Catcher In The Rye Isolation Theme

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Theme Analysis In Catcher in the Rye, by J.D. Salinger, people are not always who they appear to be, are not always as sure as their body language suggests or as confident as their firm voice and steady expressions may convey. Holden Caulfield is a prime example of a living contrast, his outward attitude completely overshadowed by his withering and lost subconscious. Salinger uses Holden’s shaky grasp on his own life and mind to manifest the implications of a delicate, lost teenage mind being thrown to the depths of adulthood earlier than intended.
Part of Wading, a visual art project by Clara Lieu, Unknown I expresses a kind of isolation that can be self imposed, or imposed by others. Throughout the book, Holden seems to drift through his
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Holden counters a negative, current experience with a calming memory in order to repress what he feels and later uses his negative experiences to justify pushing others in his life away, further isolating himself. The main figure in Unknown I is much more shadowed than the others, and is instead walking in the opposing direction of the crowd.
Observing Unknown I can also give one the understanding that despite being surrounded by others, one can still experience an involuntary sense of isolation which can cause unrelenting discontent and bitterness, and can feel like a punishment. Alone on the streets, Holden feels that “New York's terrible when somebody laughs on the street very late at night. You can hear it for miles (81),” all because the thought of someone enjoying themselves with another while he’s struggling to hold onto the relationships he does have makes him feel even worse about himself. Loneliness imposed by others is the hardest to overcome and instead of seeking out companionship, one may instead learn to avoid those they want to bring close for fear of disappointing or hurting them. Holden tries to convince himself again and again that he does not need anyone in his life and that he would be better off alone. As

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