Freedom Of Speech Should Have Limitations Essay

Improved Essays
Freedom of speech is a right of citizens that is protected by the U.S constitution. Under this amendment, citizens are able to voice their concerns without being censored by the government. Due to this unlimited freedom, most citizens are using their voice to say hateful and negative things to other citizens. However, should this speech have some type of limitations? They have every right to speak their mind, except when it is harming or hurting another person. However, people may argue no matter how hateful and disturbing the speech is, they should not have restrictions. Additionally, that those that were target should not take offence. They should just have the ability to ignore the speech. This is not always the case, however, some people really take offence to such words. People should not have fear when it comes to living in the United States, hateful and offensive speech should have some type of restriction. People hiding behind the first Amendment, when it comes to hate speech, has always happened. Whether it when the bill of rights was created or today, this has always occurred. A …show more content…
Research shows that those who are the target of distributing language, they tend to develop numerous health problems. Some of these problems include; depression, self-esteem issues, suicidal actions, etc. Every life is important and should not go through this at any point in their life. Preventing this should take priority instead of allowing this to continue to speak this type of hateful speech. Some may argue that prevention of this problem is just to ignore the speech. However, this is easier said than done. Some may lack this ability and are sensitive to most hateful words. Simply ignore the problem will not fix it, removing the problem will. When hateful speech affects others to the point where they take their own lives, it should not be protected by the first

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