9 guizhi
9 ganjiang
9 gancao
6 renshen
12 banxia
9 dazao
modification for allergic skin reactions, eczema, syphilis
add to base formula:
12g jinyinhua, 12g xuanshen, 12g tufuling
hot diarrhea with heaviness, dysentery with blood more than pus, acute colitis or enteritis

Red tongue, yellow coating
Rapid-Wiry pulse (Shu Xian) OR deep, thin, weak expiring
Baitouweng Tang (Anenome Decoction; replaced by shaoyao tang in modern times)
6 baitouweng (anenome)
9 huanglian
9 huangbai
9 qinpi (ash branch bark)
post-partum mothers, recovery from severe illness, cancer, general signs of blood and/or qi deficiency, no heat signs, anxiety, exhaustion, spermatorrhea, weakness of low back/knees, poor wound healing

P: empty or fine and weak
T: pale, thin white coat
Shiquan Dabu Tang
All Inclusive Tonifying Decoction

dx- (Qi and Blood Xu)

actions - tonify and warm qi and blood
si wu tang + si junzi tang + huangqi + danggui

9 renshen
9 baizhu
12 fuling
12 baishao
12 danggui
9 chuanxiong
15 shu dihuang
15 huangqi
6 rougui
6 zhigancao
anxiety, insomnia, palpitations, fatigue, memory loss, menstrual dysregulation, dream-disturbed sleep, phobias, dull or pale complexion

P: weak fine (ruo xi), fine-faint (xi wei)
T: pale, thin white coat
guipi tang

Dx: Sp deficiency and Ht blood deficiency
Tx: Tonify spleen to support heart blood
renshen 9
baizhu 9
fuling 9
zhigancao 6
huangqi 9
danggui 15
longyanrou 6
yuanzhi 6
muxiang 6
with 3-6g shengjiang & 1p dazao
irregular heart beat, SOB, spontaneous or night sweats, palpitations, consumption, anxiety, constipation/hard stool, fatigue, mitral valve prolapse, neurasthenia, weight loss, pulmonary tuberculosis, dry cough w. blood-tinged phlegm, rheumatic heart disease

P: irregular, or empty & rapid, or slow
T: pale red with little/no coat, possibly dry
Zhigancao Tang

Dx: Qi and Blood def, irregular pulse
Tx: tonify qi and yang, disinhibit yang, restore the pulse
12 zhigancao
48 sheng dihuang
12 maimendong
12 huomaren
9 guizhi
9 shengjiang
6 renshen
6 ejiao
30 p dazao
cold pain in waist & knees, inhibited joints, yang xu signs, numbness or paralysis

P: fine & weak
T: pale with white coat
Duhuo Jisheng Tang

Dx: Painful obstruction with Liver and KD def, qi and blood def
Tx: dispel wind damp, stop pain, tonify LR and KD, tonify qi and blood
9 duhuo
6 rougui
(6g each) wind/damp herbs
(6g each) blood herbs
(6g each) liver/kidney herbs
sheng dihuang
(6g each) qi/spleen herbs
chronic pain of fixed & piercing nature, discomfort in the chest, restlessness, insomnia, heat sensations at night

P: fine & choppy
T: usually dark, purple spots on top, sublingual stasis signs
Xuefu Zhuyu Tang

dx-Blood Stasis

Disperses Blood stasis
Moves Blood
Soothes Liver-Qi
Unblocks the Channels
12 taoren
12 honghua
9 danggui
9 sheng dihuang
9 niuxi
6 zhike
6 chishao
4.5 chuanxiong
4.5 jiegeng
3 chaihu
3 gancao
skinny constitution, pale face color, dry skin, spasmodic abdominal pain, heavy head, dizziness, bloating/edema, threatened or habitual miscarriage, beriberi, chronic nephritis

P: sunken or weak
T: pale, white & possibly greasy coating
Danggui Shaoyao San

Blood def with wind (cramping), Liver oppressing the spleen (wood overacting on earth). Disharmony between the Liver and Spleen. Liver Blood Deficiency interferes with the free-flowing function of that organ and constrains the Qi.

