How Edgar Allan Poe's Life Reflected Through His Works

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Edgar Allan Poe is most famous for his work in gothic fiction. After experiencing traumatic events throughout his childhood ,Poe learned to incorporate his feelings on to his work. Poe was known for his distinct imagination throughout his work. Poe’s work is still a classic today because his poems and stories teach lessons which still apply today. Poe uses imagery, symbolism and alterations to bring his work to life. Additionally, Poe uses a variety of narrators throughout his work. His narrators are often unnamed and intriguing. Poe captures his audience by using mentally disturbed narrators in his work. The first narrative in which Poe uses unstable narrators to capture his audience is in the short story The Tell Tale Heart, In this …show more content…
In this story the narrator does a marvelous job at capturing the audience’s attention by using many descriptive details of his love for animals, and retelling that he is sentenced to death and will soon be dieing. As the story continues he tells the story of how he murder his cat and his wife. The use of an unstable narrator is evident in the story when the narrator states, “The fury if a demon possessed instantly possessed me. I knew myself no longer. My original soul seemed at onces to take its flight from my body” In other words, the narrator tries to blame his actions towards a demon and believes that he is no longer himself. By introducing the topic of demonic possession Poe hooks the audience to the story. In addition the use mn gof an unstable narrator is shown when it states, For months I could not rid myself of the phantasm of the cat; and, during this period, there came back into my spirit a half-sentiment that seemed, but was not, remorse” (Thompson ). With this statement the narrator shows signs of guilt. His guilt eats him alive and turns into paranoia. Furthermore, adding to Poe’s trend of using mentally disturbed characters to teach life lessons and to make his readings intriguing throughout all his short

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