Is Animal Testing Fair Essay

Improved Essays
My paper is going to be about, “Is animal testing fair?” Animal testing is just cruel and unfair to the animals and animals have rights too. Animals having feelings just like human beings and they can suffer just as human beings. Most experiments are not beneficial to human beings and it can be avoided. Animals do have a voice but they cannot speak and because of that they are neglected and are tested on cruelly. Animal testing do help humans for research but the pain and suffering are not worth it. Animals should not be used for any kind of research or experimentation.
First, we are violating the animal’s rights. The Animal Welfare Act was established by President Lyndon B. Johnson on August 24, 1966. This is a Federal Law in the United States
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The suffering the animals go through during the experimentation are not worth it to humans. Animals feel the same pain, the only difference is that we scream and cry nonstop, but animals cannot do that. Animals either survive through all the pain throughout the experimentation or cause death through the experiment. The animals suffer by vomiting, diarrhea, paralysis, convulsion, skin deterioration, or internal bleeding. A lot of times animals are given no anesthesia for the pain. The pain the animals go through are absolutely indescribable. Animal testing really does not have advantage to humans. They are put into cages, poked, and pushed all day long. Animals cannot just only feel but they are smart just like humans. Animals can show emotion, pain, fear, depression, and stress. Animals should be free and be able to enjoy themselves, not kept in cages all day. The animal body is similar to the human anatomy but not 100%. The experimentations that are performed on the animals are not necessary. In conclusion we should discontinue animal testing. This is a violation to animal rights and it only causes them pain and suffering. Humans cannot keep continuing these experiments just to make human lives easier. Animals should be treated equally just as human beings. There are other methods that are available and offer more accurate answers. Animal testing should be eliminated, it is just not fair to the

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