How Did King Arthur's Search For The Holy Grail

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King Arthur In the eleventh century, the legend of King Arthur was introduced. Over the past couple of hundred years, the tale of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table had been modified and transformed. However, his battles all connected with his quest for the Holy Grail. The grail had been desired for many ages due to its mystical powers. Unfortunately, the expedition for the vessel showed promise of death and disappointment. The Holy Grail has been portrayed differently over the course of time. King Arthur searched for the grail for multiple reasons. One of his reasons for pursuing the ancient vessel was for religious beliefs (Grace 1). The cup was used at the Last Supper and was at Christ's side during the Crucifixion (The British …show more content…
Although the quest was appealing to everyone, only upper class could afford the search. The higher ranked social classes immediately felt an overwhelming desire to find the Holy Grail and bring back to their castle, home, etc. The idea of having an object so powerful and emotionally touching was astonishing. Even though the kings and queens didn’t need the valuable vessel, they still craved complete control and had an infatuation with being the best of the best (Britannia 1-2). Being capable of having the power to please all needs was enticing and meant that whoever was in the processes of searching for the Holy Grail would have competition.
In order for King Arthur to succeed in the journey to recover the alluring grail, he would need to assign the task to the most honorable knights in the kingdom. Only the noblest could be permitted entry to see the grail (Britannia 2). Many have failed the quest because of their sins and dishonest lives. The Knights of the Round Table was created for the sole purpose of completing quest for kings. There were twelve of them, not including King Arthur, and they set off on an oddly amazing, tragic adventure that would become apart of the tales we know

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