Human Rights Violations In Ender's Game

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Children training to become weapons and to eradicate an entire species and cruelty towards those children, such as purposely putting them in situations that would cause them harm are violations against Human Rights. The novel I have chosen is Ender’s Game, a book with several Human Rights issues woven into the storyline; such taking a six year old and throwing them into dangerous situations so they can end a nonexistent war. Human Rights issues are not only in the book, the book is simply a way of showing Human Rights violations that are happening in real life. Human Rights violations happen throughout the world and throughout the novel. In the novel there are several cases of Human Rights Violations. In the Deceleration of Human Rights Article 5 it states “No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.” By Ender being mistreated by Colonel Graff and other government officials they are violating his human rights. An example of mistreatment is when they purposely let him get attacked by some larger and stronger than him that resulted in the attackers death. Another example being them having him playing a game that disturbs him greatly because they wanted to test his mental …show more content…
Ender goes through with the training for his family. This sounds very similar to children starting work at a young age for their family. Child labor still exists in certain countries such as: 
Philippines, India, China, Vietnam, Indonesia and Brazil. Child labor used to exist in the United Sates until late 1930s when they began to make more restrictions. Child labor is a terrible thing, choosing to have children working because they seem to be a better fit for what you is cruel. This happens in Ender’s Game with hen choosing to have children fight their

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