Comparing Scarlet Letter And The Minister's Black Veil By Nathaniel Hawthorne

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The Scarlet Letter and The Minister’s Black Veil reveals how secrets and sins play an important role in how people view each other. In the novel, The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne introduces Hester Prynne as a tall young woman whose striking beautiful come to live in Boston with absent of her husband. As the story progresses you begin to see her as a woman with secrets. The secrets she reveals being sinful resulting in her having to wear the scarlet letter as punishment. An affair with a respected minister Dimmesdale leads to a baby. In the short story, The Minister's Black Veil, Hawthorne introduces Reverend Hooper as a young preacher in the town of Milford. He is known as a good preacher by the village. A kind person who does no harm.With no explanation, Hooper begins wearing a black veil covering everything except his mouth and chin. He wears the veil to show that everyone has secrets. They choose to hide it in plain sight. It results in him losing …show more content…
She encounters hatred by a sin committed by her. "This woman has brought shame upon us all, and ought to die” (Hawthorne, 4). Sin committed by Puritan community, you should die. Tainted reputation made by one will not hurt all. The town gathered around for the release of Hester Prynne from jail. The mysterious man who was only recognized by Hester stood at the back. Known as Roger Chillingworth Hester’s husband whose lost at sea. Hester with her baby in arms stands in front of the crowd wearing the scarlet letter. The beauty of the scarlet letter was her creation. She wore the scarlet letter and displayed it proudly. Many questioned why she would do such a thing. The wearer of the scarlet letter had to endure it as punishment for the rest of their life. The father of the baby whose name Hester wouldn't reveal. It leads to Hester being isolated from society. The scarlet letter represents shame and humiliation she had to go through living in a small

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