Feminism And Cultural Studies Essay

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Feminism describes the broad movement that has campaigned against the political and social inequalities between men and women. Feminist account of the role of culture in gender inequality have been centred to development of cultural studies.
Feminism movement is created in order to fight against political and social inequalities. Women must be treated equally and fairly, unlike during apartheid where women were not allowed to vote, although this applied to black people only. Women are in most cases not given the equal freedom like men, this happened and still happening here in South Africa even though it is no longer apartheid time.so this movement is created to win citizen rights such as voting and equality before the law.
Feminism is created
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Cultural studies advocates an interdisciplinary approach to the study of culture. Culture refers to group of people living together or society that share norms, values and even beliefs. Culture is also how people make sense of the world, however it is through language that people make sense of the world and convey meanings to one another, through which people develop shared meanings and shared cultures which shape every individual’s understanding and interpretation of the social world.
Cultural studies does not analyse feminism, but it is more interested in areas where cultural studies and feminism intersect with regards to sex and gender. Both feminism and cultural studies seek to connect social and political movements outside academics, challenge what is known as being true and of course have a critical stance towards established disciplines.
Women for example, in some cultures like Tsonga, Venda, Xhosa and Zulu, women were not allowed to go to school , women were to stay at home and do all the house chores and go to farm whether young or adult. Men were the only ones allowed to go to school or work. All this was cause by culture. But feminism movement brought change here in South Africa because women are now free to go to school, work, and even vote for any political
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Sex is seen as being natural and is also understood in terms of reproductive function. Sex is biologically programmed. This means that a person is not taught or doesn’t need to be taught about how sex is done but it is a natural thing that every individual is born with especially males.
Sex plays a big role when it comes to reproduction, because this is where two people, a man and a woman be intimate and during the process that’s where the man’s sperm and woman’s egg come into contact and a baby is conceived. Sex is understood as an important medium for expression of individual’s and binding together romantic intimate relationships, because sex is a pleasure and also a need for every individuals. A relationship without sex normally don’t last for long. This is because people have taken sex as real love that binds people together forever.
Sex has become a different thing. Sex has become a job , sex has become something that makes people to have fun , show each other how deep they love and after all sex has become the source of death to many. Sex has become a job, because now here in South Africa many girls have become prostitutes. All because of money, many people say that the only reason for doing prostitution is

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