Ansr Acne Care Package Analysis

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Ansr Acne Care Package Review
Ansr Acne Care Package

Average Retail Price: $195
Lowest Price Online: $185*

Ansr Acne Care Package Summary

The Ansr Acne Care package was developed by Oregon Aesthetic Technologies and offers a unique approach to pimple treatment. Ansr is actually a Photolight Therapy treatment that comes with a lighting device that shines red and blue beams of light onto acne problem areas. This Phototherapy is then combined with Prep, Day and Night topical lotions which you may purchase separately if you so choose.

Ansr’s photolight therapy is a relatively new acne treatment and for most part is largely untested. It’s known by various names such as LED treatment, IPL, photodynamic treatment. This treatment basically focuses on zapping acne bacteria under the skin, but we were hard pressed to find any proof that it works other than what was reported on Anrs’s site. And what really got us wondering is why Ansr requires that you use their topical acne creams at all if the photo light therapy is so effective. Is the photo therapy device just a way to jack up the price of the regimen?

Ansr Acne Care Package Pros And Cons
Ansr Acne Care Package Pros

Money back guarantee Before and after customer videos Informational website1
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The idea of zapping acne bacteria with red and blue light creates a nice visual image but we have to question why Ansr feels the need to sell you 3 additional topical acne creams along with the phototherapy device. Shouldn’t the phototherapy device function just fine on its own if it does what it says it does? In addition, Ansr also offers an Anti-wrinkle photo therapy that seems to use the same technology. The idea that light can both zap pimples and cure wrinkles seems a little far fetched, especially when topical creams are sold along with each light

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