Examples Of Conformity In Montag's Society

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The first similarity between Montag’s society and contemporary American society is the problem of conformity. Conformity is when a group of people or the majority of people behave in accordance with socially accepted conventions or standards. The problem with conformity in a society is the deletion of original thoughts or values. The result of conformity destroys the ability to be yourself or what your intuition is telling you. A society like this is not a healthy one and it destroys lives. This is just like an example of how conformity affects people in Montag’s society. The children in Montag’s society are swarmed with violence and very explicit images and scenes on the daily. Because of this the kids seem to live a very dangerous lifestyle …show more content…
Censorship in any form is the act to restrict somebody from seeing or knowing a certain thing. The censorship destroys the people in Montag 's society because they can 't know any better of a society. The people believe that their society was always like it is. The citizens are restricted from reading history or having any books related to history. This keeps them from knowing that their society is being run completely wrong. Faber explains how the books have crucial information that people are being held from knowing. He says, Its not the books you need it 's some of the things that were once in books.” The second example is the censorship to blind people from seeing what 's wrong and doing what 's right. Faber then explains how he wanted to say that what the society was turning into was wrong, but then the government would hurt him or worse. Faber says, “ The right to carry out actions based on what we learn from books.” The third example of censorship in Montag 's society is the fast paced life censorship. The people wanted a fast paced life. The fast paced life creates a short getaway to realize the small things that go around you. Since people live such a fast paced life they don 't look at things and look at details. Everything is sped up in Montag 's society so that people never look back. Beatty says, The bigger your market, Montag, the less you handle controversy” (57). The censorship from people can keep them from knowing any better of a terrible life. Furthermore just like the censorship used in Fahrenheit 451 is similarly used n American Society today. The censorship in America is used to keep people from knowing some specific information. Tv is censored so that citizens not see certain sights or hear certain words. The government may censor some details to events that are

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