Tx: Tonify blood, soothe liver and strengthen spleen
9 danggui
48 shaoyao
24 zexie
24 chuanxiong
12 fuling
12 baizhu
threatened miscarriage, especially in first trimester

P: weak, possibly sl. rapid
T: pale
Danggui San

Dx: “Restless Fetus” caused by def heat and weak earth
Tx: Tonify blood, stabilize the fetus
6-9 danggui
6-9 huangqin
6-9 shaoyao
6-9 chuanxiong
3-9 baizhu
pale complexion, fatigue, dizziness, poor digestion, anemia, general immune deficiency

P: weak
T: pale, thin white or no coat
Ba Zhen Tang

Dx: Concurrent Deficiency of the Qi and Blood which is most often due to imbalances caused by chronic disease or excessive loss of blood.

Nourishes Blood
Tonifies Qi
Si Wu Tang + Si Junzi Tang
9 each:
shu dihuang
blood deficiency signs, irregular & scanty menses with abdominal pain or uterine bleeding, palpable congealed blood in lower jiao

P: fine & wiry or fine & choppy
T: pale with white coat
Si Wu Tang

dx - Blood deficiency
actions - harmonize liver, move and nourish blood
12 shu dihuang
9 baishao
6 danggui
6 chuanxiong
daybreak diarrhea, general signs of spleen/kidney deficiency, poor appetite, sore low back, aversion to cold, possible abdominal pain, intestinal tuberculosis, allergic colitis

P: deep, slow, w/o force (chi chen wu li)
T: pale, thin white coat
Sishen Wan

Dx: Daybreak diarrhea due to SP & KD yang xu
12 buguzhi
3 wuzhuyu
6 roudoukou
6 wuweizi
blood stasis signs, difficult menses, difficulty getting pregnant, general exhaustion of blood & qi, dry lips, evening heat signs, nausea, cold in the waist,

P: fine and weak
T: pale, little/no coat
Wenjing Tang

Dx: Deficiency and Cold of the conception and penetrating vessels together with obstruction due to accumulation of Blood.
Tx: regulate menses, warm the channels and disperse cold, nourish blood and remove stasis in lower burner
9 wuzhuyu
9 danggui
9 maimendong
6 guizhi
6 shaoyao
6 shengjiang
6 gancao
6 chuanxiong
6 mudanpi
6 ejiao
6 banxia
6 renshen
migraines, vomiting or spitting foamy saliva, cold hands & feet

P: wiry & tight, or sunken, wiry & fine
T: pale, white coat
Wuzhuyu Tang

1) Cold from Deficiency of the Stomach. The Cold causes the Stomach-Qi to stagnate, which forces the Stomach-Qi to rebel upward, causing vomiting.
2) Cold from Deficiency of the Stomach and Liver. As the Cold (Yin) rebels upward, it follows the course of the Liver channel which results in headache at the vertex.
3) Cold attacking the Middle Burner. In this pattern, not only does the Stomach-Qi lose its correct directional tendency, but the clear Yang (which is rooted in the Kidneys) cannot rise, which leads to diarrhea.
9 wuzhuyu
9 shengjiang
9 renshen
9 dazao
stroke, deviated eyes & mouth, sluggish speech, acute myelitis, frequent urination, paralysis of face, atrophy of lower limbs, dry stool

P: moderate & weak (ruo)
T: white coat, pale tongue
Buyang Huanwu Tang

dx -Blood stagnation and Qi deficiency. Deficiency of the normal and Yang Qi together with Blood stasis obstructing the channels.

Moves Blood
Promotes circulation in the channels
Tonifies Qi
6 danggui
120 huangqi
4.5 chuanxiong
4.5 chishao
3 taoren
3 honghua
3 dilong
Xulao, deficiency vexation, and insomnia, ________ rules this.
dizziness, insomnia, dream-disturbed sleep, irritability, nervous breakdown, palpitations, restless sleep, dry mouth & throat

P: fine-rapid-wiry (or all weak with sl. slippery left cun)
T: dry and red
suanzaoren tang

dx-Liver deficiency, blood stasis, qi constraint and pathogenic fire

actions - calm mind, clear heat, nourish blood
24 suanzaoren
6 fuling
6 chuanxiong
6 zhimu
3 gancao
cold hands and feet, diarrhea, loose stool, nausea, abdominal pain, stubborn cold

P: slow-deep-fine (chi chen xi)
T: pale, white coat
Danggui Sini Jia Wuzhuyu Shengjiang Tang

Dx - Internal Cold with Blood & Yang Xu
Actions - Nourish blood, tonify yang, warm channels & middle burner
15 danggui
9 guizhi
6 xixin
9 mutong
9 shaoyao
9 dazao
6 zhigancao
6-15 wuzhuyu
6-15 shengjiang