Discrimination In Karren Huffman's 'Psychology In Action'

Improved Essays
Jonathan Heideman
Professor Gross
Psychology 300
May 10, 2017
Still Problems Since the beginning of time, individuals have had to deal with discrimination in some form or another but never has this behavior been more pronounced than in the LGBT community. In fact due to some stereotypes and religious beliefs, the LGBT community continues to experience several forms of prejudice and discrimination. By taking a look over the book, “Psychology in Action” written by Karren Huffman, we can begin to learn more about discrimination and what it truly means. In fact, according to Huffman, discrimination is “the negative behaviors directed at members of a group,” (Huffman, 573).Yet be that as it may, marriage, the union of two individuals who love
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Throughout the article, LGBT Adolescents in America: Depression, Discrimination and Suicide written by A. Ahuja, the author states that individuals who identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, or even transgender, are at a much higher risk of forming mental health problems especially when they become adults, and he genuinely couldn’t be further from the truth. The reason why this article is so accurate is because it shows us just how severe the depression and suicide rate can be especially with issues such as bullying, discrimination, and even stress. And by taking a look at his article, we can begin to comprehend the problem of suicide and depression among gay teenagers. “There is clear evidence that bullying of LGBT adolescents is pervasive. In addition, LGBT people are more likely to be depressed than their heterosexual counterparts. This combination has led to 4-5 times higher rates of attempted suicide by LGBT adolescents,” (Ahuja, 1). By taking a look over the article and its message, it is clear to see that things need to be done to fix all of the discrimination and bullying going on in most of our schools. In fact, it is necessary that both public and private schools have an LGBTQ+ alliance, …show more content…
are unwilling to ban discrimination against sexual orientation and gender identity. In a world where having a job and a stable income is essential for standard living arrangements, it is really difficult to believe that people can lose their jobs simply because their employers don’t want gay people to be associated with their company and that it is legal for them to do this in over 30 states. And what’s even more surprising is that this is still considered acceptable in certain areas of the U.S. even after gay marriage was legalized. In fact, by looking over the article, Religious Employers Weigh Gay Marriage Dilemma, we can understand how serious employers are in making sure that gay couples are being discriminated in the workplace. “The U.S. Supreme Court’s recent nationwide legalization of gay marriage effectively stripped away many legal protections for employers that don’t offer benefits to employees’ gay spouses for religious reasons,” (Dunning 1). By looking over this quote, it is clear to see that employers are willing to go as far as losing benefits just to make sure that gay people can be discriminated against and this is entirely unfair for any LGBT+ people out there. In fact, the article even states that these

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