College Admissions Essay: A Beautiful Mind

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Seeing my life on a timeline left me with lot of emotions. I have never tired doing this activity ever before, but it really made my mind overflow with million thoughts. We spend whole of our lives planning for future, setting different goals to achieve throughout our life; whereas truth is that we are not even sure what change the next second is going to bring in our lives. It has really changed my perspective on death so as to live life to the fullest.
Be that as it may, it will be alright. Perhaps only a WHAT IF scenario where we're intended to be tired sooner or later throughout everyday life. Possibly – it's alright to give up right now. Perhaps we're intended to crave surrendering, feel like a disappointment, feel like we have no where to go. Yet in addition, possibly – each disarray will happen at the same time, before acknowledging we need and we can make a stride back and it's alright. Perhaps we have to stop for a moment, or for whatever length of time that it takes us to get recovered. It's alright to take a full breath, it's alright to take a rest. We don't need to surge everything now.
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In any case, in case you're worn out now, it's alright to rest. In case you're drained now, it's alright to think about it. It's not terrible to take a pit stop with accomplishing something strange for a change. It's alright to rest while every other person is pushing ahead. It's alright to loosen up, move a little slower, and appreciate life somewhat more. What's more, after you have casual, after you have realigned, after you have reassessed what you need and don't need, it's a great opportunity to get recovered. It'll can rest easy. Life set no course of events nor breakthrough that every one of us have to accomplish at one point. We should simply continue going at our own particular

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