Old Man Billy Short Story

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It was a rather quiet fall day in Marion City. Marion City was a fairly small town. It only had about fifteen hundred people living in it. Everyone that lived there knew each other; one could never run into a stranger. The people who lived in Marion City took pride in their small hometown, and enjoyed every day spent there. Old Man Billy, was the town farmer, and a better father. He had six boys. On this day, however, Charles was setting off on his own life adventure. Old Man Billy made his living with his hands. Every early spring he would be out on the farm planting row after row of crops to have a plentiful harvest. All of his boys helped out on the farm. Their closest bond was the family bond they shared. Charles was a very intelligent …show more content…
He never shed a tear anyone saw, and never allowed anyone to know something was wrong. His son leaving, however, really tore him up. He couldn’t hardly even get a word out the day Charles left. He just sat and pondered and held on to his son’s every word, because he knew it would be a long while before they would meet again. On the way to the station they cut up a little, and talked some. They talked about how proud Billy was of his son, how good of a life he would make for himself, and he told him to never give up and to always keep trying. Billy had to choke back tears on many different occasions thinking about the loss of his son. Upon arriving at the station the anxiety set in. Charles was overwhelmed with emotions. He did not want to leave behind everything he knew, but he knew that was the sacrifice he had to take and was happy about the opening to a new chapter in his life. His dad became very gloom, quiet and still. He clenched on to his sons’ hats holding onto what he still has. He did not want his son to go in the least bit. Old Man Billy sat and thought about the memories of raising sweet Charles. He remembers when Charles was just a little baby, he was the happiest thing around. He constantly giggled, cooed, laughed, and played. He then thought about the first time Charles fell out of the old barn loft. He landed on the stack of hay bales, but Charles was terrified. Billy thought back to all the life lessons he taught his young naïve son when he was younger. He taught his to never be boastful, always have respect and pride. He also thought back to his first day of kindergarten. The little freckle faced kid walking into a classroom of about twenty other students smiling ear to ear going up to everyone introducing himself. Billy then thought about the countless days and nights they spent together working. Sweating together, bleeding together, eating together, and praying together, Billy was

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