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55 Cards in this Set

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What are the symptoms of Lu Qi Deficiency?
feeble cough & dyspnea that is worse with exertion + qi deficiency symptoms and signs

other symptoms: aversion to wind, easy to catch cold, pale complexion, may or may not have phlegm, if so, copious thin clear sputum
Tongue and pulse of Lu Qi deficiency.
TONGUE: Pale & tender with thin white coating
PULSE: Weak (thin and deficient)
What kind of sputum for Lu Qi deficiency?
copious thin clear sputum
What are causes of Lu Qi deficiency?
Insufficient production - congenital, chronic illness, improper diet;
Excessive consumption - disease, serious illness, injury, long-term physical and mental overstrain;

What are the symptoms of Lu Yin Deficiency?
dry cough without sputum or little sticky sputum, or blood-stained sputum, difficult expectoration, dry mouth, hoarse voice + yin deficiency symptoms and signs
What is the tongue and pulse of Lu Yin Deficiency?
TONGUE: Red with little coating
PULSE: Thready and rapid
Wind-Cold assailing Lu Pattern symptoms
cough with thin clear sputum + exterior wind-cold symptoms and signs
Wind-Cold symptoms and signs
Aversion to cold, fever, headache, body ache, nasal congestion and discharge with thin snivel

Tongue: thin white coating
Pulse: Floating and tight
What is the tongue and pulse of Wind-Cold assailing Lu patter?
TONGUE: thin white coating
PULSE: Superficial and tight pulse
Wind heat invading Lung pattern symptoms
Cough with sticky yellow sputum + exterior wind-heat symptoms and signs
Wind-heat symptoms and signs
Nasal congestion with thick yellow discharge, fever, slight aversion to wind or cold, slight thirst, sore throat.
Tongue: Red tongue tip with thin yellow coating
Pulse: Superficial and rapid
Tongue & Pulse for Wind-heat.
Tongue: Red tongue tip with thin yellow coating
Pulse: Superficial and rapid
Compare character of the cough between Wind-Cold invading the Lu vs. Wind-heat invading the Lu.
Wind-Cold: Harsh coarse, low pitch, turbid and forceful with thin and clear sputum, easy to expectorate

Wind-Heat: Hacking, hoarseness with sticky yellow sputum, difficult to expectorate.
What kind of cough is present in Dryness Invading Lu function?
Cough - dry hacking, high pitch, crisp
without sputum,
OR with scanty white sticky sputum,
OR with blood streaked sputum

sputum DIFFICULT to expectorate
What are the key symptoms and signs of Warm Dryness Invading Lu pattern?
dry cough with no or scanty sputum,
yellow or blood streaked sputum,
difficult to expectorate
dry mouth, throat and nose, or nose bleeding, thirst; dry stool, scanty urine
plus mild exterior symptoms and signs:
fever & slight chills and absent or slight sweating

Tongue: Slight red, thin & dry coating
Pulse: Superficial and rapid
When does Warm Dryness Invading Lu usually attack?
Later summer and early autumn
What are the key symptoms and signs of Cool Dryness Invading Lu pattern?
dry cough with no or scanty white sputum, difficult to expectorate,
dry mouth, throat and nose, or nose bleeding; thirst; dry stool, scanty urine
plus mild exterior symptoms and signs:
fever & slight chills, slight aversion to cold, no sweating, headache

Tongue: Normal tongue with thin dry coating
Pulse: Superficial and slightly tight
When does Cool Dryness Invading Lu usually attack?
Later autumn and early winter
Is there a fever in Dryness Invading Lu pattern?
Mild fever + chills
- when dryness invades superficial layer of body, defense qi rises up to fight agains the pathogen, resulting in fever, aversion to cold and superficial pulse
symptoms of Dryness
damages body fluids, leading to insufficient body fluids and dryness:

dry mouth and lips
thirst with desire to drink,
dry throat and nose,
dry and chapped skin, dry hair,
scanty urine, dry stools,
dry tongue coating
In Lu Dryness Invading the Lung is there nasal congestion and chest distress?
sputum difficult to expectorate and may arise with nasal congestion, or chest distress and pain
Is Dryness Invading the Lu Pattern chronic or acute; excess or deficiency?
Acute onset, short course
Exterior, Excess
Invasion of Lungs by Wind Water symptoms and signs
Sudden swelling of eyes and face, gradually spreading to the whole body;
bright, shiny complexion;
scant and clear urine;
aversion to wind, fever;
cough, slight SOB

Tongue: white coating
Pulse: Superficial
What is the pathogenesis of Invasion of Lungs by Wind Water?
Pathogenic wind --> attacks Lungs --> dysfunction of the Lung draining the water passage --> water damp penetrates muscular interstices and skin
Pathogenic Cold Invading the Lung symptoms and signs.
Acute onset, cough or panting,
with thin white or clear sputum;
with interior cold symptoms and signs:
cold limbs and body.

Tongue: Pale tongue with white coating
Pulse: Deep and slow
What is Pathogenic Cold Invading the Lungs? Pathogenesis?
Exopathogenic cold directly attacks the Lung
--> constricts the Yang qi --> Lung qi rebels
--> cough and panting.

