Ayn Rand's Anthem Essay: Finding Freedom In The Forest

Decent Essays
Finding Freedom in the Forest Living in a world that is brainwashed, Equality is trying to find his way beyond the city. When Equality finds himself in the forest that the Council warned them so much about, he learns that the forest is in fact not dangerous at all, but instead finds himself in the forest. The forest represents an opportunity for growth, change and freedom. With everything that Equality experiences in the forest, it might just change his view on the life that the Council has set up for them. This might be true for Equality but for the rest of the people living fear is what holds them back, the uncharted forest symbolizes the opportunity for growth, change, and freedom. Just …show more content…
In Anthem they say, “We strive to be like all our brother men, for all men must be like”(19). The purpose of this is for the good of the people, but instead it has completely taken away any sort of right of the people. The Council has brainwashed the whole community into thinking that if you go into the forest you won’t survive and will die in there. Although this is what they think the truth is that if they do go into the forest they will discover the corrupt ways of the Council. The theme of fear is demonstrated a lot in this story; due to the facts society provides them. Yet, further on in the book fear of the things the council said is broken. For example, in the book anthem, chapter 9 its says “And yet it stirs no fear within our heart, but only silent reverence and pity. (93)” This quote is showing how the theme of fear has been broken. Also how the character is no longer afraid. The uncharted forest is an unknown symbol; it’s a mystery for equality that he wishes to discover. In the book they say “It has been a day of wonder, this, our first day in the forest. (78)” This shows what he is experiencing, which is about, how he feels free. He no longer has to work for his brothers and he sees the true value of freedom. Before entering the forest, equality did not know whether it is good or bad because of societies influence. Equality finally does because he did not get brainwashed by the

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