A Fearless Girl Who Only Cares About Her Heritage Analysis

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A Fearless Girl Who Only Cares About Her Heritage “Everyday use” text is about a short story written by Alice Walker in the 1970s. As, “Everyday use” a film version by Bruce Schwartz released in 2005. In the “Everyday Use” text Mama is telling a short story about a single mother with two daughters. In the text Mama explains, that her two daughters are quite different from each other. Dee a young wild woman who is willing to search and make a vivid image of her heritage. Maggie a shy, good heart, and noble girl who’s only interest is to take care of mama, and one-day married John Thomas who lives a walking distances from Mamas home. The text sends out a softer massage about a family heritage. Which as, the film version message focus …show more content…
the author wrote about a family that lives in the deep south of Georgia. Walkers states, that Mama is a strong woman who had to do though work to raised her two daughters Maggie and dee. Walker describes a single home located far away from civilization. The house has a big front yard with a big tree that provides a nice sunshade. The house was made out of rough wood with circle shape windows. The bench for the table was made out of rough wood. A bench that Wangero pretends to be so happy to be sitting on because “daddy made for the table when they couldn’t afford to buy chairs” it is a memory of her dad (Walker 45). Mama and Maggie are dress up as everyday regular outfit person. In comparison to Wangero and Hakin their outfit are loose, Wangeros dress stands up for its bright traditional African colors. Which as, the “Everyday Use” film the settings are little different the house seems to be a moderated home, well-built the windows are a perfect square shape and a wide stair well to the entry of the house. The house has three bedrooms and a small combined kitchen and dining room with a table made out of wood joined by the precious bench dad made. In subject A. there is no restroom mentioned, but in the movie Wangero asks for it and there is no restroom other than outside of the house big land. In the film Wangero calls the audience attention for its wildness, colorful outfit, demanding, arrogance, and superior

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