Why Teens Break Up

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Every girl dreams of finding the love of her life. It is one of the most magical aspects of life that can sweep a person away from reality. With all the chaos of finding the “one,” girls tend to become caught up in teenage drama and assume their high school boyfriends are the ones for them. Some become so serious that they claim they are going to marry him one day. Guys brag to their friends saying, “I’m going to wife her up,” making it seem official. Movies and television shows display images showing that high school sweethearts are everywhere; while in fact, high school sweethearts are actually quite rare. Love always seems magical when one is in high school. Seeing each other everyday, the locker stops, dances, games, and the unexpected …show more content…
Everyone wants the good but will not stay around for the bad. Nobody likes challenges so it is easier to give up rather that give any effort. People like to run from challenges that make them uncomfortable and fighting to save the relationship can be one. Next, teenagers will fall in “love” abruptly to where, after awhile it becomes boring. Young people tend to have a person they once loved, become dull very quickly. This is terrible but it happens quite often. For example, children will play with a toy once then never pick it up again or a child will wear an outfit once then never wear it again. These cases show even objects become uninteresting just like people. Every school has drama. A good portion of the school drama is based off of relationships. This will effect them by rumours being spread. If the relationship is on the edge and everyone is talking about how they are going to break up, it pushes them to do so. Or if one cheats it will be spread so quickly that the other person will find out immediately. In high school there are many extracurricular activities that make it hard to have a long-lasting relationship. When the relationship is not their top priority it becomes too hard to keep it. Married couples couples live together, making it easier to make the other person top priority. However, high schoolers struggle to find time to see their significant other everyday and solve problems that they need to work out. Furthermore, friends will often find every little detail wrong with their friends boyfriend/girlfriend and encourage a break up. Teens are very influenced by peer pressure; therefore, they listen and force a break up. Not only do friends pressure the break up but also parents do. They will bud in because they want the best for their child. Children look up and respect their parents so they usually will take what they say into consideration. Plus,

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