Cold coagulates and constricts --> disrupts water metabolism --> fluids accumulate --> phlegm --> expectorated as sputum

Yang qi impaired by cold --> fails to warm --> cold limbs

Cold slows down qi & blood circulation --> tongue is pale and pulse slow
What are the common symptoms of Phlegm Obstructing the Lung Pattern?
Productive cough, wheezing,
SOB, distress & tightness in chest,
phlegm in throat,
feeling of heaviness,

Tongue: THICK tongue coating
Pulse: Slippery
Scanty phlegm
Dryness, heat, yin deficiency
Profuse phlegm
Dampness, deficiency, cold
White and clear phlegm
White and thick phlegm, easy to expectore
Yellow and thick phlegm
White and thick phlegm, difficult to expectorate
Dryness, yin deficiency
White, clear and foaming phlegm
Blood in phlegm
Excess heat in Lung,
or Yin deficiency,
or Dryness
Phlegm with foul odor, fishy odor
Sweet phlegm
Salty phlegm
Kidney deficiency
Productive cough, wheezing, SOB, distress and tightness in chest, feeling of heaviness & muzziness of head, thick greasy tongue coating and slippery pulse.

Chronic cough coming in bouts with profuse white sticky phlegm that is easy to expectorate, worse after eating.

Obesity, dislikes lying down, nausea.
Productive cough, wheezing, SOB, distress and tightness in chest, feeling of heaviness & muzziness of head

Barking cough with profuse sticky yellow sputum or green phlegm, difficult to expectorate.

Thirst, agitation, insomnia.

Tongue: Red w/thick & greasy coating
Pulse: Slippery & Rapid.
Heat phlegm
Productive cough, wheezing, SOB, distress and tightness in chest, feeling of heaviness & muzziness of head

Cough with expectoration of white water phlegm, worse with exposure to cold or at night.

Cold hands and feet.

Tongue: Pale w/thick & greasy coating
Pulse: Slippery & Slow
Cold phlegm
Productive cough, wheezing, SOB, distress and tightness in chest, feeling of heaviness & muzziness of head

Dry cough but with occasional difficult expectoration of scanty white (like "dirty cotton ball") or blood strained phlegm.

Dry throat and nose.

Tongue: Thick, greasy, & dry coating
Pulse: Slippery
Dry phlegm
Productive cough, wheezing, SOB, distress and tightness in chest, feeling of heaviness & muzziness of head

Cough with expectoration of white water phlegm, cough may be elicited by a scare.

Splashing sound in the chest, vomiting of white watery frothy phlegm

Tongue: Thick & greasy coating
Pulse: Slippery
Phlegm fluids / Phlegm-rheum
What causes Pathogenic Heat Congesting the Lung?
Exopathogenic heat attack
Exopathogenic cold enters inside and tranforms into heat
Pathogenic Heat Congesting the Lung symptoms.
Cough, dyspnea, sore throat,
HIGH fever with flaring nostrils
hasty breathing
pain in the chest or cough with foul pus & blood
dry stool & dark urine

Tongue: Red with yellow coating
Pulse: Rapid
Paul complains of feeble cough with copious thin white sputum. He has a hard time sitting up. He catches cold easily, several times a year. He has low energy and his symptoms are worse with exertion. His tongue is pale with thin white coating. His pulse is very weak and feeble. What is his diagnosis?
Lu qi deficiency pattern
Neri has dry cough with little sticky phlegm that is difficult to expectorate. He has dry mouth, red cheeks, hoarse voice. He gets fevers at night and has night sweating. He feels hot on his palms and feet. His tongue is red with little coating, and a thready and rapid pulse. What is his diagnosis?
Lu Yin Deficiency
Carla comes to you complaining of cough with thin white phlegm. She has nasal congestion and discharge with thin snivel. She has an aversion to cold, a fever, headache and body aches. Her tongue has a thin white coating. She has a superficial and tight pulse. What is her diagnosis?
Wind cold assailing Lung pattern
When pathogenic dryness attacks the body, which organ is first affected?
Large Intestine Deficiency Cold symptoms and signs
Chronic diarrhea
Dull abdominal pain
Preference for warmth and pressure
Intolerance of cold
Cold limbs

Tongue: Pale w/white coating
Pulse: Deep, slow, forceless
What leads to LI Deficiency Cold?
Yang Qi deficiency in LI
Large Intestine Cold Damp symptoms and signs
Rumbling intestines
Cold pain of umbilicus and abdomen
Clear and thin diarrhea (STRONG)

Tongue: White and glossy coating
Pulse: Moderate
Large Intestine Damp Heat symptoms and signs
Abdominal pain
Diarrhea with pus & blood
Loose stools w/ discomfort
or burning sensation in the anus
FOUL stools
Possibly fever

Tongue: Red w/yellow greasy coating
Pulse: Slippery and rapid
Large Intestine Dry symptoms and signs
Dry stools
Thirst, dry mouth

Tongue: Red, with scanty & dry coating
Pulse: Thready & Choppy
Excess Heat Obstructing the LI symptoms
Pathogenic heat invades LI, combine with dry stool, manifest with interior excess heat
(Yang Ming Fu Pattern)

Severe condition
High fever peak 3pm (tidal fever)
Abdominal pain & distention - resistant to touch & pressure
Severe constipation

Possible coma, delirium, manic, irritable, insomnia

Tongue: Thick dry yellow coating
or dark brown coating with thorns

Pulse: Deep & Forceful