Education Vs American Education

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Almost every single person in the United States thinks that we have the best school system in the entire world. What If I said that was wrong? And that the U.S. is not a great place to be educated, that if you want to get a good education go to Portugal or that Israel's people have a better education than we do. Most of you would think I'm kidding because we are blinded by our patriotism and freedom. The truth is that when it comes to education the United States is having a hard time keeping up with other countries even though we have better funding and tools for learning. Portugal has a 96.00 high school graduation rate, the highest in all of the world with. The U.S. (with a rate of 76.00) Is not even in the top 20 we are ranked the 21st …show more content…
goes through a much less selective process compared to the top education systems. The top performing school systems take a different approach to how they recruit their teachers, they recruit 100 percent of their teachers from the top third of their high school and college students. In the U.S. only 23 percent of teachers scored in the top third on the SAT and ACT. Another problem is the salary in 1970 a lawyer at a prestigious law firm in New York only made about 2,000 more than a public school teacher. Now that same lawyer today would make 115,000 more than the teacher at the school down the street. This gives no motivation for people going into college to want to get a teaching degree. I also think that the way teachers are paid should be altered so they want to be a better teacher. Today a teacher could calculate how much they would make for the next couple of years and they could just hand out homework to do and give tests every once in a while. That shouldn't be considered teaching, the kids are practically teaching themselves. If we want our teachers to help our education system they need to teach students, help them understand concepts, explain why things happen and why they don't. Now there are teachers that do this and that's awesome but they could get paid exactly the same as the teacher who sits at his desk and watches the students teach themselves. Teachers should get paid by how skilled they are at teaching and how much effort they put in to get the students understand the content that is provided to them. That would make teachers strive to be better, that would result in better test scores, and then finally we would start to climb up the rankings and be with the top education

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