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5 Cards in this Set

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What are the differences between these types of colds:
1) Wind cold
2) Wind heat
3) Summer heat with dampness
4) Common cold with Qi deficiency
5) Common cold with Yin deficiency
Type 1) Wind Cold – Excess; CHILLS and fever at the same time (external)
Severe aversion to cold, mild fever, anhidrosis, headache, soreness and pain of the limbs, nasal obstruction, thin running nose, itching of the throat, cough, hoarse voice, thin and white sputum, no thirst, thin and white coating, superficial (floating) and tense pulse.

Type 2) Wind Heat – Excess; Chills and FEVER at the same time (external)
Severe fever, mild aversion to cold, sweating. headache, cough with yellow and thick sputum, dry, swollen and sore throat, nasal obstruction with yellow, thick discharge, thirst with desire for drinking, red tip and edges of the tongue, thin white or slight yellow coating, superficial (floating) and rapid pulse.

Type 3) Summer heat with damp – Excess; Chills with fever; occurs in late summer; can also affect Spleen and Stomach
Chills, slight fever, headache with heavy sensation, fullness or distention in the chest and epigastric area, gastric and abdominal pain, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, loose stool or diarrhea, white and greasy coating, moderate or soft pulse (floating & thin or moderate).

Type 4) Common Cold with Qi Deficiency
Chills and fever, lassitude, general weakness, shortness of breath, dislike of speech, Spontaneous sweating, liability to catching cold, pale and tender tongue body, floating and feeble pulse

Type 5) Common Cold with Yin deficiency
Low degree fever, aversion to cold, restlessness, thirst, dry throat, burning sensation in the palms and soles, red tongue body, thin and rapid pulse.
Is LI 4 used in Common Cold with Qi deficiency?
No, it's too draining for these patients
What are the types of external and internal injuries that can produce a cough?
1. External Patterns

Type 1) Wind-Cold Cough
Cough, itching of the throat, thin and white sputum, aversion to cold, fever, headache, nasal obstruction and discharge, thin, white tongue coating and superficial pulse.

Type 2) Wind-Heat Cough
Cough with yellow, thick sputum, choking cough, thirsty, sore throat, fever, headache, aversion to wind, sweating, thin, yellow tongue coating superficial and rapid pulse.

2. Internal injury

Type 1) Damp-Phlegm Cough
Cough with profuse, white and sticky sputum, stuffiness and depression of the chest, loss of appetite, white, sticky tongue coating and slippery pulse, tongue is scalloped and swollen; feeling of HEAVINESS

Type 2) Liver Fire attacking Lung
Cough, breathlessness, asthma fullness and stuffiness and depression of the chest and hypochondrium, yellow or blood - tinged sputum, little headache, dizziness, moodiness, thirst, bitter taste, scanty, dark urine, constipation, Liver signs: irritability, anger, restless, red eyes, hypochondriac and chest pain, wiry, forceful rapid pulse, red tongue body, yellow coating

Type 3) Lung Qi deficiency
Feeble cough and asthma aggravated after exertion, thin, clear sputum, spontaneous sweating, low energy, low voice, shortness of breath, pale face, pale tongue body with thin-white coating, feeble pulse.

Type 4) Lung Yin deficiency
Dry cough without sputum or with scanty sputum, dryness of the nose and throat, sore throat, spitting blood or even coughing blood, afternoon fever, malar flush, night sweats, small, red tongue, thin coating, thready and rapid pulse.
What is the pair of points (one on the Lung channel and one on the Large Intestine channel) that are best for clearing heat?
LU 10
LI 11
What is one of the best points on the Lung channel for clearing Wind Cold?
LU 7