Charles Murray On Real Education Analysis

Superior Essays
Is College the Right Choice?
For so long, there has been a controversial discussion over the need to attend college to make one successful. In the article, “On ‘Real Education’,” a man named Robert T. Perry is involved in this dispute. According to his article, Perry seems to be discussing his beliefs in which more people should attend college. He begins his writing with a variation of claims made by Charles Murray, the author of “Bell Curve.” Perry points out how Murray believes society tries to educate too many people nowadays, and most of them do not even deserve it; however, since Perry disagrees, he starts to list his own views for the reader to remember. For example, how a college education could lead to a higher paying job. The main
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This can be explained by his statement that says, “Those left out of higher education would have fewer employment options than they do today” (Perry 671). The reason behind this is because soon all the low-wage jobs would fade away leaving the people who do not have the right education jobless. Because we can not depend on them to work the jobs that they are unfit for. This starts to show a little bit of Pathos. I started to feel with the readers who did lack an education and could not find themselves a job, even individuals who did have a job, because they have the chance of losing it. Looking more into pathos, Perry states, “We cannot survive in an international economy by simply working cheaper, as there will always be companies overseas who are willing and able to use unskilled work at a lower cost” (671). This starts to play with the reader’s emotions in an unhappy manner. Because the part of the audience who do have low-income jobs are basically shown that they have an easy replacement that is able to get them jobless at any time. They are basically being told “Hey! In the end, you are …show more content…
Perry admits that, “Not everyone who completes a four-year degree will be able to write like William Faulkner” (672). This quote is significant for two reasons. First, it seems that Perry explains that he views education as learning to learn. Some may not be able to write the best, but they are experiencing a new way to write a new scenario. Second, with the famous writer who won a Nobel Prize, William Faulkner, being mentioned, gives the ethos part of the article. Ethos is the part of an essay that shows authority and can also be appealed by a famous

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