Civil Disobedience And Civil Rights

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"You must never be fearful of what you are doing when it is right"(Parks). Peaceful resistance to laws positively impacts a society because it makes people aware of the issue(s), educates society and makes a statement without harming others. Through peaceful resistance much more can be accomplished compared to using violent resistance or violent tactics. Rosa Parks refusing to give up her seat in Montgomery, Alabama to a white gentleman is a prime example of how civil disobedience has accomplished so much through the years. When Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white man, she was arrested ,but not once did she think about fighting because it was against her beliefs. Rosa Parks refusing to give her seat up led to the Montgomery Bus …show more content…
To this day in history, peaceful resistance is very common to help make a stand point and bring attention to certain issues. Peaceful protests such as the The Women's March, which was a peaceful protest that took place in late January of 2017 in places such as Washington D.C, Los Angeles and many other places was to stand up for the equality of women. The march was conducted for a couple different reasons which included: reproductive rights, equal pay and affordable health …show more content…
During the march the peaceful protesters held signs, spoke of their stories and made the issue known to those observing and they did all this without hurting anyone or anything. The peaceful protesters stories began to air on the news, be shown on the internet, read in the newspaper and soon were worldwide for others to read and connect with. This peaceful resistance brought an indescribable amount of knowledge and statistics to society that wasn't being acknowledged as it should have been before the march. Statistics show that women in 2015, the average female full-time worker made only 80 cents for every dollar earned by man, that's a gender wage gap of 20 percent ("Pay Equity & Discrimination", 2016). The Women's March made these statics such as that known around the world and it brought knowledge and attention to the government to step in and work towards a change. After the peaceful protest the government has started to begin to realize how many people agreed that it's a major issue in today's society and is now looking into ways to disentangle the gap and social injustices between men and

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