Definition Essay: What Does Worship Mean?

Improved Essays
It has been said that “without worship, we go about miserable.” If humans had no way to worship God we could not fulfill the whole purpose of our being. God’s purpose for creating humans who so that they would glorify Him. Now, a person can choose whether or not they what to glorify God fully. They can choose to worship God or to not worship him. What does the word worship mean? In the Merriam-Webster Dictionary worship means: reverence offered a divine being or supernatural power; an act of expressing such reverence. The origin is from the Old English word weorthscipe which means: worthiness, acknowledgement of worth (Merriam-Webster Dictionary.) This is the human definition of worship. According to Whaley the biblical definition of worship …show more content…
“For two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst” (Matthew 18:20 NASB). These words were spoken by Jesus himself. It is ok to have a set place where believers come together and worship. Remember that just because a house is built for God does not mean that He dwells in it. God chooses whether or not He comes and inhabits a place. You also have to ask God to come into the place. Just because God inhabits that place where you are does not mean that He inhabits you as well. As an individual you have to check your heart and ask yourself why you are really there. Are you there to worship God or to worship yourself? A church should not be the only place that you worship. You should worship God in everything you do. In every aspect of life you should make the conscious decision to glorify God. In conclusion God’s plan for use to worship is clearly laid out in the scriptures that He has given us. God has called us to worship a certain way, but somehow humans have marred that picture into something that God does not want. When we go to worship God you must humble yourself under the weight of God. You must respect all the power that He has. Then once you are in the right attitude you can truly worship

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