Dakota Pipeline Research Paper

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The Dakota Pipeline is still an ongoing battle. The determined Standing Rock Sioux tribe and their many supporters are still protesting at full force. However the Deputy secretary of the Army will grant the permit to complete the pipeline. The Army working on the pipeline planned on granting a 30-year easement but it was hailed by Congressional Republicans and decried by Standing Rock Sioux tribe. In recent documents filed with the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia said Army officials said they was terminating a plan to prepare an environmental - impact statement. President trump told the Army Corps of Engineers to proceed to do a review of the easement. Later a letter from Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army Paul D. Cramer to Rep. Raúl M. Grijalva stated the the pipeline would go through federal property. That statement hurt the protesters but the proud protesters said they would stand their ground and defy the government. The pipeline is made to bring oil from North Dakota to the Midwest. The protesters argue that the pipe with harm the environment and burial grounds. Thankfully the pipeline can not be constructed until the easement is granted. Sadly the easement is supposed to be given to the project's sponsor Energy Transfer Partners at the latest this Wednesday afternoon. …show more content…
“Americans have come together in support of the Tribe asking for a fair, balanced and lawful pipeline process. The environmental impact statement was wrongfully terminated. This pipeline was unfairly rerouted across our treaty lands. The Trump administration — yet again — is poised to set a precedent that defies the law and the will of Americans and our allies around the

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