Inhumanity In William Golding's Lord Of The Flies

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In the Roman Empire, England, France, and the Middle East, ever since people have been around, there has always been conflict and war, a common theme being inhumanity. For example, in World War I, mustard gas produced terrible blisters on soldiers who were exposed to it and those causing this pain felt no sympathy. While war is still ongoing in the world, Europe is much more peaceful today than it was a hundred years ago and people in general are being taught to resolve conflict in a more humane way. Over the last 70 years since William Golding wrote “Lord of the Flies”, there have been many improvements in society . While he was alive, teenagers were often mean and inhumane like those portrayed in the book. If William Golding observed the …show more content…
Golding would be fascinated and satisfied to know that society today accepts people’s differences and tries to help them in times of need, an action rarely seen in the 1950s. Nowadays, people willingly aid others when tragedy strikes. In “Lord of the Flies” a plane crashes and the boys aboard are forced to survive on a deserted island. Ralph, the original leader, needs to build shelter but he ends up, “working with Simon” and “No one else” while the rest of the boys are “bathing, or eating, or playing” (Golding, 50). Golding suggests that during the 1950s, people were not likely to help each other. As Golding is a religious man, he would not appreciate that people do not help each other (Kruger, 90). In recent history, Hurricane Harvey hit Texas, causing immense flooding and damage. Texas is different from the rest of the United States culturally, yet people from around the country were able to put aside these differences and support those in need. For example, Anheuser-Busch stopped its beer production in order to contribute cans of water for the victimsthose in need. Though this cost the company profit, they sacrificed their prosperity simply to help others. Golding would be surprised …show more content…
Today people are better at resolving conflicts in a peaceful way. In “Lord of the Flies” when Ralph, Piggy, and the twins are waiting to meet Jack, Robert explains that Jack is resolving a problem. Jack, the new chief, was “going to beat Wilfred” for a reason Robert “[didn’t] know”. Jack just “got angry and made [the boys] tie Wilfred up” (Golding, 159). Golding utilizes conflict to reveal that the boys rely on violence to solve any problems they have. When Jack got angry at someone, his sole solution was to beat the person. Today,Nowadays teachers and programs help children learn how to deal with their anger in a humane way, such as taking deep breaths instead of turning directly to violence. Golding, a man of faitha religious man, would be contented that in modern times humaneness is being taught, unlike in the 1950s and in the novel (Kruger, 90). In present times, children are also taught how to make good decisions. In the book, Jack invited everyone over for a feast and afterwards they had a dance. However, during this dance, they ended up killing Simon. Due to peer pressure, “Piggy and Ralph… found themselves eager to take a place in this demented but partly secure society” which lead to them killing Simon (Golding, 152). Piggy and Ralph knew that what they were doing was wrong, but they chose to do it anyways. Today programs like D.A.R.E. teach children how to make good choices even

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