How Does Peaceful Resistance Affect A Free Society

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We the Students Essay

Peaceful resistance impacts a free society positively because. Although breaking the law is never a good thing, it’s good that some people peacefully resist laws because it’s a good way to protest the something that is unconstitutional because if no one does anything about it then that certain law won’t be changed in order to make it constitutional. Like Rosa Parks said, “You must never be fearful about what you are doing when it is right”. People say breaking the law is wrong, which it is. But when someone breaks it peacefully like Rosa Parks did, it’s not wrong at all. A woman who stood up for a law that is unconstitutional was arrested, just for not giving her seat up to a white person. Rosa Parks civil disobedience largely impacted the society by creating more hatred for the government and also being the influence of the 381 day bus boycott led by Martin Luther King Jr.
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He was criticized for his refusal to comply with the military in the 1960s. This was a good act of civil disobedience by Muhammad Ali because it’s unfair and unconstitutional that Ali, as long as other citizens are “drafted” in other words forced to be put into the military. Unless if they are enrolled in college. Before Muhammad Ali eventually won his appeal he was originally sentenced to 5 years in prison and to be stripped of his boxing title. “Why should me and other so-called ‘negroes’ go 10,000 miles away from home, here in America, to drop bombs and bullets on other innocent brown people who’s never bothered us and I will say directly: No, I will not go.” This is a direct quote from Ali when speaking out about the US trying to draft him, and it shows that peaceful resistance impacts a free society positively because it’s unlawful to be forced to go to the military so having someone especially like Ali helps fight this

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