Gay Marriage Arguments

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Interpretation on marriage is being varied since long and the opinions on it have been diversified. Interracial marriage has been changed from an illegal act to a legal act in1967, which changed people's thoughts on the human rights. Now, we witness many laws and acts that give support to gay marriage. This is ironic topic. Some people are against it and others approve it. A simple question to people who are against same sex marriage is – How would you feel when you live in a world where same sex marriage is legal and would like you marry someone of the opposite sex? “Marriage should be between a spouse and a spouse, not a gender and a gender.” ― Hendrik Hertzberg, an American liberal journalist, best known as the principal political commentator …show more content…
Negative impacts on the life of gay people increases by excluding them from the fundamental rights of marriage and same sex marriage should be legalize because more than half of the nation already embraces the idea of Gay marriage and that number of supporters is clearly growing.
There is evidence that public opinion supports gay marriage. "The supreme court hasn't made up its mind – but America has” said Von Drehle, David, writer and journalist in his article "Gay Marriage already won." TIME magazine April 8th, 2013. A poll conducted by CBS News showed that 53% of Americans supported gay marriage. The same poll also showed that 33% of Americans who now think same sex marriage should be legal say that they once held the opposite point of view and have changed their opinion.
As per research on, “sexual orientation and gender identity law and public policy” found that in April, 2013 the estimated same-sex marriage in Illinois generated more than $90 million in that state alone. Those studies clearly suggest that legalizing gay marriage will enhance the economy in other states that are in financial trouble. Therefore, legalizing gay marriage is economically and healthfully beneficial for the entire country and for the Gay community. For those reasons above, I support people in their fight for

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