American Dream In Of Mice And Men

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In the book Of Mice and Men John steinbeck describes the cruel life of the American Dream which people desire to become something good in life. Therefore, they would face the difficulty of the challenges that they have to go through. Steinbeck describes this cruelty in a portrait of words describing America in the 1930s during the great depression and the challenges they had to face. The American Dream is viewed differently by others based on their perspective. Although, In this book it is viewed different, you would want to complete so much and dream so big but difficult courses of life would get in your way and would stop you from doing them. You desire to complete your dreams and hoping it will end with happiness but things won’t always go the way you want too. In the story Of Mice and Men George and Lennie make their living by taking risks and working hard hoping that lennie will not cause as much trouble and that soon the goal that they aim for will soon be accomplished. According to Aristotle george and Lennie have a true friendship …show more content…
George would get bothered by the things lennie would do, but he would still want lennie around. “When I think of the swell time I could have without you, I go nuts. I never get no peace” (Steinbeck 12) George would then say “ I been mean, ain’t I?” (Steinbeck 12). This quote says that Lennie would make George mad by doing ridiculous things but George would know if he has gone too far. My evidence supports my text because it talks about the anger George would face because of Lennie and how he would get mad. George would always seem to let his anger go when lennie would do something dumb. He would let it go or just cope with it and let it pass and act like nothing would happen . If george never wanted lennie to be with him he would have never saved him when he was drowning, george is doing this for a reason and that reason seems to be a good

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