How Does Steinbeck Present George And Lennie Friendship

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Deep friendship between two lethargic mice
Two men, George and Lennie, seem totally opposite apparently. They seem to be a really bizarre pair, not a good match at all. However, they rely on each other unconsciously more than anyone else, forming a kind of “family”. These two men, who could be found anywhere in America at that time, finally was not able to achieve their simple, small dream, just like lethargic mouse caught in a mousetrap. This beautiful and tragic story enlightened me about the importance of friendship through this story due to friends care for each other and resolve loneliness.
With friends, we do not feel loneliness anymore. All people might agree that George and Lennie is never commonly seen pair. Despite their differences,
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In story, George always stand up for Lennie when he is in trouble, and never lets anyone single Lennie out. For instance, when Curley assaulted Lennie, Lennie instinctively called for George to help. Lennie, also shows deep friendship to George. For example, when Crooks talked about George, Lennie was mad at him, threatening Crooks by standing in front of him dangerously. This shows how Lennie thinks George precious. Like these, in story, even it looks trivial, their acts were based on consideration and care to each other. However, ironically, I’ve also found their friendship when George pulled the trigger. George was completely facing dilemma. George, was the one who wanted Lennie to live than anyone else, but, he also was the one who knew that the best thing for Lennie would be to take his into his own hands and kill him, otherwise he would die painfully due to Candy. This decision was a very bold one, and could only happen with a very deep relationship and understanding between the two men. The part that George anguished about Lennie, was truly the best moment of this book that shows their friendship and his sorrow, which gave me impressing lingering imagery.
Book always give me chance to think about. That’s the merit of reading book and reason why I read book. Of mice and men also gave me time to think about a lot of stuffs, especially about friendship. Of mice and men, have showed me how true friends care each other and how

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