Causes Of LGBT Hate Crimes

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Based on stats from FBI’s (HCSA) Hate crime statistics Act, reported hate crimes that took action on people due to their sexual preferences rose in 2007 to 1,265 the highest amount in five years. There has been a proportion of 16.6% rise from 2004 to 2007 against (LGBT) individuals also in five years. LGBT-is known by the Federal Bureau Investigation stats- Hate crimes statistics Act to have been the 3rd most consist target of hate violence over the past decade. Most hate crimes incidents have one bias, target, even though the hate crime program takes reports of several bias incidents. This is defined as multiple bias incidents-classified when two/or more offense types were motivated. …show more content…
LGBT orientation still has its prejudice and one minded people, and especially Bible minded people. Some people still find the LGBT Lifestyle a huge sin in the Lords eyes. These people judge the lifestyles of others, while downing LGBT they are being judgmental which also is a sin. Some acceptance of LGBT is the same sex marriage. When this was affirmed national supporters and opponents pondered the future. The Alaska LGBT news frontier strongly feels and fear they will need an update in their laws to protect against LGBT discrimination. On June 26, 2015 The Supreme Courts gave affirmation that gay couples have a right to marry. Several gay couples rushed to the court house to get married immediately. Until bias causes of LGBT have been addressed they will continue to have hate perpetrated against them. Some examples of high profile crimes committed against LGBT individuals which has brought about fear and insecurity …show more content…
January 6, 2009 A 15year old boy was arrested, a 16year old Darrell Hodges-charged with, kidnapping, carjacking, and gang rape, and a 21-year-old Josue Gonzalez and 31year old Humberto Hernandez Salvador.
This was just a display of immature desire to display power “said by Jose Feito a psychology professor at St. Mary’s College in Moraga, California. Dr. Feito say the assaulter look for suitable victims meaning one whose flaunting their

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