Civil Disobedience In Schools

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When one is in highschool it is essential that they focus on subjects they will use in their future careers. By having so many requirements regarding mandatory classes, students are often held back from taking classes that interest them and not having enough space to focus on subjects that matter to them. I will use civil disobedience to stop this. I plan on protesting taking all required classes. Some classes should be required, but only to be taken once. Otherwise if a student is certain that they are not going to have a career that requires that subject they should not be required to take it because having that class is taking up a class period that could be used for a class that the student is excited and motivated about. From protesting …show more content…
My close friends and family will support me in the beginning but as our cause gets larger, I believe that more people will join in the civil disobedience. For if people are in careers that they are more interested in, the quality of their work will be better, and in the end make the world a better place. I think that the public would view my civil disobedience as productive because school would be changed completely. Students would be so much more enthusiastic about learning and care less about stereotypical high school distractions.
My desired outcomes of protesting would be to gain recognition from people about how this could change everything about current high school. Recognition is also the most important in making change because it creates a following, and reaches out to people who agree with your cause.
I think that it is healthy and important for everyone to practice civil disobedience at a point in their lives. It keeps people from becoming dependent on other people for ideas and lets people harvest change in society. Without disobedience everything would always stay the same and no change would happen. At the same time I don't think everyone is strong enough to disobey what they have been told is the “right way.” Civil disobedience not only makes you a better person but it is an indicator of strength in

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