Personal Narrative: A Letter To My Writing

Improved Essays
Dear Luke, Calum, Michael, and Ashton (AKA 5 seconds of summer),
This letter is something I wish I could say to you. But knowing myself, I know I probably won’t ever get the chance. It 's going to end up being a pretty long letter, so bear with me. Before I found out about you guys, I had never cared that much about music. I understood the effort it took to produce it, but I rarely listened to it. The times I did listen to it was usually when I was in the car, or there was nothing better to do. To me, music was just a combination of beats, voices, and musical instruments. It had no deeper meaning. I didn’t bother trying to understand what the artists were trying to say. I didn’t feel the emotions, the harmony, or the beauty of the lyrics. To some people music was everything. They couldn’t go a
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So I turned to the only thing I could think of, music. Surprisingly, music did help. But it was specially your music, and you four in general that helped me. You’ve said before that one of your goals was that you would like to be an escape from reality for your fans. For me, you were that little escape. I could close my eyes and listen to your music. It made me feel like I had no worries anymore. No pain. Those sharp words being said were forgotten, even if it was just for a brief moment. I didn’t have to think. The thoughts clouding my brain were gone. I could just listen to your music as loud as I could, or as loud as I had to. You cheered me up when I was feeling down, and for that I am thankful. I felt alone. It was like you were the only ones I could turn to, and you understood the way I was feeling. Even though I had never met you, you made me feel like I was close to you. In those hard times you were there for me. You were my get away. My favorite time was when I was able to listen to your music and forget everything. I didn’t know a lot about you guys at that moment, but what I did know was that you were

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